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Question - Character Idea

Posted: August 12th, 2019, 8:36 pm
by HowDoIBird
I thought it'd be fun to play a magical character that couldn't control the type of magic that s/he generated--it would randomly manifest. Is that possible to do here? Like a sorcerer who could summon magical energy but would be unable, for the most part, to elicit a specific magical reaction.

Re: Question - Character Idea

Posted: August 12th, 2019, 10:56 pm
by Memoria
Hey, yeah, go for it! There's a note at the top of the "Magic" page that kind of explains there could be types or variations of magic not listed:

I think your request makes sense, especially for a wild and maybe untrained sorcerer. And there's a chance if you develop something we like, we'll add it to the "Magic" list (once we get into lore contributions).

There are magic branches currently on this list that could be considered non-elemental. Like Animation, Mental, or Illusionary.