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Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 16th, 2021, 11:18 pm
by Mida Hansin
As Kelwin slowly finished his chilli a middle aged human woman sat at his table. "The special you're a brave one for sure. Tell me my Lumeacian table mate are you interested in helping out those in need?"

Kelwin's ears perked up as he was asked this question. "Of course Miss helping is what I strive to do."

"Good I thought as much, takes a brave man to eat Mac's spicy concoction. Listen I came from a small lumber town called Wold five days to the north east. We have been experiencing disappearances. Also the nights have become really dangerous. Beastly howls ring in the woods after dark. House Arcaod says they can't look into it without more evidence. So how about it, will you help us?" The brunette female had a look of hope in her blue eyes.

He couldn't possibly ignore such a terrible plight. "Miss you have no need to worry I shall gather my things and head out within the hour." He stood and rushed out into the icy rain once more.

The woman relaxed as the stupid bastard bought her sob story and left. 'Do gooders are the predictable sort.' Mida smiled as her disguise allowed her to manipulate Kelwin. The wonders of makeup and dyes made her change of appearance easy. 'Gethe better be right about his pets.' She unlike the elf with a hero complex, stayed in the warm inn until the rain cleared up.

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 20th, 2021, 5:48 am
by Lechies Degrantine
Lechies pulled her cloak more tightly around her shoulders, shutting her eyes against a sharp blast of wind that sent her bangs fluttering across her face. The sun shone with an odd sort of cheer overhead. She supposed it wasn't that cold by Tviyran standards, but having grown up in Ninraih, Lechies was far more accustomed to her home region's dependable balminess. Whatever chill air came off the coast to the north just didn't agree with her.

It didn't help that it had rained on and off the last few days. Even now, puddles dotted the road, gleaming and perilous traps that threatened to soak her boots, or at least muddy her trousers, if she didn't watch where she put her feet. Lechies was grateful that Ristgir's light had finally broken through the clouds, but the horizon remained dark and heavy. More rain was likely on the way.

All told, Lechies had grown road-weary. There was the nagging desire for a warm, proper bed, under a sturdy, proper roof. She hadn't originally planned to stop in Wold, but the lumber town was the nearest settlement pointed out by her map, and thus a necessary detour.

Just before noon, Lechies finally spotted the first sloped roof peeking out from behind the trees. It was with a glad heart that she entered into Wold, though her relief faded as she came to the center of town. Chatter was subdued, hardly a hint of laughter on the air. Some stares she felt on her person, not unexpected, but they weren't the mildly curious sort of stares given to visitors. These were stares of suspicion, of fear; the eyes of a people who had known great, recent distress. As Lechies walked, she further noted that she didn't see any children about. Surely the older ones would still have chores at this hour, or the younger ones playing outside their homes. Perhaps their parents felt they were safer shut away indoors.

Though the atmosphere worried her, Lechies was yet unsure how to act on such feelings. For now, she caught the attention of a passing workman and returned his wary side-eye with a friendly smile. A bronze sun dangled from her neck, her ash staff carved with magic runes but currently serving as a humble walking stick. The only weapon visible on her was a dagger tucked into a faded blue sheath on her belt. Her rucksack was worn and smelled faintly of herbs. The picture of an innocent traveler, Lechies hoped, or at least a well-meaning one.

"Excuse me, could you point me to your inn?"

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 20th, 2021, 11:35 pm
by Kelwin
"An inn you say, the Rusty Saw is three building's down to the left of the town square. However, I recommend you keep traveling and leave this town far behind. We don't need dead travelers on top of everything else. Take my warning to heart Miss and count yourself lucky if you never see this place again. That elf that came in a few hours ago didn't listen. I hope your smarter than him." The man quickly walked away to get back to the days work before nightfall.

A few hours earlier...

Kelwin was so glad the rain stopped at dawn. It made the rest of his trip to Wold a little easier. He heard a woman sobbing as he entered the outskirts of the town. The monk felt like he may be misunderstood if he approached quietly. With that thought he tried to look confident as he walked loudly. As he expected the crying stopped as he stood in front of the distraught female.

She stood with surprising speed while wielding a two handed wood axe. "Did you come from Fellsguard? Was my sister Jane the one that sent you?"

He raised his hands defensively as she waved her weapon in front of his face with each word. "Ah a woman did send me though she was probably old enough to be your mother."

She glared at the elf while he spoke. Yet somehow his eyes calmed her. This man has a good heart she thought to herself. "I pray Jane passed the word to that woman." She rested her axe against a shoulder and pointed with her free hand towards the town. The Rusty Saw inn is just to the left of the square. Please move along sir so I can get back to my watch."

Kelwin bowed respectfully to the woman. "Thank you Miss I hope my help will make a difference." The Lumeacian walked into town a bit happier. The people living there looked hunted. They certainly didn't look happy to see him.

He stopped and spoke to an elderly looking human man. "Excuse me sir which way is the square?"

The fellow looked sternly at his elvin questioner. "Daft fool leave now or the consequences are on your head!"

"I'm sorry sir, but helping is why I'm here. So I must do what I can for Wold." Kelwin was surprised at the hostile words from this stranger.

"As if we need help from your cowardly race!" The old man spat at the sorcerer's feet. "Town squares that way you doomed idiot. Now leave me be before I forget my manners!"

Kelwin bowed to his informant then took off towards the Rusty Saw. Given the treatment so far, he really didn't want to find out what the man meant about forgetting his manners. Many suspicious eyes watched as he started walking.

The proprietor of the inn was a male half-kerasoka that watched his empty bar. "Welcome stranger your my first non local customer in nearly a month. What can I get you this morning?"

The Lumeacian smiled at the friendly greeting. "A room and some breakfast if you please. I have a long wait until nightfall."

The innkeeper's smiled dropped at that. "Right away sir, but be mindful if your out after dark. I won't let you back in till morning."

"Agreed sir, I honestly expected as much." The monk began meditating on the floor with his legs crossed beneath him while he waited on food.

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 21st, 2021, 6:41 am
by Lechies Degrantine
The workman's reply, while helpful, was also equally alarming. Lechies backstepped at his vehemence, eyes widening an inch. By the time she recovered from her shock, the man had already disappeared around the corner. She was left to blink in puzzled contemplation.

'Dead travelers'? Not so much a threat as a warning, she thought. And perhaps a challenge to one who'd sworn her life to rendering aid wherever it was needed. Never mind that the townsfolk seemed not to want a stranger meddling in their affairs. Lechies had tended to many an uncooperative patient over the years. In the end, once soothed by medicine, magic, and rest, they were more apt to admit that their doctor had been right all along.

All the workman's words did was stir the busybody within Lechies. She could feel her mind digging proverbial heels into the rain-softened ground, not unlike a stubborn mare pulling against her reins. She could not leave Wold to its troubles now.

But first, lodgings. Lechies followed the road left from the square.

The Rusted Saw was a squat little building with moss creeping up the brickwork and diamond windows too grimed over to see inside. Over the door, the establishment's namesake was painted in peeling red on a wooden sign. Lechies stepped through and, upon being hit with an aromatic blast of ale and cooked meat, placed her free hand on her stomach. The room was thankfully noisy enough to mask any gurgling.

Lechies went straight for the bar, but before she could make any sort of request, the man had already shot her a tired look and given the mug he was cleaning an extra-squeaky twist of the rag.

"Well, then. Another unfamiliar face. The rain washes your kind right in, does it? I suppose you're here to join that other fellow?"

"Ah, er," Lechies floundered. Goodness, these people really didn't want help. "Pardon? Who do you mean?"

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 21st, 2021, 10:53 am
by Kelwin
At least the lunch rush kept him in business thought the innkeeper. Thankfully he brewed his own ale, because the demand had risen signicantly in recent weeks. He supposed he should thank the Eidolon's for small favors. Speaking of which he spotted a fire haired woman approaching the bar. She was no local that's for sure, the bronze sun around her neck caught his eye. He wondered if Ristgir had finally seen fit to render aid to his slowly dieing home. No matter, he had to put his annoyed face on or lose what regular business he had.

He was surprised that the girl wasn't with the Lumeacian. Was he expected to believe two unrelated travelers really showed up within hours of each other. Maybe the break in the weather was a sign. Perhaps he should make an offering today. Then as he prepared to answer her question, a crack of thunder silenced the patrons for a few seconds. Or maybe he should let the false hope go. "The blood haired elf is upstairs, said the pressure in here was blocking his focus. Whatever that means, you looking for a room then Miss?" With her this close the rumbling of her stomach wasn't lost on him. "Maybe you need a hot meal instead?" He gestured at his slightly pointed ears then continued. "These aren't just for show you know." Then the hush of the crowd caught his attention. The reason why was obvious as his other guest approached the bar.

The monk had changed out of his white travel gi so it could dry. Now he was wearing a dark blue one he favored for night excursions. Kelwin was getting used to the barely hidden scorn of outsiders. Seemed his hair color was causing negative superstitious reactions. At least the talking resumed after a few seconds. He noticed the human girl wasn't getting the best treatment either. He gave her a bow by way of greeting. "Hello Miss I'm Kelwin at your service. Did you come here to help as well? It would be a relief to know I'm not the only one trying to improve things."

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 22nd, 2021, 2:50 am
by Lechies Degrantine
"Yes, a room, please. Uh-" Warmth flooded her cheeks upon the barkeep's offhand mention of her complaining stomach. She hadn't thought it that loud. "... Yes, actually. A hot meal would be greatly appreciated."

The room's occupants went still again, this time not to thunder from beyond the walls, but presumably to those footfalls behind her. Their owner's steps were so quiet that Lechies didn't hear their approach so much as sense it with the same back-of-the-mind instinct that apprised her of magic's ebb and flow. Her staff-grip tensed slightly as she turned her head to see the newcomer.

The brilliant red hair took her attention first—'blood-haired', as the barkeep had described. Then the ears, more pointed than their host's, and a noticeably pale complexion that marked him as Lumeacia rather than Kerasoka. His people generally weren't regarded kindly, least of all in the southern regions. Lechies's own dealings with Lumeacia had been too few and brief for her to form a lasting impression.

He was making all the right first impressions, though. Lechies relaxed at his polite words. Smiling, she passed her staff into her left hand and placed her right across her chest, offering a small bow in return.

"Well met, Kelwin. I am called Lechies. And, well, I actually came here for relief from the rain." She turned one greatly muddied boot for emphasis, mirth lifting a corner of her mouth. Then her expression sobered. "That said, it does appear some fell shadow has darkened this town. It would be my privilege as Ristgir's servant to see His light returned here."

The barkeep coughed loudly. She glanced back at him too late to note if he had been rolling his eyes.

"Right honorable of you, Miss. Here, the key to your room. Your meal'll be out shortly, if you'd like to put away your belongings first."

Lechies accepted the key with a grateful nod. "Thank you." Then, to Kelwin: "I only just arrived, so I'm afraid I know very little about what's happened here. If our purposes are one, then we should talk, preferably over food. Have you eaten?"

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 23rd, 2021, 3:50 pm
by Kelwin
The bartender noticed as several customers that came for lunch decided to leave their meals unfinished. His tavern was clearing out fast, but a few tables remained full due to stubbornness or perhaps hope. He didn't know, however he looked to his great sword hanging from the wall behind him. Maybe he should prepare for the troubles these two will drag into the light. He handed the woman her room key which happened to be across the hall from the Lumeacian. He figured they could at least hear each other scream when the midden heap hit the windmill.

Kelwin returned her smile, glad to see a real one in Wold. "Yeah, my pants were covered in mud to the ankle before I had time to wash them earlier." When Lechies mentioned Ristgir the monk's eyes glazed over for a few seconds. Until now he had not remembered any of the Eidolons he worshiped. They never seemed to be mentioned anywhere he had been in the past several months. "Ah yes the one that reigns over the sun, Ristgir. Thank you Lechies it seems I had forgotten about that great spirit."

He listened to her request for food and responded. "No I haven't eaten, I had intended to earlier. However, the local customers caused too much strain on my attempt to meditate." He gave another bow to the devout woman. "It would be my honor to share information over food." He did wonder if she had noticed the thin film of darkness that surrounded some of Wold's inhabitants. The sorcerer knew it was his mystic sight that revealed it to him. Kelwin was hopeful that together they could find the answer to the lumber town's woes. Though even more help would be appreciated, he would take what he could get.

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 25th, 2021, 6:12 am
by Lechies Degrantine
Lechies nodded as Kelwin recounted his own misfortunes regarding the rain, faltering only briefly as her newfound ally confessed having forgotten about Ristgir. Such a thing seemed shocking beyond belief to her—His essence was, after all, captured by the heavenly light that nourished the very world around them—but perhaps Lumeacians simply didn't place much importance on the gods' existence. Maybe? Lechies was certainly no authority on their beliefs.

At any rate, the town's problems were the more pressing issue. Lechies let the strange remark slide as she made for the stairs.

"Excellent. Let me just drop off my things, then. I'll find you when I've finished."

Upstairs was empty and quiet, save for the creak of Lechies's footsteps across old floorboards. She supposed few strangers had come by Wold recently besides Kelwin and herself. Upon finding her room, she took a minute to inspect its furnishings: a surprisingly clean bed, a chest of drawers, a square little table with a waiting candle, and a single chair with an uneven leg. Lechies placed her rucksack on the chair, considered using magic to scrub the worst of the road from her boots, then decided that it would be better not to keep Kelwin waiting. She left her dagger inside, keeping her staff in hand as she returned downstairs.

Happily, she found Kelwin just as their food was coming out of the kitchen. The two sat down to plates of beautifully seared rabbit and diced potatoes, with mugs of the house ale.

One whiff had Lechies's stomach growling all over again. If the innkeep had heard her earlier, she didn't want to think about what Kelwin could hear. She cleared her throat and gave him a sheepish smile as she leaned her staff against the edge of the table.

"You'll forgive me if I tuck in, I hope. I'm absolutely starving."

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 27th, 2021, 2:43 am
by Mida Hansin
"Oh no problem, I can tell you need the nourishment." Elvin hearing was superior to humans. Kelwin just hoped his comment didn't embarrass her. A rumbling stomach was your bodies way of warning you food was required.

Suddenly, he felt a strange itch on the back of his neck. It was like someone was staring with intent to harm him badly. He looked around the room with a look of concern on his face. Everyone seemed focused on their own concerns. Though he thought the young blonde woman wearing a simple black dress looked like she was crying. He noticed a black veil shrouded her face and realized what he saw. She was morning a terrible loss.

Then he caught the one waitress working today as she passed the table. "Excuse me Miss could you tell me why that young lady is mourning?"

She eyed him carefully as if she expected him to lay hands on her in a unwanted way. When he didn't she relaxed visibly. "That's Mary her father was the fist to disappear three weeks ago. Poor girl, she still hopes he'll return alive some day. Won't take the black off until he does." Then she continued walking as she had local customers to serve.

The Lumeacian turned back to his food and started eating. While he thought about what he was just told. Not long after he felt that hostile look again, but ignored it. He turned to his new companion and asked a question. "Lechies, do you know how to delicately ask someone about the night they lost their father?"

Mida loved tweaking that pointy eared menace Kelwin's nerves. She was lucky that disguising herself as the local girl was simple. It allowed her to gather information from these backwater saps. The girl in her twenties could have been her sister so a little makeup was all it took. Killing the real Mary was a rare treat she had no idea what pain could be. Her father at least made her work for his death. He at least knew something of fighting, but it wasn't enough to stop her.

How easy it would be to bury a knife in the elves's neck from here. The strange red haired woman was too much of an unknown to risk it though. There was power in her she could tell. That sun around her neck could mean a problem as well. For now she would be content with watching her male enemy squirm.

Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Posted: March 29th, 2021, 4:56 am
by Lechies Degrantine
Permission thus granted, Lechies started on her meal. The first bite of hot, tender rabbit was bliss, even moreso coming off a diet of trail rations the last few days. The potatoes were equally soft, not overly salted, and while the ale wasn't the greatest she'd ever had, it did a fine job of washing the otherwise delicious meal down.

Lost in her food for a moment, Lechies's attention came back to her companion only in time to hear the maid's reply. What Kelwin asked, she could make a reasonable guess. Her joy over the hot meal faded, supplanted by a growing worry for Wold's inhabitants.

Disappearances. Plural. If so much time had passed since the man was last seen, then the odds of his survival were grim. Lechies's heart went out to the daughter. She wouldn't speak ill of Mary for her enduring hope, but Lechies prayed, for the woman's own sake, that her faith in the gods' mercy wasn't misplaced.

Lechies considered Kelwin's question in grave silence. It was the unfortunate truth that, no matter how great a healer's skill in medicine or magic, some lives could not be saved. Lechies had only overseen a few such cases, thankfully, but navigating the family's grief and absorbing her own failure were never easy things.

And on the topic of lost fathers, Lechies had personal experience. Her last night with the man who'd raised her was not one she wanted to recall, either.

"I may," she replied at length, one hand curled around her mug. "Am I correct in assuming you wish to speak with Mary? If so, then I suggest trying a different route first."

Her voice lowered. "Believing someone you love is alive, while others assume him dead, is a sensitive and difficult matter, and I'd rather not have us pair of strangers trouble her further unless necessity compels us. If more than one person has vanished, then surely someone tried to investigate. If not guards, then the militia, at least. I would ask them what they've uncovered, if anything.

"However, if you believe Mary our best path to resolving Wold's crisis, then I will of course accompany you. I can do the speaking, if you like."