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Re: Revealing Secrets

Posted: December 24th, 2020, 8:15 pm
by Artemis Black
"You're not a blanket, but I do enjoy having you wrapped around me, my Love," Artemis countered, watching Dáire go about readying himself for travel. When Ksenia came over leading Gavin and Borin he gave them all an imperious nod. "You'll have to keep me seated then, Craftmistress. My guardian's concern for my safety seems to keep him where he can move more freely," he offered to the woman as she settled in.

At Ksenia's suggestion they look into acquiring more mounts, Artemis nodded in eager agreement. "This is why I keep you around, always thinking ahead. As for collecting more mounts, probably appropriate if we plan to travel around more, and especially so if we're to make a trip to more distant locales," he mused quietly, giving her arm a gentle squeeze before using his legs to prod Sir Francis into a slow motion. The great moose snorted softly and started a heavy thudding pace towards the nearby road. Artemis looked to the leatherworkers with a grin as they moved alongside the mounted pair.

"Where'd Dáire- oh- good idea to bring some snacks," he said with a grin towards the Kerasokan as the man returned with a few tightly wrapped bundles of food from Miss Hawthorn's kitchen. "We'll have your work inspected and then leave you the rest of your daylight gentlemen. We can discuss accommodations and collection of materials and tools for you this evening if you like. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk during the feasting and you can use the opportunity to meet the others about the hall."

The group moved out onto a main thoroughfare in a vague wedge; Dáire to the front keeping a watch and generally parting any meandering crowds or guiding them around halted horses, carriages, and wagons. To the side walked Gavin and Borin, apparently taking the chance to discuss their shared workspace together quietly. In the middle, the regal presence of Sir Francis and his clearly important pair of riders astride him.