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Flowers for You, Friends for Me

Posted: January 2nd, 2020, 2:44 am
by Harroc Crownegrove
Harroc felt oddly pleased with the morning as warm light filtered down through the verdant jungle canopy. There were people bustling about everywhere today, even in the quieter eastern corner where the Conjured Confections hid away. He rumbled to himself in amusement as he lazily wove through the shifting crowds in jaguar form. Every so often his form caught someone by surprise and there was a small yelp or amused laugh. He paid them little heed, caught up in his own thoughts.

Despite being well towards midday, it felt as though he had accomplished a great deal thus far. In actual fact, all he had accomplished was Collecting his gear from the rangers bunkhouse and being asked by Colle to help at an event. There was some sort of small festival going on in one of the lower platforms of the city, the ones where visitors often could be found wandering and trading coin, difficult to find goods, and stories from outside the confines of Ajteire.

Harroc rumbled excitedly as he caught the conversation of a group of young ones excitedly discussing what sweets they would be eating after their daily chores. Colle laughed from his back, a faint sound the druid found extremely pleasing. The Fae was nestled in his fur, relaxing in the same sun he enjoyed as he carried them across the city. Harroc again silently considered the benefits to learning a form that could fly. He always weighed the clear benefits against the pleasure of knowing his lover would likely less often rest in his warm fur to travel.

The sounds of revelry and excitement were clear even a platform away from the bustling festival grounds. Harroc could feel the excitement building in his chest at the thought of all the delicious sweets he could taste. He tamped down the desire, remembering that he was also here to support his lover and friend. Colle directed him to step out of the bustling mash of people and into a smaller side platform.