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Lady Deryn Calhey

Posted: December 24th, 2019, 4:35 am
by Deryn Calhey
Player: Tsunami
Contact: Discord @ TheAmazingH#5285 or through PM

Deryn Elspeth Calhey

Race: Human
Class: Fighter


Deryn grew up in a middle class family as the granddaughter of a blacksmith and the oldest of three. Her history is mostly uneventful - she lead an average life with average expectations. Instead of dreaming of a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet, Deryn dreamed of adventure and still does. She hopes to find a way to have stories written about her while experiencing life to the fullest. She is a young knight with not so much worldly experience, but the minute an adventure falls into her lap, she's sure to take it.

Looking for:
Relationships of all kinds. Friends, enemies, lovers, mentors, even family. I would really enjoy finding a way to send her to new and exciting places, since most of her life has been spent in and around Fellsgard. She isn't a shy character and would probably cold call people without issue if telephones existed. She's one of those people.

Potential Meeting Places:
- Fellsgard
Some type of pub/tavern thread is definitely do-able. Deryn is quite chatty when she's had a few pints and would enjoy serenading anyone with a song. She is not a bard, so I can't promise that it will be the best serenading your character (or characters, if more than one person would like to join) has ever heard, but still entertaining nonetheless. Additionally, I would like to find a companion for her to travel with for whatever journey as long as it makes sense for her to tag along. The goal is to get her interacting with as many people as possible in as many places as possible, so no suggestion will go unheard!

Re: Lady Deryn Calhey

Posted: December 24th, 2019, 5:26 am
by Malcolm Rhodes
Officially registering my interest as an experienced Knight Protector turned wandering spirit!