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Posted: October 1st, 2019, 1:27 pm
by Druilin
Druilin - The Lost Shepherd

Short Background:
Druilin is a 'Lost' Ghost retaining no memories whom seeks to help those who feel abandoned by fate, hoping they find the path they belong on. For those whom fate has truly abandoned he offers them a place at his side, as a sort of Shepherd for the unwanted, useless and forgotten.

True Neutral - Druilin is not a hero of justice, and while he is unlikely to save the world he will do everything he can to help those he personally views as 'Lost'. This isn't to say he'd abandon someone who is loved by fate, but his heart aches harder for those that the world seems to cast aside. This makes his alignment somewhat nebulous, for often those crushed by fate are also bitter, angry or potentially even evil. Yet to him all are worthy and all can be guided, no matter how 'fate' or 'society' views them.

Help the 'Lost'; at his core Druilin feels that the very universe has abandoned him, and his love for those he sees in similar situations is limitless and earnest, with a depth of caring that is rarely seen among even family. It is those who no matter how hard they try can never get on the path of good fate that Druilin loves deeper then any, and he dreams of gathering these derelicts of the universe and giving them a place to 'belong', a Shepherd for the Unwanted.

Plot Hooks:
  • Druilin has yet to actually interact openly with a living being, only ever entering the corporeal world when he is sure the one he is helping is unable or unwilling to recount the tale of a Ghost. Be the first to change that!
  • Druilin seeks to create a 'herd' or 'family' of those whom fate has truly abandoned, perhaps you seek a place to belong?
  • A Ghost is a Ghost, and those who hate Undead care little if that Ghost is friendly! Sometimes even good intentions bring bad results. Try to banish or kill Druilin!

Re: Druilin

Posted: October 1st, 2019, 1:30 pm
by Druilin
Active Threads
[Solo] The Wind Road - A collection of short stories detailing Druilin's encounters with the living and the dead throughout Tviyr.

Completed Threads
None, yet. Hopefully many to come!

Abandoned / Hiatus Threads
None, yet. May it be empty forever.