Trouble with Dragons (Open)

Tviyr was the first boundary to be created when Fellsgard was freed from Bhelest. There is a diverse magnitude of adventurers that trek through this countryside. Decorated with grassland, coastline, forest, and jungle, it's quite the vision. Read more...
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Luck Dragon
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Trouble with Dragons (Open)

Post by Dessrexin »

Professor Jonathan Zeal was in Fellsguard for his monthly supply run. He would meet his student Dez in a couple days away from the city. Then he would ride the dragon back to the cave. However, he saw something on his way to the gate that nearly caused him to drop his satchels of goods. A bounty poster for his pupil was attached to a board with other wanted criminals. There was a picture of the dragon's head beside the teenager's face the creature wore last time in Fellsguard on the same parchment. Below the well drawn sketches a few sentences were placed along with a address ten miles east of Verdant row.

Attention adventurers this creature is wanted for destructive property damage. Including three top of the line ships belongoing to Lord Tristan of house Nyhasa. For further details present yourself at the nobles country estate.

"By Cecilia's grace, I have to warn the lad!" The panicked words were whispered under his breath. Then he picked up his pace significantly to get out of town.


In Verdant Row several people in sailors garb were passing out bounty posters around town. Some folks laughed at the absurdity of it. Others looked at it with clear fear. For most the unmistakable question presented itself. What kind of fool would willingly go after a dragon?


As Hawthorne finished her latest tale a commotion began. The Preamble was always a hub for information in Ajteire. The argument centered around the merits of property versus sacred duties. The Luck Dragon had aided several citizens over the past two hundred years. Did he really deserve this human nobles bounty on him?

The fae bard had once been saved by Dessrexin over a century ago. "I value the life I was given so take your discussion elsewhere. I still have a lot of stories to tell today. I would hate to ruin the mood by making you heed my suggestion!" Thankfully, they listened to her words and left.


"Baldur, what are you doing?" Goldy looked quite annoyed at the bounty notice going up in the Bearded Siren.

"Oh nothing, just earning a couple months wages in a day. Seriously what kind of idiot do you have to be to think anyone would go after a dragon of all things?" Natives of Domrhask were not going to follow such stupidity in his opinion. The miner thought to himself.


Dessrexin noticed his teacher was out of breath when he arrived. "What is the matter sir are bandits after you?"

"No my boy it seems saving that girl from slavers months ago had unexpected consequences. I don't know if Lord Tristan had anything to do with the human trafficking. However, it seems he wants compensation reguardless. There is a bounty on you now." The old man was never going to understand why innocent lives had to be at risk for others' greed.

"Well that is distressing, I think you should stay with Hanna and Hilda for the time being. I need to return home to prepare for visitors seeking something besides a wish." With that Dessrexin dropped his human appearance. "I think those girls will make great students for you. Just in case fate goes against me this time. You a worthy to teach any seeking knowledge." Then the dragon flew away heading north east to his den.

Jonny was crying tears of grief. He knew his pupil well enough to understand a final goodbye. "May fate bring you another way my friend."
Word count: 584
"My power is bound by three unbreakable rules.
1. I will not force love on the unwilling.
2. I am no assassin if it is murder you seek go elsewhere.

3. you can not wish for multiple wishes only one per visit."
Bronzim Dawnchaser
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Re: Trouble with Dragons (Open)

Post by Bronzim Dawnchaser »

Verdant Row

"Well now this is intriguing." Bronzim looked at the flier he was just handed. The sailor who gave it to him and some of the small crowd forming looked at him. The silence that settled when he spoke was palpable. "What, I'm an aspiring business man? Having a noble of any standing owing you is worth more than just money." Tired of the stares he walked on so he could start preparing.

The Valkin was parked just past the outskirts. Once he boarded, the bounty poster was spread out on the ships table. He had never met a dragon before unless you counted that Ue'drach lass that was a bit rough, but knew how to cuddle better than most of his past lovers. The legends speak for themselves reguardless. Massive beast made for fighting whatever their skill set. He wondered how much the Nyhasa noble could explain about the target? Given the responsibilities they had, likely a lot. He guessed the fliers lack of details was deliberate so only truly motivated people would apply.

"Well I better check my inventory so I know what options I have." He walked over to a wooden cabinet as tall as the room he was in. He swung the door open and smiled. "Hello my lovelies." The furniture was stocked with numerous glowing potion bottles. "Hmm, seems I'm out of invisibility and lightning resistance." He hoped this dragon didn't favor that type of breath weapon. Sadly to really get ready he needed more information. Looks like he should just set out for now.

He started the engine warm up process as that would take some time. First he had to take his tinderbox and get the boiler lit. Then he needed to adjust the valves and watch for leakage. Once his ship was ready to go he released weights keeping it from taking off and was on his way. Ten miles would be nothing in his airship. He checked his heading with the compass and started whistling a bawdy tune.

The mansion was in sight after a few hours, or should he say fort. "Woe that wall must be a twenty footer at least. I better set down a short ways away so nobody gets offended in a fatal kind of way. At least it's a real looker as forts go." Thru his spyglass he could see intricate carvings that resembled vines covering the gray stone. This made him wonder what the inside looked like. Before he disembarked he grabbed his two insurance policies and tucked one in each boot. The hammer and short-sword rested in their usual places on his hips. Then he chose his finest green shirt with matching brown slacks. "Never hurts to look the part when your trying to make a good impression." Finally done he locked up his lovelies and placed the key in a safe spot out of sight.

He walked down the ramp in his well worn leather boots so no one doubted he knew hard travel. When the alchemist got to the gates the two guards that had been there when he landed was now six. He cleared his throat and smiled his best. "Greetings good protectors, your all doing a great job by the way. I'm here to see your Lord about his dragon problem, the names Bronzim Dawnchaser." The half-kerasoka pulled out the flier from his shirt with an added flourish for effect.

The guards looked at it carefully then one spoke for the rest. "Open the gate got another one for the Lord's bounty!" With that the bronze double doors swung open as a counter weight was released. They doors each had a willow tree carved into them.

Two guards escorted the guest into the inner area where ten more guards waited. "We must confiscate you weapons now Mister Dawnchaser." As one of half-dwarf's pair of guards spoke the other held out their hands.

"Oh of course silly me, here you go." The waiting warrior took the sword in one hand with ease. However, the other arm dropped hard as they struggled to lift the hammer with visible strain.

"Sorry about that, thought you had it." Bronzim hid his smile and tried to look concerned. He received a glare while the burdened soldier moved slowly towards a heavy wooden chest and dropped the weapons in it. Then a sturdy lock was applied by a different person.

"Mister Dawnchaser the Lord will see you after sundown once all other guest arrive. Till then you may enjoy his estate at you leasure." The guard clapped his hands and a pretty servant girl came rushing foward.

"Got any good spirits to drink around here?" Bronzim received a nod and was led by the woman towards the largest building he could see. 'Well at least I have a nice view to guide me.' He smiled as he wondered who else would be showing up today.
Word count: 821
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