Research Gone Awry

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Leiven Loramrai »

“Right, so there’s supposed t’be a river, and those don’t tend t’move around much,” Leiven said through a severe frown as he hefted his axe and stood. “So, we’re bein’ funneled, or cornered. The question is towards, or away the thing causin’ all this.” He looked around slowly, his brow pressed down firmly in annoyance.

“I say we get some light, and head what is supposed to be West. If we’re goin’ where we shouldn’t they’ll fix us.” He reached back to remove a chest sized metal box from his shoulders and then hooked his second axe into the uncovered loop there. He flicked some latches and the box fell open in his hands, unfolding to reveal a collapsible steel shield with heavy-duty looking rings running it’s length. Leiven yanked the plates of the shield straight and slid long metal rods from his backpack into the loops. In several moments he had a tower shield constructed and held before him.

The dwarf turned the front of the shield around and revealed a cross of polished and curved metal tubing set into the heavier steel. The cross met just above where the dwarf’s hand holds sat and there was what looked like a rune lamp nestled where the polished metals joined. On the backside there was a small trigger and some sort of tiny contraption. Leiven moved his fingers and the lamp sprang to life after several soft clicks. Light flowed outward, bouncing along the inlays of polished materials.

The brilliant flood of light revealed a rather disconcerting sight. There were trunks, pale and unblemished, near everywhere around them. They all rested just beyond where the shadows had fallen a moment before. “Maybe quicker than slow,” Leiven said, lifting the beard of his axe to rest on the top of his shield. “Get in front a me and move even-like in the light.”
Word count: 322
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Tika »

Tika pondered all of the wizards questions. She'd had no idea the taller person was a mage. In which case getting clear of magical influences should be easier. Being an alchemist as she was made Tika more sensitive to magic itself, though she could not be counted a mage by any stretch. She was more of a tinker than anything. Still if this was outright magic it wasn't as strong as she would have thought.

"I don't feel anything stronger than the normal background magic for the area," she piped. "If it's big magic enough to effect the trees then we aren't close enough to the source." She pondered for another moment.

"I have an idea!" She bounced off the log in her excitement. "What if i climb up and look! I'm a good climber. If i can see the river from here then we can go there. And if i see other stuff we'll know that too!"

Tika paused to let the others have their say. She thought it was a wonderful idea and ached to get started, but she'd been warned more than once that she was too impulsive. She was trying to get better about asking people's opinions.
Word count: 201
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Roridula Lunatus »

Rory considered Tika’s suggestion. It sounded like a good idea to her, and she still wasn’t very good at flying, though she’d been trying to walk and take more short hop-flights since Harroc had chastised her. “What tree are you going to climb, Tika? I’ll fly next to you - I need the practice,” she admitted. “Plus, I can bring the map with me and be a second set of eyes.”

Spreading out the map, Rory pointed to a spot. “Okay. I think we’re here, which means the river should be- here.” She traced her finger west. She looked around at the trees. “I think west is - that way,” she said, pointing.

With a plan, however small, in place, Rory felt less worried. Turning back to Leiven, she asked, “What do you think? Is there something else that would be better? I don’t know about you, but I’d like to get a move on soon.”
Word count: 163
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Tika »

Tika nodded at the suggestion of a second set of eyes. She did however point in a slightly different direction, indicating that West was that way.

"I'd appreciate the flying help. I don't have wings."

Her voice was full of sadness when she said it. That very flaw was what had caused Tika's parents to abandon her. She wasn't considered a good enough fae without them. Thankfully the elves took her in and raised her. Without their help she'd never have made it, much less become the talent that she was.

"Let's climb that one and see what we see."

Tika headed over to a particular trunk and began scrambling up it relatively quickly. Tree climbing was a taught skill here and she'd been doing it since she could walk. She did, however, maintain a pace that the other fae could keep up with.
Word count: 144
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Leiven Loramrai »

“I’ll keep me boots firmly down here, where I ain’t getting crushed t’death when my sweat-covered thighs can’t hold a grip,” Leiven said, warily eyeing the trunks around them. He watched Tika move over and start to scramble up a trunk like some sort of squirrel. He chuckled at the sight, despite the looming sense of danger, and tilted his shield to follow them up.

Leiven hopped the spotlight would discourage the trees, and the diffusal of light around him was enough that he felt comfortable. That, and he had his axes if things needed to get a little more direct. All the ghost stories he knew involved things creeping around at ground level, or walking about with gangly limbs. He imagined the Fae, with their wings, had more aerial ghosts in their collection.

“I hope you two can see somethin’ t’call useful. Not looking to stick around ‘ere longer than necessary,” he shouted up at the pair, adjusting his hold on the shield to better control the light. If this didn't work his next plan was to just start chopping and hope they got out fast enough.
Word count: 193
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Roridula Lunatus »

Following Tika’s directions, Rory followed the nimble little alchemist as she climbed the tree. Rory was rather grateful that Tika was trying to keep a pace that she could follow. She still wasn't that strong, and her progress upward was more erratic than graceful. Leiven's light was terribly useful at illuminating the trunks and she was glad she didn't have to worry about crashing into a random branch.

“Hey Tika? What’s that over that way? That patch that looks like it’s sparkling?” Rory pointed at a small dark spot just slightly to their right. She flew closer to the tree and leaned against a branch, holding the map out so that Tika could see it.

“Is it maybe the river?” Rory was excited, but she knew that bushcraft was not her strong suit. “I think you know more about the woods and stuff than I do, so I trust your judgement more than mine.” She propped herself against the branch, grateful for its momentary support.

Impatient as usual, she moved forward with the map. “I mean, I think that’s it, so maybe check?” Rory moved back to lean against her branch, but it wasn’t there. She overshot past the tree and almost somersaulted in the air, having expected support and finding none. She glared at the tree after she righted herself.
Word count: 226
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Tika »

Tika hit the top of the tree and was also grateful for the extra light. Though it was lighter out in the canopy than it was down at the ground. Tika took a look at the map and then out at the landscape, and back at the map.

"Yes! That's where the river is!" When Tika looked back up the sparkling area was gone. "Wait, where did it go?"

Tika looked around her and found the sparkling area again, directly behind her, as though the river had moved. But it wasn't the river moving. It was the tree. It had spun around with her in it while she wasn't looking!

"I don't think the trees are going to let us out of here," Tika squeaked. "We're just going to have to figure out what it wants." Then she had a bright idea.

"Maybe we can send for help!"

Tika opened her pack with some difficulty and pulled out a larger than normal flying squirrel. She petted the creature as it blinked in the new light and ran up to perch on her shoulder. She gestured to the squirrel.

"This is Tok! Tok can find home and maybe they'll send out a search party! Right Tok?" The rodent was cleaning it's face and didn't respond, but Tika looked at Rory with an enthusiastic grin. She was confident this could help.
Word count: 229
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Leiven Loramrai »

“Right then, let’s get down before they eat you both,” Leiven shouted, adjusting his light to fall more completely on the pair. He’d seen the trees move clearly this time as soon as Tika looked away. “Maybe don’ let your friend out up high, I’d hate for ‘em to poof. Just come down, nice and easy, and we’ll start walking. Seems the bastards are getting more brazen.”

Leiven flexed his fingers on his axe, refusing to spin around and find out if the trees were breathing down his neck in the dark. “If I find out this is all some bad booze, or I’ve missed the meet for the river job I’m gonna be real upset.” He was watching the pair start their descent when he caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye.

“Gah-damnit!” he shouted, ducking behind his shield as a tendril of green mist crashed into his shield. There was no real impact, the mist bursting into a fading cloud, but Leiven still counter-swung his axe. The blade whipped across the top of his shield, cutting through the clear air and causing the falling mist to swirl wildly.

“Seems like their patience has run out, quickly down, we follow whatever this is. Get some fire ready, maybe have Tok there on my shoulder to point the way,” Leiven shouted up, rotating his focus between the pooling mist and his companions quickly as he kept the light beam focused on them.
Word count: 253
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Tika »

Tika looked down to see Leiven slashing at some sort of fog. In excitement and trepidation she scaled back down the tree much faster than she'd gone up, Tok clinging to her jacket. She hit the ground with a huff of air expelled. She was fascinated by this new development. The mist seemed designed to push more than attack, but Leiven's axe was obviously not welcome. Tika could practically feel the trees hostility at being confronted by the blade.

"Please stop! Look, there's an opening there!"

Tika pointed to a place in the trees where the mist hadn't permeated. She gave the squirrel an order, looking deeply into its eyes so it understood the severity of the occasion.

"Find home, Tok! Go home!"

She tucked the squirrel onto Leiven's shoulder, but the squirrel wouldn't stay there. From its higher perch it leapt, gliding to a nearby tree and scrambling higher before gliding off again.

"Quick, we've got to follow him!"

Tika bolted off into the gloom, hearing the footsteps behind her and trusting that her new friends were following. It took effort to keep her eyes on the grey squirrel as it climbed and flew through the trees. Soon though the trees seemed to be not so close. In fact, it was almost as though there was a path here. Then all in a rush she burst into a wide clearing.

It took her a few moments to take in what she was seeing. Ruins of some sort of tower lay before her at the top of a small hill. But it was the other occupants of the glade that made her heart freeze in her chest. Slowly she backed back into the shelter of the trees shadow.

"No..." She whispered. "The dead live here. We have to go!"
Word count: 299
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Re: Research Gone Awry

Post by Roridula Lunatus »

“Wait, like ghosts?” Rory squealed, excited. “I’ve got a couple I wanted to look into! What a research opportunity!” She flipped through her notebook excitedly, sticking leaves into certain pages. “This may not be the Lament, but any contributions to the body of knowledge are useful.”

Coming to one page in her notebook, she paused. “Ah. Let’s see, we might be able to find the Wailing Elf Mother. She was a Kerasoka who fell in love with a Lumeacia and they had a few children. He left her because of some obsession with magical purity, I think, but he killed their children because they were ‘abominations’. The Kerasoka woman was so horrified she stole his knife and killed herself. Now she wanders around, trying to ‘collect’ child ghosts in hopes of finding her children.” Rory tilted her head to the side. “My notes say that took place near Ajteire, but not in the city itself. Hm. So that might be one of our ghosties.”

She flipped forward a few more pages. “Oh, we might also see the ghost of a shapeshifter, one of the nastier ones. They shifted into the form of this one human girl’s lover while the guy was away, right, and she completely thought this guy was her lover. So they get married because he’s all ‘oh I can’t wait another day to be your husband’ and she’s thinking it’s all romantic. Then like a month later, the real lover came back and starts a fight with the shapeshifter and the poor girl has no idea what’s going on. Both of the guys stab each other but the shifter is the only one who’s badly hurt. He died and supposedly he tries to avenge his death and take back the girl.” Squinting at what she wrote, she read a note in the margins and nodded. “Ah, one of the first big cases of shapeshifter impersonation. Yeah, if he hadn’t died, he would have been brought to court in Ajteire.”

Rory sighed happily as she continued looking through her notebook. “Oh, I’m going to have to find all my notes! Tika, Leiven, do either of you know what that tower is, or was? That might help me narrow down which ghosts we have here - and then I can use that information for research and experimentation!” She bounced lightly on her toes, ignoring the faces of her companions - and really, everything except her notebook and the ghosts in front of her.
Word count: 425
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