Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

May be open in future if we both agree

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"Not really, it was just a lot metal in the jungle. I'll admit that making such heavy things into a functional machine does make me curious. Such wonder is magic to my eyes and I'm no stranger to the mystic arts." As a form of demonstration Sedric raised his right arm and a low hum began to emanate from it.

One of the lines of script began to glow. Then it lifted off and hovered a few feet ahead of Tika. The words lowered to the ground and a crocodile appeared that was three times as long as she was tall. It came up to just above Sedric's knee in height. "This is Subik river hunter a friend of mine. Say hello please Subik." The creature hissed in acknowledgementioned then raised its front claw and waved. "You honor us Subik thank you. Please guard our back as we travel." Another hiss of acceptance followed and the crocodile moved behind Sedric and the trio became a quad.

"If nothing else slows us down we should be at the sight soon. I look foward to what you can show me about machines Tika." The summoner smiled after his words, while following close behind the alchemist.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika was happily walking and talking when Sedric mentioned magic. She watched as the crocodile formed from the words on his arm and started smiling, all but squeaking with delight. She greeted the friend, Subik, and watched as he made his way behind them.

"That's brilliant! How do you do that? Is it a manifestation spell, or some kind of transmutation?"

She'd seen the script but she couldn't tell if the arm was somehow mechanical or if they were magical tattoos. It occurred to her that her curiosity might be considered rude, but Sedric had said he didn't mind. So she continued asking her questions.

"Is Subik an actual creature or just a magical creation? How smart is he? Does he eat?"

She'd continued walking and following Tok. This was a longer walk than she'd done in awhile, and was grateful that Sedric didn't mind going slower to keep up with her. She was energetic, but still small and had a shorter stride.

Soon they entered a small clearing. Tok had stopped at the last tree and would probably stay there while Tika explored. Sedric was right, this was an immense pile of metal! She could see pieces, but the whole escaped her. She thought she'd be able to figure it out if she could get a higher perspective.
Word count: 219
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"I'm a summoner so I make a pact with real animals that consent. They do eat, but not when I summon them. Instead the take a portion of my magical essence in place of food. The ritual takes many hours and Subik is only one of many animals I can bring before me. Each one is made a little more intelligent due to our mental link. However, each is considered by some a great beast." As he answered her questions they arrived at the clearing.

He noticed immediately some of the metal pieces had been moved. Someone or something had been here since he left. "Tika be wary, we are no longer the only one's to have found this wreckage." He didn’t know if whatever it was was still in the area or would be coming back. He looked around carefully holding his spear at the ready. "If you want to look around that's fine me an Subik will check the area." The crocodile and him began checking by going in opposite directions.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika stiffened as Sedric went on the alert. She immediately checked her pockets for her defenses. A sling with a pocket full off shot and several vials of various substances that could be thrown. Tika tended to prefer things like acid, even though the corrosive would be detrimental to the wreckage. She did have a vial of alchemists fire, but she always used that as a last resort in the jungle. It was dangerous, and the trees didn't like it.

With her defenses confirmed she nodded at Sedric and watched the two disappear at either side of her. She did want to check out the wreckage though. The mechanics of it called to her. She circled it a bit one way and a bit the other, trying to make sense of it in her mind. She was convinced an aerial view would make things better. She lamented once again that she could not magically share Tok's senses. She began considering the trees around the clearing, trying to determine which would have the best vantage point. She was deep in thought and very distracted, even as she carefully climbed the hill of broken parts and looked around her. She definitely made a tempting target, though at the moment that was far from her mind.
Word count: 213
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

The sound of metal suddenly caught Sedric's attention. It sounded off and he couldn't figure what it was by the noise. The source made itself known soon enough. The strangeness was beyond his knowledge. It looked human sized with the unmistakable sheen of dull metal encompassing its frame. A single orb in the middle of its face glowed a bright blue. The shifter thought it looked similar to an eye.

As he watched the machine person's jerky unatural movement Sedric raised his weapon into a defensive position. Then he shouted at the odd creature. "Identify yourself, uhh metal being?"

The response he received was completely unexpected. What appeared to be something like a jaw opened up and emitted a high pitch scream. The shifter collapsed clutching his ears in agony. Meanwhile, Subik seemed unaffected and charged the metal thing. The crocodile used its' momentum to unleash a bone crushing tail whip. However, the target flipped high in the air dodging. When it landed it slid a little on the metallic hill that Tika stood on. Then it set that blue eye on her.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika whirled at the sound of the scream, her own smaller ears just as susceptible to the sound. She crouched, for a second nearly blinded by pain. She heard growling and the scrape of metal on metal.

When she blinked again, her vision clearing, she spotted the creature. It was a wonderful thing, a being of mechanics rather than flesh, and Tika wanted so badly to know how it worked. However, it was clearly aggressive, fighting Sedric and his reptilian companion with seeming ease.

Having dodged Subik's attack it had focused on her, and Tika'seyes widened in fear. She started to back away as the thing approached her. She was trying to get out of the things range so that she could throw one of the vials she had in her hands now. She tripped on a jagged piece of metal, falling backwards with a pained cry off the hill of wreckage. One of the vials broke, its contents immediately burning into the ground and soil around it, but thankfully not spattering her. It was one of the vials of acid. She had more but she was still trying to scramble away. One ankle was bleeding quite badly from trip and subsequent fall.

Above her the mechanical person crested the wreckage, dominating the pile. Tika stumbled to her feet and started limping away as fast as she could while still keeping an eye on the thing and her surroundings. Firstly she didn't want to fall again, and secondly she couldn't be sure that this threat was alone. It watched her with its singular optic as she continued to flee from it. She fumbled another vial of acid from her pockets, and took aim at the thing.

"Please," she pleaded. "I don't want to hurt you!"
Word count: 295
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

Sedric regained his composure when he heard Tika's frightened words. Using his spear as a crutch he stood. "Subik go for the legs while I distract it!" The crocodile hissed understanding and waited. The shifter charged and tried to stab its neck. He heard a sharp noise of metal on metal. Then the mechanical thing turned its head around one hundred and eighty degrees like an owl. It opened that jaw again, but this time Subik tail whipped the clockwork being. As it went down The warrior used his weapon skill to stab it in that single blue orb. Arcane power expelled into the air as it crumpled to pieces.

"Magic and machinery how interesting." Sedric rushed over to Tika and knelt by her injury. "This looks bad do I have permission to use my limited healing power on you Tika?" While he waited for a reply he sent the river hunter home to rest. This was because healing would use up the rest of his magic today if the alchemist consented to help.
Last edited by Sedric Moonwhisper on September 11th, 2020, 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Even as Tika threatened the mechanical being she saw Sedric and Subik coming up behind. She did her best to maintain the things attention so that the other two could pounce on it. She watched with a mixture of fear and curiosity as the thing was knocked prone. Sedric punctured it's single eye and suddenly the creature was nothing more than a pile of parts. She was disappointed, but also desperate to get her hands on the head!

Sedric came and examined her, sending Subik back to the aether form that lived in him. The jagged metal had not been kind to her delicate flesh. There didn't seen to be much muscular damage to her eyes, but she was bleeding rather a lot. She was afraid she'd knicked a small artery.

"If you can help i would appreciate it. All I'm going to do is sew it up and bandage it, see if i can make it home. Did you want to come with me? After all the help you've been i owe you at least a meal."
Word count: 178
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"Okay don't worry these injuries seem manageable. This will take a little time though it's a ritual." The summoner began by sitting down crossing his legs beside Tika. Then he started chanting in kerasoka elvish. "Fate, I call upon you to change what has passed. As compensation I offer this one who speaks to share the burden. He continued to chant these words repeatedly. As he did this his entire body began to glow with silvery light. Then a drumbeat could be heard from nowhere. Sedric's voice grew slightly and started to echo. It began to seem like the're were numerous voices speaking, but they were all him. Suddenly, his ankle that was the same as Tika's injured one had the light dim around it. Then the alchemist would feel the wound turn cool as the missing light surrounded her ankle. Soon the drums grew louder and her injury healed rapidly. Then it appeared as if her recovery was ahead of schedule by three days.

Sedric looked weaker immediately and as he rose he had a small limp. "There, all better I hope. Sorry that's the best I can do. My method can't heal old injuries or anything like sickness and disease. However, if I have the time you won't die in battle."

Then he pondered her question and spoke. "I would be glad to share a meal Tika. Please, lead the way."
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika watched avidly as Sedric performed his ritual. She was always fascinated with magic. She seemed incapable of harnessing it herself, even for basic things, which was disappointing. Still, it never stopped being a wonder to her. She was more than a little startled as heat localized in her ankle, followed my an icy coolness. The swelling noticeably lessened as the wound knit before her eyes. When Sedric stood she noticed the limp.

"Your magic," she asked. "Does it truly heal our does it merely transfer the wound? I've heard of sympathetic healers. I've just never seen it work."

As Sedric accepted her offer of food she clapped, very pleased. She took the time to carefully gather the head of the automaton, carrying it in her arms gingerly. It wasn't heavy, really, just unwieldy. As they approached the wood again Tok dropped from the trees, landing on her shoulder.

She'd made a note on a small map of the location of the mechanical pile, with a note of caution, so that she could find her way back later. She looked longingly at the tech that she couldn't take with her. Perhaps she'd come back with camping gear so she could really study it.

They talked as they walked through the jungle, heading back to the city of fireflies. She wasn't sure what she had in her home currently to serve to anyone else. She was pretty sure she had enough. If not she could always borrow from her parents. They never seemed to mind. She was distracted by these thoughts and often banged into things or tripped over her own feet. She was not graceful, though she could be quiet when the need arose. She only hoped she was not embarrassing herself too badly.
Word count: 294
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