Rolling Down To Old Maui

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Cirice Vaisha
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice chuckled when he mentioned wanting to study the creatures she documented. "Trust me, you don't. You know how many of those creatures can kill you in seconds? You need balls of steel to go looking for some of the creatures in that book. The plants aren't too bad. I know a few recipes with seaweed that aren't too bad." she commented as she glanced over to him.

When dinner came, he made a very accurate remark. The sailor's life, the pirate's life, wasn't for the faint of heart. And it contained a lot of unforeseen events and surprised that made sure to keep the journey interesting. It was why she still loved the life, even after two centuries. It rarely lacked excitement. "True..." she muttered, staring at nothing in particular. "There's always a story to be found when you cast off and sail into the waves." she admitted. She focused on her meal for a bit, though it seemed his mind was somewhere else. He was up and digging through his bag in a matter of seconds before he produced a very interesting canteen. She raised an eyebrow as she studied it and glanced up at him. "I do for that." she quipped as she took both their glasses and tossed the contents out through an open window against the enormous stern window.

Going even further, she wiped the glasses out and made sure they were clean before setting them down in front of him. "I'm curious about what it is, but a canteen like that makes me think that it's going to be very interesting." she commented as she took her seat again and watched him pour them each a glass.

She picked it up and studied the drink for a bit before she glanced to him. "What is it?" she asked with a smirk as she took a whiff of it.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

The liquid he poured into each glass was bright orange in color, and smelled like strong alcohol. He capped the flask and put it back into his pack. "That is a creation from an old friend of mine who frankly had way too much time on their hands. They decided they needed a hobby, got into brewing, and decided to start experimenting. This," he held up his glass, "is one of their better creations in my opinion, so they gave me a supply as a going away present. The flight named it 'Dragons Breath' for reasons that I'm sure will quickly become self apparent." He leaned forward, clinked his glass with hers, and took a large mouthful, wincing as it burned its way down his throat. "I all but guarantee there are very few things in this world stronger." He grinned, watching her reaction.

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 146
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice watched as Darius poured the orange liquid into the glasses and explained what it was. It looked like a fruit juice, however the smell was more than enough of an indication that it was likely going to leave her floored. She picked up the glass and took a whiff of the drink as she glanced up at him. "Smells like something between whiskey and wood varnish." she quipped. The glass was raised to her lips and she took a sip.

She was not ready for it.

Her eyes went wide as she swallowed and then released a cough. "What... what's that made of?" she croaked, her voice knocked away by the drink. She coughed a few more times with a laugh somewhere in the mix before she picked the glass up again. "Not bad." she wheezed as she took another sip. Only when her voice returned did she nod and set the glass aside. "You should tell your friend I want a bottle or two." With another sip she focused on her dinner once more.

There was a comfortable silence from her as she ate. She was simply enjoying his company as she ate, not having a care in the world. Though it quickly changed when muffled shouting came from the main deck. Cirice glanced to the door with a confused look and stood up from her seat, making her way to the main deck outside. "She's a fat one, lads!" a crewman hollered from the crow's nest. "You think we can take 'er? They might be runnin' heavy-"

"-Or very light. We don't know what it is. But that doesn't matter, has anyone called the captain yet?" Mercer chimed in over the ruckus as he looked at the crew stacked along the starboard side of the ship. "No need. You lot make a fine enough noise to grab my attention." she stated from behind him. He turned to face her and held out a spyglass for her. "Captain, ship spotted to starboard. From what we can make out, it looks like a merchant ship. It's too dark to make out the colours." he explained to her as he pointed to a glimmering spot in the darkness. "Douse lamps. We don't need any attention on us." she ordered as she raised the telescope to her eye.

The deck was silent for a moment as she studied the ship in the distance. "She's riding low, light armament... Fellsgard colours." she spoke with a grin. Her crew stomped their feet and cheered, anxiously waiting for their captain to give orders. But it didn't come. She turned to Mercer as her grin faded. Her gaze shifted over his shoulder to Darius and a few crewmembers followed her gaze. She made a big mistake. "All hands to stations! Step lively but stay in the dark. As little metal in the rigging as possible. Set course to pursue. We're going hunting, boys!" she barked immediately. The crew erupted in howls and cheers as they scattered to their stations. Cirice glanced to Darius again with a look of embarrassment as she walked over to the helm to take over. With a violent swing the wheel spun and the ship turned towards their target. "If we're careful, we can catch up to them in the night." Mercer spoke as he watched. "No shit." she snapped at him with a scowl. Something Mercer picked up on.

"Are you alright, captain?" he asked softly. "I'm fine, Mercer. Focus on the prize, I need to know if they spot us or not." she muttered as her golden eyes glued to the ship far ahead of them.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius laughed as she wheezed her way through the glass. It was a common enough reaction to a first taste of dragons breath. Actually his first tasting had produced a rather more violent reaction all things considered. "High praise from someone with your experience with liquor." He said, taking another sip himself and wincing again. "I'll see if I can pass that request along." A companionable silence fell over them as they ate. It was nice, just to sit here with her.

The silence was shattered at a shout from outside the cabin. Darius grabbed his glaive and followed Cirice out to the deck, where the crew was all gathered on the right side of the ship. A call came from the crows nest. Evidently the man up there had spotted another ship. Darius peered out into the darkness, spotting the other dot of light almost immediately. The crew waited as Cirice took a spyglass and examined the ship in greater detail. She made her estimation of the other ship and the crew howled like wolves, ready for their alpha to give the order. Cirice looked almost wolf-like herself as she lowered the spyglass. Then she glanced at him, and the look faded. Darius could see the conflict in her face, could see that she didn't want him to see what she was about to do. He met her gaze, keeping his face expressionless. He'd agreed to stay out of this part of her life, and he would hold himself to that. Then she turned and barked the order, and the crew once again cheered and scrambled to work.

As Cirice moved to take the wheel, Darius spread his wings and took to the air, flying in a tight spiral around the ship to gain altitude until he was level with the crows nest. Beating his wings to maintain his height, he turned to look off towards the spot of light in the distance. His eyes glowed with emerald light. They both seemed to swell, becoming larger than normal. The pupil of his right eye widened from its usual reptile slit to an oversized round shape, and the left pupil enlarged to match. The glow faded slightly, though it did not abate entirely, and Darius studied the far off ship. With his new eagle eyes he was able to make it out in much better detail. It looked slightly smaller than the Harpy, though that kind of detail was difficult to be certain of at this distance, and even with his limited experience with ships he could tell it was no war vessel. He couldn't see nearly as many cannons as the Harpy had, and it certainly didn't have the speed that Cirice's ship did. In other words it had no chance whatsoever against the Harpy.

Darius sighed as he released the spell and allowed his eyes to return to normal. He wanted to fly back down and convince Cirice to let the ship go. He wanted to warn the other ship that a crew of murderous pirates were coming for them. He shook his head. He had agreed to stay out of this part of her life. And he would hold himself to that. No matter how much he disliked it. He angled his wings and swooped back to the deck, landing next to Cirice at the wheel. "Do you want me to wait in your cabin?" He muttered so that only she could hear.

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 578
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

As she was focused on their target Darius was flying above the ship and doing his own thing. She didn’t mind him. She had a feeling that he wanted to try and intervene. She expected him to fly over and warn them, it would have been the right thing to do. She wouldn’t stop him or likely won’t even be angry if he did. But no, he came down and landed next to her, asking where she wanted him.

She glanced at him for a moment then motioned for Mercer to take the helm. ”It will still be a while before we catch up. Likely an hour at least.” she commented as she gestured for him to follow. She led him to her cabin and closed the door behind them. ”Alright... talk. You clearly want to say something. Get it off your chest.” she spoke calmly. She was annoyed, but she held back the urge to take it out on him.

He didn’t do anything wrong.

Walking to her beloved cabinet, she poured herself a drink and downed it in rapid succession. ”I expected that you would warn that ship. It would likely be their only chance of surviving against us, not that it would do them much good. What’s stopping you?” she asked him as she studied him from her desk.

@Darius Goldmane
Word count: 229
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