[CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Edward Sterling
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »

He'd done it. He'd actually done it.

He didn't have to gag him. He didn't have to poison him. He didn't have to drug him. He didn't have to do anything. Purely through interaction alone, Edward was able to persuade his new associate into following him downstairs. This moment would forever be etched in history; whether Anna appreciated it or not. Though, by this point, he supposed her opinion didn't really matter now. He'd found a new voice - a new friend.-- Someone he could rely on indefinitely, his figure nearly shuttered at the thought. But he couldn't let his composure be dropped, it needed to be retained now more than ever. They were reaching the climax after all.

"And so it begins. Hope you don't have a weak stomach there, tiger. What's beyond here may sicken you.~"

As Anna approached the door, she looked back to ensure his attention was focused before proceeding to open the closet, revealing nothing but a run-of-the-mill pantry. . . Well, not entirely run-of-the-mill. Seconds after the door was opened, a vomit inducing odor blasted forth as a multitude of foul stenches collected over the years spilled out from their trapped space. Upon a sniff or two of the smell, one could make out blood, rotting flesh, and other body odors that may have mingled with the rest; it was clear that something (or someone) long past their due date lied behind this wall. As she pushed the broom to the side, a dim light exposed itself under the rows of ingredients used for her everyday cooking. It was at this time she pushed the wall forward to reveal a raggedy old staircase leading to some well lit chambers below; the scene beyond was haunting.

Signs of a struggle was displayed in the immediate vicinity, scratches lining the stairs and their respective railings. The further they descended, the worse the smell became as dried blood began to paint the stairs anew.-- It only gets worse from here. Bits and pieces of flesh were scattered about the final stairs as a straight line of blood continued from the stairs and beyond a poorly fastened wooden door. Stopping just before it, Anna turned to the Merchant and gave a gentle smile; an aura of maliciousness near to bursting from excitement.

"Last chance, Mr. Merchant. Once I let you in, there's no letting you out.",
her voice was calm and seductive despite the circumstances...almost as if these surroundings brought her peace, "I won't blame you for turning back", suddenly, as if possessed, her composure shattered before her as a wicked expression engulfed her visage. "Oh who am I kidding? If you've come this far, there's no sense in me asking anymore right? Let's get have fun, tiger"!


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Janos Killington
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Janos Killington »

As Anna opened the door the scent assaulted his nostrils harshly. The smell was not unfamiliar it was just old, something he too knew very well. While preferring the more arcane of magic in summoning and studying, he held a deep respect for his companion. His questions would all be answered in time, Her hysteria was something to definitely note, he knew this energy would arise in countless faces. "There will be no turning back now." Hands clasped behind his back he walked without hesitation. Fear no Evil, for all Evil cometh from within. You are not but staring at your own soul in imperfect hands.

The crusted crunch of dry blood gave way to a gelatin squish, the signs of struggle were evident with passion. Strength was with this one and surely would become easier with added help. it was a shame there was so much blood all over the place. Taking this time to let the unspoken events play through his mind, he was curious now. The missing companion could have been out on a trip, somehow he did not think this was the case. The worst played through the nodes of his mind, surely they would take every detail into account.

Here was the scent of the blood he noted before, as disarray took over so did the serotonin in his brain. Albeit ugly the work before him was a masterpiece he could not deny. There was a perverse love for the grotesque work afoot here. Even as Anna drew closer to their own corpse; Janos was still checking the buckets counting out every organ in place. "You were mighty careful with this one. I truly appreciate your attention to detail. Being sure to arrange not just the outside but inside to the closest detail of perfection. From knowing them on a more personal level, you get to imbue upon yourself their very persona. How poetic.."

With both hands behind his back, he could see it in his mind. The person beneath the flesh must bathe often with the flood. Considering the tubes and containers, Almost every single bit was saved in the best condition for study. Purple hues swept from left to right taking in the workspace. Sanitation was not much of a worry here with the line of work. As they landed on Anna's spread eagle, there was a new shine to his eyes. Calm swept over the man's figure as they questioned his thoughts on the place.

"Is she the child's mother?" Brows quirking up his legs carried him around the centerpiece. His eyes now working on viewing the machines themselves. Picking up scattered notes he looked them over before setting them back into place on the surfaces. Once she had given her answer Janos would return his attention to her position. "Regardless, I should at least see the proper being before me. We must strike an honest partnership. I admit to knowing more of the arcane works to magic and some study of the body. On my travels, I often visit the morticians to do a bit of studying here and there."

@Edward Sterling

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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »

Time, for a moment, had stopped for Mr. Sterling. Upon receiving the recognition he so longed for, so deserved, he froze completely still; taking just a few short seconds to process what he'd heard. His heart, it thumped so loudly as if it were to burst from his chest at any moment! His body it...god did it converse and twist at the thought of approval-- the thought of acceptance. Had he lacked decency, he would've edjaculated from the stimulation alone...

He was heard.
He was validified.
He was understood.
For the first time and perhaps the only time...
Someone finally just. . . gets it; or so he hopes. For his sake.

Taking a curtsey of gratitude, Anna allowed the dress to gently fall back to the floor as an adoring expression turned sour at the mention of the real Anna; she was notably disgusted while glaring at her own corpse. "Oh, her? Yeah, that's my wife alright.", her tone was harsh and her words were sharp "Why couldn't she understand that a sacrifice was imperative to my research?! If only she did, she wouldn'tve--", pausing, Anna's visage dropped before beckoning the wickedness once more, "Well, I suppose she helped me out in the end.-- You could say she was my biggest investor".

Anna Sterling, despite having uttered truly sickening words, let out a triumphant sigh as if fondly recalling her work. "Nina will be joining her soon, you know! Her birthdays coming up and I couldn't dream of a better gift than to help her papa further his research!", it was at this moment he remembered The Merchant's request; he wished to see the man behind the woman, the truth behind the lie. "Right, I suppose you've earned my trust. Give me just a moment to change and we can continue our discussion".

Swaying her hips as she walked to a nearby room, the door closed behind her as silence acted as a prelude to the snaps, twists, howls of pain, and other uncomfortable sounds that followed after. Eventually, they would come to a stop as shuffling led to the door swinging open with a force vastly different from Anna's.

"Apologies ahead of time for the shock. I didn't have time to put on anything fancy so I don't want you judging me, okay? Okay". Emerging from the room was a 5'8, tan-skinned, lanky bespectacled man looking not a day over 40 despite being ten years younger. He was fitted in a black t-shirt and genoa colored button up with cargo pants and leather boots finishing up the ensemble; nothing spectacular but it got the job done. Returning to his Merchant friend, Edward felt he'd waited long enough for an answer. It was time he opened his eyes to the truth.

"As you can see, through thorough research and an ample amount of experimentation time, one can adopt the physical forms of other beings. With this knowledge, through careful planning and execution, one could assume the role of various peoples in various place to gain untapped knowledge without any of the consequence! Also, while shapeshifters may be subject to mortal afflictions, we can at least prolong those afflictions by shifting the state of our organs to something more youthful! Isn't that amazing"?!

He was giddy, giggling like a school girl that had just met her bff4life. He wanted to say more but before he could continue, there was a pressing matter he'd suddenly remembered.

"My sincerest apologies, sir. We've had all this discussion and I still don't know your name.", extending his hand forward he smiled brightly in anticipation of an even brighter future "My name is Edward, Edward Sterling. It's nice to truly meet your acquaintance, friend".

@Janos Killington
Word count: 621
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