The Preamble

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Edward Sterling
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Edward Sterling »

And with that a tale would end as two others began. The tale of the Traveler would come to end for he was no longer a stranger yet every bit still a mystery. In time, he would become a very vital asset to Edward and his plans. What form he would come in? No one could say for sure. All that anyone would know from this very moment was that the two book-delvers meeting in the center of The Preamble would trigger the beginning of a rapid chain of events; from which Khy'eras would never be the same.

And for the two new stories? The first - rather obviously, was one of lust and desire. The other?...Something far more sinister. "Just as I had hoped," once more the maliciousness grew, Anna's twisted visage visible only to the merchant for a brief second "you're different than the others after all". Anna's friend was too lovestruck to pay them any mind as Anna would lean ever closer; ensuring that only the two of them could hear the following words.

"Midnight, come to the home furthest to the right and knock six times; don't back down now, Tiger".

Rising up, her smile remained true as she grabbed her friend by the arm and waved the man goodbye. . . Funny, he'd only come to people watch yet he left with something far more beneficial . . Would he be friend, or would he be prey?

[ EXIT FROM THE PREAMBLE ] @Janos Killington
Word count: 241
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Janos Killington »

'Oh my, what am I to do with this one? Do I capture them and set them to the black market trades. Or do I take them under the wing and introduce them to many more methods of study. Friend or Foe?' Janos could only smile as Anna gave him a time and place before yanking her friend away and disappearing into the crowds. "You are quite interesting as well..." He mumbled before sitting back down and resuming his sales until the morning's end. At that point, he would retire from the Preamble and make his way towards his destination at the given time.

[ Exit Preamble] @Edward Sterling
Word count: 107
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

Sedric entered Ajteire just after sunrise and headed to the Preamble. He had spent two hours before sun up gathering fruit and nuts for the morning shift. The warrior carried a heavily laden sack slung over his shoulder. A dull thump followed as he set the bag down on the ordering counter that was currently unmanned. In a loud commanding voice he spoke, “Breakfast!”

Suddenly, a loud banging preceded the arrival of a disheveled male kerasoka named Fairon. “Well, never need a rooster when we have you aye Sedric. Do you want the usual meal in trade?”

“Sure, I’ll take seven hardboiled eggs and a side of papaya thanks.”
The older elf pulled out a medium sized pan from under the counter. “Coming right up.” The cook set to work at the wood fired stove immediately.

The summoner starting examining the small letters on his arm, tracing each name with his finger. This was always part of his morning routine ever since his first contract. He liked committing each name to memory to honor his comrades oaths.
Fairon spoke breaking Sedric of his introspection. “Here you go boy enjoy.”

The shapeshifter wanted to protest for a moment, but soon remembered the elf had lived four centuries longer than him give or take a few decades. So to the elder he only smiled and dug in.

When he finished his meal he began a short display of his spear fighting techniques that looked like a dance. He bowed with a flourish of his weapon at the end. “Many thanks for the morning food l salute you master chef.”

As the fighter stepped away he pondered who would join him for morning patrol. Suddenly, a vibration began to emanate from his right arm. One of the names tattooed there started glowing bright white as he focused. Then the letters lept off his skin and grew in size as he quietly spoke a name, “Khana.”

The script was now spinning rapidly a few feet from him in the air. Then a large tiger appeared where the word once was. Sedric bowed and said. “Welcome Khana queen of the jungle. Let us spend a little more time here than move on to patrolling the rest of the city.” The great cat growled in a companionable manner.
Word count: 383
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

Sedric had been at the Preamble for a while. He was about to leave when he noticed a crowd gathering around a fae woman. Intrigued he walked over and was Lucky enough to hear her opening lines. "Welcome listeners to a tale of raw power that became a great shield for the mortal races."

"Tell me folks have you ever heard of the great copper dragon Worzaurak?" Everyone present shook their heads no. Even Khana was lulled by the musical voice of the bard. The shapeshifter was really curious now dragons were extremely rare creatures. Most people will never meet one in their lifetime. He listened eagerly to the story that followed.

"In times past there was a great and powerful beast that terrorized the land of Khy'eras." The woman put both her hands together in a shape that resembled a toothy maw. A dull roar just loud enough to be heard by the crowd came from her hands. Those wise in such things knew the mimicry for what it was. A few listeners looked around nervously. Khana remained content because she sensed no such creature around. That was all Sedric needed for assurance.

After a pause for effect the storyteller continued. "Worzaurak defeated many other dragons and lesser beings. He seemed to have declared war on the whole island. That is until he reached Ajteire." Several in the group cheered along with Sedric at their home being the exception.

The patient bard waited for the celebration to die down. Then she continued her tale. "It took a circle of druids to finally end the dragon's rampage. They used a relatively unknown magic that turned the beast into what we now know as an Ue'drahc. He was no match for their power so he resigned himself to being less than he once was."

"Years passed as he learned magic over again having been deprived of his innate dragon powers.
Some would think he spent that time plotting revenge." The audience began booing at the stories turn. The Summoner just shook his head at the impatient folks. He knew there was more to come.

"The woman commanded quiet with a geasture of both her hands then went on. "However, he was closely watched. He learned from those he once thought of as lesser beings a very important lesson. No matter how weak they were together they were stronger than anything alone. He found forgiveness and never let it go."

"Unfortunately, the peace he found would not last." Some of the crowd started to loudly express their dislike of that. Sedric and others quieted them down without the fae needing to do so herself.

"From the far south came another Ill meaning beast. This one was a beautiful red dragon named Kaliset. She was searching for a male worthy of her to have children. She had come seeking Worzaurak feeling his renowned power made him a likely canidate. She was enraged beyond reason when she discovered his curse." Another, great roar was heard before the story continued.

"Worzaurak faced her alone near the mountains in Ninraih. Their battle lasted three days. His final blow resulted in her massive weight crushing his body. He lived though barely, but no one knew how long he had to live. So the druid circle that once cursed him used great magic. They created a special tomb to heal his terribly damaged body. He was told they didn’t know how long he would sleep. However when he awoke again he would be fully recovered. His goodbye was bittersweet. He told the druids as he closed his eyes he was Worzaurak no longer. From now on he would be known as Zaur. Some say to this very day he still rest. However, he would awaken one day to see what Khy'eras has become. Thanks for listening to Hawthorne's histories." She bowed and awaited praise and compensation.

The crowd clapped loudly and showered her with coin. Sedric added ten copper to the growing pile. "That was amazing thank you so much for the story." She smiled at his words and awaited other customers.
Word count: 685
Darius Goldmane
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius pushed open the door of the building and stepped inside, folding his wings tightly against his back so as not to accidentally bump into anything. He looked around, doing his best to keep the awestruck expression off his face. There were just so many people. And not just in number, but in types of people as well. Where he came from there had only been Humans, Ue'drahc, and those of mixed bloodlines. Occasionally he'd see a traveler of another race, but not often. Here it seemed that every other person he saw looked radically different from everyone else. It was a wonderful new diversity, and he found himself fighting hard not to stare as he made his way slowly towards an empty table.

Setting his glaive against the wall, Darius pulled out a chair and sat., letting his wings relax over the back of the seat. He had a good angle here, able to see most of the patrons in the room. At some point, he supposed, he should try interacting with someone, but for now he was just enjoying observing.
Word count: 182
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