The Preamble

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Edward Sterling »

Drip goes the water as it graces the surface, breaking the ever-present silence amidst the all encompassing darkness. The room felt the exhaustion of repetition as the floorboard above began to creak. From this central point, the residual sound would travel forward toward a rustic old door hidden within the broom closet...from that, light.

A unidentifiable form made it's way to the cellar, the closing door cloaking the room once more. It stood in the center of this damp rendition of the sunken place. As it sighed, grotesque sounds of joints popping and shifting, skin stretching and tearing, and the cries of an altered pitch follow suit. This would unfortunately continue for quite some time as - despite it being a relatively quick process in practice, they enjoyed the lingering sting of the process overall; it reminded them of their cause.

Moments passed and after the silence had just gotten to spend some quality time with the darkness once more, a bright light would accompany the swinging of an old wooden door. What was now identified as a feminine figure surveyed her options before carefully selecting the best fit; she didn't want to be out of place after-all. Upon "powdering her nose" and finishing up any loose ends, the being now known as Anna Sterling made her way up to the ground floor.

"Messy, messy, messy". The kitchen was as she'd left it prior, not a single crumb to be mentioned - yet, from her perspective, all she could see is a scene best left forgotten. Blood lined the floors, the walls, and the window. Despite how much she seemed to scrub, she never could get rid of that stain; messy messy messy. After finding herself scrubbing for what felt like hours, she eventually gave up and decided she'd attack it once more with feeling tomorrow. For now, it was time to do the job she'd come back for - after all, Nina wasn't going to take care of herself; father was ever-so-busy.



"Yes, honey"?

"Do you and daddy hate each other"?

"Of course we don't honey, why would you ask such a silly thing"?

"You two were really mad at each other before, I thought you were--"

"No. There, there is nothing to worry about dear." she reached forward to tickle her precious girl as she giggled and squirmed, it was a precious moment. Of course, like all things, moments are set to end. And as it did, Nina couldn't help but ask just one more question.


"Yes, honey"?

"Am I gonna die too"?

. . .

"Finish your food and head to bed, dear".

"Yes ma'am".


The Preamble; otherwise known as Ajteire's Cultural Hotspot. Anyone who was anyone had witnessed the beauty of it's simplicity first hand. Travelers of all shapes and sizes; overflowing gushers of information all gathered in one place. There was so much to observe and so little time to do it. She just wondered if she could contain herself . . . what with that envy of hers.

Her arrival to the scene was more normal than one might expect. She arrived with a purse in hand adorned in your run-of-the-mill villager's garbs. She would order a coffee as she'd done many times before, chat it up with the locals excited by her return, and silently sit in the corner to proceed her daily studies.

She was beautiful yes, everyone was aware that. However, everyone was also aware of the rage she would enter if you interrupted her studies...Strange. Oddly enough, that hobby of hers was originally Edwards. No matter how much the locals would try to wrap their brains around it, they never quite could understand why she got into it. If you'd ever ask her she'd only respond with "it makes Edward happy" and shoo you off quicker than you approached. . . Well, no matter, it wasn't anyone's business in truth; they never really had a reason to suspect anything further.

At this moment, Anna was her happiest. Interesting locals, beautiful scenery, and breathtaking pieces of literature that constantly expanded her mind when it came to magic. Yup. She was in heaven, the absolute best time of her life. And she was going to continue having these moments; today and the day after and the day after. . .

. . .

And nobody was going to take that from him.

[ END POST. ] @Janos Killington @Lyrid
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Re: The Preamble

Post by NPC »

"Ah, so you are new to the city as well!" Xalusae said returning Rory's grin. "Pardon my ignorance then. I had assumed because you were Fae that you were from Ajteire, but I must remember that is not always the case."

When the server returned, Xalusae ordered tea that was strong and black, "comparable to the dark jungle swamps of Ninraih", ten biscuits with honey and fig jam, and a quarter of a wheel of aged cheddar. The waiter gave him look, eyebrow raised, but then flitted off before Rory or the Ue'drahc could ask him any additional questions. Who eats that much cheese anyway?

"Hm, books for the basics," Xal said, resting a hand under his chin as he thought. "I feel you are on the right track for sure. Khy'eras was built on organic, elemental magic. Those magic types are what fueled Eidolons such as Ixaziel and Pheriss." His clawed hand dropped onto the counter. "I would recommend Primarily Primals by Seirtoshal."

A tray laden with a bounty of tea, biscuits, and cheese floated into view. A person could not see the Fae behind the food until the tray was placed onto the counter before Xal. The server breathed a sigh of relief and asked if that would be all, hoping the Ue'drahc would say yes. He did. Xalusae rubbed his palms together happily getting ready to dig in. He started to build a sandwich of sorts: biscuit, chunk of cheese, biscuit, chunk of cheese, and so on. At least six layers tall before biting into the sweet and savory monstrosity.

"Ah, well," Xal said between bites of food and gulps of tea, "perhaps we shall have a bit of a contest tomorrow? See who finds the library first? Admittedly, I did journey to Ajteire for this wonderful cheese, but I also enjoy visiting local and historical structures, especially libraries."

Realizing he might be being a bit rude, Xalusae gesture to his wedge of cheese. "Please, do try some if you fancy cheese! Nothing in Khy'eras quite compares to it."
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Janos Killington »

In all of his years of life, there was nothing more invigorating than the joy of those around him. He was born a sponge to human culture and mother nature; warm afternoon air stirred Janos from his nap. Foilage mixed with warm rays from the sun slowly came into view. His snake-like pupils narrowed as his vision cleared to perfection, cotton candy skies hugged the air with a paint stroke sky. Joy bubbled within his heart as Janos greeted the sky; stretching upon the large tree branch he gazed over the forest from on high. Beneath his head, was a large backpack it's black exterior matched the ornate cloak he wore.

Yawning heavily the man sat up taking a moment to take a deep breath. Focusing his mind, Janos grabbed the large back hefting it onto his back. The weight quickly pulled him back and down, enjoying the sensation of free fall he began the trip. It took a few moments before the youth touched the ground pulling the large hood off of his head; white dreads decorated with gold reflected the light of the sun. Taking a moment to himself he adjusted the mass of dreads on his head. Redoing the ponytail the head was returned once more providing him shelter from the rays. His eyes were dead set on The Preamble some ways ahead; the sooner he got there the better chance he had at making some sales today.

It took him no longer than twenty minutes to reach the taverns outskirts, admiring the settings at hand a tingle rolled down his spine. This was it! This was the place to sell the wares he had been collecting for so long. Thankfully it was nothing like the black market, selling the goods would be easier than expected. Quickly the large man pushed through towards the center of the area, picking out a few open spots he decided on a place to sit. Finding one relatively close to the center, Janos quickly unpacked the bag of its wares. Stacks of books and odd trinkets mixed with jewelry were laid about in a presentable fashion.

Taking off his hood, Janos stretched out opening the white and silver trimmed edges and cuffs. Calling out gently with his deep voice he began to lull in customers who traded and bought his wares at a fair price. Word of his collection of books on magic and trinkets for use soon spread throughout the people. Whispers were spoken with his name on the tip of the tongue. 'Janos the Seller' was the captivating title provided to him; others might have used the word Scholar for his collection of books which he kept tucked away. Eventually, a woman took a moment to speak with Anna Sterling about if she had gone over to find more magic books from Janos's table. If she had not the woman urged her to go so that she might find more interesting books.

@Edward Sterling @Lyrid
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Roridula Lunatus »

Rory slid Xalulu - Xalsa - Xal’s knife over to herself and cut off a hunk of cheese. She promptly took an enormous bite. “Oooh! This is so good! I don’t remember having this before, even when we visited,” she said around a mouthful of the nutty firm cheese. She took another - smaller - bite and chewed. “If you want a race, you’re on. I can find a library anywhere.”

Noticing how much Xal was having to crane his neck to look at her, Rory hopped on the table and sat cross-legged facing him. She dragged her bag from her old seat, almost upsetting the pot of jam. Rummaging around in her bag, she pulled out a small book and a pen with lint on its nib. She made a face and blew the lint off, cracked open the book, and flipped through to a blank spot. “You said…Primarily Primals? And it was by - Seirtoshal?” She scribbled the title and author down.

Mumbling to herself while chewing on the end of the pen, she mused, “ probably one-forties. Have to check,” she said, adding the number. I bet I can find the library AND the book before he shows up tomorrow, she thought. “Hey, let’s make our race more exciting. Last one there has to buy the other one lunch!”
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Edward Sterling »

"Invocation, a magic founded on assistance from the whimsical, the spiritual, or even the living. To take hold of such an awesome power is incredibly challenge and requires that the caster possess a will stronger than it's aid; otherwise it may very well grow violent and lash out, potentially resulting in death".

As Anna Sterling finished the sentence, she scrunched her face together before entering a spastic flurry of yelps, whimpers, and arm flailing. "Invocation magic is so cool! Ah, I can't wait until I'm able to grasp it's entirety for myself". During this time, a woman of no particular importance would approach the table. "Hey Anna, haven't seen you in a while"! Suddenly, despite the exterior remaining unchanged, a catastrophic melt down had been occurring in her mind; something was gravely wrong.

For the life of him, Edward could not recognize this female who'd approached him. Throughout his many years he spent with his wife, not all of them had been spent in the same place. Anna was bound to make friends of her own that he hadn't known - after all, who really wanted to be friends with the "creepy shut-in guy from down the grove"? That being said, this was the one time where his lack of a social life came to bite; he hadn't any idea how to respond.

"Think of something!" He snapped within "Think of something damnit! You can't have come so far only to choke up now! You've spent weeks practicing her mannerisms; be brave, you got this". With the deeper struggle coming to an end, he gazed up at the woman and gave the only response he knew how...a simple one. "I've been busy but i'm back now and everything is perfect at ho--" she was interrupted by her "friend" placing her hand on the table in excitement. "Hold on girl, do you see that man over there with those books on the table? Mmm, I always wanted to experience a man with...darker meat~".

Anna's friend began to growl and assume a lustful stance while making suggestive expressions in his direction; clearly he wasn't paying attention, and neither was Anna. Romance to her was dead if it hadn't involved her husband; that was the role she was given to play. What had taken her interest however were the assortment of books laid out upon the table. In the merchant's possession had been "The Art of Invocation II: Perfecting Illusions". Having currently been reading the first edition, she found that it may've been easier to buy the book from the merchant than walk all the way home to obtain her edition. On top of that, it could've been the special edition rumored to have five extra spells not found in any other copy! The thought of having that was too much for her and as a result, she found herself closing the book and approaching the man at a rapid pace; her friend hastily chasing after. "W-Wait, girl, w-wait"!

"Excuse me, sir" she said, now standing before the table as she bowed gracefully "I couldn't help but notice your selection; are you student of the arts or perhaps simply a collector? Regardless of your answer, I'm certainly interested in buying one of them. How much do they go for?"

@Janos Killington
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Janos Killington »

The buzz of the people and the spark of energy that flowed; filled Janos with joy! He shook hands and told jokes with strangers. The children often walked away with a free gift for their youth and the tug he often felt on his heart. Several parents even tried to pay for it but he rejected the money and sent them on their way with a smile. Word of his wares had indeed spread far and wide within the tavern. He people from all over scoping out his prices and making trades for his wares.

Suddenly a young woman had approached the table. . . Huh, a young woman has approached the table? Things were not what they appeared to be here; not that there was anything wrong but the smell of blood was evident. A familiar connection with a shifter, unlike many others. Nervous laughter left his lips as he slowly observed the book the shifter was reading. "I am both a student and collector. Knowledge is a beautiful thing that is to be shared." Janos gestured to the second edition book in which Anna yearned to obtain. Sliding it forward he only smiled with a raised brow. "You will enjoy this book's many secrets. Take it and learn all that you can!" He offered it to the woman for free, for an eager mind was the purest form of learning that he had ever seen. Knowledge in truth should be free for all if the currency was not such a demand. "Should you be in need of more books or other materials do not be afraid to find me again."

@Edward Sterling
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Edward Sterling »

A student and collector was he? Is that so? Huh.

Throughout Edward's decades of existence, there had been only a few to not only question his intellect but challenge it; those people were now chomping feces in their local happy home. You see, Edward was relatively harmless with all things said, he sought nothing more than a simple life with a simple family in a peaceful environment. One that was isolated away from the world- if nothing else, enough to where a scream may go unheard at the right time of day...

But that wasn't going to happen when others traveled his path, now was it? Of course not.

Whether he'd known it or not, Edward was offended. From the manner of his speech to the speech in itself; it screamed superiority. No. No he couldn't let this fly, not for one second. He himself must confirm the traveler's intellect, ensure that he knew enough to speak to him in such a manner...To speak to him as an equal. With that in mind, Anna would slowly bend down and slide the book toward her as she bowed while doing so; a smile creeping onto her visage shortly after.

"Words cannot describe my appreciation sir, I will gladly take your offer". Standing back up, she would look down toward him while brushing through her hair as she continued on. "So, are you a fan of Invocation? What's your favorite branch? Personally I'm a fan of Illusory magic; though if you ask me I'd say scrap the branch in favor of Polarity. You ever just lose yourself to a Dark Arts Compendium?" she hugged the Invocation book against her chest as she sighed happily, daydreaming about the wealth of knowledge she'd yet to obtain. "Ahh, you've got to love Magic".

A silence was met with her conclusion but only for a brief moment as her friend immediately stepped in front of her and bent down; exposing her cleavage whilst doing so. "I'd love to share my knowledge of how to pleasure the body with you. Perhaps we could exchange notes over a candlelit dinner? Mrrrow!"~

@Janos Killington
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Janos Killington »

The thing about growing in nature was that sensing one's intent was a regular thing. The way Anna had bent herself down to grab the book to the ill intent behind her smile and questions which came next. A wizard stood in his presence, one which dabbled not only with the illusions but one of the dark magic. His slitted iris narrowed with that of warning and play in the same hand, the talk of magic made his blood tingle. The hairs on his neck rose up as thick lips parted exposing a canine smile. "The Dark arts are a specialty of mine, I am also keen on wards and spirits." Grinning lightly he hardly flinched when her friend came forward. Opening his left hand his display of magic began at once; altering the stitching of the woman's clothing the fabric expanded and enveloped her chest keeping her cleavage out of sight.

"Please be mindful of others, there are children here." A flat tone met her physical provocation, matched by none other than no eye contact at all. Janos was far too interested in the shifter before him now. "Perhaps you might give me a demonstration at some point and time." Janos looked at Anna with ease before looking at her friend who was no doubt offended from his answer. "As for you, another day perhaps."

@Edward Sterling
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Edward Sterling »

It all happened like a flick of a switch. The blood coursing through her veins began to rush as her body tensed like a firecracker yearning to pop. From every inch, every crack, every nook, and every cranny of her body, she desperately wanted to consume this man. His physique, his attire, his knowledge of the arts; even those not many had the balls to dabble in. He was a wizard, and a proficient one at that. If she were to learn of his mannerisms, his speech and behavior patterns, surely down the line she could kill him and assume his life; just as he had done to her so long ago.

His display of magic was amateur in the eyes of an outsider - however, this particular brand of restorative spells weren't the easiest to find nor the easiest to learn. He was a veteran despite his young age, on that had no intention of being viewed as anything else. For that, he gained her respect; her friend however, wasn't as pleased. Despite this fact, it hadn't seemed to detract her any. In fact, if you were to ask her? This only made her hungrier.

"Want to me to be mindful in the streets and naughty in the sheets, Daddy?" She swooned, increasing the sexual pressure as she leaned ever closer to him. "Why another day, sweetie? Let's forget tomorrow and live for today"! Before she could continue to ramble, Anna gently placed her finger upon her friend's mouth and silenced her; turning to the man shortly after to bow.

"Sorry about my friend, I do sincerely apologize. She means well, she just...can't seem to control her urges". Stepping in front of her, she rose up and widened her smile with her eyes never leaving the man's own. "In terms of a display, I certainly wouldn't mind showing you.", her eyes narrowed as her malicious intent exuded ever-so-slightly "But there aren't many people who enjoy my kind of magic; people find it scary. If that doesn't deter those cold eyes of yours then-- surely we could work something out".

@Janos Killington
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Re: The Preamble

Post by Janos Killington »

Persistent was the sexually charged woman who sought to jump his anaconda. Yet his anaconda wanted none unless she had buns hun. Her words were alluring of sorts Janos was inclined to grant her what she wanted if it really meant that much to her. Before Anna could silence her friend, Janos grabbed her by the side of her neck and whispered into her ear. A promise and a location for future endeavors. After letting go the lass stepped before her friend pushing her away from the table.

Janos couldn't tell if he was more excited or on edge smelling more blood lust from the other. Yet the shifter that stood before him was easy to read like a book, the hunger to obtain all. An unquenchable thirst to stand at the pinnacle of magic itself, this shifter was dangerous and to be dealt with carefully. Janos did not fear for himself, he feared for what this shifter would discover should they ever reach his world. Like a mother swaddling an infant, Janos's calm smothered Anna's malicious intent. Unbothered by her display of interest, the merchant's mind turned slowly. Picking up the book swiftly he handed it to her with a broad smile the screamed death. His slitted pupils became needle-thin as the book was placed atop the one Anna was currently holding.

"Take this as a gift, it is an amazing read and I hope that the knowledge within finds you well. What is the study of magic if not a terrifying experience from time to time? I am glad to see that you do not let the natural fear of the unknown hinder your ability to grow. Let us have a demonstration at some point on your end. I would love to take some notes." Janos chuckled heartily his deep voice rumbled within his chest rippling the air around them. "I will be here for a few days selling more of my wares." Despite all of the books and trinkets upon the table he still had a full bag to get rid of before he made his travels back to his nomadic camp. "There is still much to sell, so please come and find me once you are done reading the book. I am sure it won't take you long and you can even trade it in should you find another you want to read!" Janos opened his arms to gesture to all of his stock and smiled.

@Edward Sterling
Word count: 412
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