We Meet Again

Two pirates, one prize.

Not all adventures will take occur in charted cities or the main land. Neighboring Khy'eras are islands and mist-filled oceans begging to be explored, should a person be brave enough.
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Cirice Vaisha
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Re: We Meet Again

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

While she let him do his thing, she didn't drop anchor. This was way too risky to anchor down. If Finn wanted to try something, they needed to be able to move. While Derrick was screaming like a whore on a rock, Cirice motioned for her first mate to come closer. "Keep a sharp eye and stand ready. If they try something, rake them bow to stern." she ordered him and he responded with a light nod before moving away.

With the arrangements made, Cirice waited by the quarterdeck with Derrick for Finn's arrival. Her hands were on her weapons, ready to respond to Finn in the blink of an eye. Luckily his first mate helped him keep a level head. Cirice relaxed, but still kept her hands on her weapons as she smirked at his comment. "Nice to see you too, Finny." she quipped with a chipper tone. She glanced over to the ship's cabin behind them, shaking her head at the sight of it being blown to bits before looking back to Finn. "I would suggest we speak in private in your cabin, but it seems to me that you're in the midst of some spring cleaning." she teased as she walked towards the stairway down to the main deck. "Why don't you accompany me to my quarters instead. I have a bottle of 235 malt whiskey in my cupboard. I might be willing to share if you play nice." she offered, gesturing for him to follow.

"First mate! Nobody is to enter the cabin or leave the deck. Understood?" she ordered him and he gave a stern "aye, cap'n" in response. Cirice calmly led Finn to her cabin, hands still on her weapons, and closed the door behind them. She glanced at him and sighed before flashing a smile. "Fuck you, Finn Roberts." she said simply as she walked over to pour herself a glass of the very expensive whiskey. "This is the second time you're trying to swindle me from my prize. Though I've been chasing these fuckers for the last week, so it's safe to say I'm annoyed with them." she explained to him before chugging down the whiskey in one gulp. She sighed as the liquor burned her insides, then looked him in the eye. "Please tell me you made their captain suffer. The coward didn't even try to fight back the entire time. Not even once. He only decided to throw some arrows at us when you showed up. He must be his company's punching bag with a spineless attitude like that." she chatted away as she poured him a glass and then took a swig straight from the bottle.

She took a seat behind her desk and gestured to the open chair across from her. "Sit down, your legs must be heavy, carrying an ego like that around." she quipped with a smirk, her golden eyes watching him carefully.

@Finn Roberts
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Re: We Meet Again

Post by Finn Roberts »

Finn sighed with half a smile at her quips. Next time was next time. Before he followed her to her cabin, he glared at Derrick.
"You better start fixing this lady. There's a whole main mast lying on that piece of junk. No one is to touch the haul in the hull until talks are done. Got that?" he ordered.
"Don't take your bad mood out on me. Go take a drink of that whiskey. You're mighty unpleasant at the moment. I won't blame her if she gets annoyed with that sullen face and gives you a permanent smile." Derrick replied. He knew he was probably the only person that could ever speak to Finn Roberts that way.
Finn narrowed his eyes at Derrick, but left it at that. He then turned and accompanied Cirice to her quarters.

Inside, she eased up some - even swearing at him good heartedly. Finn eased into his old self once more.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" he said with a cocky smile as he walked over to a chair.
She went on to tell him of her trouble chasing this merchant as Finn flopped down into the chair and propped his feet up on the desk.
"His cowardice continued with our boarding. They hardly put up a fight. I have him tied to the foremast. You can help me to scrub the barnacles from the Queen with him when we are done here. She has a bigger hull than the Hellion - it will make for longer scrubbing.." he said casually as he took the glass of whiskey from her.
"Have you also had slim pickings lately? It's been almost a week since we had a prize. And the loads are getting smaller." he continued after a sip. The well matured liquid glided down his throat as if it was wearing a silk glove.
"This is good. What company carried this? I need to find me some."

After a while, he removed his feet from the desk and crossed his right leg over his left knee. Time for business.
"Now, let's hear your proposal. I'll settle if it's reasonable." he said, setting down his empty glass. Ego clash aside, she was not the worst company in the world. He had some hope that they could parley amicably.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Cirice Vaisha
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Re: We Meet Again

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice chuckled at his suggestion of the captain. "With how he's been so far, I doubt he'll even survive one round. Either way, should be a good show. Though feel free to take what's left of that crew, I don't need worms like that wasting my food and grog." she commented with a shrug, taking another swig of the bottle. She offered to top up his glass and filled it up for him before sitting back again. "Like I said, we've been chasing this fucker for a week now. Not even one lick of information on other prizes. If it keeps going on like this, I'm selling the Hellion for one of those fancy skyships. I won't lie to you, I've been considering it. I also heard there's good money to be made for people willing to map out unexplored territories. If trading by sea doesn't pick up, those might be good options to look into." she suggested to him, glancing around at the cabin.

She looked back to Finn as he spoke and chuckled lightly. "None anymore, unfortunately. They were already going under by the time I raided that ship. Went bankrupt not long after. You want good quality whiskey, I suggest you learn to make it yourself. These days I have no idea where to find the good stuff." she explained to him, taking another hard swig.

He finally decided to get serious and sat upright. But Cirice kept her feet on her desk with a calm demeanor. He asked for her suggestion and she looked him in the eye for several long moments. "I was going to say seventy percent goes to me. But since your first mate has such a pretty face, I'm inclined to settle for half. Of course, the smaller and more valuable items go to me. You can get the bulk stock. You definitely have the hull space for it now, with those guns pushed aside. Do we have a deal?" she spoke with a teasing smirk, not breaking eye contact for even a moment. She stood up and walked over to stand over him. She leaned in close with one hand resting on the backrest of the chair as her golden gaze glared into him from inches away. "And for the record, it's going to take a lot more than flattery and a big mouth to get my arse anywhere near your lap. Got it?" she spoke harshly with a scowl on her face before pressing the bottle against his chest.

"Now come on, no lollygagging. We have a ship to plunder and a snivelling captain to torture!" she declared once they had their agreement. "And do give my poor darling a sip or two of that whiskey. He looked rather parched up there." she quipped with a smile as she opened the door and waited for Finn to exit. Once he passed her, she gave him a slap on the backside and led the way back on the Queen...and kept walking towards the schooner's captain. "Get this fucker untied! He's on hull-cleaning duty!" she barked to her men, who seemed rather shocked at first. But after a second or two they did as they were told and soon enough, they were using the captain as a rag for the Queen's hull while a few others helped to unload the cargo. A sadistic glimmer was in her eyes as she watched for the entire duration before turning her attention back to Finn and the cargo.

"What did I tell you. Barely two rotations." she spoke with disappointment in her voice.

@Finn Roberts
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Finn Roberts
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Re: We Meet Again

Post by Finn Roberts »

Cirice made her offer with the usual flair. Finn raised an eyebrow at her initial comment of seventy percent, but she continued on to rather off half. He smirked at her comment of Derrick.
"A pretty face you say? For your affections for my quartermaster, I'll accept the offer while it lasts. That pretty face has fooled many women before you and it will continue after you." he teased.
She got all up in his face about flattery and some such. He flashed her a grin as she pushed the bottle against his chest.
"You are not my type, darling. I prefer a bit more...bite in my girls." he quipped as he got up and walked with her to the door. Something must have hit home, as he got an affectionate smack on his arse.
"I knew you missed me." he smirked as they walked back to the Queen.

As Cirice gave the order for the coward to be cut loose, Finn walked over to Derrick.
"Compliments of our paramour." he said, shoving the bottle against Derrick's chest. His friend's grin could have swallowed the Queen.
"Glad to know she cares." he smiled.
"Aye, I give it a month. One of you will get bored at your little game. Back to business. She takes the usual. High end but small. We get the rest. So keep it in your trousers and get to work." Finn answered, but not unkindly. He then turned to his crew.
"Right, lads! I want half of you to go with Derrick to the cargo. The other half will help Frank repair this lady! I want to be moving before nightfall, even if you have to use every last plank or piece of glass from that schooner!" he ordered. He then walked over to where Cirice was standing while her men were preparing for the keelhaul.
"You owe me new stained glass for my cabin." he said jokingly as he watched her men throw the captain overboard to start pulling him from side to side. Not that the haul lasted long. The disappointment in Cirice's voice was prominent.
"It was worth a try." he smiled. He then turned to face her as the bloody body of the merchant captain was untied and thrown back into the sea.
"We should do this again sometime." he joked, extending his right arm to bid her farewell.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Cirice Vaisha
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Re: We Meet Again

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

She huffed at his comment but walked with him. "Unfortunately for me, you're the only person in these waters with a pleasing face and interesting conversation. Missing you is an occupational hazard in a situation like this." she answered without looking at him as they walked back to their crews. Back on the ship she caught the little chat between Derrick and Finn, smiling lightly to herself as she watched the corpse being hoisted up. With a nod she signalled her men to drop it into the water as she made her way to Finn.

"Last I heard, they have glass down below. You want it stained? There's a weasel's corpse in the water that should stain it nicely." she answered with a menacing grin, her golden eyes looking at him and Derrick. "And by the way, I'm bored already. Sorry Derrick, it wasn't meant to be. Best of luck to you." she spoke with a mocking tone of sympathy as she glanced to him. "Congratulations captain, you broke your first mate's heart. Look what you made me do." she said to Finn as she walked past him. She stood by the railing of the Queen as she watched her cargo getting loaded onto her deck. Once it was all in and accounted for, she made her way back to Finn.

She looked at his hand and returned the gesture, holding the grip for a second as she looked him in the eye...then pulled him closer and lunged forward to slam her forehead against his nose, hard enough to break it and knock him down. With a smirk she walked back to the boarding ramp but stopped by it. "That bite enough for you, Captain Roberts?" she teased with a wink before boarding her ship. The ramps were loaded in and they set off. Cirice stood on the quarterdeck with folded arms, watching them as they worked to fix their ship.

While she didn't get a full haul, she was happy. At least the trip wasn't boring...

/End Thread

@Finn Roberts
Word count: 342
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Cirice Vaisha
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Re: We Meet Again

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

She huffed at his comment but walked with him. "Unfortunately for me, you're the only person in these waters with a pleasing face and interesting conversation. Missing you is an occupational hazard in a situation like this." she answered without looking at him as they walked back to their crews. Back on the ship she caught the little chat between Derrick and Finn, smiling lightly to herself as she watched the corpse being hoisted up. With a nod she signalled her men to drop it into the water as she made her way to Finn.

"Last I heard, they have glass down below. You want it stained? There's a weasel's corpse in the water that should stain it nicely." she answered with a menacing grin, her golden eyes looking at him and Derrick. "And by the way, I'm bored already. Sorry Derrick, it wasn't meant to be. Best of luck to you." she spoke with a mocking tone of sympathy as she glanced to him. "Congratulations captain, you broke your first mate's heart. Look what you made me do." she said to Finn as she walked past him. She stood by the railing of the Queen as she watched her cargo getting loaded onto her deck. Once it was all in and accounted for, she made her way back to Finn.

She looked at his hand and returned the gesture, holding the grip for a second as she looked him in the eye...then pulled him closer and lunged forward to slam her forehead against his nose, hard enough to break it and knock him down. With a smirk she walked back to the boarding ramp but stopped by it. "That bite enough for you, Captain Roberts?" she teased with a wink before boarding her ship. The ramps were loaded in and they set off. Cirice stood on the quarterdeck with folded arms, watching them as they worked to fix their ship.

While she didn't get a full haul, she was happy. At least the trip wasn't boring...

/End Thread

@Finn Roberts
Word count: 342
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