Blessed Are The Curious

Searching for companions to start an adventure!

Characters can be lonely, but thankfully, we have Wanted Ads to fulfill a writer's desires. Want your persona to adopt five children or find the love of their life? Is it possible that you require an arch-nemesis? Whatever the request, start an ad here and see what lucky souls respond.
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Deryn Calhey
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Blessed Are The Curious

Post by Deryn Calhey »

This is a fairly open request because I really enjoy having the opportunity to create a plot and a group of characters with my writing partners rather than giving specifics. I'm looking for a group of characters, ideally no more than 5-6 at the most, that would be able to partner up with Deryn on an adventure. I'd like to see a variety of companions, and of course, we can 'collect' people along the way. She is a member of the fighting forces of Fellsgard, and has a head full of stories with a personality to match.

The one specific character I'd like to request is a member of the House of Arcaod. This should be someone who is in a leadership position, perhaps a son with ambitions to manage the Fellsgard army one day. This character should be well educated, refined, intelligent, even tempered, and proper. Much less whimsical and dreamy than the fiery Deryn. His sole purpose is for Deryn to annoy him with her antics overall but I'm not opposed to other plot points as they develop. This character will be the company leader and the director of the adventure. It would likely be easiest if the companions were traveling to escort him to another place or to complete a task of some sort.

Additional ideas:

A half elf that struggles with her parentage.
A rogue shape shifter.
A magic user in hiding.

Existing characters are welcome.
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Re: Blessed Are The Curious

Post by Kelwin »

I'd like to put my hat in the ring to party up. I'm a casual player so responses won't be quick as you might like though. Kelwin only knows fire magic at the moment, but he will remember more thru play.
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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Re: Blessed Are The Curious

Post by Liegwa »

I'm interested in this but alas, I am not a hunky House of Arcaord member. Still should you find him I will love to join! This character is an archer with a chip on her shoulder, should definitely stir some things up.
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Re: Blessed Are The Curious

Post by Ciaran »

Ciaran is technically a half-elf, though he's half-elemental and perhaps doesn't struggle so much with his parentage as with his identity. A rather magical sort of monk, he perhaps doesn't fit any of your specific ideas but I'm always willing to shove unlikely people together into an adventure and see what happens.
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