Luck dragon tales

Dessrexin's stories from years past about wish granting.

From letters to journals to thoughts and everything in between, certain character story development requires free-form writing as it does not happen in a particular location. Thus, this little corner of Khy'eras can be used to jot down ideas and stories.
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Luck Dragon
25 / 25 HP
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Joined: December 18th, 2019, 9:04 am
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Luck dragon tales

Post by Dessrexin »

As part of learning my teacher has insisted I keep a journal. He did not specify about what so I've chosen to record the past. Someday, this may be used to spread legends of my destined role.


Summer 187 AoN

I was just returning from eating my fill when a dangerous looking visitor appeared. It was a raven haired Kerasoka wearing leather armor of a deep black. A pair of dirks were sheathed at his side. He rested scarred hands on the pommels of his weapons.

"Welcome seeker of the luck dragon's favor. You may have one request granted in exchange for proper compensation. My power is bound by three unbreakable rules. One; I will not force love on the unwilling. Two; I am no assassin if it is murder you seek go elsewhere. Three; you can not wish for multiple wishes only one per visit. Are these terms acceptable traveler?" Dessrexin waited patiently for a response.

The Kerasoka grew angry as the rules were laid out. "That is ridiculous you are a dragon mightiest of all beast. It should be easy for you to end a pitiful human's life. I want the head of a powerful house Arcaod member. She must fall at my feet broken and bloody so I can dance on her corpse." The elves words were followed by crazed laughter.

"Well then I suggest you do it yourself. No matter what offering you bring fate itself decreed my rules. So I must refuse, do you have any other wishes?"

The crazed sound continued for a few more moments before he spoke again. "A counter offer then, give me the funds to hire my own slayer. Or I will take what I want reguardless lizard." Without waiting for an answer he drew his weapons and charged the dragon recklessly.

Dessrexin swiped with both front claws. Unfortunately, he missed as the determined elf nimbly dodged striking just under his neck with both dirks. The weapons were coated with enough lethal poison to kill a fully grown elephant three times over. However, the kerasoka didn’t know his target was immune to the poison. So the dragon may have felt pain, but his attacker left himself open for a devastating bite. The interloper was crushed and pierced simultaneously, dying instantly with a muffled scream of pain. With the fool's death Dessrexin added more treasures to his hoard and had a unplanned desert.
Last edited by Dessrexin on June 11th, 2020, 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 402
"My power is bound by three unbreakable rules.
1. I will not force love on the unwilling.
2. I am no assassin if it is murder you seek go elsewhere.

3. you can not wish for multiple wishes only one per visit."
Luck Dragon
25 / 25 HP
19 / 19 MP
0p / 0g / 0s / 60c
Race: Dragon
Class: Physical and Magical
Posts: 18
Joined: December 18th, 2019, 9:04 am
Has thanked: 1 time
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Re: Luck dragon tales

Post by Dessrexin »

Spring 101 AoN

It was early morning as I slowly opened my eyes. The wind was brisk with the touch of warmth. I was deciding on my breakfast when I suddenly heard the buzzing of some kind of giant insect. To my surprise what I thought was a potential meal turned out to be a fae woman with ice blue hair. Her wings were a beautiful snow white with a sprinkle of red. "Welcome to the luck dragon's cave traveler. Do you know your wish good woman?"

"Yes ahh sacred one, my elder sister has come down with a terrible illness. We have tried everything we could think of. When I heard the tale of your power I set out immediately. Please accept my offering of a jeweled staff." The fae held up a silver staff the same height as her with three precious stones embedded in it.

"Your offering is acceptable my healing arts are at your command." The dragon listened to her as she told him where she lived. She reluctantly climbed on his back as he took flight from his cave destined for Ninraih.

It was a small village that had a distinctive atmosphere of sadness. Once he landed the woman hopped off and ran to a nearby tree house. She returned with her sister being carried by a human male. He was dressed in clothes that usually were worn by apothecaries and healers. Dessrexin’s eyes began to glow a bright white as he examined the sickly fae. He noted a severe drop in her magical strength mixed with a foul poison that he couldn't figure out. He regretted not being better at healing. He knew what he had to do, but it would severely weaken him. Thank the fates it was poison since he was naturally immune to such things.

The dragon opened his massive jaw and bit into his soft underbelly. Blood began to flow and he made sure that several large droplets landed in her mouth. His life energy purged the poison completely. Once he was sure the hurt fae was recovering he passed out with a toothy grin.

The sick fae woman's eyes fluttered open as the surge of strength reached her. She saw the sacred beast pass out from blood loss. In that moment Hawthorne Carnation decided to become a bard so that she could keep legends alive like the luck dragon.
Word count: 400
"My power is bound by three unbreakable rules.
1. I will not force love on the unwilling.
2. I am no assassin if it is murder you seek go elsewhere.

3. you can not wish for multiple wishes only one per visit."
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