Hi my name is Scared, nice to meet you!

My name isn't really scared, that was a joke, please laugh or I'll get even more awkward.

Feeling new and lost in the woods? Stop by and post a topic introducing yourself! How did you get to Khy'eras? What's your favorite song, movie, food, drink, etc.? How long have you been roleplaying? Write as little or as much as you want.
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Hi my name is Scared, nice to meet you!

Post by QueenSunflower »

Hello! My actual name's Sunflower and I'm new and nervous! :wacko:

I've been in the RP community for a year and a half now, but I've only ever done Discord-based RP, so this is still gonna be kind of a new experience for me! I'm very much used to writing, and *love* working collaboratively with people, so roleplaying is kind of a no-brainer for me, but the format's a bit new, so I miiiight still need some help here and there.

For background, I started out with some fandom RP, and met the person I'm currently dating and living with through said RP, so it's probably one of my favorite hobbies for that alone! But the same old format that I've been used to in that fandom is starting to get tired for me, and I've been ready for something new for a while now. Fantasy is one of my closest loves as far as fiction-writing goes, and I can go on and on about ideas I've had for settings and characters, so after browsing a site recommended to me by a friend, I came across this game and thought it looked super interesting!

I'm super looking forward to getting some stories written with you all, even if I might be a little slow at first due to nerves and just not knowing where to start! :,D But once I get the hang of things I know I'm gonna be having a lot of fun here! ^-^
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Re: Hi my name is Scared, nice to meet you!

Post by Memoria »

Hellloooo @QueenSunflower ! Welcome to Khy'eras! I too started with chat based RP, although that was so long ago and back then it was IRC clients rather than Discord (which was not even a thing then). :) Hopefully we can help you get your hands dirty in some forum posting which I'm sure is possible as we have a lovely group of people wanting to write stories. There are folks who collaborate on posts and others who just post back and forth (like myself), so there's a few ways you can approach it.

I also think it's cool you met your other half through RP. Not quite the same, but my husband and I met playing an MMO together.
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