The Sweetest Things Take Time

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Closing the door behind them, Colle kicked off their shoes and jumped on the bed next to Harroc. They nuzzled close to him, throwing an arm around his ribs. "Come here," Colle said softly, pulling Harroc toward them. Harroc moved to wrap his arms around his Fae, humming in pleasure as he settled into the bed.

They tipped his head toward them, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I - need - to - teach - you - about - kissing," Colle said, punctuating each pause with a gentle kiss to Harroc’s mouth. Harroc groaned softly, stiffening slightly at the first kiss before melting into Colle’s hands and lips. After the first several, his eyes began to swirl and shift. He started attempting to capture their lips with each subsequent kiss.

Colle ran their thumb over Harroc’s cheek. "There’s a few different kinds of kisses. Closed mouthed like the ones I gave you just now, those can be shared between parents and children or lovers in public." They shifted slightly, propping themself up on an elbow. "Open mouthed, you can taste the other person’s mouth and play with their tongue." Pulling Harroc to them, they said softly, "That’s what I like best." They leaned forward and kissed Harroc’s lips, slowly, giving him time to participate.

Harroc was uncertain how his mouth was supposed to move but he was eager. He fumbled his way into the slow kiss, trying to find a balance with the warmth of Colle’s lips and the desire to taste more of them. "I- I am unsure how-" he managed before diving into another slow kiss. "It feels wonderful though," he said softly as that kiss ended. After several slow kisses he thought he had a rough understanding of the process. "What do I do with my hands?"

“Hmm? You can hold me, or rub my back and shoulders, cup my face - as long as you’re being gentle, anything that isn’t - um, my penis, that’s usually okay. If I don’t like it for some reason, I’d tell you," Colle said, their voice languid. They slid their hand down Harroc’s arm. "For kissing, just pretend I have honey glaze on my tongue." They grinned at him lazily.

Harroc’s eyes began to swirl more rapidly, the layers in them shifting like leaves in a strong wind as he pressed forward, sucking Colle’s tongue and pressing his own into their mouth with equal abandon. It did feel as though they had honey on their tongue and his movements grew more indulgent. He could feel his body growing hot with nebulous anticipation. He groaned and shivered as the full sense of wet warmth hit him. His hands began to roam, squeezing and stroking wherever he could reach. In his efforts one drifted down and moved to firmly grasp their ass in a solid squeeze.

Colle moaned into Harroc’s mouth as his hand grabbed their ass. "Yes, like that, so good," they groaned. They pulled back just a little and sucked on Harroc’s bottom lip, slowly, before giving the shifter a chance to replicate the movements. Idols, they wanted him, wanted him to claim them, over and over.

Harroc felt a growl come unbidden at his lover’s moan. Then he felt the eagerness in the pull of Colle’s lips and he growled again before moving in to suck and tug on his own. It felt amazing to have even a little of the Fae in his control. His caresses became firmer and he moved to act on a need that had been building for days.

Harroc bit into Colle’s neck fiercely and curled his fingers into the Fae’s flesh. "Ahh!" Colle groaned loudly, shuddering against the sharp pain of Harroc's bite. Their head tipped to the side to give Harroc better access. "More. Please." He grinned and bit again, licking and sucking and biting as he moved. He’d hoped to give an outlet to all the desires, but found the indulgence only made him more aroused.

Colle trembled against the ceaseless onslaught of Harroc’s nibbles and licks and occasional more serious bites. With any of their past lovers, they would have known exactly where this was going; with Harroc, they felt reluctant to push him. The intention of taking things slower to give Harroc time to learn was quickly going up in flames though, much like the fire that raced through their veins. The situation was distilling into teach what you can along the way, or just blunder through.

“I think - we’re probably - going to - end up - mating - tonight- anyway," gasped Colle, trying to find enough space to slow them both down. "Please - hold on - just a moment-" They pushed Harroc back gently, redirecting him to their side after he sat up immediately.

“Did I hurt you?" Harroc asked, the edges of fear and concern creeping into his confused features.

“Not in any way I don’t like," Colle replied, panting in an effort to regain their breath. "I wanted to give you more time, but I don’t think that’s going to happen." They gave Harroc a wry smile.

“I have a few options here. I’m not sure that you could mount me without hurting me right now. I think it could be done, but it would take time. I could mount you, but I don’t know if that’s what you’d want. I could take you in my mouth, which would be easy for you, since you could just lay back and enjoy, but I get the feeling you’d rather be more of an - active participant."

Colle paused for a moment, gathering their thoughts. "We could, of course, do what we did last night, either by ourselves or to each other. Is there anything you think you’d prefer? I’m still happily shocked that you want to be around me, and mate me, so any of those sound like a good idea to me."

“I want to taste more of you," Harroc said with a firm nod. "I do not care how. I want more." He flexed his fingers, caressing and stroking with long firm movements, clearly eager to continue.

“Any of those - mmm - would get you what you want," Colle replied, moaning a little as Harroc’s hands roamed their body. They were trying to weigh the benefits of all the options but the distraction of Harroc’s ministrations - and his very large, very erect member - made any sort of rational thought terribly difficult.

Growling, Colle pushed Harroc to the bed. They may not have chosen the best decision, but at least they knew where they were headed. "Clothes off, now," they said into Harroc’s ear, delivering the words with a sharp nip at his earlobe. They began undressing themself; their pants were off quickly, but their wings refused to lay down for them to take off their top. Harroc had ripped his pants apart again, laughing as he did so, and tossed his shirt aside.

He looked up at Colle, struggling with their wings, and took the opportunity to bite into the other side of their neck. "Mark you as mine, claim you for all to see," he growled over his Fae’s moans.

“Trust me, anyone who sees me tomorrow will see that," Colle groaned. "Help me with these damned wings." Harroc slowed his mouth and reached his hands around, taking each wing in turn with a firm but delicate grip. He forced them down, grinning as they resisted him.

“They show what you want, to fight, to be overpowered. I like them," he said roughly as he helped get the first side of Colle’s shirt released.

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Colle smiled at him. “Come lay down for a moment then. Catch your breath.” They winked, adding, “Reclaim some of your essence, if you like.” Harroc shuddered and almost fell as he tried to shift his weight. He laughed and flopped beside them, tugging his Fae into him more than moving himself closer.

They ran their fingers down his cheek. “Rest for a minute,” they said, caressing his face. Harroc grunted and squeezed Colle firmly before nestling into their neck.

“I could go- again,” he said softly after a moment, thrusting his hips weakly into their side.

“You don’t have to wear yourself completely out, you know,” Colle said, with more than a hint of laughter in their voice. “If you truly want to go again, have some water and maybe some food first. I don’t want you exhausting yourself knowing that you’ll be headed out soon.”

“If my Honey wills it,” Harroc said and nuzzled further into Colle’s neck.

“You should probably have something to drink in any case,” they said, putting a hand on the back of Harroc’s head to cradle him against them. “I’m allowed to take care of you, and I will.”

Harroc mumbled something Colle didn’t catch. They made soothing sounds and stroked his back, enjoying the warmth and coziness of lying next to their lover. After a few long moments had passed, along with Harroc’s breathing evening out, Colle gently nudged him. “Come on now, let’s get some water.” They rolled away from him slowly.

Walking over to the kitchen, they gathered two mugs and filled them with water before bringing them back to the bed. Harroc had managed to sit up partway, at least, and Colle handed him a mug. “Drink, sweetheart. I’m pretty sure you need it.” They perched on the bed, wings spread, facing him as they watched him drink in large gulps of water. When he finished the mug, they took it and brought another mugful to him.

He drank more slowly this time, without the slight desperation Colle had sensed before. “Now, I’ve got a muffin or two left over from this morning. Do you think you can eat that?” Harroc just nodded and grinned over his mug. Colle rose, retrieving the muffins from the counter and sitting closer to Harroc. They began tearing the muffin into bite-sized pieces.

“Open up,” they directed, holding a chunk of muffin to his mouth. Harroc opened his mouth happily and made pleased rumbles as he chewed. They held up the next piece, repeating the process. Every so often, they’d take a bite for themselves; the first time they’d done so, Harroc had made a displeased grunt and tried to steal the muffin from their mouth with his tongue.

“You can’t have all of the muffins,” they said, around a mouthful. “You’re still getting most of them.” Harroc seemed to calm down when he realized just what he was doing. He even managed to look a bit ashamed, until he got his next piece of muffin.
Word count: 1836
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Once the two had finished all the muffins there were, Colle drank what was left in their mug and got up to refill both of the mugs with water again. They shook the last of the crumbs off their hands into the sink before refilling the water and bringing them both back to the bed. “It’s up to you if you want to go again, but at least you won’t collapse if you do,” they said, sitting down again. Their wings were barely open and beat lazily in a slow rhythm.

“Was there anything else you wanted to teach me today? If not, I think I will be happy with my essence scent being so prominently on you. It should linger for the few days I am gone,” Harroc said evenly, nuzzling into Colle’s neck.

“Mm, no. Kissing was the most important thing I wanted to teach you. I’ve had to stop myself so many times before, because I hadn’t told you. Now I can kiss you whenever I want.” Colle turned their head slightly and cup Harroc’s head with their chin.

A thought occurred to them. “If I take a shower, will that make me less - fragrant?” they asked Harroc.

“No, it will only fade as it is absorbed or dispersed into the surroundings. The city is so dense with magic that it has nowhere to go but in you, so it will last much longer than usual,” he explained, grinning.

“Ah, I see. I guess everyone’s going to know, aren’t they?” Colle smiled back at him.

“I have marked my Honey both in sign and scent. All that remains is sound, but I do not have a plan for that.”

“Sign?” Colle frowned slightly before remembering. “The bites. By the idols, I probably look like you mauled me.” They pulled him into them, sighing in mock dismay. “The things I do for my sweetheart.”

“You do, and I did, very much on purpose. No one will mistake it,” Harroc said, clearly pleased with himself. “I can be more gentle next time, but I was very excited to claim you.”

“I know, and I enjoyed your enthusiasm immensely,” Colle said. With a wicked grin, they added, “Besides, I can tell people with perfect honesty that I was, in fact, mauled by a jaguar.” They looked over Harroc. “I don’t think I managed to leave any marks on you this time,” they said, a touch regretfully.

“You still could,” he offered, tugging them closer.

“I suspect you want me to,” Colle said, maneuvering them so that they lay on top. Harroc just grinned up at his Fae. Leaning down, Colle bit a diagonal oval into the skin between his neck and collar bone. Tipping their head, they managed to put another almost identical mark going the opposite direction, just touching at the bottom of the lines. “There,” Colle said, a small smile on their lips.

Harroc had only hissed slightly as they marked him, doing his best to remain motionless so as not to interfere. When they seemed to be finished he tilted his head to expose more of his neck and tugged at Colle gently.

“More?” they asked. “More kissing or more marks, or both?”

“More kisses, more bites, more everything of you,” Harroc murmured back.

Colle obliged, leaning down to put their lips to his neck. “I’m half tempted to suggest I shift tiny and just ride along in your pack with you.” They lavished the side of Harroc’s neck with kisses, throwing in the occasional nip, but nothing hard enough to leave much of a mark.

“If you can escape your duties, I can promise your safety and to have you before an impressive waterfall as well as in a secluded grove,” Harroc replied when he was able to slow his panting breaths.

“I wish I were able to,” Colle said, with a sad frown. They kissed Harroc slowly on the lips, letting him dictate the pace. Harroc immediately returned the kiss, but remained slow and indulgent rather than speeding things up again.

“I know several people who could perhaps assist in your absence. Ranger hopefuls without the mettle or skill, but eager to aid in what way they can. Assisting a route runner, even in a private matter, could be… traded for.”

“I really can’t this time. Even if the issue was just that we’re now short-handed, I’ll need to talk to Juncea about how everything went down. She’s almost always understanding, but she’s still my boss, and considering I seem to be at the center of this mess I should stay.” Colle nudged Harroc’s head over to kiss the other side of his neck. “In the future, though, it sounds lovely and I think I’d enjoy it.”

“Then I will eagerly await the future while I deal with the present. May I stop by for a second goodbye once I have collected my gear? It would not do to spend too long without the taste of you on my tongue.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t stop you from coming by, and it will give me something to look forward to.” They continued kissing Harroc’s neck, leaving no patch of skin untouched. “I’ll see if I can come up with something you can take with you that won’t crumble too badly. If you’re going to leave me something to remind me of you, then so should I.”

Harroc rumbled and moved to wrap Colle in a strong hug, grinning as their wings fluttered behind them with languid flaps. “I will gladly take whatever you offer, though I worry if it is to be the same strength as my markings.”

“I don’t think I could muster up that level of force,” Colle said, snorting a little. “Just something small you can keep with you.” They snuggled deeper into the hug. “We’re going to have to take a shower soon. I’m sure we’re both terribly sweaty.”

“I will watch this time, and allow you to clean yourself,” Harroc said with a devious grin.

Colle raised their eyebrows. “Only if you also get washed off. And turning into a jaguar and licking yourself doesn’t count.”

Harroc looked visibly offended and recoiled slightly. “I would never, I am a man first. I may take the form of beasts, but each release of my personhood must be taken with care and consideration. To do less would be to forsake who I am.”

Colle realized they’d just put their foot in their mouth, hard. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to upset you.” They swallowed, trying to collect their thoughts. “I didn’t realize how you view your shifting, and how it affects you.”

The shifter actively relaxed, letting out a long slow breath. “It is my fault, this would have arisen in our discussions, but I was eager to taste you. In my eagerness, I seem to have skipped several important conversations.” Harroc stroked Colle’s lower back, sliding his hand down and resting it on their hip after a few moments.

“We probably both have things we need to talk about. I don’t know much about druids, shifters, or elementals, and I’d really like to not say something offensive again. I don’t know what questions you have about Fae or being genderfluid or even making pastries,” Colle said with a sideways, slightly regretful smile.

“Many starlight meanderings and much daylight chatter to have. I look forward to my return even more now.”

Colle sat up straight suddenly. “Come with me, I want to show you something.” They tugged Harroc sideways with them, their wings giving small, relaxed flutters every now and again. They led him down the hall that faced the bathroom, to a door set into the back wall. “I don’t always come out here, but-” They pushed the door open, leading onto an area of platform in the back. There was a small lantern beside the door, kept there when the moon fell into complete shadow or visitors without enhanced sight came calling. The soft trickle of the moon that filtered through the canopy revealed a bench and a small table pushed against the wall.

“No meandering necessary,” Colle said, with a soft laugh. “Before you ask, yes, the sunset is beautiful here. One of the many reasons why I love this place.”

Harroc pulled Colle to his side and marvelled at the vast expanse he could see just off the platform edge. “There is so much night here. I have to come back now, to hold you in the sunset and let you see it as I do,” Harroc said with a grin, bumping his hips into theirs. “There is something wondrous about it that reminds me of your wings.”

“I’m happy to give you more reasons to make it home safely. I-I mean, to Ajteire,” they said, stumbling over their words a little. They sighed and leaned their head into Harroc’s arm. “I should probably go shower. You’re welcome to come with me or stay here, as you like.”

“I will watch here for a while, you are already there when I close my eyes,” Harroc said, turning back to marvel at the stars and darkness of the jungle again. “So far above the ground,” he whispered to himself.

Colle nodded, pressed a soft kiss to Harroc’s cheek, and went inside. They’d seen the whirl of excitement in Harroc’s eyes looking over the jungle; it called to him on a deep level that was almost tangible. Turning on the shower, they waited for it to warm. The thought occurred to them that if they lost Harroc, it likely wouldn’t be to another person - it would be that he’d run into the jungles for good.

‘There wasn’t any point in dwelling,’ Colle told themself firmly. Enjoy what you have as long as you have it. They stepped under the stream of water, lathering themself fiercely with the soap in an effort to get the task over with quickly. Their wings got a cursory once-over with the leftover soap suds on their hands before they rinsed off.

They suddenly noticed the scent all around them. It seemed the hot water had mixed with the lingering essence to create an almost overwhelming miasma of verdant plant life, reminding them of the time they’d camped in the jungle in mid-summer.

Harroc suddenly laughed loudly from just outside the back door; his voice echoing out in the small home’s close walls. His laughter became a continuous low chuckle that was suddenly just at the door to the bathroom. “It pleases me, that you have spread my scent so strongly. I see I was worrying too much that you could forget me.”

“Why would I ever forget you?” Colle asked, their mouth hanging open, almost annoyed that Harroc would think of them so. Unless… “Apparently you smell like a jungle at midsummer. Guess I’ll have to move up my plans to turn this into a greenhouse,” they joked.

“Because I do not truly live here, in the city. I will wander and roam as my duties and soul call me. You are a reason to stay, but I will need many more to have the strength to deny my calling,” Harroc said back with a shrug. “It is not something to discuss now, but I know it will taint your thoughts if never spoken.” He chuckled darkly for a moment. “My mother mated with a tree, one that could walk and talk and left her as soon as she was with seedling. Perhaps she would have chosen others if she too had not been taken by duty and need.”

‘He’s going to leave me for good someday, and it sounds like he’s already planning it,’ Colle thought. They forced a smile to show Harroc. “It does sound like that’s a discussion for another time. Come on, it’s your turn; the water should still be warm.” They backed up to let him into the bathroom. “I’m going to clean up a bit while you wash,” they said, leaving the room and closing the door behind them.

Harroc was meticulous and slow with his washing, his thought sapping all speed from his limbs as the water washed away the evening. When he reached his chest he began a ritual he had been avoiding for many days.

"So it is in nature that the inquisitive face lessons. Be they of defeat or conquest one may still learn." His voice was without inflection as if reading from a book seen plainly in his thoughts. As he spoke, small tendrils of vine moved in from the window, the plants curling and seeking as though he was sunlight. "It is through these lessons one becomes strong. Of body, heart, mind, and spirit."

The vines began to twine around his arms, spreading all towards his shoulders. "And in times of need, that strength will be tested. Should you be found wanting, you will learn the harshest lesson." The vines thickened and reached his neck, twisting and creeping to match every line of muscle from his stomach upwards. "Seek always, that you might face the final lesson prepared." The vines stopped moving and seemed to pulse with energy and Harroc’s body thrummed with the same energy.

The vines fell away, and a soft aura of strength radiated from the druid. “Harsh lessons breed harsh men. One should seek beauty and comfort as well as violence," Harroc intoned. The words carried presence and weight, as if they were a decree. The vines shrivelled and fell away, becoming dust that washed into the drain. “So I choose my path.”

Colle washed the few dishes in their sink, hearing the rush of water and the rumble of Harroc’s voice. ‘How long?’ their thoughts whispered. They dried the plates and mugs carefully, placing them in the cupboard with an exacting touch. They shook their head violently to chase the thoughts away but their wings still curled against them slightly.

‘Just because other people have left before after saying they’d come back, doesn’t mean he will,’ Colle told themself firmly. Feeling chilled, they went to the hallway that served as their closet and dug out a pair of pajama pants, slipping them on and stepping quietly out the back door. They saw vines retreating from the edge of the bathroom’s wall, creeping back over the edge of the platform and into the blackness. Sighing, Colle realized they must have something to do with Harroc and his return to the jungles. That must be why he was laying it on thick with all of his talk of returning to them.

“Honey? I cannot smell you well with all of this - me - around,” Harroc said from the bathroom door, clearly having finished both his ritual and his shower.

“I’m - out back,” Colle called, sitting on the bench with their wings wrapped loosely around them. They’d pulled their knees to their chest, resting their chin on them. They’d heard part of Harroc’s speech, but they had been trying not to listen. Harroc came out of the back door very naked and very wet.

“Ah, you were- are you hurt?” He asked, taking long strides to be at their side as soon as he saw the curl of their wings. “Did something fall?”

“Fall? No, nothing fell. Everything’s fine. It’s a little breezy out here,” they said with an attempt at a chuckle. “Come sit, it’s a nice night out.”

“Your wings do not lie, you are hurt. What is wrong?” Harroc said, moving as if avoiding shards of glass. He settled on to the bench beside them and frowned, clearly trying to think over things he had done. “Is it something I did then?”

“No, nothing’s wrong. I was just thinking about - something sad. Don’t worry about it,” Colle said. They decided to change the subject. “Do you know what Poppy told me the other day? She was telling me there’s a sweets festival going on in a few weeks. I’d like to check it out and see what they have, maybe get some new ideas for the cafe. Might be fun to go together,” they suggested. ‘If you’re even here then.’

“It sounds dangerous, given what you have told me about flirting. Perhaps some practice before in private?” Harroc asked, chuckling to himself. “I will ensure I am here, I could not miss the chance to be shown more wonders of sweets by your own hands.”

“Sure, we can do that,” Colle said, with a small smile. “I think it’ll be great. I’ve heard some of the patrons discussing it, and it sounds like they’ve got a wide variety of booths.” They stretched, letting their wings stretch up, and forced them down to a more normal position.

“Good.” Harroc wrapped a hand around their waist, curling his fingers into their skin. “This is a reason, you give me more with each passing moment,” he said quietly.

‘Don’t read more into that. He’s lulling you into a sense of security’ Colle cautioned themself. “I’m glad you’re happy. I can’t believe I forgot to show you the back before,” they continued, leaning into Harroc’s side. “I should’ve known you’d like it.”

“I must learn to fly, so that you can show me more of the stars and sky. I have never felt the need to do so before. There is so much that can be done closer to the ground.”

“You’ll have to figure out if you want to copy me - which that would be a little weird - or if you want to find a bird or something like that to shift to,” Colle mused out loud. The part of their brain that was treacherously optimistic pointed out that if Harroc was actively making plans, then clearly he was coming back. They squashed that with a reminder that the others had made plans and said they were coming back too.

“A bird of some form, or something similar. Your form is not mine to assume, even if I am becoming more intimately familiar,” Harroc said seriously, before leaning in to nuzzle Colle’s neck. “Perhaps I can use you as bait. The rangers and druids are protective of the forms of their companions, but also a prideful group. They may be unable to resist an interested pastry chef, even if they bring a shifter along.”

“Ah, so you want me to bake cookies for the rangers and their animal friends? I see what you’re up to,” Colle laughed. “Even with a wolf form, I never thought - well, um, nevermind,” they said, recalling the conversation they’d had just before their shower. They didn’t want to inadvertently accuse Harroc of becoming more lupine than person.

“For biscuits and treats? I promise not to test too many, but it is the safest way to ensure they are of quality,” Harroc said with a devious grin. “I have ways to enjoy myself in my forms, I simply choose to return to my true state for the important task.” He held up his free hand, extending the fingers. “Being clean, eating from necessity, and sleeping,” he said, ticking each finger off. “To indulge those as a beast is to remove an important recognition of my person. There is nothing against sun naps or snacks,” he said wiggling his fingers.

“Mm, I didn’t want to upset you by saying you were asking for dog biscuits. Didn’t want to make that mistake again,” Colle said. With an effort, they forced their wings to stay on their back, as relaxed-looking as they could make them. “It would be a shame if you stayed as a cat all the time at the cafe - I don’t think they can taste sweet nearly as well as a person could,” they mused.

“They do not, and also I imagine it would raise questions of your care if you only fed what is clearly your powerful, intelligent, and brave jaguar sweets,” Harroc said, moving his face close and kissing the side of Colle’s mouth.

“Hey now, if I thought you wouldn’t be sad, I’d give you things like meat pies and cheese-filled pastries,” Colle said back in a joking tone. “One may not live by bread alone - but there’s a whole lot of things you can do with bread.” They reached up to leave a kiss on Harroc’s cheek.

“I would perhaps not be remiss in expanding my diet. I have grown sluggish without my routine of endurance building and rigid intake,” Harroc said with clear consideration.

“In the city, it’s easier to find more vegetables and fruits than meats,” commented Colle. “Most of the meat that is here is game. Grains would be easy to find though.” They patted their stomach speculatively. “It’d probably be a good thing for me to eat healthier too, and maybe even work on exercising a bit. Couldn’t hurt when I have trays that are just a little too heavy to have to move.” ‘And it will keep me busy and preoccupied,’ they thought to themself.

“I could bring you meat regularly, or have an agreement with the rangers. I have many favors owed, as I need few things myself. Perhaps even less if I keep my belongings with you. Would it help the cafe to have regular meats?” Harroc asked the question with a certain eagerness.

Colle frowned thoughtfully. “I’m not sure the cafe is equipped well to deal with meat, and I’m not sure if the owner would want to expand. I can talk to her about it, certainly, if you really want to commit to that, but you’d be surprised how much food we go through every day.” They looked up at Harroc. “It’s a generous offer, and I appreciate it.”

“You would perhaps be equally surprised how many weeks a single jungle beast can feed even a ravenous group of rangers. I can become very large if I choose to. I will need to show you some day. The game I can hunt is large enough that the meat would need to be butchered to even travel up the trees.”

“I’ll mention it to Juncea, and I’ll let you know what she says - when you return,” Colle said, with a slight catch in their voice. “You’ll need to discuss details with her anyway.”

“I look forward to meeting your… boss?” Harroc seemed to work his way around the word as an unfamiliar idea. “I do not have an equivalent. The circle has ranks, but they are more nebulous. I know it is not so similar to my position beneath the great one, but do not have a closer comparison.”

“She’s like a leader, I guess, might be a better term, but she’s not there all the time. That’s why I’m the manager - I can handle most of the day to day things for her,” Colle explained. “Who’s this ‘great one’ you mention? Is that your - superior druid of the circle, or something like that?”

“A massive and ancient beast - I serve the wolf of the jungle, but there are many others. They are from a time before, perhaps even the time of the creations. Many of the circle believe they were created to act as companions to the eidolons themselves,” Harroc said, as if reciting a familiar story. “If we continue to join, you will perhaps meet him some day. Though it is just as likely I will step from the path.” Harroc shrugged evenly, seeming to be unconcerned by such a nebulous future.

“Do they look like your huge wolf form?” ‘He says that so casually but from the things he’s said, it sounds like ‘stepping from the path’ would hurt him a lot - I can’t let that happen,’ Colle considered. They felt the tightness in their chest again, the painful sharp edge against their heart. Maybe it was for the best that he was leaving tomorrow. It would hurt, enormously, but it could be a clean break. They wouldn’t see him in the cafe with another lover the next week, or out shopping with another. ‘If that’s the best thing, then I’ll get through it. Somehow or another.’

“He does, though much larger. Imagine a creature comfortable among the bases of the trees, and that is perhaps the correct scale.” Harroc’s eyes shimmered as he spoke of the beast, clear reverence there. After a moment he shook his head and the shimmering faded. “We should go to the bed, and let you sleep. You will need your rest after the day,” Harroc said softly, squeezing Colle and making no move to follow his advice.

“If you insist,” Colle said, with a manufactured smile. “Why don’t you go ahead and get comfortable. I’m going to sit out here a little longer, I think.” They leaned back, pressing their wings against the back of the bench. Harroc nodded and rose, moving his way inside and settling himself into the bed to wait. He understood the want to be alone with your thoughts.

Burying their face in their hands, Colle cried as quietly as they knew how. Of course he’d leave; they should have expected it from the beginning. Well, they’d tell him goodbye tomorrow, wish him well, and be unsurprised if they never saw him again. It had happened before after all - Dmitri, Araceae, Tradar, they’d all left with promises to return, and they’d never seen or heard of any of them again.

Still, those hurt less than Martagon, who disappeared one day and was seen with his arm around another three days later, or Anna, who hadn’t shown up to meet them and had instead been found in another’s bed. Hassan had probably been the worst; when he disappeared, they’d gone to the rangers, only to be told that not only was Hassan fine, but apparently married to a woman in Ninraih Station. That had been humiliating on top of the heartbreak and anxiety.

Getting up from the bench, Colle slipped into the bathroom and splashed cold water on their face. They sighed and hoped that the dark would help hide even a little of the color. Time to go to sleep, and maybe to dream something pleasant. They padded quietly to the bed and slid under the covers.

“You have been crying. I will not pry, but know I am here to offer warmth,” Harroc said softly, holding his arm out.

“Thanks,” Colle mumbled. They turned their face away from Harroc, moving close enough that he could play with their wings if he wanted. “Long day. You need your rest too.” They forced their eyes shut, trying to will themself to sleep.

Harroc’s arm came and drug them forcibly across the bed to rest against his chest. He rumbled softly and kissed their neck gently before shifting his way down into the bed and squeezing Colle firmly. “Mine,” he growled into their hair.

They nodded, not trusting their voice to stay even. “Night,” they mumbled, faking the sound of tiredness. Forcing their wings to stay limp, they hoped they could pass for simply overtired. They needed the sleep but didn’t know if they’d be able to manage it.

Harroc shifted suddenly, as if his muscles had cramped. He groaned and shivered. “May I run my essence through you? I need to cycle it, but am too strained to use all of my paths.”

“Of course, sweetheart. Do what you need to do,” Colle replied, feeling the endearment slip through their lips. ‘At least I can do this for him.’ Harroc’s hand beneath them slid down to curl around their stomach. His hand above them moved to rest on their hip.

There was a sense of power, like standing above a great chasm or in the branches of the tallest trees. Then Harroc’s essence began to flow, coursing up through Colle’s chest and down their arm before slipping down into their side and back into the shifter. It filled them with a strange sense of heaviness and calm, like a great weight had been spread over their entire body. Harroc grunted, and the flow of essence shifted. He let out a long slow sigh, almost deflating into the bed and sprawling atop his Fae. “Much better,” he half-slurred and nuzzled closer.

The sense of weight made Colle feel a little drowsy, in a warm and comforting sort of way. They closed their eyes and leaned into Harroc, despite their trepidation. They could have one more night, at least. Sleep came to them quickly then.
Word count: 4887
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Colle Mellifera
Event MVP
Pastry chef
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Race: Fae
Class: Alchemist and Summoner
Posts: 67
Joined: December 28th, 2019, 7:16 am
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Colle woke with a start. The first sunbeams of the morning were crawling over their pillow and the bed was empty of anyone but themself. They surveyed the bed in a state of almost unfeeling calmness. This was - what they had expected, more or less, and thus no reason to be concerned. They got out of bed, smoothing back the covers, and traded their pajamas for work pants and one of their usual working tops. Working around relaxed wings was easier than when they were reacting to Colle’s emotions.

They threw a few things into a bag - a tin of a new tea blend, a piece of fruit, and a spare change of clothes into a shoulder bag. Looking around their home, they could see the subtle changes that sharing with another person had wrought. Oddly, the sight of those slight modifications didn’t trouble them as they expected.

Colle frowned; this wasn’t like them. They were usually sentimental about little, homey things, and to look at their home, empty of their lover, should have occasioned some reaction more than calm acceptance. Maybe this was a leftover effect of what Harroc had done with his essence last night. It was a bit unnerving, but it was possible that he didn’t suffer the same side effects and so wouldn’t have thought to tell Colle. They sighed and put their bag on their shoulder to leave.

They opened the door and almost stepped on top of Harroc, who was doing pushups on the platform, moving his hands with every repetition. A pile of bags lay against the side wall of the house with a long staff laid diagonally across. Sweat dripped off his forehead and patches of sweat stained his clothes. As he continued to exercise, his arms shook from exhaustion, but he pressed on.

Colle stared at the man. “H-Harroc?” Not looking at the Fae, Harroc completed two more pushups before collapsing onto the platform. He turned his head toward Colle.

“Morning. You are up earlier than I expected,” he said with a weak grin, his cheek smushed against the platform. “I thought you would sleep longer. You are stronger than I believed.”

Their mouth hung open. “It’s sunup. Why would I sleep past that? Is that a side effect of that essence thing you did last night?” They tried not to cross their arms in indignation at the implications that they were weak, and that Harroc had done something without their permission. “Also, weren’t you heading off after you got your gear, I thought? I didn’t expect to see you again before you left.”

Harroc rolled onto his side, bending a knee, and used it to lever himself up to standing. “I could not leave without another kiss.” He put his arm behind their back, encouraging them to step forward into the hug. Colle sighed softly and stepped forward, tipping their face up. Putting his hand gently on their face, Harroc wrapped his other arm around their hips and lifted them to him.

He kissed Colle deeply, caressing their tongue with his. Colle felt an odd sort of drawing sensation; the weight of last night seemed to be lifting. They sensed the essence that Harroc had given them circulating throughout their body, being pulled through the connection of their mouths. Harroc’s hands were warmer now and they could almost sense every ridge of Harroc’s fingertips, every callus, every scar. The calmness was lifting. Colle’s more typical emotions sloshed back into their consciousness - the desperation, the sadness, the apprehension. Their wings, which had been laying limp against their back, beat forcefully against them.

When Harroc pulled back, ending the kiss, Colle looked up at him. He appeared rejuvenated, rested, with his eyes shimmering happily. “I had promised not to leave you with more essence than half. Though there is always benefit to training with less.”

“I meant only half of what you would normally have given as a pick-me-up,” Colle said, pressing their lips together. “Please don’t handicap yourself on my behalf.” They extended their hand, palm up, offering a contact.

“I think I will have you keep it while I am gone. I like the feel that the essence you have returned to me has. Perhaps it is like tea and improves with steeping, so I will have an even more delicious treat when I return.” He smiled and curled his fingers into Colle.

Colle frowned slightly. “Won’t you need it while you’re gone?” They considered for a moment. “How long are you supposed to be out, anyway?”

“The route takes two days at its easiest, but one never knows what they will encounter in the wilds. As for my essence, it is more a boot knife than a blade; a last resort. I have my training, my rites, and my rituals. If I have come to rely on my essence, things are beyond dire.”

Two days. Three, at the outside. Colle would try to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he would actually return. After that, well, they’d have their answer. “If you’re sure,” Colle said. “I’ll start looking out for you at the end of the second day. If it’s daytime, you can drop your things here and come to the cafe if you like.” They managed a smile. “You’re welcome to use my house as you need.”

“It is much more comfortable than the ranger post,” Harroc said with a wry grin. “I need to shower. I also need to try on the - mock-up? - of my new pants.”

“Go ahead, the bathroom’s yours. You don’t need me to go see Vera to try on the mock-up. I’m sure she remembers you, and if I recall, it shouldn’t take long.” Colle cleared their throat. “Sorry, I’ve got to get to work. There’s a lot of baking I need to get started on.”

“Be careful when you fly. Your wings will be stronger than you expect,” Harroc warned. “You said you were going to start a greenhouse. I will perhaps bring you back a plant.” He headed inside with a last smile at Colle.

They closed their eyes, wishing they’d never made that joke. Not like it was likely to matter anyhow. Pushing off the platform, they realized Harroc was right to warn them. Their wings were definitely stronger than usual and they made it to work earlier than they expected.

Fishing their notepad out of their apron pocket, Colle made a list of what needed to be made. Quiche. Chocolate twigs. Probably extra pastries. They’d keep through the end of the day and keep them occupied for now. Closing would probably be by themself, as would the afternoon, since it had originally been assigned to Sema. Studying the list, they put the items in order to make sure that things were baked on time and in the case of the quiche, still warm.

They set the oven to start heating and pulled the day old dough out to work it before putting it back in cold storage for a second rise. That done, they swapped the dough for the chocolate twigs that would be ready for that day. They had a pile of pastry shells for the quiches, and they got their largest mixing bowl to make the filling. They could mix one large batch and fill the crusts throughout the day, as they needed, rather than letting them get cold and trying to reheat it.

Yonatan came in for the morning shift as Colle put the second batch of pastry in the oven and removed the bran muffins. They had no idea why some people liked them - they thought the taste was disgusting - but they were usually eaten and gone before the afternoon. “Tags are already in the case,” Colle directed. “She’ll probably come to the back door but let me know if Juncea comes in.”

He nodded and headed to the front. Colle pulled out a platter and arranged the bran muffins on it to put in the case. They kept an eye on the pastries. If Harroc actually did stop by, they might as well have a parting gift. An idea came to them, a silly, schoolchildish idea - but why not. It wasn’t as though Harroc would be around the city to noise it about.

They grabbed one of the baking trays - the one Harroc had scrubbed so diligently last night, they noted absently. Setting it on top of the stool, they backed up so that their wings would be directly over top of it and beat them quickly. Tiny specks of iridescent blue collected on the tray. Normally any flecks of Fae wings - what used to be called, amusingly, ‘fairy dust’ - would blow away unnoticeably, but by intentionally agitating them above a collecting container, the ‘fairy dust’ could be gathered and traded for. It was still a fairly rare thing; wings usually didn’t shed much.

After a few minutes, Colle had about half a teaspoon’s worth of iridescent blue. They carefully transferred it to a small bowl before sticking the tray in the sink to wash and rummaging in the cupboard. Finding the small jar of coconut oil, they brought it over next to the oven, letting the heat melt the oil into liquid. They pulled the small, palm-sized tin of tea out of their bag, dumping the contents into a teapot. Tea would be made soon, but they needed the tin.

‘Good thing Poppy isn’t around to see me,” they thought to themself. The oil had melted and they poured a little into the bowl of ‘fairy dust’, mixing them together. While the specks remained suspended, they poured the oil into the tin. They had just barely enough to fill the tin to a respectable level. Popping the tin into the cold storage, they tossed the bowl into the sink and ran water over it.

They stuck the coconut oil back into the depths of the cupboard, hopefully not to be seen for a long time. Stopping to clean the tray and bowl, Colle thought about what to make next. They realized what was popular that they hadn’t made yet - cat’s paws. Gulping, they fixed the dough for a double batch. They’d only need to do a regular double batch of glaze now, not the triple batch they usually had to do because of Harroc’s adoration of it.

They slid the first tray in the oven and racked the second. The thought that they wouldn’t get to see Harroc’s over-enthusiastic devouring of the pastry again made their stomach drop as they made the glaze. “Colle? We may have a - situation out here,” Yonatan said, leaning in through the kitchen door.

‘I hope it’s not Sema coming back to cause problems,’ they thought. Setting aside the glaze, they followed Yonatan to the front. Just behind the rope that served as a barrier stood Harroc and five more rangers of varying races and appearances.

Next to Harroc stood a slim young woman whose head rose just above his shoulder; her honey-colored hair and eyes stood out from her darker skin. She was standing very close to him, Colle thought.

Behind the two of them were a dark-skinned kerasoka man with hair the color of chocolate, braided in numerous tiny strands with the occasional bead threaded into them, and the red-headed Fae woman from yesterday. The last two were a human-looking man with dark hair and pale skin decorated with a number of intricate tattoos, and another Kerasoka elf, this one a woman, with soft brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and an expression that dared you to mention either.

“Hi, you’re here a bit early but we can take you now,” Colle said with a practiced hospitality smile. “We’ve got a number of pastries ready in the front case here -” They indicated the glass case at the front counter. “Or I have a batch of cat’s paws in the oven, should be out in about fifteen minutes or so.” They led the group to a table near the center of the room to give them the ability to spread out. “We also have tea and juice. Let me know what you want, and I’ll be happy to get that to you.”

The rangers seemed to arrange themselves into small groups. One table held the dark-skinned man and red-haired Fae. Another, the tattooed human and tan Kerasokan, and the final table, closest to Harroc's usual spot, was Harroc and the tall slim woman, who had chosen to sit directly next to him and seemed to be in quiet conversation.

The dark-skinned Kerasokan smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "I must apologize. We heard of your prowess this morning from Harroc and are all headed on multi-day trips. We had hoped to sample a pastry before we depart, but don't want to cause you trouble." His voice was powerful and smooth, as though he was used to giving instruction and being obeyed.

“No trouble. It’s what we do, after all.” Colle pulled their notebook from their pocket and flipped it to a clean page. “What would you like? I have blueberry muffins, bran muffins, chocolate twigs, mixed berry pockets, and then the cat’s paws if you don’t mind a short wait.” They tapped the pencil against the edge. “We have some custom tea blends, and a few different juices also.”

"The boy says many things about the cat's paw and a tea blend sounds lovely. I will ensure you are compensated by the Rangers for any orders before I depart. Feel free to give any of this lot a good smack if they give you trouble," the man said with a deep rumbling laugh.

“Thank you. So, what would you like?” Colle asked, pencil poised. The first table ordered a cat’s paw and muffins; the second, muffins and a berry pocket. They came to the table with Harroc and the blonde woman. Gulping, they forced a smile weakly on their face. “Your usual, Harroc?”

"Yes please, Honey," Harroc replied with a massive grin. After a moment he motioned to the woman. "Chloe will have one as well. She will be joining me to observe and learn." Harroc seemed pleased with himself and as cheery as ever. The woman just silently nodded, and was feeling rather embarrassed if the flush on her cheeks was any indication.

“Sure thing,” Colle said, with a tight smile before disappearing into the kitchen. They pulled the tray out of the oven just after the pastries hit golden brown. Plating three cat’s paws, they quickly drizzled the glaze on them. Pulling out a small bowl, they filled it with glaze and pushed it on the plate. They took plates to the case out front and grabbed the muffins and the berry pocket. Yonatan took the first two tables’ food out. Colle took the plates for Harroc’s table, sliding the one with extra glaze to him. “There you are. I’ll bring tea in a bit.” They turned away quickly, blinking their eyes and going to get the teapots from the front counter.

The most popular blend was a black tea with floral notes that paired well with the muffins. Colle made two pots with that blend, but noticed they’d made the third pot with the spearmint-lemongrass tea that Harroc usually asked for. Well, why not. If he was going to be brazen enough to bring their replacement, they’d remind him of what they’d thought they had.

Distributing the teapots and mugs, Colle set the herbal blend on the last table and walked away. In the kitchen, they yanked the last tray out of the oven, hissing as it burned the underside of their arm. They arranged the remaining cat’s paws from the first batch and the entirety of the second batch to go up front. They ducked into the cold storage to see if they had more dough already prepared for pastry, or better yet, a bread dough that needed to be punched down vigorously.

"Sir you can't-" Yonatan got out before the distinct sound of boots in long strides joined the kitchen door coming open.

"You are hurt?" Harroc said softly, suddenly there at the entrance to the small cooling area. He looked extremely worried and was completely ignoring the harried-looking Yonatan behind him.

“Nope. Fine and dandy,” Colle replied, shoving the tin into their pocket and retrieving ingredients for more dough. “Was there something you needed, Harroc?” They focused firmly on keeping their wings calm and at least down, if not relaxed.

"Yes, my Honey. Who has clearly hurt their arm and is hiding it like a wounded animal. Which means there is more serious injury you are hiding. Did something happen on your flight over?" Harroc moved forward, unwilling to simply stand still. Yonatan threw his hands up and left for the cafe, clearly deciding he wasn't going to change anything here.

“Nope. Flight was fine. You weren’t kidding about the strength boost.” Colle edged toward the doorway. “I just caught myself on the edge of the tray. It’s nothing.” They tried to skirt past Harroc to lay their armful of ingredients on the work table.

Harroc moved out of the way just enough without actually stepping back. "Why do you feel threatened? You are clamping down your wings, they quiver with the strain." Harroc shook his hand slightly to accentuate his point. As soon as Colle had released their ingredients he placed a hand lightly on their shoulder. "What is wrong?"

“Nothing. Oh, here. Salve for dry skin. Thought you might like it,” Colle said, holding the tin out to Harroc. “It might be a little runny, so you probably don’t want to carry it in your pants pockets or anything like that.” They cleared their throat. “Don’t you need to get back to - Chloe, was it?”

"The student cannot leave without the instructor, and I am not leaving until I know why you are hurt," Harroc's voice was faint and he looked very hurt as he stood there with the faintest of contact. He made no move to take the tin.

“Student? Right. That’s a new one for the list I guess,” Colle snorted to themself bitterly. Harroc moved suddenly and with surprising speed. Colle was lifted from the ground and held to his chest. Before they could even take a breath to protest they were through the kitchen door and into the cafe.

Harroc placed Colle onto the first table edge and leaned in to kiss them savagely, wrapping their body in a fierce hug at the same time. Someone let loose a wolf whistle. Colle struggled to get loose. “What are you doing, Harroc? I can’t breathe, loosen up,” they said, pushing against the restraint.

Harroc loosened his embrace slightly and leaned his forehead against theirs. "Sharing my claim, so that it is known," he said breathlessly. "Do you contest me? Am I not yours?"

“I thought I was yours, but hey, you tell me,” Colle replied, their eyes shimmering in anger and frustration. “I’ve seen this play out before. Hurts every time. I figured I’d try to at least prepare myself.” They clenched their teeth, waiting.

Harroc leaned his head back. "You think I am abandoning you? This is what Poppy spoke of." Harroc went silent, his eyes darting back and forth, clearly going over many rapid thoughts.

“Yeah, Pops has been there to pick up the pieces the last six or seven times,” they replied shrugging. “Same thing. Oh, I’m going somewhere, but I’ll be right back. Then they never come back.” They chuckled darkly.

Harroc's eyes snapped into focus and he went rigid, suddenly radiating power. He moved back a half-step from Colle. "Instructor Zalai, I am unable to perform my duties. I am prepared to accept my punishment for failure," Harroc said in an emotionless shout.

Zalai looked up from a half-eaten muffin, clearly very confused. He chewed silently for a moment, took a deep gulp of his tea, and then laughed. "And why is it that you cannot perform your duty, Harroc of the Circle?" the man asked back, equally emotionless.

“You need to go. I’m not stupid, Harroc. Just go,” Colle said, almost pleading. They tried to slide off the table, but couldn’t. “You can’t let the rangers down, can you? Go.”

"My mate- my path, needs me to remain here," Harroc said, how voice gaining confidence after a short hitch.

"And? What punishment do you expect for your failure?" Zalai replied, rising from his seat.

“Zalai, is it? Take him with you,” Colle requested. “I will not ask for any compensation from the Rangers for this morning if you do. He needs to go.”

"I know of only one, challenge of arms," Harroc said proudly.

Zalai glared at Harroc silently for several long seconds. Then his face split into a wide grin and he doubled over with laughter from deep in his belly. When he caught his breath he rose again, wiping at his eyes. "You Druids and your rules. You're a volunteer, there is no punishment except perhaps a round of drinks."

Zalai turned his focus to Colle. "I'm not in charge of him any more than I am you. So, you figure this out, but we're not taking from you without repayment. I'll be sure to have something arranged. The tea was wonderfully light."

Falling back on their hospitality training, Colle replied, “Thank you. I blend them myself.” They refused to face Harroc. “Apologies, but is there anything else you need?”

"I think we're good here, though could I impose upon you for a canteen of the tea. It will soothe my aching jaw as I laugh about this all morning," Zalai said back. The other rangers looked a mixture of confusion, amusement, and excitement.

"Woo! He's been back a day and he wants to fight to the death," the red-haired Fae said, clearly riled up and bouncing on her feet. In the distance, Chloe looked terribly out of her depth, but also covered in honey glaze with the remains of a cat's paw in their mouth.

“It’d be my pleasure,” Colle responded automatically. They tried to hop down from the table but met a seemingly immovable force. “I still need to do my job. Like you should do yours,” they said in a low voice.

Harroc's focus snapped down. "You do not know the path I have chosen, and you still seek to ensure I do not waver." He smiled, genuine joy on his features. "That is a rare thing, even if you look to sacrifice needlessly to help me." He moved back slightly, giving enough room for them to go past him, but not without contact. "One should seek beauty and comfort. Harsh lives breed harsh men. I hope to find a better way. You are upon my path, a gateway to beauty and comfort." He held out a hand, waiting.

“Come to the back then,” Colle said, resignedly. They took his hand and led him to the kitchen. They started another kettle of water to boil for the tea pot, mechanically measuring out the loose tea and dumping it into the pot. “I saw your eyes last night, looking out at the forest. You can’t live without it. You looked excited - overjoyed - to be going back into the wilds. I felt that. I figured you leaving me would only be a matter of time anyway. Why not now, before you got too invested?” They shrugged. “It makes sense.”

"Of course I am excited to return. Imagine you wandered into an unfamiliar place, one where your skills and knowledge were only barely of use, would you not be interested in returning to usefulness, even if only for a short time?" Harroc frowned intensely before shaking his head. "This is difficult, I do not have your years of time among others. Please give me the ease of watching your wings. They are lovely, and provide a measure of guidance I am not skilled enough to take from your face."

“That’s why I don’t understand why you’re now saying you won’t go.” Colle turned. “If my wings are what you want, fine,” they said, facing away from Harroc though they knew their wings would be more dull than usual. Their wings opened slightly, twitching in annoyance as they washed their hands.

"I. Want. You." Harroc said with a halt between each word. "I want to run, and hunt, and chase the wind, but more than that I want to feel your warmth in my chest, taste your skin on my tongue, and find out why my essence becomes delicious when I leave it inside of you. I cannot do these things in the wilds, and the city offers plenty of challenge to hone myself against." He moved to press against them, one hand going to their stomach to pull them back, another moving to let his fingers run along the edge of a wing. "Why are they so much duller. They were not like this the prior morning. Are you sick?"

“No, I got them to shed maybe a bit too vigorously earlier,” Colle replied, trying to ignore the pressure. “You know, ‘fairy dust’ and all,” they said, waving a hand vaguely. The kettle whistled on top of the oven’s burners. “I need to get that for the tea.”

Harroc's hands moved and he lifted Colle just off the ground, carrying them over to the kettle. He held them there, waiting for them to grab the kettle so he could move them again.

“I can do this by myself you know,” Colle said, with a raised eyebrow. “I promise. They even promoted me and everything.”

"Yes, but then I cannot pull your hips against my own and feel the flutter of your wings as they remember what I feel like," Harroc said softly right beside Colle's ear.

Colle poured the steaming water into the teapot and sighed. “I still think you should go. I admit I’m also afraid that if you don’t return to the wilds, you’ll resent me for keeping you. Promise me that you’ll come back, and then go. Run your route.”

"I am unconvinced. I will need kisses to be certain," Harroc said biting just along the edge of their ear. A soft moan slipped from their lips.

Colle turned around and kissed him, gently pressing their lips to his. After a moment, they slid their tongue between his lips and used every bit of skill they had in an attempt to leave Harroc breathless. “After all, you said it should only be three days, right?” Colle said, pulling back slightly. They kept their face close to his.

Harroc rumbled loudly, only opening his eyes when Colle spoke. He grinned broadly, his attention past them and on their wings. "Perhaps four, I was not expecting a student. I believe you now, they do not lie when given free rein." He nodded his head towards the fluttering wings before nipping at their bottom lip.

They pulled the tin from their pocket again. “You should take this with you. I wasn’t lying when I told you it’s good for dry skin, but I’ll warn you that you probably shouldn’t open it unless you’re thinking of me.” They slipped it into his hand. “I’ll ask Juncea about the meat trade you suggested and if - no, when, you come back, you can talk to her and the rangers if they both agree.” They pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

Harroc rumbled softly and pocketed the tin before returning the kiss. "Grab the tea, I will deliver you so you may serve it." Harroc said with clear arousal in his voice. Colle picked up the teapot, wrapping a towel around it to protect their hands from the heat. They looked up at Harroc, waiting.

He picked them up, an arm under their hips and the other surrounding them in an effort to push them as closely to his body as possible. Colle tried to make sure they weren’t burning themself, Harroc, or about to spill the tea. “Okay then. Let’s go find Zalai,” they said.

When they came out of the kitchen there was a small cheer from the gathered rangers. "You fuck 'em good Harroc?" The red-haired Fae asked loudly. Harroc did not reply, focusing on carrying Colle.

“Sorry for the delay. Did you have a particular canteen you wanted to use?” Colle tried to keep their professional demeanor as best they could while being held tightly by their very tall, very aroused boyfriend. “Also, I think Harroc may have something to discuss with you.”

"These two please," Zalai said with a grin. "And Harroc my boy, I am happily bonded for many years now, though I appreciate the offer."

Colle spluttered, splashing hot tea on their hand. They hissed softly, but filled the first canteen before replacing the stopper and switching to the next. “There you are,” they said, handing over the second canteen.

"I am able to take my student after all, though I must return with due haste to my Honey," Harroc replied with a grin.

Zalai nodded, clearly pleased. "Good, I can actually take my vacation and not be murdered by my wife. Trainee Chloe, you are re-tasked to volunteer instructor Harroc to perform a more difficult route as suits your aptitude." Chloe looked extremely embarrassed and refused to look over towards Harroc, but offered a sharp salute.

“Despite the, ah, interruptions this morning, I hope you feel free to return whenever you like,” Colle said to Zalai.

"What's it take to get the cute one over there to carry me around?" Red-hair asked, pointing at a now blushing Yonatan.

Colle sighed with a wry smile. “The staff is not on the menu, ma’am. I don’t make those kinds of deals.” They grinned at Harroc. "Carry me to the counter, sweetheart?"

Once there, Colle looked up. "I need to be down for a quick moment. Work. Then you can have me back until you leave." Harroc nodded, reluctantly releasing them.

They motioned Yonatan over. "Hey, is the red-head bothering you? I don't mind telling her to knock it off. I don't want anyone on my staff feeling uncomfortable or harassed, by patrons or other staff." Colle gave them a warm but serious smile. "Also, if Harroc tries to come in the kitchen, it's fine. He's helped out enough times he knows his way around."

"I am sorry for ignoring you," Harroc said sheepishly.

Yonatan shook himself a little and looked at Colle. "Uh, thanks but I think- I think I'm okay," he said with a nervous grin as he put a muffin on a plate.

"She is not joking, she will likely say many things, Nethra means all of it," Harroc said with a chuckle. "She is a force of nature."

Colle nodded. "If things become not okay, please tell me. I mean it. No one should feel uncomfortable at work." They stepped back toward Harroc. "Alright, you can pick me up again if you want."

Immediately Harroc picked them up, snuggling them into his chest. Colle laid their head against his shoulder and closed their eyes.

"Oh, that's what that smell was!" Yonatan looked over at Colle. "You both smell like plants, like you're in the wilds." Colle's wings trembled against Harroc's arms while he grinned widely.

"I gave them my scent so they will not forget me while I am gone."

Yonatan blinked. "How did you-"

"You might want to take that muffin out so Nethra has a chance to eat it before they leave," Colle interrupted. Their wings twitched slightly as a faint blush came to their face.

After Yonatan left the counter Harroc gently bit the side of Colle's neck. "I should leave. My student has much to learn. I hope my essence keeps you warm in the night."

"Stay safe. Or as safe as you can be," Colle managed to get out, though their wings shuddered. They hugged him tightly for a moment.

At the table, Nethra tackled Yonatan, wrapping her legs around his waist and using her wings to propel her upward. She ran her hands down his chest. "I always have a lot of stress when I come back from a tour. When I get back, maybe I can swing by the cafe and you can show me sweet things," she said with a smirk.

"We'll see. Depends on when you get back," Yonatan returned her smirk with a bit of a blush.

"Oh, a bit of confidence under there. I like it." Nethra kissed him heartily on the cheek. "Be sure to save some for me. I'm always - hungry."

"It's thirsty, and do you have to make a pass at every piece of ass you see, Nethra?" the kerasoka woman said.

Nethra looked back. "That's Instructor Nethra in front of the cute ones. And I only make a pass when it’s worth it. We should go." She looked back at Yonatan and winked before extricating herself.

"If we get out there now we can make camp before it gets too dark," she said, shouldering her pack. Nethra led her small team out of the cafe without a glance back, clearly taking her duties seriously when it came time.

"Instructor, I am ready to go with you," Chloe said, standing in front of the table and locking eyes with Harroc. The young woman looked as though she had regained her confidence, standing tall and no longer flushed with embarrassment.

Zalai chuckled to himself, taking another slow sip of tea and looking at his cup intently. Harroc lowered Colle slowly, giving them a final squeeze before returning his focus to Chloe. “As you say, student,” he replied in an even measure.

He stepped out around Colle and moved to collect his packs and staff, cinching them deftly before sweeping his weapon before him. “Lead on Chloe, you should know the way well enough to get us to the edge of the city.” There was an edge of excitement in Harroc’s voice as he spoke and a spring in his step as he followed the young woman out of the cafe.
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

The story was expanded in the parallel threads Absence Makes the Tart Grow Sweeter (Colle) and Thyme in the Wilds: Root Camp (Harroc & Chloe)
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As they got near to the area Colle heard a very loud, and very serious sounding, growl followed by the distinct snap of massive jaws closing over air. “Your boytoy is testy, it sounds like,” Nethra said with a frown as they came around the obscuring foliage.

Harroc was in great wolf form, curled protectively around an unconscious Chloe. Both of them were absolutely covered in scratches and grime. Most of Harroc’s fur from the shoulders down was filled with leaves and plastered flat to his body. There were large patches of fur missing from his sides and his eyes were bloodshot. He continued to snarl and growl as several Rangers moved further back.

When they reached an invisible line, Harroc lowered his head, covering Chloe with his mass of fur. His tail continued to flick in slowly agitated sweeps along the ground.

Colle stared in disbelief, Harroc’s wolf form usually embodied magnificent power, but now he looked worse than an abandoned dog that had survived a mudslide. As they watched, a Ranger crept forward, trying to move Chloe. Harroc’s snout came up immediately, a snarl parting his lips as a deep rumbling growl came from his chest.

The Ranger raised his hands and backed off, looking to the others with a worried shrug. “Maybe see if the lover can calm him down?” Nethra offered to the group as she walked up. “I’m guessing they’re both badly hurt and he’s disoriented.” The others nodded, forming a consensus for the idea. Harroc continued to growl softly, his eyes unmoving but his nose snuffling fiercely at the air.

Colle walked forward, their steps slow and careful. “Hey, it’s Colle, sweetheart. I’m here,” they said softly. They watched Harroc for signs of aggression. Harroc started to growl again, but then sniffed at the air instead before whimpering softly. It looked like his eyes were unfocused and barely moved even as they drew closer.

“You’re safe, the Rangers are here, everyone wants to help you,” Colle said, keeping up a continual soft murmuring of words. They flapped their wings gently to fan their scent toward Harroc as they continued moving, each step deliberate. Once they were within arm’s reach, they said, “I’m right next to you and I’m going to touch your cheek, okay? It’s only me.” They extended their hand and gently rested it on Harroc’s dirty fur.

Immediately they felt a tug that felt faintly reminiscent of when Harroc cycled his essence through them - except this time it came like a jolt of lightning going through their body. Colle collapsed onto Harroc’s shoulder, their legs giving way as they felt a torrent of energy passing through them. At the same moment, Chloe jerked awake, her eyes frantic and bloodshot as she looked around.

“Venom, dying,” she coughed out, before laying back into Harroc’s fur and groaning in pain. Harroc didn’t react, but his chest began to rise and fall more visibly, his breathing suddenly becoming much stronger. Colle panted as they felt Harroc shoving his essence through them. It seemed strange, and carried little of the warmth they were used to feeling.

“Something - something is wrong,” Colle called. “His essence - it feels off. It’s not like it usually is. It’s cold, sluggish almost.”

“Wait, he’s putting essence into you?” Zalai asked quickly, looking very concerned.

“Yes. I mean, he’s done it before, but it always felt warm and almost comforting.” Colle stopped to take a deep breath. “This - it’s very different.”

“Okay, so that’s a lot to unpack later, for now see if you can give him this?” Zalai said, his frown deepening before he pulled a vial from his belt and tossed it to Colle.

Colle turned to catch the bottle and heard Harroc whimper slightly. “Sorry, sweetheart,” they said, immediately turning back to face him. “Zalai gave me a vial to give to you. Can you open your mouth a little?” They slid their hand to the corner of Harroc’s lips and shoved the cork out of the bottle’s mouth. Harroc didn’t exactly help, but he kept his head still while they moved around.

Sighing, Colle reached into Harroc’s mouth while holding the open vial. Tipping it onto his tongue, they leaned their head against his cheek. “You need to swallow that,” they directed. Harroc made a loud gagging sound, but swallowed before wildly licking and smacking his lips repeatedly. The suppressant worked quickly, making him shiver bodily before sighing deeply and resting his head on Colle’s lap.

His essence began to warm slowly, feeling like it was growing stronger by the moment. Colle scratched behind Harroc’s ear. “Whatever that was must have tasted awful,” they muttered. “I’ll have to make you some honey glaze. Maybe even see if I can have some here before you have to taste anything else like that.”

Chloe snapped awake again, sitting up suddenly before groaning and putting her hand to her head. “I- I need water, and food. I’m okay, just tired,” she clarified quickly before blinking slowly. One of the rangers tossed her a canteen and she drank it greedily, coughing slightly as her throat protested at the sudden rush of water.

“Someone get her a full meal and extra for the big guy,” Zalai said immediately before turning his attention to Chloe. “Report Trainee?” he asked, the command clear but his voice soft.

“We found some corrupted- uh, beavers out at the lake. He can tell you more about that. We were coming back, running fast, and we got hit by some sort of wolf that looked like it was made of brambles and vines. They broke my leg with the first pounce, then they hit Harroc hard with venom. Knocked me back down when I tried to distract them. Then he-” Chloe looked like she was searching for words, not quite sure how to say what she’d seen.

“Everything exploded, like someone triggered a landslide in the air. It was crazy, and the dogs were just- gone. I gave him some suppressant, and got on as he shifted. He was blind then, think he still might be, and then I passed out from essence loss.” Chloe finished her recap and let out a haggard breath.

“I think that was maybe three or four days ago. I spent most of the time fading in and out. We stopped for water once, refilled everything real quick, but otherwise he kept running the whole time,” she added with a bit of wonder in her voice.

“Ran for days with mossdog venom in his veins. Ixaziel’s wonders never cease,” Zalai said, more to himself than anyone else. “Set up a perimeter and get us a good healer out here. Can you walk trainee?” he asked after giving orders.

Chloe pressed at her leg a few times and nodded. “I think I’d rather stay here if that’s okay. He's still cleaning his essence and I think it’ll go faster if I help,” she said with a look for Harroc’s massive head.

Zalai frowned again before shaking his head. “Definitely going to have a long talk about that. Alright, let’s get this cleaned up then, folks. Nothing to see and all that.”
Last edited by Colle Mellifera on February 16th, 2020, 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 1263
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

"I’m sure you want to eat and get cleaned up," Colle said. "I’m not going anywhere. Why don’t you go with the Rangers and take care of yourself."

Chloe laughed softly and reached out to pet Harroc’s head. "If I can’t deal with this I’ve got no standing to challenge. Besides, I owe him my life. Cleaning up can wait a bit. He talks about you a lot by the way."

Colle tried not to frown in annoyance at Chloe’s persistence. Knowing that Harroc had been thinking about them helped soothe their ruffled composure some, but Chloe’s mention of ‘challenge’ set them aback. ‘Challenge who for what?’ they wondered. Harroc began to snore loudly beneath them, his chest rising and falling with smooth relaxed motion. Colle smiled wryly down at the furry head that covered their lap and legs and leaned against his shoulder.

Eventually a Ranger arrived carrying a pack full of food and several very large canteens. They stopped a short distance away, clearly told to have care near the massive wolf. Colle waved them over. "Bring the food over here, please. Harroc’s student will need to eat, and I’m sure he’ll be hungry when he wakes up."

Harroc whimpered softly and twitched his feet, clearly deep in the throes of a dream. Colle turned back to Harroc, gently petting his forehead. "You’re safe, Harroc. I’m here. No one will hurt you, sweetheart," they said softly next to his ear. He sighed loudly, curling up tighter around Colle and Chloe before going quiet. "Help yourself," Colle said and gestured to the packs. "I can ask for more if he needs."

"I’m certain he could demolish all this and still have room for more. He eats a lot no matter how much you give him," Chloe said with a chuckle as she pulled out a bundle of food and started to tear into a loaf of bread.

She ate with little regard for regular manners, shoveling food into her mouth as quick as she could eat it. After she’d finished a bundle she stretched and laid back against Harroc’s side. "I’m going to sleep, he’s getting warm again and I’m exhausted," she said through a loud yawn.

"You're fine to go inside and find a hammock. Probably would be more comfortable than the ground out here." Colle didn't really try to make their voice sound placating now.

"Takes more than that, Honey," Chloe replied with a small laugh as she settled into Harroc’s excessive fluff. Colle felt the flow of essence shift, and Chloe seemed to be concentrating. There was a series of small shifts, and then she relaxed as the flow stabilized again.

Colle felt an icy finger trace itself up their spine. Only Harroc called them 'Honey'; no one else ever had. Clearly, Harroc had been talking about their relationship. That didn't bother Colle. What did unsettle them was the mockery in Chloe's tone and the underlying smugness in her expression. Not knowing what happened in the wilds made Colle's stomach twist in fear.

They wracked their brain, trying to remember if they'd told Harroc that they expected exclusivity. A recollection of saying they didn't share came to mind, but little else. To be honest, they'd spent a lot of time on physical aspects and far less on social and emotional, Colle thought with a blush.

"Oh?" Colle asked. They leveled a flat stare at Chloe while keeping their voice at a conversational tone. "What, did you fuck my boyfriend out there before you were attacked? Is that why he looks like he's been dragged through Nilbein's shade, because he dumped all his essence in - or on - you?"

Chloe laughed bitterly before stopping suddenly and turning over. "Wait, you just let him spray all over you? You must really like plants." She shook her head and rubbed at her eyes. "You've taught him some weird stuff, but no I didn't fuck him. He wouldn't shut up about you, and your 'taste' long enough for me to try. He also is apparently super into everything right up to fucking, but idols forbid anyone but his Honey touch his cock."

Colle clenched their teeth. "I didn't teach him that; he asked about it. It's not one of my personal kinks, but I'm not judging him. In his frame of reference, he wanted to show off."

They narrowed their eyes. "I know you were at the cafe when he dragged me out in front of the Rangers. You knew he was in a relationship. Would you like to tell me why you decided to ignore that? Because clearly, you've pushed whatever boundaries he might have set, and you most certainly have crossed mine." Colle hid their fists in Harroc's dense fur.

"First off," Chloe started, rolling her eyes and sounded annoyed more than angry. "He's a Ranger, half the time they might not come back so relationships tend to be many and often. Second, he came on to me first. Third, he didn't say shit until we'd been making out for a while. He didn't seem to have any problems then."

"Not all Rangers are into multiple relationships. Zalai isn't. The ones I've known have always been very clear when they weren't looking for more than fun." Colle forced back their feelings of betrayal in favor of anger to deal with Chloe.

"As for your second point, did he actually say he was interested in sex, or did you just assume he was?" Colle glared at her, fingers clenched deep in fur. "He has almost no frame of reference for social interaction, let alone sex."

Their voice got deeper and took on an edge of a growl. "I had to explain masturbation to him. The entire concept - he barely knew what I was talking about. So now I'm wondering if you just heard what you wanted to hear. I'll admit that maybe I wasn't as clear as I thought I was when discussing what is and isn't appropriate. That doesn't explain your actions though." Colle's wings whacked Harroc in their agitation and he growled sleepily, moving his head to dislodge whatever was hitting him.

Colle pet Harroc's forehead. "Sorry, sweetheart. Go back to sleep." They forced their wings down, the edges quivering under the strain. At the same time they felt the force of essence change again before settling once more. "Fine. I don't want to stress him out and it looks like this conversation isn't helping. Don't think I'm letting this go. Go to sleep, Trainee." Colle pointedly turned away from her and resumed stroking the giant wolf.

"This is his problem, not mine," Chloe said, raising her hand with the fingers up. "Zalai isn't in multiple relationships now." She lowered a finger. "He literally kissed and bit me until I couldn't breathe." She dropped another finger.

"And I'm not continuing this conversation while he might overhear and become stressed," interrupted Colle.

"And yeah, I learned all this after he rejected me," Chloe continued, ignoring Colle. "If you're gonna be pissy you should probably make sure he agrees with you first." Colle felt the essence shift again. "Harroc, stop acting like you're asleep and talk to your Honey," Chloe said with a light smack to Harroc's fur.

Harroc grumbled and gave an exaggerated yawn. He looked at each of them in turn, faint light appearing in his eyes. Then he leaned his head in and licked first Colle and then Chloe before laying his head back down and grumbling again.

"We need to talk about all this when you're yourself again," Colle said softly in his ear. Turning to Chloe, they said, "Stay and sleep, or leave. I don't care. He needs to rest and unless you're going to help with that, I'd rather you found somewhere else to be." Their tone was flat and unwilling to budge. Climbing over Harroc's front legs, they wedged themself against Harroc's chest between his front legs.

"I know you can feel the shift in essence, I can feel you fighting it. He saved my life, I saved his. I'm staying, and unless you know how to move essence I'm probably helping more than you are," Chloe said with a shrug as she settled into Harroc's side. She disappeared in his fur immediately, curling up her uninjured leg and sighing.

Harroc grumbled softly and laid his tail over Chloe while pulling his front legs in to wrap Colle up. He gave them one more lick before falling back asleep.
Word count: 1439
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Colle shook against Harroc's fur, trying desperately to control the tremors. Rage, hurt, sorrow - all competed to be expressed. Chloe's attitude that she had more of a right to their boyfriend than they did, knowing that Harroc had treated her like a mate while they were gone, and his obvious concern for her made Colle feel shunted aside and unwanted.

Were it not for Harroc's legs wrapped around them, they might have left. They swallowed hard and held themself tightly. Harroc whined softly and nuzzled his cold nose in between Colle's arms before licking them again slowly. He squeezed his legs tight rumbling softly to his Honey.

"Shh, shh," Colle soothed softly. "Rest. Don't worry about me. I'm just a little tired." They stroked Harroc's fur. They'd told an enormous lie, but if they thought of the situation as dealing with a customer, they could keep an outwardly calm demeanor. Forcing their wings to lay flat, they leaned against him.

Harroc snuffed, blowing air out into their hair and nosed at Colle's wings before whining softly again and licking their cheek. They sighed. "Sleep, sweetheart. You need it. That's what's important right now."

Harroc growled softly, but kept his mouth closed. Then he nosed their wings again and whined before licking their face several times.

"Just stop pretending you're not upset and he'll go to sleep. You two are like children," Chloe shouted in annoyance from her spot smothered by Harroc's fur.

"That would do what, exactly? I'd need to talk with him and I don't speak wolf, so that will have to wait until he's rested enough to resume his usual form." Colle's wings spasmed against their control in their attempt to keep their anger from leaking out. "And don't you dare try to put a spell on me so I can understand you, Harroc," they said, facing the wolf.

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't know. He wants to fix things, it doesn't matter if he can't, he tries to fix things all the time. He carried me blind through the jungle for days because he refuses to give up for even a moment. Don't act like you're going to out stubborn him." Chloe flopped her arms, the only part of her that could extend past Harroc's fur, dramatically for effect.

Colle sat rigidly against Harroc's legs, saying nothing. They'd left the end of their proverbial rope behind days ago. "Please let me up, Harroc," Colle said softly. "I need to find the toilets." They patted his leg gently.

Harroc whined softly but released Colle after a moment. They gave him an apologetic smile as they stood, swaying as all the essence was pulled from them at once. Leaving the dense undergrowth, they waved to Nethra who was sitting nearby looking bored. "Hey, are there any toilets around, or is the nearest tree the most likely option?"

"Uh, probably tree. He alright?" Nethra asked, looking concerned at Colle's sudden appearance. "The healer's still a bit out, they aren't fast like us."

"Harroc isn't any worse, if that's what you're asking," Colle replied. "Glad to hear someone's on their way. Might be able to find a more effective treatment than just rest." They looked around them for a spot with some privacy.

"Try over there, but maybe give the bushes a kick first so you don't get an angry piss badger," Nethra offered helpfully before spring back down.

"An angry piss badger?"

"Yeah, a badger you've pissed on ain't going to be happy." She laughed and settled in more against her tree.

Colle rolled their eyes. "Got it." They headed the direction Nethra had suggested, focusing on a large tree to the left. Needing to pee had been a convenient excuse to get away, but it wasn't completely fabricated.

Though they hadn't considered themself male in a very long time, they had to admit that having a penis made dealing with this issue easier, at least. Just in case Nethra wasn't joking, they jostled the bushes near the tree before unbuttoning their pants. An angry badger was the last thing they wanted to deal with right now.

After emptying their bladder, Colle took a deep breath. 'I'm going to go back, ignore Chloe, and help Harroc however I can,' they thought. A faint sound caught their attention from near their feet. Water. Was it raining? They touched their cheek and their fingers came back wet. Annoyed at themself, Colle wiped their eyes on their sleeve before making their way out of the brush to Harroc's spot.
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

"No you idiot, if you try and get up just to follow you're going to get hurt. Just stay here, they'll be back. If I didn't know better I'd think you'd never even held a hand. You're like a fucking lovesick puppy the size of a horse," Chloe berated Harroc, who was half-standing and looking the way Colle had gone.

Colle came around the edge of the brush, seeing Harroc trying to stand up and frowned. "Harroc, please lay down. I apologise for needing to leave, but I'm back now." They approached his head and put their hands on the sides of his muzzle.

"I spoke to Nethra while I was up. There's a healer on the way. You should rest until they get here, okay?" Their fingers gently rubbed the fur under them.

"As soon as you fed everything back in he wouldn't sit still," Chloe complained as she limped a few steps and sat down hard with a grunt. "Like a fucking teen with his first crush." She looked a lot more ragged now, perhaps without the bolstering effect of Harroc's essence.

Colle did their best to ignore her, although they did nudge the pack with food and canteens toward her. They let their wings unfurl slightly and flutter gently. "Come on, now. Lay down, sweetheart," they said, trying to urge Harroc to rest.

Harroc whined before rumbling loudly and letting his tongue loll out as Colle scratched at him. When they urged him again he moved over and spun around Chloe before laying partially against her. She immediately sighed and smacked his fur gently before laying back again.

"How do you ever get anything done? He's so needy and soft and warm. Well, I guess he's less soft when he's not like this, but then he's just all firm muscle instead," Chloe asked, though perhaps not to Colle in particular.

Colle exhaled slowly through their nose. 'Remember, ignoring,' they reminded themself. Looking up at Harroc, they asked, "Are you hungry? There's some food in the pack they brought. Probably not enough for you, but it's something at least."

Harroc sniffed at the pack and Chloe reached in to pull out a bundle of food. "No you can't eat the Fae while I'm here, I know you're thinking about it. Listen to them," Chloe said with a shake of her head as she put the unwrapped bundle in front of him.

Harroc whined and slapped his tail several times before leaning down and devouring the dense pack of dried meat and vegetables. Colle pulled out another bundle and unwrapped it for Harroc, laying it on the ground. They tugged a canteen over. "Water?" they offered, holding the canteen up. "You'll probably have to lay down, but I'll pour it in your mouth for you."

Harroc immediately rolled onto his back, wiggling around eagerly. Colle chuckled wryly. "Cute, but I don't want you to choke. No water then, just belly rubs?"

Chloe grunted as she got herself upright again. "He literally wants you to rub him until he turns to dust. He's cycling so fast that I can't even keep up so I imagine his heart's going crazy. Just give him attention so he doesn't try to defend you from the healer when they come," she said with a roll of her eyes for Harroc's antics. "And keep it in, you damn horndog," she added, glaring at Harroc who looked away with exaggerated movements.

Colle set down the canteen next to the others. They climbed up and laid on Harroc's chest, feeling the jolt of essence re-entering their body. Chloe was right about the speed; Colle felt a little breathless. They closed their eyes, trying to remember what they'd done while meditating and feeling Harroc's essence in them. Maybe it would help.

Harroc rumbled loudly, almost purring as he worked back and forth. Chloe flinched as the essence shifted. "Don't, whatever that was, don't do that. I'm guessing he didn't teach you. Pretend it's a seed and gather it in your hand. Guide it to your fingers while relaxing your muscles. That's all I've figured out so far beyond what he taught me," she said, sounding a bit breathless.

Begrudgingly, Colle tried to follow Chloe's instructions. They closed their eyes, envisioning a glowing bead of green essence in their hands. Carefully, they pushed the glowing point from the heel of their hand to their pinky finger. Their wings twitched as they concentrated. The bead wasn't easy to keep on the path Colle intended, and they constantly corrected as it moved.

Harroc rumbled and suddenly the essence became much easier to control. Chloe yelped and smacked his haunch. "That's cheating and you know it," she said and Harroc whined softly before letting his tongue loll back out. The essence became slightly more difficult to manage, but still significantly easier to handle than before.

Colle snorted slightly and forced their attention back to the glowing bead. Reaching the tip of their finger, they pulled it back toward their palm, following the path of the bones underneath. A drop of sweat rolled off their forehead and hung in Harroc's fur, though they barely noticed.

When they completed a circuit the second attempt was much easier, as if the essence remembered the path. Colle wondered if they should go faster since controlling the bead was less difficult.

"Don't get too excited or you'll knock yourself out," Chloe chimed in just as they started to speed up. "Learned that one the hard way and woke up with mister happy here wrapped around me like a creeper vine."

Despite the fact that dreamless sleep and Harroc holding them sounded wonderful, Colle obediently kept their speed slow. The glowing point glided along the paths of their hand easily. As they finished another circuit of their hand, they began to wonder if there was a more complex version they should follow now.

"Yes, you can get fancy, but take it slow," Chloe said as Colle finished. "At least I'm guessing that's what you're wondering. I know I was, and that's when I went down." She sighed suddenly and Harroc rumbled loudly. "Yeah, yeah, hush you."

Colle did their best to take a firmer grip on the glowing bead before shoving it onto a slightly different path than before. They felt it try to slip away, but they tightened their control and painstakingly eked a new track along their hand. As they moved the essence, they wondered if Harroc's cycling had to be controlled so carefully. Clearly, he was practiced, but that didn't mean that the task wasn't still difficult.

Chloe and Harroc both went still in the same moment, their breathing becoming shallow and even as they slipped into sleep. The flow of essence also slowed significantly, responding to Harroc's lower excitement.

The bead almost got away from Colle in the shift of essence, but they wrestled their control over it until their grip was strong enough. As the other two dropped off to sleep, the essence tried to move more swiftly along the paths Colle had already carved.

Furrowing their brow, Colle nudged the bead. It raced off, but they stayed with it until it began to slow and redirected it. They weren't doing much, but at least they could make some contribution.
Word count: 1218
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

"Excuse me," a woman’s voice broke through Colle’s concentration, the tone indicating this was far from the first attempt at communication.

"Oh! Sorry. You’re the healer?" Colle asked, opening their eyes and sitting up. "They’ve just drifted off to sleep. I know they’re both dealing with exhaustion, and Trainee Chloe there-" They nodded in her direction. "Mentioned they’d been envenomed." Colle patted the furry chest they were laying on and slid down, wincing at the withdrawal of essence as they pulled away.

"I was told, I can help with the venom, but I was also told he is an elemental of a sort. I am uncertain if I will be able to truly heal him, but I will try," the healer said as she slowly moved into the small clearing.

She was a Fae woman with brilliant blue skin and amber wings. Her robes were worn but well-made and bore several distinct markings that Colle did not recognize. The healer stopped a short distance away and looked to Colle. "Could you please wake them, I was told the Fae was able to reliably keep him passive, and I’d rather avoid having to heal unnecessarily."

Sighing quietly, Colle put their hand to Harroc’s shoulder and shook him gently. They also took the essence as it latched on to them and closed their eyes for a brief moment in meditation. "Wake up sweetheart, healer’s here." Based on Chloe’s earlier reaction, they figured the shift in essence would probably be enough to wake her too.

Chloe gasped and shot awake suddenly, frowning intensely until she saw the healer. Harroc grumbled and covered his head with his paws. "Oh, you baby. Come on, get yourself flipped over and let them look at you," Chloe said with a rough scratch of Harroc’s head.

Harroc complained and then finally flipped over and rose to his full height before settling back down on his stomach and looking at Colle and the healer. His eyes had finally begun to shift slightly, though they still seemed distant and unresponsive.

The healer raised an eyebrow before walking over and settling down beside Harroc’s head. "Hello, I am Kerta and I will be using light magic to heal you. Is there anything I should know?" she asked, adopting a customer-focused tone and manner.

Harroc tilted his head several times and then let his tongue loll out. Chloe shrugged and looked to Colle. "There’s nothing I know of," they admitted. Kerta nodded and placed her palms in front of her.

"Please remain as still as you can, it will make my work easier," she said and then closed her eyes and moved her hands forward to lay flat against Harroc’s head. There was a sudden burst of glowing light from her fingers. It pulsed several times before slowly creeping forward and engulfing all of Harroc.

He sighed and seemed to almost deflate as the light passed over him. When it faded Kerta opened her eyes and smiled. "I have cleansed you of all toxins, now I will attempt to heal you. I am uncertain if I will be able to, given your particular nature," she explained apologetically.

Harroc rumbled softly and pressed into her hands, clearly eager to be hale again. Kerta closed her eyes as second time, summoning a much weaker but more colorful light beneath her fingers. The magic pulsed several times, just as the first had, but when it started to move onto Harroc it winked out as if it had never been.

Kerta opened her eyes and frowned. "I apologize, I am unable to heal you. I was told you are able to repair yourself given time. Do you need any pain management?" she asked looking to the others and Harroc equally.

Harroc let his tongue loll out and shook his head slightly, his fur shifting wildly. Kerta nodded, accepting the answer, and turned to Chloe. "I was told you suffer from a broken bone, may I?" she asked.

Chloe nodded and Kerta moved her hands to rest on her leg. There was another brilliant glow, several pulses, and then the magic moved over Chloe. Kerta nodded, but Chloe looked down and frowned at her leg. She tried to move it, and grunted as it functioned no better.

Kerta looked confused and then concerned. "Was this healed or acted upon in any way before now?" she asked, clearly used to digging for further details.

"Harroc, he- oh no," Chloe said, the color draining from her face. She looked to Harroc as tears formed at the edge of her eyes. "You can fix this right? Just need some time?" she said, trying to hold herself together.

Harroc looked at her and then down at her leg and whined softly before lowering his eyes. Chloe turned to look at Kerta and let out a ragged breath. "I guess we’re done then, thank you," she said before shifting herself around and falling into Harroc’s side.

Colle stroked Harroc’s cheek. "Is there anything further, Healer Kerta?"

Kerta shook her head and spoke professionally, "Nothing I am able to perform except rest and time. I cannot speak to his healing, as it is beyond me." She rose, offering a nod to Harroc and Colle before moving to leave the area.

Nethra came bursting into the clearing as the healer left, practically hopping on her feet. "So, we-" she froze when she spotted Chloe, clearly silently sobbing into Harroc’s side. "Uh-" she started, looking at Colle. "I miss something?"

Colle waved Nethra over so they wouldn’t have to leave Harroc. "The healer tried to fix her leg - it was broken - but apparently something Harroc did, or the essence cycling, messed it up to where the healer couldn’t fix it. I don’t think Harroc can fix it either." Colle tried to keep their voice low, not wanting to hurt the girl more.

Chloe looked up from Harroc’s side, her voice ragged and wavering. "It’s fucking shattered. You know what you can do with a shattered leg as a Ranger? Fucking nothing!" she shouted before burying herself back into Harroc’s fur. Harroc whined softly and curled his body to place his head onto her shoulder.

Sighing, Colle faced Nethra. "Well, there you go. I have no idea what sort of provisions the Rangers have for dealing with their injured. Someone will probably have to tell Zalai, at least." They continued to pet Harroc with one hand, keeping the other flat against him. They didn’t feel the push of essence, but having two points of contact felt comforting.

Nethra looked shocked and confused. "Yeah I- I’ll let him know. I don’t know what we’ve got beyond magic, but I’ll find out,” she said, sounding suddenly distant. She turned on her heel and sprinted back out of the clearing, moving much faster than Colle thought possible.
Word count: 1169
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Colle frowned as they watched Nethra leave. She looked almost as though she were running away from Chloe, like the younger woman was bad luck. They sighed and moved over to the still-sobbing woman. "Hey. I don’t know what they’ve got, but I’m pretty sure they’ll try everything they can to help." They put a hand gingerly on her shoulder.

Chloe looked up, sniffling fiercely and shaking her head. "Nothing, not for a fresh trainee. If I- knew something I could teach, but no, I’m done," she managed before she broke down into soft sobs again. Harroc whimpered softly, nuzzling her face.

She stopped suddenly and looked at him. "Why didn’t you just leave me there?" she asked him softly. Harroc didn’t respond, staring at her silently before nuzzling her again. Chloe just shivered and leaned against his massive head. "Should have left me, then you wouldn’t have all this trouble."

"You wouldn’t have left him, would you?" Colle asked rhetorically. "I know you’ve wanted to stay put. If that’s still the case, that’s fine, but if you want to get back to the station for a hot shower and maybe fresh clothes, I’ll see if I can get a Ranger over to help you out." They rubbed her shoulder softly. "Things always seem slightly less shitty after a shower and clean clothes to me."

She shook her head slowly and offered a wan smile. "Harroc-" she started before choking a bit and shuddering. "-that thing I told you to never to do again. Do it," she finished with sudden firmness.

Harroc whimpered but Chloe said nothing further. Then she slumped over suddenly, her eyes rolling back into her head. Harroc immediately looked to Colle and whined softly before laying his head on Chloe’s back. Colle reached out to gently rearrange Chloe’s arms, but stopped as soon as their hand touched her.

They felt an overwhelming pressure, like a mountain was being lowered onto their chest. They pulled their hand back immediately, shaking it out. "I’ll see if I can get her a blanket or something. I’ll be right back, so don’t move." Colle stood and moved out of their area, looking for a Ranger or someone who could carry a message.

They spotted Zalai with Nethra beside him a short distance away coming in at a slow walk. Jogging over, Colle approached the two Rangers. "Would it be possible to get Chloe a blanket and a pillow, or something like that? She’s a bit - overwhelmed," they said, flicking their eyes to Zalai and then Nethra.

Zalai nodded and Nethra turned back around. "So what happened?" he asked as he turned back to Colle.

"The healer came out, worked her magic to get rid of the venom from Harroc, but when she tried to work on Chloe’s leg, something didn’t go as it was supposed to. Chloe thinks it’s shattered, and that whatever Harroc did messed it up."

Colle tried to be as concise as possible. They doubted the taller man wanted superfluous details, and having to crane their neck up to look at him made their muscles ache, anyway. Zalai seemed to set a frown on his face and grimaced slightly as they finished filling him in.

"Right, okay, I’m going to go talk to them both. We’re going to need to get another Druid who should be able to actually get some better answers, but that will take time," he said, clearly going over plans in his head and issuing commands.

"You’re welcome to stick around, or go handle anything else you need to. We probably won’t keep them here though. Do you know if he has a preferred place to stay that can handle him like this?"

Grimacing slightly, Colle answered, "Lately he’s been staying with me. I’m not sure if he’ll fit in my house. I’ll stay with him, though. Even if we have to camp out on the training fields or something." They let out a slow breath. "I’ll stick around, if only to make sure I understand what happened and what he needs right now."

"So, tell me about this essence thing then," Zalai said after he nodded to Colle’s commitment.
Word count: 730
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

"What about it?" Colle asked, a bit confused. "It’s sort of but not quite like magical energy, but it’s also what Harroc is, as he explained it. He’s made of essence and it sort of mimics a normal body, even down to-" Colle stopped themself. Some aspects of Harroc’s essence probably didn’t need to be explained to Zalai, they thought.

"A-Anyway, he can transfer the energy to someone through touch. You get a boost of energy and your senses are heightened for a little while. I know he said he cycles his essence throughout his body, and it reinforces it somehow. He hadn’t really spoken about it in too much depth though."

"Okay, I can work with that for now, and you’re not in trouble. We just don’t get a lot of talkative Elementals. They tend to be more- reclusive about the workings of their particular talents," Zalai said with a softening of his expression.

"So, he’s using you and Trainee Rasori to heal, it doesn’t hurt you right?" he asked with a tiny shift of his mouth.

"Me? No. He’s done that essence cycling thing before, when he was tired. It’s odd but it’s not painful. The sensory over-awareness is unsettling the first few times, and I don’t know if he knows, but the cycling can - suppress? Deaden? - your emotions for a while. That’s the closest I’ve seen it come to harming," Colle said.

They knew they were babbling a bit, but as difficult as the last few days had been they were too tired to care if Harroc hadn’t wanted them to talk about what his essence did. Zalai listened intently the entire time, waiting until Colle had talked themself out.

"Interesting, and good to know. Sounds similar to regular magical training, but with the added ability to- share his power. Though, it sounds like the cost is much more potentially serious too." Zalai rubbed at his face for a moment before nodding and holding out a hand. "Let’s go see how they’re doing."

Colle followed after the tall man, having to take more steps to keep up. They tried not to pant and resolved that once Harroc felt better, they were going to get him to help them with a training program. Shading their eyes from the sun, now high in the sky, they sighed and walked back into the clearing where Harroc and Chloe were.

The pair were clearly deep in sleep, Chloe looked to be drooling heavily, forming a small puddle in Harroc’s matted fur near her head. Harroc was whimpering softly and twitching his feet, likely chasing something in a dream. Colle’s face softened into a smile; Harroc looked like an enormous puppy and Chloe the tired-out toddler who’d collapsed in the middle of playtime.

"Huh, they’re like little kids. Let me guess, he knocked her out?" Zalai said softly as he grinned at Colle.

"She asked him to," Colle replied, a bit sympathetically. Chloe’s leg probably still hurt, not to mention not knowing if she’d be okay.

"Right, so-" Zalai started when a rumble of distant thunder interrupted him. He looked over the pair again and shook his head. "When Nethra gets back, maybe wake them up, we have a storage area they can get into. Put down a few bedrolls, get out of the rain that’s probably coming." He turned around and grimaced, mumbling softly, "She’s going to be a mess."

Colle thought for a moment. "I could wake up Harroc and ask if he’s able to carry her over to wherever you think is best. I’m not sure if Nethra and I can carry her. She’s fairly tall compared to Fae."

"I trust you and she can figure it out," he said with a wave over his shoulder as he started back towards the city. "I’ll come back when I’ve finished all the other things I was supposed to handle today."

Sighing, Colle made their way back to Harroc’s outer side and leaned against it. There wasn’t much point in waking him up until Nethra was back, anyway. They felt their stomach rumble and decided to find the canteens from earlier.

Drinking half, they set it back down and eyed the pack that had held food earlier. Deciding against eating the food that had been meant for Harroc and Chloe, they resettled themself against Harroc’s side to wait. Harroc twitched, breathing heavily for several seconds before sighing and nuzzling against Colle.
Word count: 777
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