The Get Away Vehicle

Liegwa gets a horse.

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The Get Away Vehicle

Post by Liegwa »

22nd Day of the 6th Month of 288 AoN

Doing Achievement: Unstable Stables

Liegwa needed a retreat. These stuffy, magic hating morons grated on her nerves. How she wished to be among her people, the regret Liegwa felt leaving her homeland weighed more and more on her heart each day. She was afraid that if she stayed bound in her Aura form much longer she would be trapped like this. Something told her the bracelet was not only trapping her but sucking out her power. She feared she wouldn't be able to return back to her true form even if she got the damnable thing off her wrist. Fifteen years she had spent like this. Fifteen soul sucking years where these weaklings couldn't behold her true power, her immense and beautiful form, the truth of her birth and the pride of her life. That massive swell of air and lightening that was her blood right, stolen from her. Stolen!

This is why Liegwa was walking to the stables now, Borage strapped to her back and in her armor, because without her Force travel was difficult. She had ridden horses well.... once or twice before. It was difficult to control the beasts but she knew with time and a decent mount she would find her barings. Someone had told her they had cheap horses for sale, that someone didn't say why but her interest was peaked enough to figure out what and why. It would be a rough travel to Verdant Row, the horse would surely kick and bite the whole way, but a time spent in their inns would be a vacation compared to these streets. How she found herself somewhere like this she didn't know, but at least she was able to travel away from here for a time or two. A hunter was needed in all places, even somewhere filled with spirits. Their inns needed meat and herbs she would provide that to them.

Coming up to the stables she was greeted by an insolent human who looked much happier to see her than she was of them. The next thing she noticed was the smell, it was absolutely foul. Horse shit, disgusting.
"Oh mistress! Come see the horses. Great prices for you today. Only 10 copper!"
Liegwa gave him a look of dismissal and slight disdain, the young man cowed beneath her appraising gaze seemingly confused.
"Whu--What are you here for then miss, if not a horse?"
She sighed, these humans had no patience, what with their short lives she wasn't surprised. Letting his words hang in the air for a moment longer she finally obliged him.
"I am here for a horse, you would be right. Show me your horses."
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Re: The Get Away Vehicle

Post by NPC »

He had seen her come in and knew how this would end. He knew that if he allowed Bert (the poor salesman) to speak to this lady, she would walk out of the stables with a perfectly rideable, and serviceable horse. He couldn't allow that to happen, not when there were so many other, more fun, options to be had.

Smiling, he slid around Bert, his arm draping around her shoulder. "Hello, wonderful lady. My name is Al, please allow me to show you what wonderful mounts we have available to you in our stables.". Al had always been a salesman, he had plenty of personality to go along with a very disarming smile. When he was young he'd always been able to talk his mother into giving him exactly what he wanted.

Waving his free arm back towards the stables, Al motioned for Liegwa to proceed him into the back. He hid his smile as she came to a stop in the completely empty stables. "Oh dear!" The man says, his joy hidden everywhere except his eyes, "Where could they have all gone? I can't believe that Bert would allow all of the mounts to be sold without telling me first. I'm so sorry that he has allowed this to happen. Please allow me to find something suitable for a lady of your stature, within your means of course.".

Without waiting for her to reply, Al quickly disappeared. Hie magic was subtle, it was smooth, easy to use, and easy to miss, especially if you weren't looking for it. He'd made the horses disappear, and now he was about to make Liegwa's new mount appear. He chuckled to himself as he thought of the expression on her face when he came back. He needed to get the giggles out of his system now before he got back to her. He'd hate it if he gave away the secret.

The doors leading out to the gated field behind the stables burst open as Al walked back through a triumphant smile on his face, "Ms Liegwa," no, she hadn't given him her name, "I'm pleased to say that we do, in fact have a mount left for you!". In his hand was a lead, he pulled this lead just a bit, and the tiniest of horses came trotting up from behind him. Standing a total of 20 inches high, the small horse bleated gleefully, just happy to be going to it's forever home. "Now, I know what you're thinking, however I assure you, these horses are very sturdy and on average they live to be 25 - 35 years old, much older than most horses. I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that this mount will serve you well.". He came closer in a "just us girls" posture and added, "This little fella has been enchanted to be able to hold your weight perfectly. He'll never give you up, let you down, or run around and desert you.".

Al could tell that she still wasn't sold. "Now, I realize that his size makes it hard to carry much, and I feel sooo bad about this whole situation. So, as my way of making this right.". He snapped his fingers and Bert came out from the front office, "Please, take this mule as payment for this... inconvenience.". Turning to Bert Al's eyes hardened. "You will make up for your oversight. And you will do so, happily. Do I make myself clear?". Bert's gaze dropped in shame and he nodded.

"Yes, I understand. I'll carry whatever the lady needs, and I'll do so happily.". Then without another word, or glace, he pulled out two halves of a coconut, and with every step the little horse took, he hit them together, making the little horse sound like a much bigger one. Upon hearing this the horse's hears perked up and he began to strut, he'd never sounded like this before, and his ego went up. He was a mighty stead. He would charge into battle with his rider, proud and fearless.

Turning back to Liegwa, Al stretched his hand out he said, "That'll be 10 copper, my dear.".
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Re: The Get Away Vehicle

Post by Liegwa »

Indeed being dubious of her salesman she was glad to see another... more capable man come out from the shadows. That was until he draped his arm around her, she stiffened and sniffed a bit, but listened intently to what he had to say. When he motioned for her to walk into the barn she did with pride, interested to see what he had to offer while simultaneously being glad to be rid of his embrace. How dare he touch her? But she kept silent, for now, just watching him and listening as he pitched his sale to her. That was, until she walked into and empty barn.
"What kind of game is this?"
She had flashes of being robbed, thinking this was all just some hoax and she somehow had been set up. He knew her name!

Al, as he was called, quickly blamed the inept fool from before and as she was scanning, dumbfounded and paranoid, he disappeared. She was now sure more than ever that she was going to be robbed. With a small shake of her head in disbelief she made her way to the entrance to the stables but was accosted yet again by Al. She expected her mount to be.... bigger. More tailored to her needs and perhaps beautiful. What she was hoping to chose was a white horse with a beautiful mane that she could braid and whisper her secrets too. She would call the horse Aspen and ride her valiantly, like a true elemental would. What she saw at the end of his lead almost made her retch. For ten copper, what did she expect? At the end of his lead was a small, tiny even, pale-tan colored fuzzy horse who brayed at her in the most awful tone. Her eyes were wide and scared as she looked from Al, who was talking even now, to the steed before her.

"You say it lives to be 35 years?"
While she wasn't interested she was following, perhaps for 10 copper this would be at the least a good pet? She quite liked animals at the least, though not the cleaning, and this small horse wouldn't be too much trouble.
'No, what are you thinking! This bracelet is sullying your brain! Look at it.'
Her look was one of confusion and unhappiness at the beast, she knew she was merely trying to make the best of the situation.
"But how will he carry anything?"
She cried out, clearly already swindled because the man was intent on selling her the horse no matter what.

But Al was already making his reparations, at the snap of his fingers Bert came out and Al explained that Bert was to be her pack mule.
"An indentured servant?"
Hmmmm. Indeed, this weakling Bert may come in handy someday. She looked him up and down yet again and let out a choking laugh when he pulled out two coconuts to spur the horse on. Was this really happening? The horse strutted around happily, then let out a kick with its back legs at the end.
"You're using coconuts?"
She asked him.
Came Bert, her new manservant.
"I have used these coconuts through thick and thin. They have served me well. They're lucky."
Liegwa paused and looked at him with scrutinizing eyes.
"Where did you get those coconuts?"
Bert shied away from her, as if embarrassed.
"We found them."
She gave him a 'you've got to be kidding me look' and he turned red and grinned, splaying out his hands and shrugging.
"It's a nervous tick."
That was good enough for her. Resourceful, he must be. Even if he spoke in plurals. She fished out the 10 copper for Al and shook his hand, looking him dead in the eyes while she did it-- a look that would tell him that if he failed her with this mount and new servant that she would find him... and at the very least ruin his day.

Testing out her new mount she found that it would only be possible to ride him with a saddle else her legs would have nowhere to go. Gripping the reins, she turned his head from side to side. "Aither", as she named him now, was exactly like the man said. He bore her weight and although he was small and awkward for her long legs he seemed strong and ready. He seemed young, clearly a mini horse as well, and she wondered to herself why she allowed her self to be swindled into this. But the deed was done and her pride wouldn't allow her to see things any other way.
"We're going to Verdant Falls!"
She told Bert. And he clapped his coconuts and they were on their way.

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Re: The Get Away Vehicle

Post by Liegwa »

The ride was slow and languishing. Liegwa barely knew what the hell she was doing on a horse in general and worse yet, Aither was tiny. They made progress down the road slowly, coconuts clacking all the way, while getting snickers from passerby's to whom Liegwa would shoot utter daggers and curse at them. It was odd, she thought, getting an enchanted horse from somewhere as magic hating as Fellsgard. That was what made her interested in the beast in general. It would seem perhaps to have a trick up its sleeve, or two maybe, if she payed attention. After spending only an hour in the road the young pony was pooped so they stopped to rest. She took the time to eye up Bert who shied yet again under her gaze. He wasn't very strong willed so it would seem. She asked him curiously,
"Have you always been a manservant?"
He gulped then nodded.
"Born and raised a slave. Thought I would be free when they took me to the stables, at least that's what Al said. Turns out he was just waiting for the chance to pawn me off on someone else. Err... that didn't come out right."
Liegwa's eyes narrowed at him but she said nothing, taking in what he said. Her views on slavery were liberal enough that she would keep him around but it wasn't setting right with her that he had never been free. Looking to the bracelet on her wrist she felt for him. She would make him no promises now but perhaps, if he proved capable and loyal, she would free him before it was all said and done. Her face betrayed none of her thoughts, she looked him dead in the eyes until he looked away and fiddled with his coconuts.

The jungle around them was buzzing with life. A large dragonfly buzzed near her ear quickly taking off when she batted it away. The young Aither was grazing on some grass and scuffing his hooves. He seemed to be eager to get on his way by the way he kept looking up at her and shaking his small mane. She gestured to the pony,
"He's young, isn't he?"
Bert looked sullen somehow but replied quickly,
"Yes, just a babe. He should grow to a full-err 40 inches high. But as far as I know he can go as fast as a usual horse, despite the size. I haven't seen it done, perhaps it's more snake oil from Al."
It would seem she was right after all, tricks indeed.
Leigwa said sharply to get his attention.
"Not only are you my manservant but I expect you to speak freely."
'As if he already hasn't.' She thought with a twitch of a smile to her lips.
"I need someone to keep... my affairs in order. Not quite a secretary. But would you be someone whom I can trust? I must say I've never had a slave before."
Bert was more sullen than ever now.
"I.... I must say then I'm very upset to have been passed through another hand. You won't beat me will you?"
The honest question made Liegwa start and almost laugh, she cleared her throat instead.
"I don't have in my heart to beat you, no. If anything I just won't feed you."

Bert looked terrified at this and visibly paled.
"Just joking."
She said quickly, realizing the joke was horribly distasteful.
Aither kicked and whinnied then threw Liegwa a dirty look.
"You're an expressive one, aren't you young Aither? Come on Bert. Let's put him through his paces. Can you keep up?"

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Re: The Get Away Vehicle

Post by Liegwa »

Trying her hardest to keep on the pony she clicked her heels and slapped the reigns, trying to get him to go faster. Which he wouldn't. In fact Aither just whinnied and chomped on his bit, giving her a wild look. Bert was behind them skipping and clapping his coconuts incessantly.
"Bert would you PLEASE just hush for a moment while I get this pony to mush? Is that what it's called?"
Bert stopped his coconuts and shrugged,
"I thought it was trot, canter, and gallop or something.... Like that."
He had drifted off in speech due to Liegwa's constant slapping of the reigns. With an angry huff finally she got off of Aither's back and walked beside him. Bert started his coconuts again, making the pony restless. The tiny beast bucked and whinnied with a fervor, clearly unhappy at his rider.
"Would you stop that, that's a command not a rhetorical question. The coconuts are upsetting the beast."
Bert shook his head,
"It's part of my sworn duty, I must carry these coconuts for the pony."
Liegwa shot him absolute daggers.
"But sure, I can slow down maybe,"
The manservant croaked.

The slight and steady, "clip-clop" of the coconuts came like they were keeping the time as the trio walked. Liegwa was beginning to notice something about the horse as well, something she had noticed before but didn't take stock of. With each coconut clap the pony would have an extra bounce to his step as if the coconuts were boosting his esteem. Perhaps the coconuts would help her get the pony moving faster? She climbed on his back, sitting in her awkward pose, and told Bert,
"Listen, I need you to slap those as hard and fast as you can. Right now!"
So he did, and the pony reared up with her on its back, then took off at a full sprint down the road-- leaving poor Bert in the dust.

They didn't make it very far, only half a mile, before Liegwa took a spill in the jungle's dirt off of Aither. He had stopped abruptly and she went careening off of him.
"What? What's wrong?"
But he wouldn't budge, he was paralyzed with fear. That was when she saw about 30 feet up the path the dark form of a panther, crouched and growling. Taking out her bow she tried to notch an arrow but her fingers found nothing there, her fall had emptied her quiver onto the ground. Cussing she made a dive for the arrows as the panther started to charge. She had moments before it would clear the gap between them and eat her brand new magic pony. Fumbling with the arrow she finally got it notched and loosed it in the direction of the wild cat, the thing falling on top of her in a heap. It let out its last breath in a defeated sigh, deflating, claws furling and unfurling as it made its way to the afterlife until the claws finally stopped. It would seem she made a lucky shot as it was leaping to attack and pierced its heart.

There was no way she would be able to carry this, so waited for Bert to arrive. This would fetch a fine price in Verdant Row. As she waited she sent a prayer to Ixaziel and Ny'tha, asking Ixaziel to forgive her for taking one of his children while simultaneously thanking him for the beast as well. To Ny'tha she sent the beast well wishes of sweet dreams in the eternal night and may it become one of the the stars in the sky to guide her home. The prayer was a mixture of dance and song with her twisting her arms around her hips, thighs, torso, and above her head while humming the prayer she mentally sent to her gods.
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