Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp [Completed]

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Harroc Crownegrove
Disciples of Balance, Defender of the Woods
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Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp [Completed]

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

The sun filtered through the thick jungle canopy to spread pleasant warmth in the city of Ajteire. Already the sounds and sights of an awakening populace had begun in earnest. Small groups of people passed by, heading to breakfast or early labors. Several eager children even scrambled about, enjoying a round of games before their chores or school pulled them away.

Harroc found himself whistling softly as he followed Chloe along the broad branches and narrow walkways of the city. It was a habit he picked up from his time watching the various denizens of Ajteire at work. Many folks seemed to sing, hum, or even simply talk to pass the time performing mundane tasks. The shifter found it pleasing to make needless sound, knowing it was something denied to him in the wilds. Having grown up without any sort of regular music making, he knew very few songs. So he made his own, imitating the lilting rise and fall of various birdsongs across a number of species.

“That’s very pretty, what song is it?" Chloe asked, looking back at him with a small smile.

Harroc jolted, brought back into the moment rather suddenly by the young shifter’s voice. "I- it is not a song I know, just a collection of bird calls I have heard," he said chuckling to himself at how silly it must sound.

“Oh, I don’t know if I could imitate them so well, though I guess that’s why it sounded so familiar," she said back with a slight frown that quickly turned back to a smile. "Could you teach me?"

Harroc considered for several quiet steps before nodding. "I believe I could teach you one or two before we get to the edge of the city. Though, once we are the wilds it will not do to make excess noise." He bounced his head around a bit in thought before selecting several less common birds to imitate.

“Listen well, Chloe," he said with a grin and then whistled out the song of the emerald-crown, a bird with distinct steps in pitch. It was an easy song, but a rarer bird this close to the city. Chloe followed along, whistling entirely off tune once and then quickly narrowing in. By the time they had reached the next platform, Harroc had taught her the next two sets of notes and he was able to demonstrate a basic song.

It sounded very strange to his own ears if he concentrated. Much of the songs conveyed a meaning, but it was all nonsense in the language of the birds. A collection of vague and disjointed concepts in a nonsensical arrangement. He laughed as Chloe managed to indicate safe food entirely by chance.

She stopped suddenly, blushing faintly and looking away. "Was I that bad?" she asked, not looking towards Harroc.

“No, you were quite good. I forget not everyone can speak their language, you managed to call out a particular thing among all the nonsense we’ve both been singing."

Chloe looked confused for a moment and then her eyes brightened. "That’s right, you know the language of all the beasts. That must have been very difficult to learn."

Harroc shrugged, a half-smile quirking his mouth. "When you spend long enough among them, you learn to listen in a particular way. From what I hear you are fairly talented yourself."

She blushed slightly. "I’ve learned the white-tailed kite for a traveling form, and I can communicate in it pretty well. I can also shift into a cougar for combat, but I’m still learning how to communicate in it. I practice whenever I can." Looking up at Harroc, she suggested, "Maybe we can shift when we get to the wilds?"

“Of course, I’m interested to see your flight form, I do not have one of my own," Harroc’s mouth broke into a full excited grin. "Also, that you have a combat form you feel comfortable in already is truly impressive. We will have to spar so I can assess your skill." Harroc did not mention his own combat form was mastered in his fourteenth summer. He knew his life had been brutally challenging and did not wish it upon any others.

Chloe’s cheeks reddened further but she returned Harroc’s smile. "Will- will we need my combat form beyond sparring? Instructor Zalai wouldn’t tell me any details, only that the route you ran was challenging." Chloe’s expression dimmed, a hint of nervous energy creeping into her voice.

Harroc held up his hand up, asking for a moment as they navigated past a large crowd of people on a shifting and narrow bridge. When they reached the far side he waited and held a hand out to Chloe, helping her off the now wildly swaying structure. "I can not know. I would say be prepared for it, the places we are going are not patrolled and the jungle often waits for complacency."

Chloe didn’t immediately release Harroc’s hand when she reached the broad solid branch at the other end. Harroc motioned with his head after a breath and laughed. "I did not know you were scared of the bridges, I would have taken us on a more relaxed route," he said, lifting their hands slightly. Chloe blushed, her entire body tensing as she dropped his hand suddenly and looked away.

The young shifter remained quiet for several minutes until Harroc began to whistle again. She joined him on his second song, picking up the notes as they walked and slowly letting the tension bleed back out of her shoulders. By the time they reached the last watchtower on the outer edge of the city, Harroc had learned several simple songs Chloe knew and taught her a new bird song in exchange.

“Heading out into the wilds again, Harroc?" a Kerasokan ranger in the tower shouted down, waving his arm lazily.

“Yes, taking a promising student out into the dangers to test her mettle," Harroc shouted back, coming to a stop and nodding to Chloe.

“Good to hear you’re going out again, we’ve not seen you in some time."

A second ranger, a Fae with glittering orange wings, popped her head over the side of the watchtower. "You give him your best girl, see that he doesn’t skimp on any training you deserve," she said down to Chloe who only nodded eagerly. Harroc laughed and started moving again, heading straight for a lightly worn deer trail that moved deeper into the eastern jungle.
Last edited by Harroc Crownegrove on February 15th, 2020, 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 1098
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

The jungles at the edge of the city proper were an odd place. There were signs of people everywhere, trampled grass paths, rope marks on trees, and even the occasional scrap of cloth or leather left behind by accident. The most obvious sign was the complete lack of predators and the abundance of prey and scavengers.

Harroc had wondered at this fact many times and even sought the wisdom of several Druids and Rangers. The general consensus seemed to be the predators understood the outskirts to be too much risk. The prey could deftly flee the undead towards the city, but a predator frightened and trapped between people with weapons and hordes of undead drawn by the fireflies faced a poorer proposition.

Even though the Rangers always strove to ensure predator and prey alike were protected it only took one incident for the knowledge to spread among the smarter beasts. And so the land before the jungle reclaimed its rightful dominion was lush with game that needed to be culled. It made good practice for the younger and provided ample food for any who desired it.

Harroc began to slowly fall back from Chloe, letting the younger shifter get more and more ahead until he came to a stop several paces behind her. She noticed finally and turned to look back at him with curiosity plain on her features.

"This is far enough out I think," Harroc said evenly, giving no indication or instruction.

Chloe frowned slightly, clearly mulling over the situation, before her face brightened. "Should I take my travel form, Instructor Harroc?" Harroc grinned and nodded, watching the young woman intently.

She glanced at him before taking a few paces back. Running, she leapt into the air, a scintillating cloud surrounding her form before she burst from the far side as a white-tailed kite. She took a tight circle around the path, coming back to land on Harroc’s shoulder. She flicked her wing back, brushing Harroc’s face as she preened at a feather.

"You look lovely, a prime example of the species," Harroc said as he inspected the bird critically. "I am surprised you were able to study a form with such vibrant markings." He instinctively reached out his fingers to delicately stroke the raptor's head. Chloe puffed out her chest feathers a bit, leaning into the stroke.

Harroc chirped and crooned softly between a chuckle. "{Eager to fly?}" he asked his student, preparing to toss her up to the sky.

“{Yes!}" she replied, pulling her wings back in preparation. "{Let us go.}" Bouncing a little from foot to foot, she made a soft noise of excitement. Harroc flung his arm upward, releasing Chloe to the winds and laughing as she immediately took flight.

Harroc cupped his hands to his mouth, shouting to carry his words past the rushing winds his student would be wrapped in. "Circle me, range as far as you wish, practice anything you wish, you will be unable to do the same once we pass the city’s true edge," he instructed as she settled herself into flight.

Confident Chloe could handle herself, Harroc started a slow jog. The pace was much faster than a walk, but was critical in the jungles were footing and paths were always uncertain. He knew he was rusty at the movement, and so he took the chance to reacquaint his muscles with the rolling gait.

Chloe pulled her wings to herself tightly, arrowing herself to the tall man in the brush. She dropped quickly, silently, pulling up just before her talons would have caught his hair. Harroc laughed loudly, watching his student wheel around in a sharp arc. "You should be careful how close you get to a predator," he said lifting his staff to wave lazily above his head as he continued to jog.

She chuckled to herself, circling down in a tight spiral. "{I am predator,}" she stated, flicking her wings as she flew past him again. Flying past him, she tipped her wings to fly an aileron roll circling upward. When she completed her turn she flicked her wings out, turning into a slow circling to prepare her next attack.

When her eyes fell downward, Harroc was nowhere to be seen. She circled for a moment, intently scanning the ground for signs of movement. He'd been moving at a fast enough pace that there were many places he could be hiding without needing to even change his stride.

She let out a cry of amusement and challenge. "{If you hide, then I hunt you.}" She angled her wing and dove, aiming to sweep the area near where she'd last seen him. As she approached the ground she flared her wings, arresting her fall and giving her greater control.

She started to swivel her head, just in time to see the blur of black fur flying towards her from a narrow branch. She started to roll away but realized it was too late, so she shifted on reflex.

Jaguar-Harroc looked surprised as he collided with Chloe's full-sized form. He still managed to wrap himself around her and absorb the fall without harm. Unfortunately, he'd been expecting a bird and now had a young woman. The pair tumbled in a tangle of fur, limbs, and hair until they slid to a stop in a dense patch of stuffy moss.

Harroc panted, the exertion of the run and leap combining with the thrill of the pounce had driven his heart to beat a rapid staccato against his chest. Beneath him, Chloe also panted for what he imagined were similar reasons.

As his heart began to slow again he chuckled, feeling the sensations of the hunt slowly leaving him. He leaned down and licked his student's forehead, the sign jaguar mothers used to indicate praise for their young. Then he languidly padded off, moving to stand nearby and scan the area.

Chloe had frozen stiff when Harroc's tongue touched her skin. As a jaguar, his tongue was rough and scratchy, but also very warm - as was he. He’d tackled her, pressed her into the ground while he lay on top of her. She’d felt his chest heave against hers as he breathed.

Her heart beat faster. He’d rumbled deeply and then his damp tongue had dragged against her face. Was that - lick - a sign of appreciation or interest? Blushing deeply, she turned to the side and forced herself to her feet. She swallowed hard, taking a moment to regain her balance. Her stomach - and other things - were fluttering like the bird she’d been a moment ago.

Scanning the area, Chloe looked for the path they had been following. She found a break in the vegetation that looked promising. Picking up the trail again, she started walking firmly in the direction of the jungle, putting on her most confident behavior. If Harroc was interested in her as a mate, then he could admire the sway of her hips as they walked; if not, then better for her to pretend he hadn’t shaken her.

Harroc chuffed, signaling his appreciation they were moving again, before growling out, "{Good, confidence is important. Makes a well-formed and balanced self.}" He fell into step beside his student, eyeing the dense jungle that marked the end of the city's influence. The danger would be ever-present soon.

Chloe grinned to herself as she heard Harroc's words. She didn't have the best grasp of jaguar yet, but she had definitely heard 'well formed' from him. A bubble of anticipation rose in her chest. Maybe he did find her interesting. Harroc remained silent, plodding along with calm easy strides.

When they finally reached the densely formed natural barricade Harroc shifted to his two-legged form and rolled his shoulders in a slow stretch. "If you wish to fly any more, now would be the time. I will need to search for life close to the other side before I create the opening. Once we pass through you are forbidden from flying while you remain in my care." The words were said with the undertone of command, but without any force behind them.

Harroc knelt before the wall of twisting vines and dense ferns. He closed his eyes, clearly pushing his focus somewhere other than what was directly in front of him. Chloe shifted from foot to foot behind him, trying not to interrupt his concentration. "You may continue to ask questions, but I will not be able to see you for some time," Harroc said suddenly, sounding faintly distracted.

“Okay," Chloe said, frowning slightly. "What are you doing? Why can't I fly as a bird past here?"

“I am searching with my essence for life, it leaves a trace upon the earth and plants when there are larger creatures active nearby. The sort of larger creatures we wish to avoid," Harroc said, his features bunching up and then relaxing as he examined a particularly dense area of essence. It was likely a gully of some kind, rich with plant, stone, and earth in equal measure.

“You will not fly because there are giant spiders in the wilds and they place near invisible webs across the gaps in trees, sometimes as wide as a great river. If a strand even grazed your wing you would be trapped and the creature would simply consume you."

Chloe shivered. Although spiders were common and beneficial to many places, she didn’t much care for them. "How big are these spiders?"

“The largest can have legs twice as tall as I am. Though most tend to have a body half that length," Harroc said as he shifted his focus back, following a faint trail. There had been a creature, but it was either dead or gone.

“They’d be bigger than a horse, or an elk, or moose even. Can you ride them?" She assumed they’d be furry too; it was common for biggest spiders she had seen to have little fur-like coverings on their legs and bodies.

Harroc laughed, shrugging slightly. "I would assume so. Most creatures can be ridden if you have the will and time. Although I do not believe they have the temperament so perhaps you would have to capture a young one first."

“Well, have you tried?" she asked.

“I have not, I avoid them as they are well armored and terribly fast." Harroc said as he completed his search. "There is nothing overly large ahead. Come, we will pass through the wall."

He rose to stand and moved towards the densely packed vegetation. His hand came out and the vines began to shift and move, curling towards the jungle and pulling apart, building a path just wide enough for him to walk.

Chloe waited for instruction; did he want to go first or should she? Pausing for a moment, she glanced at Harroc and then stepped through the opening in the vines. The path groaned and creaked as she walked, Harroc moving in close behind her. When she glanced back she saw the vines closing behind the druid as soon as he passed.

It was a little unnerving. She pushed the unease away and decided to keep asking questions. "Where are we going?"

“A half day out we will come to a river," Harroc said back just loud enough to be heard over the shifting foliage. "We will follow it to a wellspring. I cleared the river a month ago and I need to ensure that it has stayed cleared."

“Why do we need to check it? Shouldn’t it be okay if you cleared it?" She spoke a little louder so Harroc would be able to hear her over the vines’ movements and the fact that she wasn’t facing him.

“There is a force or spirit of some sort that lives in the river that creates creatures to defend its domain. These creatures are aggressive and cannot be reasonably harmed without injury. This forces predators away causing them to range further and damage the cycle." Harroc placed his hand onto Chloe’s shoulder, stopping her short of stepping into the open jungle that was just ahead.

“Wait, watch, listen. It is better to spend a moment observing your path than the rest of your life regretting your arrogance," Harroc whispered right beside her ear. His breath tickled her skin and his hand was terribly warm on her shoulder. She tried to remember what he said as well as how he’d said it. She felt her stomach fluttering and tried hard to ignore it.

The sound of Harroc’s heartbeat was deafening in her ears. She almost wanted to ask him to step back until she realized it was her own blood pounding through her veins that drowned out the jungle. "Is there something in particular you want me to listen to or look out for?" She took a slow breath, trying to calm her rapid pulse.

“Danger. Look for predators, prey, plants that might threaten our next steps. They will all have a denser and more vibrant presence than you are used to. It takes time to adjust, but you are safe here." Harroc squeezed her shoulder gently in his hand. "Take this chance to see and learn, do not hesitate to ask questions, but do so quietly. Being overloud will do us no favors."

His touch burned her shoulder, every movement of his fingers felt like it was going to melt her into a puddle. She gave herself a soft shake, mentally chastising her emotions for letting desire turn her brain to mush. "Predators, prey, plants," she whispered to herself as her eyes focused on the dim jungle just beyond the vines.

There was the soft call of bird, the faint buzz of insects, and even a slight rustle of foliage. "I don’t think there’s a predator near, too many small things moving freely," she offered, scanning intently with her eyes. "I don’t see any dangerous plants or discoloration in the ground, so no pitfalls."

“Good, do you feel we can move forward?" Harroc asked, still hovering just above her shoulder and whispering.

“Yes?" her response too unsure to be a statement. "I mean, there doesn’t seem to be anything that would prevent us from going on safely," she continued.

“Then lead us, step away from the vines, but stay low and out of the open ground. Do not wander, do not chase," Harroc replied with a final firm squeeze before releasing her shoulder.

Chloe bit her lip nervously, her shoulder felt so cold now that the heat was gone. "Can I travel as a puma?" At least she could defend herself better with claws and teeth should something happen to attack.

“You may, though do not range far from me."

She stretched in preparation for the shift. "Are you going to travel as a jaguar?"

“I may. I cannot take my usual Wolf form without… consequences," Harroc looked sheepish for a moment before his face returned to a neutral mask. "I may stay in this form so that I can truly defend us with magic if the need arises."

Interesting, that had been the first time she’d seen him look less than confident. Maybe she’d ask about that later, when he felt less need to be alert and protective. "Why did you pick a jaguar?" That was a more - neutral question, she thought.

“They are proud solitary creatures with the strength and dexterity to hunt and overpower prey," Harroc said as his eyes began to shift and sparkle. It was always an enjoyable thing to speak of forms and their choosing.

"They have no direct predators in their size, the dangers they face come from greater challenges and the wilds themselves. This spoke to me when I was younger." He prodded Chloe’s back gently. "Forward. There will be plenty of time once we are moving."

She turned her head and wrinkled her features in mild annoyance at him, but started walking. "Why a black jaguar though? Wouldn’t a normal one blend in better?"

“Blending is not a problem, as you saw earlier," Harroc immediately countered. His eyes were darting everywhere and his grip on his staff was tight and high. "Besides, they are rare, and in my pride I did not wish to pass up a young and strong creature with intriguing marking."

Chloe giggled softly. "So you’re a black jaguar because you wanted to be hot?"

“The fur gets no hotter than usual, though I do find I enjoy the sun much more when I lounge," Harroc said back after a moment of clear confusion.

‘Did he really not get that, or is he pretending not to know?’ she thought, frowning to herself. "Okay… so where did you find a black jaguar to study?"

“In my earliest years alone I was tasked with a region that fell completely within the hunting territory of the beast," Harroc seemed to relax but still herded Chloe away from the clear open ground ahead.

"I first saw him standing over a kill warding away lesser beasts. He was beautiful, strong, and in control. It was everything I wanted to be. So I tracked him for many weeks, watching and observing his methods and power."

‘Yup, he wanted to be hot,’ Chloe thought to herself. "Did he ever try to attack you or chase you away? I had to be really careful when I was watching the puma. Her ears would flatten if I got too close and she hissed at me once when I came too close to her den," she said, remembering.

“I fought him twice in my time, both times I barely escaped alive. The first he caught my scent when the wind shifted. The second he lay in wait for me along my usual path," Harroc’s eyes shimmered and shifted as he looked into the near distance with a faint smile on his face. "He was a very smart creature, and I am honored to wear his form."

Chloe looked up at him while he spoke. His eyes were - mesmerizing. They shifted and changed like leaves in the wind on a summer day. Her mind drifted to thoughts of what those eyes might look like, looking down at her-

Harroc pointed with his staff to the south west. "Head that way, use the trails when you can but be wary of any particularly cleared areas. They are fighting grounds, traps, or simply natural hazards."

She gave her head a shake and began scanning the area, leaning on her training as she looked for signs of a trail. Spotting bent branches and lower vegetation, she made for what seemed a reasonable path. "So, the jaguar’s territory. Is that where you grew up?"

Harroc fell into step a single pace behind her, his eyes slowly scanning as they walked. He seemed to be close enough he could leap forward if needed, but was thankfully no longer completely on top of her. "I grew up in many places, though my earliest years were spent in these wilds. More to the south east, in the less populous places where a druid might roam and become one with the land."

He started to use his staff for long easy strides. "I spent my middle years visiting the frozen wastes north and the plains to the west. I returned here as I find the warmth comforting."

Chloe made a face of surprise. The ‘frozen north’ was somewhat of a distant concept to her, having grown up in Ninraih. He had been there and clearly survived. She’d ask more questions about that later; for now she wanted to hear about him. "You grew up in the wilds? Did you like it? Was it nice?"

Harroc looked thoughtful for a moment, his eyes continuing to shift and change as he fell into an easy rhythm and could focus on his thoughts. "I do not think you would have found it so, and I did not in my younger years, but looking back I believe it was in a certain way."

He grinned, and nodded to a large shadow high above. "Spider." Chloe frowned and her shoulders hunched slightly, but she said nothing as she glanced up. The shadow had to be massive to be so clear from this distance. She didn’t think she wanted to try riding them any longer.

After a moment he continued, "The places I spent time in were more vibrant and lush than even here. There was a great deal of beauty all around. Sadly I did not come to appreciate it until I was much older."

“Why not? Weren’t your parents like, constantly telling you to respect the wilds?" She kept walking, one bit of her attention tracking the spider’s enormous shadow.

“I have never met my father and my mother spoke little of him. He is an elemental of rock and tree and he left before I was born," Harroc said evenly, though the shimmer of his eyes faded. "My mother raised me alone in the wilds as she also dealt with her duties to the circle. She was harsh and unforgiving like the rushing waterfalls, but also as beautiful and serene as the canopy dawn."

Chloe glanced back at him, a bit startled at the slight flatness in his voice. "Not much of an affectionate person, I take it? I didn’t really have a mom, but lots of the elves and the fae in my village were big on hugging and being nice and making sure I had good things," she rambled slightly, not sure if she was supposed to sympathize or comfort him, or just ignore the shift in his demeanor.

“I believe I enjoy hugging, though it is a new comfort. I do not hate my mother for how I was treated; she taught me many things that allowed me to survive the dangers of brutal places." He shrugged and gave a short-lived half-smile. "She prepared me to embrace my own strength and master my own path. These are things that far outweigh any lack in her kindness. I have not seen her in many years, though perhaps we will cross paths again one day."

Chloe paused mid-step. "You don’t know where she is?" She turned to look at Harroc, puzzled. "I thought families tracked each other like that."

“When is the last time you tracked a leaf on a river, or a snowflake in the wind?" Harroc asked with a wry chuckle. "I hear of her from time to time. Her efforts and movements are spread the same as for all of the Circle. Reports come months later, and without meaning."

She started walking again, feeling that she’d accidentally poked a sore spot. "What’s the Circle? Is that a druid thing?"

“The Circle of Balance, the order I belong to. They work to preserve nature and bounty. They strengthen themselves through brutality and challenge and if you want to know more, you will have to bribe me dearly and often." Harroc’s eyes returned to the earlier shimmer, humor clear in his voice, though with an edge of seriousness beneath it.

“Bribery, hm?" Chloe considered for a moment. "What’s your thing? Pastries, I’m guessing, but what else?" She flashed a grin back at him. "Catnip?"

“I enjoy vigorous games, sweet things, and new experiences of beauty. Also a good sun spot and scratches can be wonderful on the right day. I have never had ‘Catnip’," he said the word with a clear question in his voice.

Chloe smirked. "It’s a plant that cats like. They’ll eat it, roll on it, sniff it, and act like they’re drunk. I’ve only been around it once in puma form," she said. "One of the Rangers wanted to play a bit of a trick on me and put it on the ground in one of the training areas." She huffed slightly. "Joke was on her, though. She had to fix all the stuff I ran over - and through - while I was out of it."

“That sounds- sounds fun. Perhaps you can acquire some when we are safe again," Harroc said with a nod. Chloe grinned to herself, thinking about seeing Harroc drunk on catnip. She wondered if he would be the sort who was quiet or ran around crazily like she had.

“Okay, I’ll check with the herb suppliers when we get back. It’s really easy to grow because it’s like a mint."

“I love mint, Colle smells like it when they don’t smell like-" Harroc blushed suddenly and clicked his mouth shut.

“Pastries and flour?" Chloe offered. "Colle’s the baker at that cafe we went to, right?"

“Right, they are my Honey," Harroc said proudly. "They made the cat’s paw for me. It is delicious."

“Oh, that big honey glazed pastry? That was tasty." Chloe grit her teeth slightly. Harroc had been really handsy with Colle at the cafe. She had to admit that the Fae was kind of cute-looking, but really short and obviously temperamental - and not a shapeshifter. "How did you find that cafe, anyway? I never saw it before today," she commented.

“I followed the scent of honey and the sun. There is a break in the trees above the place, it makes for a rare patch of sun that lasts most of the day without being in the canopy," Harroc said easily, moving to be beside Chloe as the path widened.

She giggled softly. "You were just looking for a good sun spot?"

“They are a rarity lower down in the city. I did not find the heights pleasant or comfortable until I had spent a good deal of time among them." Harroc pointed suddenly, indicating a massive shifting screen of leaves in the distance. "That would eat us if it could, but we are small enough to stay far away without concern."

Squinting, she tried to identify the patch he indicated. "What is it?"

“A vinebeast, an ancient one by the size. They begin life no bigger than my palm, but grow and feed on the sun and carcasses. They eventually become so large as to be in a class of their own. I have not seen one this big so close in some time," Harroc explained, motioning to the creature’s front and slow moving vines. "When hunting or attacked even the juveniles can swing those vines fast enough to shatter bone. A reason why we pay attention to the path."

She gulped, studying the patch. "How can you tell that’s a vine beast and not just a patch of vines and stuff?"

“The amount of beasts or wind required to move that much foliage would be very loud. For the smaller ones, they have a scent, sickly sweet like rotting meat mixed with ash. They are also not terribly clever and will wait in odd places or angles."

He motioned to his small front pack. "If we run across one that attacks, we toss meat and rocks and try to get away. The true danger is injury and then being stalked for death. The jungle always waits and watches, looking to exploit weakness or cull the wounded."

“So we run rather than fight it. Shouldn’t we try to kill it though, if it’s so dangerous?"

“There are few hard rules, but this is one of them," Harroc said, coming to a stop and lightly gripping Chloe’s arm to turn her towards him. "If you cannot guarantee a win, run away. Even an injured or defeated enemy is deadly. The most dangerous force in the wilds is to be wounded and distracted," he enumerated the points with his fingers, locking his eyes to hers and boring the words into her. "Remember these and you will do well enough."

‘Is he being protective of me? That’s an attractive quality,’ she thought, listening to Harroc while trying desperately to not get lost in his swirling eyes. "Right. Don’t get hurt and don’t start a fight you can’t win," she repeated, paraphrasing what he said.

“And if you do fight, win absolutely. Fight with no regret or hesitation," he added pointedly at the end before nodding and turning back to the trail.

The words bounced around in her mind. "Win absolutely. Fight without regret." She mulled over them as she followed the path. It seemed to be a sound principle in any aspect of life really, she thought.

“You are good with plants?" Harroc asked suddenly after a long silence.

“Pretty good. I can keep almost anything alive and I could find you plenty to eat. Did you need something?" She perked up; a chance to show off her skills would be excellent.

“W- I am thinking of gathering herbs, the sort used in food and drink. I want to provide something beyond my reports and knowledge. I also find plants pleasant to be around and would like to enjoy them outside of the dangers of my travel." Harroc said with only the faintest hitch at the beginning of his reply.

Chloe wondered if he’d wanted to get something for that Fae. She was tempted to tell him to take a plant that would likely cause the Fae to itch and make them irritated at him, but if the plants were for him, she couldn’t do that. There would surely be some plants that he could harvest in the wilds. Looking around her, she realized that she could probably give him an entire satchel full if he wanted.

“We will have several hours when we reach the river. We will camp there early to avoid getting caught by the night predators near running water," Harroc added when Chloe began to look around intently.

Near water there should be a larger variety of herbs and possibly berries. She left off looking for likely specimens and instead began to watch for tracks that might indicate prey. Chloe lost track of time as she scanned the path, tracked sounds, and sampled the air for scents.

Harroc’s hand on her shoulder made her jump and she chastised herself silently for getting so complacent. "Take this, it will be enough for the rest of the day," he said softly, handing over a collection of small berries. "We will hunt this evening, but it would not do to go hungry needlessly."

She popped one into her mouth, enjoying the burst of flavor as it leaked juice on her tongue. Harroc grinned as he watched her eat. It was something he’d never have considered, but people often expressed themselves more openly when food was involved.

Smiling, Chloe put another two berries in her mouth. She closed her eyes, grinning, and jigged a bit in a sort of dance. Harroc chuckled softly, enjoying her display of indulgence. "You look very pleased with yourself," he said softly.

“They’re delicious!" she shot back at him, a little embarrassed to be caught being childish.

“Thank you, I picked them and enchanted them myself," Harroc said back, clearly pleased with her reaction. "The flavor should not rest too long on your tongue any more, I worked that out after being introduced to sweets."

“Why not? I don’t think I’d mind tasting this for a while," she said, eating another berry.

“It becomes strange after more than several minutes, like a faint hint of sweetness that tickles the throat," he explained, pointing to his own throat and tapping. "I believe it is better to fade away rather than persist the entire duration."

“Hmm," she said, acting as though she was considering his reasoning rather than his throat. His neck was as muscular as the rest of him, but the skin looked soft and unmarked. ‘If he was mine, I’d want to stake my claim. Clearly that Fae didn’t,’ she mused.

Harroc popped one of the berries into his mouth and shivered, moaning softly in appreciation before he sighed and smiled broadly. Chloe almost dropped the remainder of her handful of berries.

Idols, the Rangers had not been lying about the food thing. Maybe that’s why he had cozied up to the Fae, since they were a baker. Well, there was more than just pastries that were tasty. She was sure she could find him something equally delicious, given time.

"We should keep moving if you want to look for plants near the river and still have time to bathe," Harroc said before eating another berry with similar indulgent sounds and movements.

Chloe felt a rush of warmth and anticipation curl in her belly. He probably looked amazing wet and mostly naked. To be fair, she thought, she wasn’t bad to look at either, even if she was going to be dirty and sweaty. Being a student of the Rangers gave you lots of opportunity to stay in shape. Surely she’d look better than a Fae who sat around baking all day.
Word count: 5535
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

The remaining hours passed without significant danger. Occasionally, Harroc would point to some animal or plant and discuss the danger, or the utility, posed by the item. Chloe listened carefully each time he spoke, absorbing the information and simply enjoying the journey. The path grew wider and the surrounding foliage denser the further they travelled into the wilds.

Harroc chuckled softly to himself just around the time Chloe began to wonder if his estimate of half a day was being skewed by her own pace. Then, perhaps ten minutes later, she heard the first faint sounds of rushing water.

Upon reaching the river, she saw the water, flowing around and over stones in its path, chattering as it went. Curves in the river created areas where the current was less strong and leaves and twigs bobbed gently before being swept away again. A slope leading into the water at one point might have been from some kind of animal sliding into the water often enough to carve the bank to its own purposes. Looking down into the water, Chloe found that it was clear enough she could see the fish darting among the grasses on the bottom.

“The river, protected and enhanced by a force of water to be pure and refreshing,” Harroc said, speaking in his normal volume rather than the quiet whispers he had been using for several hours now. “We now need to find a place to reside in safety. Show me your talents, Chloe.”

She looked along the bank. A few areas looked too sloped or made shallow indentations; too prone to rain and water damage. Rocks disqualified another. She walked up river as she hunted, talking over her decision as if she were in a class back home. Harroc provided no insight, but nodded and encouraged silently as they went.

Spotting a large tree set back a short distance from the bank, she strode over to inspect the area. Other trees provided some windbreak and protection from any weather they might encounter. There was a slight rise a little away from the tree, and the ground sloped very gently down from there. No large rocks on the ground that she could see, to dig into their backs as they slept. “This will do,” she said, gesturing to the area.

“A good choice, it will be easy to keep safe and is not terribly exposed,” Harroc said as he came up beside Chloe and squeezed her shoulder gently. As he continued he let his hand rest there, looking around the small clearing. “Well done. Memorize the location and we can begin hunting for plants. I cede to your authority in this matter.”

Glee bubbled up in her chest. He approved - he was holding her again - his hand was almost frighteningly warm on her shoulder. She fought down the urge to place her own hand atop his and instead turned a brilliant smile his way.

She continued to beam as she turned away and set to looking for plants. She hadn’t realized how happy she would be just for receiving praise from someone obviously skilled. Even being considered an authority on something so minor seemed like high praise from this man who grew up in such brutal places.
Word count: 544
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Turning slowly, Chloe spotted a promising clump of ferns not far away. Peering at the plant, she brushed the leaves aside to look into the center and frowned. Moving on, she found another fern, this one with tightly coiled juvenile fronds scattered around it. Grinning, she began picking the fiddleheads peeking up from the ground.

Harroc moved beside her, frowning faintly. "I was told long ago that the spawn of ferns are poisonous," he said as he pointed at the harvested plants.

"They're fine as long as they're cooked. You just have to boil them for a little while," Chloe responded, her hands full of the curled leaves.

"Ah, there are many plants with similar need I understand. I have honestly neglected my studies regarding the more complicated edible choices." Harroc chuckled softly. "There is much you can teach me, it is nice to have a student with knowledge beyond my own."

She grinned widely. “I would enjoy teaching you about foraging; that’s my specialty. The village where I grew up was out far enough that foraging was pretty necessary to feed us all.” She tucked the leaves into a spare pouch at her waist. “There’s so many plants that are good for eating that people don’t know or think about. You can turn nuts and seeds into a kind of flour if you grind them. Many plants that might be harmful otherwise are fine if you cook them. Some plants only have one part that are any good where others you can eat the whole thing,” Chloe rambled along, looking for more plants.

“Ah, here we go. Ramps,” she said, pointing at a collection of tall, wide-bladed grass-like plants. She pulled one up to show the smallish white bulb at the end of the stalks. “They have sort of an oniony-garlicky taste? I like them - they give a good flavor to meats and vegetables as long as you don’t overcook them.” Tugging, she collected about a third of the patch to make a large handful. “You want to leave enough so they can keep growing and multiplying. If you take too many the patch dies off.”

“The cycle is present in all things, from the unimaginably large to the infinitesimally small,” Harroc parroted a clearly oft spoken axiom. “It is always exciting to see the truth of the lessons, even if they are not always perfect.” He grinned and bounced his head to relax his shoulders. “From who did you learn your lessons? Your village sounds like many I have briefly visited. Most did not have the luxury of an experienced teacher.”

Chloe blinked, thinking. “A couple of the Kerasoka who lived there - I didn’t really stay in one house all the time so different people told me different bits.” She paused to consider her foraging experiments and their outcomes. “Some of the Fae were helpful when I messed up. They could tell that the plants weren’t good so they could either purify what I made so that it was safe or at least tell me to dump it before I ate.”

“It is good the community was so open with knowledge and help. I know many of the finest Circle members have come from such communities. Holders of gems of knowledge earned through hardship can be refined and directed to make excellent guardians,” Harroc offered with a knowing nod. “I am supposed to be gathering my own disciples, strengthening the Circle, but I find myself unable to while the principles remain unsettled in my thoughts.”
Word count: 595
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

“What principles? Your Circle is about nature and balance right?” Chloe asked as she carried the ramps to where she’d set down her pack to mark the area to put the tent.

“That is an amusing but apt simplification. The Circle of Balance teaches the preservation of balance in nature and self. The self must be strengthened to protect the cycle,” Harroc’s expression flattened, and his voice lost all inflection, as if reading from an ancient text only he could see. "It is in nature to grow, and so it shall be in you to grow. Question, challenge, seek with every fiber." His voice rose slightly as he continued, but held the same blankness of emotion.

"So it is in nature that the inquisitive face lessons. Be they of defeat or conquest one may still learn.” Each word came out like he was speaking from the past. Clear, but distant and without focus or emotion. “It is through these lessons one becomes strong. Of body, heart, mind, and spirit. And in times of need, that strength will be tested. Should you be found wanting, you will learn the harshest lesson. Seek always, that you might face the final lesson prepared."

Chloe stared at him as he spoke. His face, usually so lively and unguarded, had gone mask-like, and his voice lost its usual vivacity. “What even is all that? Some kind of…?” She waved her hand vaguely to replace the word she couldn’t find. “And all that talk about growing and getting stronger - wouldn’t the balance of that be dying and being weak? What about that? Isn’t that part of the cycles of nature?”

“Creed, and you have, in moments, found the meaning for the final lesson. No matter your preparation, death will come and be merciless. The Circle of Balance guides its members to seek harshness so they might better protect the world." He shrugged, expression flooding back into his features with a thoughtful frown. "I believe harsh lessons breed harsh men. Perhaps one should seek beauty and comfort as well as violence."

“Uh, forgive my Kerasokan, but yeah, fuck that harshness shit.” Chloe emptied her hands and put them on her hips. “Being strong is wonderful and I’d like to get stronger, but not to the point where I think anyone who isn’t strong is beneath me or something.” She paused and lowered her arms.

“If it weren’t for pretty much everyone in my village helping me, I would have died as a small child. I wouldn’t have learned how to find food or that shapeshifters even existed.” She blew out a gusty breath. “I’m glad the people of my village didn’t follow your Circle’s, uh, creed, then.”

“I agree, and it is why I find myself at odds. I was given no choices, the dangers of the wilds demanded I be strong and face the brutality of the world or die trying,” he grinned and pointed to the river. “I learned to swim by having to flee from a predator. It was not until much later I learned a bath can be warmed for comfort. I find I enjoy the pursuit of pleasures and beauty.”

“So you’re a druid, or a ranger, because you had to be, more or less. What do you think you would have done otherwise?” she mused. “Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like had I grown up with parents and one home all the time. On the other hand, I learned a lot from so many different people and I probably would have missed out on all those lessons if I’d been in one place with the same people all the time.”
Word count: 627
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc stopped moving, breathing, it seemed as though he had been frozen completely. This persisted for several long moments before he loosed a sharp bark of wry amusement. “I had never considered, and now that I do, I do not know where to even begin.”

"I guess you could start filling in the gaps in your knowledge. That's what I've been trying to do since I came to the city. I've been trying to learn about the rangers and shapeshifters. Maybe you could learn about beauty and pleasure, since it sounds like those aren't things you've had much experience with." She rolled her shoulders back, emphasizing her chest as she stretched. "We should probably hunt soon so that we can eat and bathe," she remarked.

“We should, yes. I see you have not taken your training lightly. Even still, I imagine there is much I can teach you about becoming faster, stronger, and having greater stamina,” Harroc turned and started towards the edge of the camp before stopping. “Let me gift you knowledge, and then we can hunt easier.” He held his hand up in front of him with the question of permission plain on his face.

‘Greater stamina,’ she thought with a smirk. ‘I know how I’d like to see a demonstration of that.’ He stood there with his palm facing her, clearly asking for permission for - something. She raised an eyebrow and approached him. Cupping his wrist, she drew his hand to her cheek. “Go ahead,” she said, her hand gently pressing his to her face.

Harroc nodded silently and reached into his pouch. He grasped his focus, channeling his essence into the stone until he felt it ready to burst. Holding the energy in place, he reached out with another tendril of power. He guided it through his arm and palm, into Chloe's skin with slow probing movements. The spell would drain him significantly less if he could direct it to her pathways rather than imbuing it with the power to find them by sheer force.

A pathway from Chloe’s cheek connected to her lips, down her neck, and into a sideways figure eight in her chest. The pathway continued, wrapping around her torso to her spine, and then up her spine to her mind. Harroc pressed his lips together in intense concentration as he followed the essence again before releasing the spell. The magic swirled and was sucked into Chloe’s pathways like a greedy druid with honeyed sweets. It settled in her thoughts, her throat, her eyes and ears and then was gone.

“It is done, you will speak as I do for a day of hours,” Harroc said softly, not removing his hand from her face. “I have never done that before, it was - surprisingly effective.”

She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek slightly into his palm. Everything felt vaguely - tingly, maybe? - and she felt like she could feel every hair on her skin. Her blood ran hot; what had he done? More importantly, could he do it again? Then his fingers flexed - perhaps so slightly she wouldn’t have normally noticed - but it sent rivulets of fire through her skin. A sigh slipped from her as her entire body quivered in a strange mix of excitement and anticipation.

“We should begin the hunt soon. There’s much to do,” Harroc's voice remained low. He was very aware Chloe was likely experiencing the sensitivity Colle had spoken of when he’d run his essence through them.
Word count: 591
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Her eyes snapped open and Harroc’s hand moved away smoothly in the same moment. "Um. Oh - okay then. Where are we hunting? In combat form?"

“There is a grazing ground not far, and yes it will be a good chance to show your skill while still being wary of larger and more dangerous predators," Harroc offered as he turned away and began to stretch and roll his shoulders.

Chloe watched him for a long moment, admiring the muscles that peeked from beneath his armor, before shaking herself out and working the tightness out of her own muscles. Being in a four-legged form placed much different demands on the muscles of the body and she’d been human or bird most of today.

Harroc leapt suddenly and completed his shift with a few languid strides from his black jaguar form. When he came to a stop he turned back and chuffed softly. {"Come now, show me how talented you are."}

She started a little, realizing that she understood him perfectly though he spoke as a jaguar. Not wanting to show off just to fail, she bent and put her palms to the ground, almost lunging forward as she changed. Once she had finished, she shook her head, getting used to the feel of fur and paws and tail again.

{"You have beautiful form, how long have you practiced it? Your movements are fluid and precise, though I can already see several areas you would benefit from close instruction."} Harroc moved around Chloe deftly, looking her over and even moving close enough to bump her side before he moved away. {"Alright then, lead me to the hunting grounds,"} he finished, his tongue lolling out and his cheeks lifting in what Chloe now understood to be a broad grin.

She couldn’t yet tell if he was so open and direct with everyone, or if she was actively interested in her, but watching him prowl around her was not doing her concentration any favors. He seemed to be almost cloaked in confidence, and each step of his broad paws and ripple of his powerful legs hinted at the strength and agility beneath his shifting black fur.

Then she caught his scent and couldn’t stop a snort of approval. He smelled strong, powerful, like a male in his prime ready to claim all that stood before him. Chloe felt herself drawn to him, need and desire beginning to overwhelm her other senses. She took a single step towards him, chuffing softly, before she shook herself and wrestled back control.

With a powerful growl of annoyance at her own weakness, Chloe lifted her head, scenting the air for herbivores. After a moment of focus she pushed the scent of Harroc down and the tang of chewed plants and the subtle musk of grazing animals curled into her nostrils. They were everywhere, though clearly the trail was stronger in one direction. With a flick of a glance toward Harroc, she bounded off in the direction of the scent.

As she neared the edges of the grassy area, she could see four distinct kinds of animals grazing. She spotted the buffalo first, their massive shaggy bulk towering over the other animals. The horns of the reindeer caught her eye next, followed by the contrasting stripes of the quagga and the patchwork of the okapi. There was some intermingling, but the different animals mostly kept to their own groups, about ten individuals each. She scanned the population, looking for any animals that appeared weak or otherwise burdened.

Harroc padded up silently beside her, bumping her slightly and grinning as he watched her return to scanning. Chloe almost rolled her eyes, but then she caught the movement among the quagga. The main group was moving away, leaving behind a pair of younger animals and an older female. She tensed in anticipation of the hunt, preparing her body to burst from the undergrowth.

Harroc growled softly beside her, bumping her again. She understood she was not to hunt this group and returned her focus. She would ask him later why, for now there was too much movement to waste time with questions. The reindeer began to move next, two younger males staying behind. They appeared to be posturing at each other, ignoring their herd’s movements to not give away advantage.

She crouched lower, padding a few paces closer. One of the males had an open wound on his shoulder; superficial, but it might be enough to slow him down. She would have her chance soon. Either one would win or they both would grow exhausted. He kept her outline against the heavy undergrowth, sliding forward with long careful steps.

Each crash of the males’ antlers against each other came out like a crack of thunder, obscuring her approach even further. She got within striking distance, three long strides and a leap, and settled into a low stance. Her haunches coiled to spring her forward, her claws extended to grip the soil, she waited and watched.

She felt the time was closing in, one of the males landed a solid strike, leaving a gash in his opponent’s broad neck and tearing a yell from the injured reindeer. Chloe lifted herself just so, tensing and releasing her back legs to balance and adjust her position.

Harroc chuffed appreciatively from just behind her, she started at the sound and its implication just as the two reindeer again collided. ‘Was he looking at my ass?’ she thought briefly before snapping her attention back to the prey. Another collision, another shout, the fight would end at any moment.

Chloe tensed her entire form and waited for the next clash. The crack of thunder came and she sprang forward, her paws outstretched and driving into the ground with all the fury she could muster. Two more strides and she leapt, sailing into the injured reindeer with her jaws held shut. She didn’t want to risk missing the bite.

As she collided, she snapped out, sinking her teeth deep into the wounded animal’s neck and yanking hard. The reindeer grunted and tried to let loose a plaintive yell, but only managed a gurgling whimper. Chloe shook the animal again, righting herself atop it and planting her feet firmly as she chanced a glance around, leaving the prey to die beneath her.

Harroc stood there, not five feet away, blood coating his head and the other reindeer dead at his feet. ‘How had he-’ she wondered. She’d not even heard him move, heard the animal cry out in alarm, and his prey was already clearly dead.

{"You did very well, the run and strike were accurate, powerful, and safe,"} Harroc purred, chuffed, and lolled his tongue in approval as he approached her. {"Always ways to be faster, quieter, stronger."} He stopped just in front of her and grinned, flicking his ears in amusement.

Chloe acted on reflex, moving forward and slipping her tongue out to lap at the blood coating his muzzle. It tasted sweet and filled her with a sense of primal pleasure. Harroc froze, standing there unmoving as her tongue again slid out to clean him. She felt him go rigid under her ministrations. {"Something wrong?"} she asked, trying to convey a sense of playfulness in her chuffs and murmurs.

{"Time for hunting, mate unable to challenge, unfair,"} Harroc replied in short broken words. He seemed reluctant, but did not move away, though he refused to lock eyes with her.

{"Hunt over. Now what?"} She flicked her tail out at him, batting at him with the tip. {"Food time?"}

{"Move meal, cut, bleed, protect,"} Harroc responded, jumping as her tail bumped against him. He let his tongue loll out again, becoming animated and shaking his head to toss blood droplets everywhere.

{"How do we move meal?"} she asked, eyeing the reindeer carcasses in the grass. She wasn’t sure she could haul them back to their campsite, even as strong as she was in her cougar form.

Harroc leapt and transformed, the blood coating his face covering significantly more of him without the muzzle. "We cut it, carefully and quickly, and use leaves and vines to make a sled. We must move with haste, the scent will attract larger and more dangerous creatures to the kill." He motioned for her to come closer to him and knelt down beside her kill.

With a sweep of his hand over the earth he pulled up a thin flat stone that looked razor sharp. "Cut the largest portions of dense meat, we leave much of it here to sate those who would follow." He moved his hand in deft strokes, cutting and slicing through the thick hide of the reindeer easily. "Were it safer, I would teach you all the cuts, but here we do not have time. Gather vines and broad leaves, dense ones, I can bind them if they are not long enough alone."

Chloe stepped closer, growling a little at having to change back already. Both of Harroc’s forms were strong and attractive, but his jaguar-self seemed more - susceptible - to suggestion. She stood a few paces away and concentrated. Shifting, she resumed her human form in a crouch, leaning on her hands before she was able to stand. Blood smeared her face from the kill and she grinned, knowing it made her look fierce.

Harroc continued to work, he started to hum softly to himself as he slowly extracted the shoulder and side of the reindeer. The meat would make an excellent meal and Chloe felt a pang of desire to simply shift back and begin to eat. Instead, she looked around and grinned as she spotted a tangleweb. The plant’s densely twisted vines and broad leafy stalks were perfect for their needs.

She pulled out her trail knife and worked with a sense of urgency and purpose. Soon she had two handfuls of vine as long as she was tall and a small pile of broad flat leaves. Hauling the pile closer to the kills, she looked over at Harroc for direction.

“You are faster than I expect again, I am not ready. Please spread out the leaves, run the vines between the gaps, I will bind them and then we can drag the lot quickly enough when I have finished dressing the second animal," Harroc said with an easy smile before returning to his work.

Chloe began arranging the leaves as he’d specified. "Let me know if you think I should collect more," she said, not turning to look at him. The vines and leaves spread out, she waited for Harroc to bind them or tell her to gather more.

Harroc finished his work and rose, looking over the collection of plants. He adjusted them slightly and then stared at them intensely for several silent moments. There was a flair of power, a sense of sudden loss, and then the plants began to shift and move. The vines twisted and twined, forming long ropes. The leaves seemed to knit together, pulling each leaf and vine closer until they formed a solid whole. When it was done, Harroc let loose a soft sigh.

“Pile the meat, as much as you think we need, I will trust your judgement while I watch for predators," he said, turning and moving just slightly away. He looked suddenly very tired, the glow he usually carried seemed to have retreated, but his eyes continued to swirl and sparkle.

Chloe grabbed several of the larger chunks of meat and began trying to stack them into a reasonable pile. Some of the smaller chunks slid off onto the leaf material and she restacked them. She knew she was hungry, and betting that Harroc was too, she was generous with her estimation. She’d taken a little over half of what he’d cut before she didn’t think the makeshift fabric could hold any more.

“I think that’s all we can get," she said, wiping her hands on the grass as best she could.

“Good, now guide me back, I will pull," Harroc said, coming over and lifting two of the outer vines onto his shoulders.
Word count: 2038
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc looked like he’d lost a fight with a bleeding mud mammoth and was beginning to breathe raggedly as they finally broke into the clearing Chloe had chosen earlier. The distance had seemed so much shorter when they could simply cut through the undergrowth or slip in and out of the many gulleys that lined the jungle. Chloe looked down at her own armor and realized she didn’t look much better. Sap, mud, blood, and bits of plants coated her like a poorly planned camouflage.

She’d wanted to ask questions on the way back, but after she almost rolled her ankle slipping down a muddied hillside she decided quiet contemplation and intense focus were more important for now. Harroc moved into the middle of the clearing, released the vines and shook himself.

“I will start the cooking, find us a good place to bathe?” he asked, looking over at her and grinning as he eyed her up and down. “If I look half as bad, we might not have to fight any predators away.”

Chloe nodded, very interested in what Harroc was going to do, but also understanding she could simply ask after she’d found a location. She felt a sudden rush of excitement as she remembered a particular piece of information. Nethra talked often, and was always good for gossip of the more intimate kind.

Apparently, Harroc had no qualms being entirely naked during his public bathing, and was quite thorough. There was some rumor that if asked he’d even help someone else bathe. Grinning to herself, Chloe moved off towards the nearby river and began to scout the bank. There were many small inlets and pools, but most were too shallow or too quick for her purposes.

She ranged a bit before she found a section where a collapsed bank had created a deep pool with a slow but continuous current. She checked it over carefully, poking with a long stick and testing the bank carefully with her boots. She found a stable path down, a convenient flat rock they could use as a shelf or bench, and confirmed the water was plenty deep and clean for bathing.

She made her way back to the clearing and began to smell the distinct scent of cooking meat well before she reached it. Her eyes widened in concern, if all that Harroc had said was true, there was no way this wasn’t going to attract a lot of very large, very hungry danger.

She came into the clearing to see Harroc setting a large bundle of herbs on top of what looked like a large rock dome. “What is all this?” she asked, Harroc’s calm demeanor and her curiosity driving away her concerns instantly.

Harroc waved his hand in front of his face, clearing a lingering bit of acrid looking smoke before he offered her a grin. “Poison, or at least the smell of it. The dome is thin rock, I can make it easily given enough time. Beneath are fires and the meat, cooking atop another thin slab. The herbs will-”

“Convince the predators to stay away for fear of eating toxic meat or drinking tainted water,” Chloe finished with a slow nod of her head. She recognized several of the herbs in the bundle now; all were dangerous and even more so when cooked. “This can’t last forever though, they’re get curious, and scavengers won’t mind.”

Harroc nodded and stood to stretch. “True, we will be dealing with the meat as soon as we have finished bathing. I will burn more herbs after, further out, to give us more time. It should last until morning.”

Chloe ceded to Harroc’s experience. “I found a good place to bathe, has a nice shelf and everything so we can wash our armor a bit too,” she said, trying to keep her voice even and hide the nervous excitement she was beginning to feel.

Harroc stepped close to Chloe and gripped her shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. "Good, lead the way. I wish to be clean again," he said brightly.

'Or maybe a different kind of dirty,' Chloe's thoughts immediately countered. She felt a blush creeping into her cheeks, the lingering excitement of the hunt mixing with growing confidence. She turned away suddenly, hiding the grin she couldn't keep from her face, and led Harroc through the jungle to her chosen pool. He laughed excitedly when he saw it and immediately began releasing the straps in his armor.
Word count: 759
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Harroc Crownegrove
Disciples of Balance, Defender of the Woods
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Chloe couldn't decide if she wanted to just watch him strip or join him and stood indecisively for a moment. The muted thud of heavy leather hitting the rocks startled her and she refocused to see Harroc tossing his pants aside atop his armor. She tried not to stare, but damn, Nethra hadn't been exaggerating.

The glimpses of muscle beneath his armor had not been misleading and to top things off, Harroc was very well-hung, as the unabashed ranger had put it. Clearly that little pastry chef wouldn't be able to enjoy this to its full potential - which was all the more reason for her to sway him to her.

She took off her armor and placed it neatly in a pile. When he was almost done stripping, she began to take her clothes off slowly. She wasn't quite sure she had the technique down, but she was trying to make the removal of her clothes as enticing as possible.

She pulled her tunic up slowly to expose her taut stomach and pulled it over her head, tossing it into the pile of armor. Bending over slightly as she started to remove her pants, she saw Harroc leap into the air and shift into a jaguar before slipping gracefully into the water.

Sighing, she was caught between being annoyed he'd not being watching her, and amused at his clear eager enthusiasm for the water. She watched him dive and circle the bottom of the pool before starting towards the surface. He shifted again, breaking the surface in his natural form, water pouring from his muscular chest. Chloe decided to be pleased instead of annoyed as Harroc's eyes snapped to her and he plainly drank her in.

"It is cold, but very clean. Deep enough to truly enjoy as well," he said after a moment, his cheeks reddening as he looked away.

"Good to hear," she said, stretching her arms above her head. "I hope I can get a nice, long swim in." She smirked at him a little before taking a few quick steps and diving in.

The chill of the water shocked her for an instant and she surfaced to take a deeper breath. Harroc wasn't far from her, tracking her movements like she had the reindeer. She flipped on her back and swam over to him. "Aren't you going to swim?"

"I was admiring the results of your training," he said back, his features splitting into a broad smile. She noticed his eyes didn't change, they still tracked her, like a predator hunting.

Looking up at him, she saw a bruise just below his collarbone, in an odd shape. It looked sort of like a heart but the way the bruise was colored it looked more like a bite. "What did you do to yourself there?" she asked, pointing at the mark.

Harroc hummed with pleasure at the memories. "My mate marked me, though I was much less careful in my eagerness to return the favor."

Chloe raised her eyebrows. "Is that all? If I was going to mark someone, I'd make sure everyone could see it." He'd look like he was wearing a jaguar pelt when she got through with him, she thought. She reached up and traced a fingertip over the mark. "Such a small thing," she said dismissively.

He did not shy from her touch, but didn't lean into it either. "You should already know that a predator in hiding is no less ferocious," he countered her implication.

She turned her face away to hide her laugh. That tiny little pastry chef, ferocious? Harroc had to be joking; she would no more have considered the diminutive Fae threatening than she would a kitten. Perhaps he didn’t know what a woman strong in her own right could be like. "And you know that challenging a predator in the open is a good way to get some scratches," she said, curling her fingers and pulling them down his chest and across the bite mark.

Harroc laughed, moving his hand up to grip hers. "We should wash, the meat will burn if we leave it unattended." Despite his words, he made no move to separate from her.

“Oh? Well, then," she said, dragging her hand - and his - down slowly. "Do you need any help?" She tried to resist the urge to bat her eyelashes at him like a prissy girl in a romance story.

“Help is always welcome," Harroc replied softly, a small smile forming on his lips and his eyes beginning to shift and shimmer more aggressively.

Chloe grinned to herself. So much for the Fae, then. She began to slide her hands along his skin, reveling in the feeling of dense muscle beneath her fingers. "Do we have soap? I left mine in my pack," she said through a smile as she stroked and caressed.

“I carry some in my pack, spearmint and lemongrass," he said back through a soft hiss. He was pressing into her hands faintly now, his eyes continued to dance.

“I’ll go get it," she said, turning to give him a good view of her back. Once she got to the shelf, she pushed off, lifting herself up on the shelf so that she could reach the packs. Her shoulders had often been complimented and she wanted to show off the work she’d put into them in her training.

Rummaging around, she found the rectangular cake of soap near the top of Harroc’s pack. She took a quick sniff to confirm she’d found the right thing and shoved a small tin that had fallen out back into the pack. Sinking back into the water, she sat on the edge of the shelf.

Harroc was eyeing her openly now, clearly enjoying the view and the clear water was doing nothing to hide his appreciation. Chloe smirked and gestured for him to come over to where she was. He moved through the water, half-swimming as he glided over to her and stopped just out of reach.

She hooked her feet behind Harroc’s back and pulled him closer to her. "I can’t touch you to clean you from all the way out there," she said with a wry grin. "I’m going to have to scrub all that blood off of you." Rubbing the soap in her hands, she worked up a lather and began working on Harroc’s firmly muscled chest, finding excuses to run her fingers over his nipples.

Harroc sighed softly, pressing into her hands and drifting closer. He put his arms to Chloe’s sides, resting against the stone shelf she sat on without collapsing entirely into her. It was clear he was enjoying the contact, and his eyes began to shine bright enough to show even when he closed them.

Grinning, Chloe raked the very tips of her fingernails up his neck. He’d never remember that Fae’s name when she was done. She wiped his face off gently, though the water had already taken care of most of the blood. Working up a lather, she began to scrub his hair and scalp. It was thick and her fingers kept getting caught on sections of it.

“Duck your head under," she directed. She waited until Harroc had followed her instructions, and then pushed his shoulders to turn him around. Working on his shoulders, she dug into the muscle a little as she soaped him up. "You’ll have to come up here for me to get everything else," she said with a wink.

He nodded, moving just to the side and using his arms to lift himself out of the water. "Do I stand?" he asked, his voice sounding much deeper than before. He knelt beside her, uncertain exactly how to proceed.

“Whatever’s comfortable for you," Chloe said with a grin. Harroc only improved on closer inspection, she thought. She leaned over and soaped his stomach, carefully avoiding bumping into his now very plain arousal. Rising, she circled around him and scrubbed his lower back. "Get up a bit?" she asked, wanting to reach the backs of his legs.

He rose easily, hopping up to the balls of his feet and lifting his middle up to expose his lower legs. "Well, that works," Chloe said, laughing. His nicely toned ass was almost eye-level, and she continued soaping him, massaging the muscle as she went. On the backs of his thighs, she did work the muscle more as she understood well how tight thighs could get in four-footed form.

Harroc groaned softly as her fingers worked into his muscle. His legs quivered slightly as he flexed and relaxed them to open the muscle for more release. Chloe slid her fingers down his calf and tapped his knee. "Raise this one," she said. She worked her way down his calf to his foot. "Are your feet ticklish?"

“I do not know," he said back honestly, tilting his head to consider. "I do not believe so." She held his foot, scrubbing the bottom vigorously.

“Okay, next," she said, letting his foot go and holding out her palm expectantly. He complied silently, lifting his foot and dropping it into her palm gently. His flinched when she scrubbed at his second foot.

“A bit ticklish then," she said with a grin as she scraped her fingers over the spot and held his foot firmly as he flinched again. "I wonder where else you’re sensitive."

Harroc laughed softly, shaking his leg as soon as she released her hold on his foot. "There are many mysteries in the wilds," he said evenly, not turning to look at her.

Chloe moved her lips right beside his ear and whispered, "Well, I’m eager to explore." She leaned down and kissed his neck softly, running her tongue in a long slide before pulling back. Harroc shivered and groaned, tilting his head to expose more of his skin on reflex.

Chloe moved in for a second kiss and smiled into the curve of his neck before biting him lightly. Harroc pressed into the bite, eagerness plain in the quickening of his breath. Turning his body to face her, she leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. She wanted to taste him, devour him, but there was time for savoring.

Harroc hummed, returning the kiss hesitantly. He seemed unsure of exactly what to do next, but his hands came up to rest on Chloe’s hips of their own accord. He pulled her into him, growling softly as he felt her body press into his own. She grinned to herself, and pulled his face to hers to kiss him more deeply.

Harroc returned the kiss, his body beginning to grow hot as his pulse quickened. "You are very good at this, I have done little of it," he said half into her mouth as he leaned back to breathe.

“I’m happy to give you practice," Chloe said playfully. She slid her hand down Harroc’s chest and torso. Leaning forward, she kissed Harroc as she let her hand trail downward to the sign of appreciation that had been bumping against her.

Harroc froze, leaning back suddenly as his grip tightened on Chloe’s sides. "You are not my mate, and they are not here to be challenged. It is unfair," he said, his serious tone belied by the deep flush and shallow breathing.

“Unfair? You know in a challenge between me and that pastry chef -if that’s who you’re calling your mate - I would win. Handily." Chloe was annoyed; they’d just gotten to the part she liked best - unabashed exploration and tasting of each other. Her chest heaved as she panted eagerly, wanting to return to his mouth.

“You assume victory, when safe and unchallenged. You have much to learn about the dangers of experience," Harroc said, shaking his head slightly with a wry grin.

“I have experience fighting," she said in a voice low enough to be a growl. "More experience than someone who shapes dough into little triangles and circles." She huffed and moved back to cross her arms over her chest. "If you can’t agree I’d win, you can finish your own damn bath then."

Harroc laughed, openly and with clear mirth, and then stepped forward, grabbed Chloe around the waist, and tossed her into the pool. "So much to learn, but you must bathe yourself first, student Chloe," he said with a broad grin.

She yelped as the grasp around her waist - she’d won, finally - broke and she was slung unceremoniously into the water. Sputtering, she sat up, her body screaming out as the cold water soaked her flushed skin. She reflexively growled and swiped her hand at the water. ‘That’s how it is, turned away like a child,’ she thought, suddenly noticing something held in her clenched fist. She hadn’t lost the soap, at least. Grumbling, she worked up a lather to wash her face and chest.

Harroc had sat himself on the shelf and was carefully cleaning his armor. "When you are finished with the soap, I would like to use it. It smells of my mate, the one you challenge, and soothes me."

Chloe made a face, looked down at the soap, and then tossed the bar to Harroc before getting up to look in her pack. "All yours then." She pulled out her own bar, darker and fragrant with sandalwood and jasmine. Washing her face again before she cleaned the rest of herself, she pointedly faced away from Harroc as she scrubbed the sweat and blood off of her skin.

“You are beautiful, strong, quick, and intelligent. There are rules though, and I know I am new to them, but they will not be broken. You are welcome to challenge my mate when we return, I would be interested to see the result." Harroc scrubbed his armor with the soap, using the practiced movements of decades and humming softly as he worked.

‘So you want proof that I’m better, fine. I didn’t get ahead by giving up,’ she thought as chanced a glance at him over her shoulder. 'I'll destroy the tiny pastry chef, claim you, and the victory will be all the sweeter.'
Last edited by Harroc Crownegrove on February 6th, 2020, 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 2391
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Harroc Crownegrove
Disciples of Balance, Defender of the Woods
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Joined: August 5th, 2019, 1:48 am
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Re: Thyme in the Wilds - Root Camp

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc nodded as he finished cleaning Chloe’s armor. He turned to look at her and hefted the final gauntlet as he spoke. “If you are finished, we should head back for the food. It will begin to burn if we wait much longer.”

She frowned and move over to him, pulling herself out of the water, clearly still sulking from his earlier rejection. He donned his own clothing and armor as she dried herself and then helped her don her armor quickly.

“I will lead us, combat form, a quick run to burn the energy and nerves away. Then we eat and talk. I will teach you whatever you ask, and then we will sleep,” Harroc stated plainly. There seemed to be little room for argument even if she’d been interested in objecting.

The trail back to the camp clearing was easier in cat form, but still further than she would have liked after a long bath. As soon as they arrived Harroc moved to a small pile of bundled herbs. “Take these, go out far enough the smoke will not reach us, and tie them at chest height. I will come after we have eaten and light them to ward us during the night.”

Chloe said nothing, her annoyance and interest in the particular herbs drawing her attention and dampening her desire to be outwardly cheerful. She recognized the herbs, had learned of all of them in her time, and realized they would work exactly as Harroc had described. The smoke would be thick and acrid and leave a lingering scent on nearby plant and stone for hours.

Back at the camp, Harroc forced dirt into the fire pit with a thin thread of essence. Then he slid the stone cover aside and began to lift the cooked meats on to broad leaves he’d cleaned earlier.

By the time Chloe returned, there were several bundles of cooked meat and two still open leaves loaded with a generous helping of food. “I did not spice these, we can do so with the cooked ones tomorrow if you desire.”

Chloe shrugged, used to the trail rations and foraging on ranger excursions. “I might, just to have something different,” she offered back, collecting one of the meat-laden leaves and taking a seat against a nearby log. “You’ll answer anything I want to learn? Really?” she asked, a disbelieving tilt to her brow. “Even after all that earlier?”

“Of course. You have done me no true harm, and I am your teacher. The bond between a teacher and student is a valuable thing. A pathway of trust and closeness that few others can match. You are not my mate, but you are no less important as long as you remain in my care.” Harroc smiled easily, collecting his own leaf full of food.

Harroc spoke so plainly and openly that Chloe was taken aback. She’d expected more backlash, more derision. His immediate return to acceptance and willingness to indulge her curiosity caught her so off guard that she couldn’t even form a question for several long moments.
Word count: 520
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