Oh, hi

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Oh, hi

Post by Hedger »

Hi, I'm Hedger, I'm twenty-six and have been roleplaying for something like fourteen years? I started way back when on Neopets and it's been ruining my relationship with sleep ever since.

1. I am an unrepentant fan of weird hair and strongly advocate that any person that gushes over my sideshave or green mane should do whatever they want - we'll get the clippers right now.
2. I like green and orange the best. When collecting items or clothing I tend to either buy things that match my hair or are pink, yellow or red so-
3. If you don't talk to your kids about science, I will. I love science and have studied independently since childhood. I intend to return to school either in fall or winter to begin that process. High-key fascinated by genetics, biology, physiology, anatomy, and chemistry.
4. On a similar note, Jurassic Park was my first movie (I was six months old when I saw it in theater) and I did not take it as a cautionary tale. See above.
5. I work as a LMT or a manual therapist with a focus on kinesiology and movement dysfunction. I can rant at you about muscles all day.
6. I have two precious baby kitties! Baldy, my orange and white boy is about 6-7 years old and was bottle raised by me as a kitten so he's highly attached and just so stinkin' cute with a terminal case of cute baby. Also suffering a terminal case of cute baby is Baldy's kitten, Mordecai. I adopted my slinky voidboi about two-three years ago now when he was seven months old on accident when a friend took me to Petco to cheer me up (crying champion of the world!) when I was working and doing school both full time. He immediately grabbed my arm through the cage when we put him back and I sort of had to adopt him before I could leave making him my most expensive and rewarding impulse buy. His favorite is to jump in the bathtub (full or dry, doesn't matter) give kisses by smashing his head into your nose and mouth repeatedly when he feels you are ignoring his wishes. I also have a leopard gecko named Zeal that's about ten now. He is a lovely lil dragon.
7. I love body mods. Tattoos and piercings are some of my fav things <3
8. I love dnd aesthetic but I have only played a few games myself a long while ago due to time constraints and generally being too busy for life. Games like Divinity, Tyranny, and Pillars of Eternity scratch that itch for me a bit since I don't see myself getting back into tabletop hard core any time soon. I love magic users and utility builds and suck at making anything useful so...
9. I draw, but you'll just have to trust me on that. I'm not very good at doing it regularly and am usually not, but SOMETIMES I do it! I used to do commission painting small time in RP communities and best enjoyed doing DnD and WoW characters. I super love drawing animals!
10. Woo, we made it! Gosh this is hard! I used to do BJJ/MMA for a while and it's made me unfortunately very confident in approaching other relatively aggressive or extreme sports. One recent exploit (I learned to roller skate because of an eight year fascination with roller derby and actually having health insurance this year!) I broke my ankle badly enough to need surgical repair and am still recovering. Clearly I haven't learned my lesson as I still want to learn how to skate and possibly play derby once I have worked on bringing my ankle back up to speed (atrophy is real and dramatic - it's only been a month and a half and I got this lil stick leg!). If you can think of something stupid, I probably either really want to do it, have tried it, or know someone who has done it and it's gone disastrously so I'm leery of it, long short.
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Re: Oh, hi

Post by Memoria »

I never responded to this and even though we chat pretty often on Discord, I feel I should say something about your top 10 list!

I would say that Jurassic Park is probably still one of my favorite movies or is at least very high up on the list. I remember being excited for it as a kid (though I was slightly older than you), even though I was not very into dinosaurs or science-y things.

I'm in the same boat with you on D&D stuff too. I love it, though I've only played three campaigns - two of which did not run last. Some of my friends and I are getting together soon to do very casual sessions, so I'm excited to get back into it and maybe create some drama. You might check out this board/card game which focuses on group storytelling rather than the complexities of D&D, if you're into that.

https://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Games-ATG1 ... way&sr=8-8
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Re: Oh, hi

Post by Hedger »

!! <3

Oh man I was a fiend as a kid for the 'saurs. I took my front porch apart looking for them because it was made of limestone bricks and they specifically stated something about limestone in the first JP.. I was like... four. Absolute menace.

Also that game looks super fun! I'll have to get a copy and give it a whirl! The storytelling is definitely super fun!
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