Way Back Home

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

He spoke and Cirice listened closely, following his movements with her golden gaze as he retrieved his weapon and proceeded to fix the tree. The elf hummed faintly at the magic but otherwise didn't make a sound as he continued to speak. When he joined her by the rock again, Cirice gave a small, soft smile. "A kind soul like yours isn't long for this world." she muttered before looking away.

"If you're in my position, the luxury of pain has no place. Showing pain is showing weakness. If your crew sees you weak, they will not respect you. If your enemies see you weak, they will not fear you." she explained to him. "But some days even the coldest hearts need a touch of warmth. It seems today is that day for me." she continued, getting up to pace around a bit. "You are wasting your time, though, if you think you can ease my pain. Unless you can turn back time a century or two, the damage is done. Every choice has its consequence. I decided to run off with smugglers instead of helping my father with the farm, now my family resents me."

She walked over to him and held a hand out to help him to his feet. "I didn't bury my knife in your skull, now my shoulders feel a little lighter than they usually do." she continued with a smirk. "I don't know about you, but I could use a proper drink." She led him back to the city, thinking about the evening. Nothing was solved or fixed. But the stranger sought her out and allowed her to voice what it was that bothered her. That was a very rare occurrence for the pirate... and it seemed to help quite a bit. When they reached the city, she hardened up again and led him past the Preamble towards a proper tavern deeper into the town.

Two pints of ale were ordered and Cirice tapped her mug against his. "They teach you how to drink where you're from?" she asked with a snicker.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius accepted the hand up, noting Cirice's strength as he did. Even half Ue'drahc were rather heavy, and he wasn't exactly a light weight. "You certainly look like you could use one." he said. "One thing first though." Crossing behind her, he made his way to the tree that had been repeatedly hit by the tomahawk. Bending down, he examined the wound. Much deeper than the impact the glaive had made, and even a tree as old as this would need a lot of energy to repair, more than was probably wise for him to expend. He extended his hand, placed it over the gash, and once again emerald light flowed down his arm and into the trunk. This time, instead of repairing the tree, the light seemed to flow into the trunk itself. The gash remained, but the tree as a whole seemed a little more vibrant than it had before.

Leaning on the glaive, Darius pulled himself to his feet, and waited for the wave of exhaustion to finish washing over him. He turned back, looking tired, but smiling. The emerald glow in his eye seemed more pronounced this time. "There, now I think both of us could use a drink."

The walk back to Ajteire was quiet, each immersed in their own thoughts. Darius found it interesting to witness the change in Cirice's posture the moment they reentered the city. The building she led him to was more developed than the Preamble, though without its very specific flavor. Darius took a seat while Cirice went to retrieve drinks. He snorted at her comment tapping her mug back. "I know I grew up pretty sheltered, but have you met many people who don't know how to drink?"

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice watched as Darius healed the tree she butchered with curiosity. She couldn't help but be a tad impressed by the action. "You almost look like you need it more than me." she quipped as she walked with him. In the bar, she didn't answer immediately. She glanced around then back to him with a smug grin. "Most non-elves in here, I'd say. And even a few elves. Not everyone can hold their liquor." she spoke as she raised her mug to her lips.

In a few quick gulps her pint was done and she released a satisfied sigh. "The advantage of being in my position. When you sail for as long as I have, drinks like these mean nothing." she commented as she rose from her seat. "We are going to need more of these." She took their mugs and made her way to the bar and soon returned with refills... and two extra mugs. With a maniacal grin she sat down and started with her second glass. After finishing the glass she gave his leg a tap with her boot. "What are your plans? After tonight, I mean. Are you going to stick around or are you going to move on?" she asked softly, almost as if to not let anyone else overhear.

She wasn't admitting it outright, but she was enjoying his company. It was likely rather obvious, given she had scooted closer to him and was also leaning in a bit more than was arguably necessary. Sipping at her third drink, she listened closely to what he said as she studied him. "Does your skin match your scales if you get sick?" she asked with a chuckle out of the blue.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius watched, an amused look on his face as Cirice drained the first mug in barely 5 seconds. "I'll take your word for it." He responded, taking a much more measured sip from his mug. It wasn't bad, not as fiery as the drinks he was used to but still perfectly serviceable. He placed the mug back on the table, and almost immediately it was whisked away. He chuckled as she carried the mugs back up to the bar, then returned with twice the number. "I take it the stories of how pirates like their alcohol are completely accurate."

In response to her question he shrugged. "I don't really have any concrete plans. I'm on a...sight seeing tour I guess is the closest thing I can think of. No real destination in mind beyond just seeing what this world has to offer." He took a sip of the new drink. "I'd certainly like to see more of this city. It's beautiful. Everything here just seems to fit together with everything else somehow. It's not like anything I've ever seen before. But after I see everything I can see here I'll probably just pick a direction and go until I find the next interesting place or thing." His wings fluttered slightly as if ready to take flight, though they stayed tucked relatively close to avoid bumping into anyone.

He raised an eyebrow at the sudden question. "Not yet." He responded, with a slight grin. "I think I'd have to be really violently sick it to be even close. Then again," he held up a hand, and wisps of green energy seemed to course around his arm for a moment, "I don't exactly need to be sick to turn green."
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

The gears in her head started to turn as he spoke of his plans. She doubted that the city changed all that much, so giving him a tour wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities... though she was going to have to cover herself up if she wanted to avoid any awkward situations. She let out a mischievous snicker at his display of magic and scooted a little closer. "And how much does it take to turn you red?" she teased with a sultry smile as a hand snaked over and caressed his thigh. She moved back and finished her drink before getting up for refills. "You better catch up, half-breed. Don't let a common elf get the lead on you, now." she joked as she made her way to the bar.

When she returned, she tapped her fresh mug against his and took a long swig. "If you want to see the city, I can show you around. I just need to get my cloak. However I can likely interest you in something more exciting." she offered, taking another drink. "My ship is anchored in Cetnisadel Bay to the north of here. Tomorrow I'm heading back to settle some things. We are setting sail at the end of the week for the north. If you want to see the open ocean, be at the little harbour town before the end of the week. Just keep in mind who you will be sailing with." She gave a wink at the end and finished off her drink before getting up. In one smooth move she draped an arm over his neck and leaned in close.

"So scales, want to see the rest of the Arbor or am I going to drag you wherever I want?" she muttered with an evil chuckle into his ear before releasing him and getting ready to go.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius arched an eyebrow as Cirice's hand moved to his thigh. "Well that would be Ignimancy which I know basically nothing about." He replied, pretending not to notice the innuendo, though not trying that hard to keep up appearances. He had to admit she was absolutely getting the reaction she was looking for. "I'm not sure I physically am capable of keeping up with you in this particular contest." He said as she got up. He watched her as she made her way to the bar. Interesting, that reference to being a 'common' elf. It seemed uniquely self-deprecating considering the confidence she was now displaying. He wondered where that had come from.

She returned and made him the offer, and he was very surprised. "That's a generous offer. I've seen the ocean, but I've never actually been on a ship before. And Cetnisadel Bay is the place where the giant octopi live right? I'm immensely curious about them. I haven't had a lot of experience with sea creatures before." He looks genuinely excited at the prospect of seeing the giant octopi.

As she stood and leaned around him, whispering in his ear, he couldn't help but chuckle. It was certainly interesting for someone to be this direct with him. Vastly different then how anyone had flirted with him before. "Well now I'm trapped. If I don't want to see the rest of the city, you get to drag me wherever you want, but if I do you get to drag me wherever you want any way. What have I gotten myself into?"
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice waved off his comment of giant octopi with an amused snort. "Those are just stories. I've seen them but never in the Bay before. There are some tentacle beasties, though. They stick close to the reefs." she commented... though most of it was a big fat lie. They definitely weren't stories and many ships have been sunk by them over the decades in that bay. But the smaller octopi and squids were true, at least. She had to play it cool. Admitting that she and the rest of her crew were anxious every time they sailed in and out of the bay was just ridiculous.

As she adjusted her vest, she glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh come now, Darius. No need to make it sound so depressing. Very well, seeing as you can't make up your own mind..." she trailed off as she grabbed a wing and pulled him along to the exit, stealing a drunkard's overcoat as she passed his seat. Once outside, she draped the jacket over her shoulders and flared up the collar to hide her face. "This is as much a tour for me as it is for you. I doubt that things would have changed in the past two centuries... but you never know." she commented as she walked beside him. She glanced up to the moon shining in the night and the fireflies buzzing around. "Security is at its strictest around this time. Going outside the gates past the protection of the guards and fireflies is asking for your death. The creatures waiting for you in that jungle don't play around." she explained to him.

She showed him the bottom of the city on the forest floor then took him up into the trees along the walkways. Much of the city had remained the same since Cirice last saw it, so telling him about what every building was and how the city's routine worked was fairly easy. She even took the liberty of pranking him by falling off a simple bridge and proceeding to swing around on some vines.

The tour came to an end when she led him back to the inn they visited. Standing outside the inn, she faced him fully. "Do you have a room already or am I going to have to think for you with that one too?" she asked with a smirk as she crossed her arms, staring up into his eyes directly.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

"I didn't think that sounded depressing at all." Darius replied as he was dragged to the door of the inn. Once outside he followed her gaze up to the surrounding fireflies. "I'd heard that they keep this place safe. Just one more aspect of this place I find so interesting, how they were able to meld functionality with beauty and still not sacrifice the natural elements of this place. It's genuinely impressive. He held up a hand, green light twirling around it once again, and several of the nearby fireflies seemed to take notice. They buzzed down, swirling around Darius' outstretched arm, and then swirling around him. He extinguished the light, and for a moment he was simply lit by the glow of the fireflies as they flickered and danced around him. Then in unison they all scattered away, resuming their paths through the air. Darius was grinning the whole time. "Well, that was amazing. I've never gotten a reaction like that before."

The tour through the city was just as enjoyable as the experience with the fireflies had been. Clearly things hadn't changed much since the last time Cirice was here, as she was able to lead him through the streets with no trouble at all. The city was larger than it had first appeared, but it never felt oppressively large. It seemed more sprawling, with an air of organized chaos to it. Almost as if the city had grown naturally over time rather than been preplanned. Being able to travel along the bridges and walkways was equally fascinating. It was almost as if the bridges were designed to give those without wings access to the places those with them could travel. He chose to fly across many of them, as several looked somewhat rickety and probably wouldn't have supported his weight. Indeed at one point Cirice appeared to take a wrong step and fell off a bridge, though when he dove down to catch her she was swinging on some vines, looking quite at ease and giving him that troublemaker smirk of hers.

The tour at last came to an end back at the inn they had started. He looked down at her as she asked the question. "As it happens, I did rent what seems to be a nice hammock back at The Preamble. I'm perfectly capable of thinking for myself." He smirked right back. "Though as this is your home turf, I'll happily let you do my thinking for me if you have someplace better."

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 421
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Standing in front of the inn, Cirice raised an eyebrow and pointed to the inn behind her in response to his comment. "Someplace better is right behind us." she quipped. "It might not have a view of the night sky, but it has a proper bed, four walls and it's actually dry in case the rain comes."

She stepped forward and wrapped an arm around his bicep. "It's also more private." she muttered as she led him into the building. In short order she organized a room for them and led the way upstairs to the rented room, ushering him in before closing the door behind her.

She eyed him like a predator as she slowly closed the distance between them. The coat over her shoulders dropped to the ground as she came to a halt right in front of him. "Your choice, scales. One word and I'm out of this room." she spoke softly as she stood in front of him. Finn would laugh his ass off if he saw her now, acting the way she was. She would simply chalk it up to him being jealous which could be a coin toss on whether or not that was true. But the half-breed was doing a damn fine job of making a soft spot for himself with the pirate and that was something Cirice didn't allow so easily.

Her golden eyes glowed in the lantern's light as she looked up at him. "You want to end this evening on a high note before we part ways?" she asked him with a grin as she stepped closer, her face inches from his.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius allowed himself to be ushered into the inn, trying to decide on just how far he was willing to allow this night to go. On the one hand, he didn't have a problem with allowing things to just play out as they would. He was having fun, he was pretty sure she was having fun, and he had absolutely nothing against casual fun. On the other hand, he hadn't forgotten the events that had started the evenings activities. Those could lead to complications down the line, complications he had no interest in fermenting.

Then she ushered him into the room, and immediately the dynamic changed. Gone was the casual playfullness they had engaged in throughout the night. She looked like a hunter stalking her prey as she closed the distance between them. It was effective, he had to give it that, and he had to restrain the urge to step forward and close the distance completely. He did want to end their encounter on a high note, but that of course was the problem. Making sure this was a high note.

"That entirely depends on you." He replied quietly, his green eyes staring deep into her gold ones. "If you're after a bit of harmless fun, I can certainly oblige. But if you just want this to help distract you from your pain, and not because you actually want it, then I don't think that's a good idea." He said it as kindly as he could. There was a good chance this would offend her in some way, and he wanted to blunt the possible sharp edges of the words as much as he could.

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 278
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