Plotting - Stepping Out and Stepping Up

For coordination across time zones on the thread

Do you have a story in mind that makes you rub your hands together in nefarious glee, but sadly no one to play it with? Post your plots here (evilness not required) and see who might be interested! Or, if you have a check list of adventurous tasks, tracking topics are welcome as well.
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Plotting - Stepping Out and Stepping Up

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

We can use this to leave notes about the thread whenever times don't line up for participants without polluting the discord with too many @mentions.
#40BF00| Main color for Harroc
#DAA520| Secondary color

High level for the actual adventure I was thinking discussion about how they'll move (Harroc uses Druid abilities to facilitate movement through dense vines) some narrative travelling. A short post on their first night, a post about some attack by a jungle creature. Detective work along the river after finding a River Doe (the non-aggressive one)
[11:01 PM] Mahkasad: Then stuff with the Naiad. No idea how that's going to go.
[11:01 PM] Mahkasad: Thoughts? Comments, Additions?
[11:02 PM] Jess (Mara): We're gonna start a separate thread for the adventure I assume?
[11:02 PM] Mahkasad: Then we fight the dragon of ages, return the light to the village, and get the girl/boy.
[11:02 PM] Mahkasad: Makes sense to me.
[11:02 PM] Mahkasad: Can make one outside the city subforum for it.
[11:02 PM] Mahkasad: End this current thread with our prep.
[11:04 PM] Jess (Mara): We can gloss over/condense during travel, wherein we briefly describe their individual experiences/feelings/primary activities. Then we can slow down and space out the action when we get to the meat of things.
[11:04 PM] Jess (Mara): And throw in a camp scene if we want.
[11:04 PM] Mahkasad: I like that, fits with what I was aiming for.
[11:04 PM] Mahkasad: I do want to have at least one camp, but it's like 4 days of travel and no reason to write all that over and over.
[11:05 PM] Jess (Mara): Absolutely. It's easy to just say, "The first few days were..." and fill in the blank accordingly.
[11:05 PM] Mahkasad: And so our intrepid heroes complained of bugs and were damp for 3 more days.
Last edited by Harroc Crownegrove on September 23rd, 2019, 5:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Plotting - Stepping Out and Stepping Up

Post by Loxiel »

I would like us to have one unexpected encounter with something sinister, as we travel. The place is brimming with nasties so it would stand to reason they would encounter something!
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Re: Plotting - Stepping Out and Stepping Up

Post by Loxiel »

The colour I am using is the light blue #00FFFF for Loxiel's dialogue.
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