Next Update

Want to get the scoop on all of the recent updates, news, and announcements that have made it into Khy'eras? This would be the place to check.
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Next Update

Post by Memoria »

Hi everyone!

I had originally planned to have our next content update out by the end of August, but I am trying to be more realistic with my timelines. Summer was a little busy, therefore I am anticipating the next round of updates to come out by the end of September. There's going to be new lore additions as well as improvements to existing lore. I didn't want to rush this update before the end of August. Highlights include:
  • Naming and descriptions for Khy'eras' major bodies of water.
  • Life cycles/stages for each race.
  • Character census (maybe...).
  • BBCode guide.
  • And more...!
Anyway, that's a small glimpse of what's to come. In the meantime, keep on writing those stories and creating those characters! I feel we've had a great few months since opening and I'm so glad to have met the company of a great group of writers.

Also, if you have not done so yet, please feel free to submit quotes of your favorite characters! viewtopic.php?f=22&t=43 I'd love to get player text up on the site!
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Re: Next Update

Post by Memoria »

Hi folks!

Unfortunately, I did not get all the lore updates out before the end of the month. I did get a few small updates out recently, but I am hoping end of October for all the lore change goodies. Again, sorry for the delay!
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