Underworld [Open]

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
Seian Verian
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Re: Underworld [Open]

Post by Seian Verian »

Seian glanced at Raen, and made a noncommital noise, acknowledging that he'd heard the elf's comment. He didn't think anything Katarya said had been out of line though, nor even the way she'd said it- Perhaps she wasn't the most kind and tender person, but her thoughts and concerns were not unreasonable.

"Well," he said to Katarya, "Any additional knowledge of magic is helpful. Learning of things very different from what I already know may help me gain a greater understanding of magic itself. As for why I chose Fellsgard... It's true, this isn't the most fortuitous place to seek magical knowledge, or to practice magic. I grew up here, however- Both masters I've studied under have lived here, and one of them is still here. I was to meet one of his contacts here, though that person never showed up. And... Perhaps it's just familiarity playing tricks on my mind, but I feel there's something to find here that I may not find somewhere else. Perhaps they're not the best reasons, but it's what has guided me here so far."
Word count: 181
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Re: Underworld [Open]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya looked at the earnest man and sighed, taking a seat. "I can teach you the magic of witches. You won't be summoning fireballs, or calling lightning from the sky ... what I do is practical magic ... it helps people. But it doesn't make it any less important."

Raen clapped his hands in delight. "Oh this is simply marvellous! The witch and the mage ... working together! I a deligh..."

Kat raised her hand. "It's time for you to leave, Raen. Let us folk with with the dark arts in peace."

The bard gave a flourishing bow, hie eyes straying to Seian. "If this one proves too cold for you, know that you will always have a place by my side."

As the bard moved away, Kat turned to Seian. "I don't a specialisation, as such, but I do have a trick for memory charms. They can be very useful in a pinch. I can teach you, since Raen seems so obviously taken with you. Do you want to learn such things? The choice is yours, young mage."
Word count: 176

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
Seian Verian
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Re: Underworld [Open]

Post by Seian Verian »

Seian nodded to Katarya as she spoke. Of course such magic wasn't less important- Anything that allowed you to work your will on the world, especially to make it a better place, was important.

When Raen bowed at him, he smiled back.

"I'll certainly keep that in mind." he said. "I'd be glad of it. I'm sure we'll talk later."

Seian wasn't entirely sure yet, of course, if the elf was interested in more than just a casual fling... He didn't know if Raen tended to act like this with everyone or not. He'd be glad to make friends, and where that failed, potentially valuable contacts, where he could.

As Kat spoke, he turned to look at her again.

"I'm interested." he said. "Memory charms are certainly a start."
Word count: 129
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Re: Underworld [Open]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat nodded her head.

The young man's appetite for learning was something she could certainly relate to. She had studied and practised whatever and whenever she could, and knew she still had years ahead of her before she could ever be satisfied.

"Very well." She said at last. "Come tomorrow at noon; I serve the people of the slums as a healer in the mornings, but I can make time for someone to eager to learn what I can give. She cleared her throat. "I think it is admirable ... your wanting to improve and taking whatever knowledge you can; some would turn their noses up at what a witch might have to teach, but you seem to have no such qualms. I respect that."

She gave them both a nod. "I must go; I have business to attend to. I will see you on the morrow. Good day."

And with that Katarya turned and made her way up to her room, wondering just what this new interaction would bring.
Word count: 169

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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