Cracks in the Foundation

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Cracks in the Foundation

Post by Elára Vëa »

Elára's eyes narrowed as she stepped from the back to see a band of Humans, with the Cook amongst them, no less, leave the Hart.

Why hadn't she been notified, immediately? Why was the Cook here? Their business had been concluded, she had been sure of it ... wasn't she?

"Raya; I will speaking with the Cáno."

Without waiting for a response, she took the stairs, her mind wondering what it could possibly be that Aurae, a women she had known for centuries, had trusted more than she had trusted her own blood-kin, would not have included her in?

She knocked on the door of the White Hart's owner.


Elára stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. She gave Aurae a polite nod. "Good evening, Aurae." Their use of titles when they were alone had dropped centuries ago; the two had grown up in court, more as sisters than separated by rank. "I noticed the visitors. The Cook from that Human drinking establishment, no less." She took a seat across from the much more glamorous, beautiful Elven woman. "I had met with him myself, to settle matters between our little witch and one of their ... I think he is a thief; I am not too sure. The meeting had appeared to have been a success, so I wonder what brought the Humans to the Kelbé tonight?"
Word count: 231

"What is it? I am very busy and important."
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The White Harts Queen Bee
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Re: Cracks in the Foundation

Post by Aurae »

Aurae lifted her head wearily, meeting the gaze of her old friend as the woman quietly sat down opposite her. She had hoped for a brief interlude that would allow her to gather her tumultuous thoughts, but as such, luck was not in her favour today.

“Cook wished to speak to me about the meeting you both had this morning Elára, the one concerning the witch and the boy who is ours also. Why did you not tell me of this before you went old friend?” She let out a heavy sigh as she watched the woman’s expression. She was disappointed mostly, she knew her friend capable and fair but still the niggling emotions lingered. “I had thought that the accusations from the witch against the boy would have required some investigation into their circumstances and as such then the repercussions they should suffer. Cook came to express his concerns over how the situation had been handled and seemed to have several points that he felt had not been given due attention.” She sat back again and flopped against the back of her chair.

“You know how serious the accusation of Hatvada is amongst our people. I do not know the girl well, neither the boy and so I promised the Cook I would have Cithrel use her talents to investigate the claims regarding the magic used in the girls quarters. Did the witch tell you her role in the destruction of the boy’s heirloom? I should like to here accounts from both of them before we take any further drastic actions.” After centuries of friendship with Aurae and her magpie like tendencies, She knew Elára would be able to comprehend how important such items could be to another, for Aurae herself had been inconsolable when some were damaged or stolen.
Word count: 305
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Elára Vëa
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Re: Cracks in the Foundation

Post by Elára Vëa »

Elara listened in silence as her old friend spoke, nodding as certain points were made.

"Aurae," the Elvish woman said. "There are so many parts of this ... enterprise that you have entrusted into my care. And, maybe I was wrong, but a junior member of our household and her lover had a disagreement. That lover had also been banned from this establishment once, and you yourself had made the little witch an Olbá ..." she sighed. "With her rank we have accepted her into our family and, wanting to keep the peace, I met with this person they call 'The Cook' to ensure there would be no bad blood between our two establishments."

Elára sat back in her seat and shook her head. "Humans never speak plainly. I walk away from that encounter thinking I had settled a disagreement between a junior member of our staff and an outsider; something which I do, more than I would like to, if I am honest. But that is my role here. I respect that. We have old laws and customs that these short lived Humans can never appreciate or understand; the importance of loyalty. I agreed to the witch joining us, and you gave her a permission of permanence in this house and family. How are we meant to turn our backs on her at the say of a man? A man who has done nothing for this establishment - not as far as my trade books are concerned - and a woman who earns her keep my treating impoverished elves in the slums every day?

Elára sighed. "Once we would argue over which was the most suitable match for the eldest princess of our houses, and now it has come to this?" Elára lifted her chin. "If my choice is to side with outsiders, or a person we have chosen to be a member of this family, then I am sorry, my oldest and most dearest friend; I have to side with family. It's how we have survived in a city that doesn't want us; it is how we are able to put food in the mouths of those who cannot do so for themselves; and yes, she is a Human ... and a royal pain at that ... but we accepted her. We made her one of our own."

Elára glanced at the floor for a moment, then looked up. "You are the closest person I have to family that still breathes, Aurae. But we are Kerasoka Elves; if we cannot stand by our principles and traditions, then what are we?" She sat back. "But for all our centuries together ... you are still Cáno. If you decide to make a decision, then I will follow tradition and laws long forgotten by many, but not by me. I will do whatever it is you want me to do, Aurae. But please ... remember who we are."

The old Elven woman took a breath. The conflict within her was difficult; she did not like Katarya, and though respected her work in the slums, knew she was trouble. But she was a part of the Kelbé; she had been given a title and a promise of protection. Elára would follow any command given by her oldest friend, but knew she had to speak her mind.

And so, she waited.
Word count: 558

"What is it? I am very busy and important."
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