A Dose of Consequence

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem was reaching to put the salve back on the shelf when another person interrupted him - someone he hadn't noticed before. That was unexpected, usually he was good at paying attention to details, but apparently he'd been so wrapped up in the case that he hadn't noticed the forest for the trees. "Hmmm? Oh, the salve? Thimbleberry and gilliweed. They're not particularly difficult to get a hold of, though gilliweed doesn't grow here, closer to the coastal areas on the Ordinuad River. I believe you can usually find thimbleberry in the nearby forests, though I've had to get it imported." Calem scratched the back of his head. "You, ah, may have guessed that I'm not really a seasoned adventurer, much as I wish I was. The recipe is from Taberge's Herbology..." Calem took the book from his bookshelf and handed it to the woman. "Page 172. Master Taberge is quite...verbose...but it's one of the best books I know of herbalism."

Calem nodded, before returning to Artemis, taking off his spectacles and cleaning them before putting them back on, having returned to the conversation at the time that Artemis was making rude motions with his arms. 'Charming.' Calem couldn't help but wonder about this strange man. Granted, the injuries weren't the worst he'd seen, but they definitely ranked up there. What kind of life did a man like this lead, a man whom could take all these ridiculous injuries and all but laugh them off? What kind of adventures must he have shared with all these people whom crowded around him? He might not have known any of them - and be terrified by most of them - but even with his...introverted social nature, he could tell they were more than just a mercenary band. 'I wonder if I could ever have those kind of friends...if I could ever be brave like that...'

Calem woke himself from his reverie - now wasn't the time or place for dreams, those could come later. "Anyways, allergies. I'm surprised you haven't noticed, but your body is showing signs of allergic reaction, even in addition to all this bruising. And if, as you and your friend say, you are allergic to magic, it only stands to reason that in some way magic is involved..." Calem scratched his chin, hesitated, and looked towards the door - still shut tight, and guarded by the scary lady. He wasn't sure if he could trust this man, but...well, helping people was what he did. And to help people, sometimes you had to take risks.

Calem leaned in towards Artemis and talked quieter. "...while it's limited, I do have...some knowledge of magic. I'm telling you this only so you believe me when I tell you that I'm almost certain there's some kind of magic affecting you. It's faint, almost invisible, but noting your allergic symptoms...I'm sure there's something there, something abnormal."

It was strange to be able to feel it, even just as the slightest twinge at the back of his mind. There were many people - even in this hospital - who would fiercely deny magic existed, and the penalties for even the most basic of knowledge could be severe. If word got out, he would have to leave Fellsgard even faster than planned - simply being a doctor may not protect him. And yet, he couldn't deny the reality - to deny magic existed was just as bad, if not worse, than abusing it. "I'm sorry, Master Black, but beyond that I can't help you. I don't know what exactly it is, nor do I know how to fix it. I would strongly recommend seeking advice from someone more skilled in...such affairs. Take heart though - whatever magic ails you, I'm reasonably convinced it isn't syphilis."

Noting the path of Artemis' eyes - he was looking at the elf apparently - Calem turned to him. The elf seemed to be a somewhat cold, but then...perhaps in this case, appearances were deceiving? "I take it you're the one who takes care of him? Keep an eye on his allergic symptoms, I can write down a list of some things to keep an eye out for if you need. His symptoms are mild for now, but they may worsen. If they do..." Calem took another bottle from his shelf, full of petals, and held it out to the elf. "Lylaurssë petals. They won't cure him but they should treat the symptoms. The science has yet to finish testing, so keep the dosage very light - one or two petals a time at maximum, preferably once a day but if you must, no more than once every six hours. Crush them, place them upon his tongue, and wait about five to ten minutes. An overdose could prove dangerous, so be careful."

With that, Calem was finished, turning to a sink and washing his hands. "I believe I've done everything that I can for you at this point, Master Black. Again, I strongly recommend rest to give your body time to recover, or at least less intense pursuits." At Artemis' last question, Calem tilted his head slightly. "Oh, these?" He took off his spectacles. "They are simple magnifying spectacles from the West District, it's simply to help me see in more detail. Honestly, you could buy something like this for a few copper in the West District." There was something interesting about a man whom could somehow ask such simple questions in the face of what had to be a considerable amount of pain.

"So, will anyone else be requiring a check-up today?" Calem asked, turning his attention to the rest of the people in his office while putting his spectacles back on. It was a little bit of a sudden note to end on, in his personal opinion, but all he could do was keep working.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Jourin Argall »

Jourin observed the proceedings like a monolith. Even when the conversation turned briefly towards her apparent menace and her ability -- or her inclination -- to break the small doctor she remained silent and immutable. As it happened, she didn't feel anything towards him beyond a mild apprehension that she regarded nearly everybody with, and it wasn't likely to change unless he did something foolish. He didn't need to know that though, and she supposed that was why Artemis acted coy about it other than a tendency towards mischief.

In keeping with her ferociously stoic aesthetic, neither did she move except for when she was bade to do so. The doctor wanted privacy, or at least fewer eyes in the room, but she planted her feet instead. It wasn't until Dáire -- lagging behind them -- attempted to rejoin the group in the room that she budged at all. She sidled out of the way to admit him and then quickly resumed her post after closing the door upon Artemis's request.

The fact that Artemis was allergic to magic was no small revelation. Jourin's brows drew together and she stewed over the implications. Considering the prevalence of magic in Khy'eras it seemed more than merely inconvenient; depending on the severity of his allergy it sounded like any type of magic had the potential to be fatal.

Jourin struggled to follow the rest of the conversation. She had a very basic understanding of medicine, limited to patching open wounds and setting broken bones. The names of products and medicinal herbs bandied about meant very little to her save in a passing sense, but she made an effort to engrave them into her memory just in case. It was good that Ksenia was there and taking notes, she reflected.

A few minutes later and the examination appeared to be over. The little doctor inquired after the well-being of the rest of the group and passed his bespectacled eyes over them curiously. Jourin assessed herself mentally and determined that, aside from sleep deprivation, there was nothing that required medical attention. She had managed to avoid taking any damage during the scuffle that morning.

In answer, Jourin shook her head and uttered a simple, "No," in her low, softly accented voice.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Dáire »

It was a rare occurrence for Dáire to feel concern for another. Few ever got that far under his skin that it became a possibility; but that was exactly what he felt as he met Artemis’ weak smile and saw the fear lurking in his soft brown eyes. Dáire’s expression was wiped clear the instant their eye contact broke and his attention flicked back to babbling doctor, guilt for being selfish and discarding the obvious injuries, nagging at him all the more. He’d ignored the friendly jab earlier in regards to what had held him up, he hadn't wanted to get onto that line of conversation before and was now firmly set on leaving all past dealings in the past.

The revelation that magic didn't simply make his lover feel ill, but had a physical strain on him made Dáire feel a bit ill himself. Their world was full of magic, he frequently took advantage of it, wherever or whenever it was possible. It made a cold, dawning sense why Artemis had never thought to venture from the city, it was probably the only place you couldn’t feel the magic pulsing in the air around you. For him it was often a comfort, it soothed him like little else could after a day’s travel.

He broke his musings just in time to catch the hushed words spoken between the doctor and Artemis, if it hadn't been for his heightened hearing they would truly have been private words. Dáire’s features pinched as the implications of what the doctor spoke of sunk in, he had always felt magic around the thief but had assumed it had been his friend’s doing. That was certainly not run of the mill soccery.

His attention jumped to the doctor, listening carefully to what he said and felt his stomach sink with the unspoken words. This could get serious. “Please, that would be most appreciated.” He said in a clear voice, void of any emotion. Taking the small glass bottle from the doctor and glancing over at Ksenia, knowing she was more likely to be around Artemis’ to ensure he was well.

Dáire’d heard of the flowers, they’d not been unknown to the elves. Often growing around his childhood home in the Autumn; their dusky yellow petals rimmed with vibrant shades of orange had made them difficult to spot amongst the fallen leaves.

He just shook his head softly at the doctors question, dropping his gaze to the bottle of pretty petals that he turned over in his fingers. His shoulder still ached but it was nothing a human healer could help with, and he’d been lucky to avoid all but a few scratches that morning.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia took the book the doctor held out to her, flipping through the pages until she reached 172. Scanning the page, it seemed a bit of an involved process. The herbs would have to be steeped in oil for several days, and then combined with wax to make the salve. Dutifully, she copied the necessary instructions into her notebook. Maybe Lena could help her, or agree to make it?

When the doctor handed a jar of petals to Dáire she tried to figure out the spelling of the flower. Lyla-urzay? She shrugged to herself. The kerasoka man seemed familiar with them at least, so she could likely check with him later.

She made a note about the magifying spectacles, suppressing a snort when she heard Artemis' flimsy reasoning for wanting a pair. Dash had mentioned using a pair himself for complex designs, but she'd thought they'd be far more costly than what the doctor had mentioned. Well, she'd volunteer to go to the markets and get a pair for herself too while she was there.

The doctor had asked if anyone else needed an examination. Ksenia shook her head violently no. Artemis might have seen her undressed before, but in front of this strange doctor? With people watching? Absolutely not. She felt a little sick thinking about it. "Excuse me, I'm going to step out for some fresh air. Here's your book, doctor," she said, handing him the tome as she headed for the door. She hoped he'd let her go and not comment on the pallor she felt creeping into her face.
Word count: 263
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Artemis Black »

He watched his companions interact with the doctor as his reality settled into a sort of understanding. ‘I’m in danger, all the time, but now there are people that actually care,’ he thought, and chuckled to himself softly. Then there was movement at the door and Artemis saw the beginnings of tremors on Ksenia as she ducked out.

“Jourin, if you would. You don’t need to stay atop her, but keep her in sight,” he said, nodding to the imposing woman. “She just needs space and time.” With that handled, or at least well enough, he turned his focus back to the doctor. “I think everyone here would check out fine enough, don’t mind the Craftmistress,” he offered with an affected smile.

“Now all that remains is a checkup for the folks at the hall, some nasty scrapes and bruises, one dislocated arm I think Robert said. Can’t afford the coordination to bring them all here and leave the sailors unsupervised. Will you be the one handling that, or do I need to work with the lady at the front?” Artemis continued to run his thoughts as fast as he could behind a facade of politely waiting for a response.

“Oh, entirely unrelated, but did you know that flower can make an interesting poison?” he asked, sounding like an eager young boy with a particularly interesting stone to share with a friend. “Crush to a powder, mix with something yellowey that smells like cinnamon, and then distill in pure grain alcohol over low heat for a few hours. One drop into the blood, wait ten to twenty minutes. Any spellcaster is afflicted with intense paranoia and hallucinations.”

He grinned broadly and nodded from experience. “Excellent for helping difficult problems handle themselves, though terribly dangerous.” He shifted his focus to the room as he finished reciting his limited knowledge of panic poison. “One of Cook’s favorites, it affects the brain-barrier thing. Honestly, I never could quite understand that part. It makes regular folks really tired and thirsty though, feels like you’re dried out like an old whore. Goes away with water and sleep.”

Artemis rose, starting to put on his clothing slowly, resettling his knives as he went. “Right then, figure out the crew and then food,” he said, his tone and demeanor shifting back to the merchant. “Then I’m going to make you practice putting ointment on me.” He winked at Dáire with a smug grin before switching back to neutral again.
Word count: 420
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Nobody else seemed interested in their own check-ups - it was a bit strange to Calem that they'd all decided to come in, watch their friend being operated on and then just decide to not even bother, but if they didn't want to bother with anything, well - they had their own reasons, and Calem hardly could, let alone would, force them to have any kind of check-ups. "So be it, but it's not something to skip with little thought--" he stopped as one of the women handed the book back to him before leaving with little more fanfare. The scary lady - Jourin, was it? - left afterwards, and while Calem couldn't help but be a little concerned at the words of his patient, deep down he was a little glad she was no longer covering his doorway.

However, Calem did spin on his feet, betraying some surprise at Artemis' words. "Wait...I'm to make a house call?" Calem double-checked the work order - evidently he'd missed the part at first where he'd been asked to head out to do a mass survey at a place he'd never been. "This...is a bit more unexpected. Am I the only doctor here to be sent out there...?" Usually word of a mass survey was given far in advance, unless in the case of an extreme emergency. The fact that this had caught Calem by surprise was...odd. Not necessarily impossible, but odd. He took another look at the young patient on his table - he didn't seem to be malevolent, but Calem couldn't help but think that this young man was thinking a few steps ahead, even as he laid in the patient's chair. What was he thinking...?

Whatever the case was, Calem again looked at the work order. "...well, you are correct. I am to escort you to..." Calem checked the order again. "...East Hall?" The young doctor had never heard of it, except for a few vague mentions - he'd been entirely convinced it didn't exist. "Well then, Master Black, it appears that for a time being I shall be in your care. I haven't made a house call in a while, so this could be a nice change of pace...I've been meaning to get out of this hospital for a little while anyways."

While Calem's larger bag stayed packed in the corner of the room, Calem also found a smaller satchel bag in one of his cupboards, filling it up with some medicine, various bandages and salves from his cupboards. "Of course, by myself I don't know how much I can prepare for every single possibility. I would recommend at least allowing some of my fellow doctors from this company to assist, unless you have some at this place to assist me? It sounds like there's going to be a lot to do..." On the upside, whatever else happened, perhaps this was a chance in a way - even if it was only to himself, the doctor might finally be able to prove his competence to himself if he could even help with something like this...but there was only one way to find out.

As he packed, the strange young patient was now starting to mention something about poisons. "Charming, Master Black." Calem deadpanned. "I doubt I'll be needing any poisons for a while, though." He wasn't quite sure if Artemis was delirious or describing an actual poison, but for once he wasn't inclined to try and find out - there were enough people out in the world with ways to hurt others. He'd leave that to other people - as a doctor, he wanted to help people, to make them smile. Though if the young man was telling the truth - Calem couldn't help but feel a chill. 'And yet, I can't help but feel that this might be Fate. I wonder if this is the hand of the Eidolons, or maybe the Idols? There's a thousand possibilities though, and I don't know what to think of any of them right now. Still, whatever the case, if there are people to help, I can't just stay here.'

With that, he packed his bag and turned back to his now dressed patient. "Well, we shouldn't let Ri--the sun and moon wax and wane. Please let me know when you're ready to depart and I shall follow you posthaste." Calem carried his bag at his side. The only thing left to do, once again, was face the future and step forward.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia leaned against the stone wall in the entrance. Taking a few deep breaths, she reminded herself that she could, and had, refused and her decision was respected. No one had insisted or belittled her for doing so.

She crossed her arms over her chest. This whole issue with being watched, feeling vulnerable - she probably ought to talk to Deb about it, she considered. Then again, thinking of Deb’s efforts to help Ksenia’s reticence, that might be a dangerous idea. Ksenia chuckled slightly to herself.

Footsteps echoed behind her. Ksenia glanced behind her to see Jourin walking toward her. The imposing woman stopped a careful distance away, close enough to watch but not close enough to be obtrusive. Sighing, Ksenia supposed this was Artemis’ doing. Should she be grateful he thought of her protection or annoyed that he thought she needed it? Sometimes she wasn’t sure what he intended.

“I take it Artemis sent you. Are they almost done in there?” Ksenia asked, gesturing back to the exam room. She turned to face Jourin. “I’m ready to get going again.”
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Jourin Argall »

Jourin moved aside to let Ksenia to make her escape. Her eyes followed the woman only as far as the doorway, and then they snapped back to Artemis as if on an elastic string. She would have remained where she was, uninterested in or unwilling to interfere with the wild-eyed panic she'd glimpsed on their recently departed comrade. When Artemis ordered her to pursue, however, she nodded and turned to obey without hesitation.

Given her height and conspicuous appearance, Jourin stood out in the midst of clinic personnel and its guests as she followed in Ksenia's wake. There was no way to conceal the fact that she was tailing her, but nor did she really try. She allowed a distance between them of several yards to facilitate the privacy that Ksenia seemed to want without completely losing track of her.

Ksenia paused by a wall, ostensibly to regain her equanimity. Jourin slowed to a stop a little ways away and stood in full view, allowing herself to be seen when it suited the other woman to actually look. It didn't take long for her to do so.

Their eyes met. Ksenia sighed and Jourin wasn't sure how to interpret the emotion on her face. Resignation she thought. She didn't confirm Ksenia's suspicion about the reason for her presence there; it had been a statement after all, and the answer was obvious.

"Nearly," Jourin said, addressing her actual question instead.

Jourin continued to regard Ksenia as she faced her and asserted that she was ready to go. There was a brief, almost thoughtful, silence wherein she merely stared at the shorter woman. She thought to ask if she was afraid but quickly decided that it wasn't any of her business. The moment passed, ending with a stilted nod.

"They will be along shortly," she said. As an afterthought she added, "You have a minute or two more." Then she turned aside, looking back in the direction of the exam room. It might be difficult to discern if she was desperate to see Artemis again or if she was allowing Ksenia to be vulnerable without an audience.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Artemis Black »

“Black’s at East Hall, yes that’s the name, though it is not fully incorporated quite yet, waiting on the final inspections, bureaucracy and all,” Artemis replied, waving his hand as if clearing an unpleasant smell. “And you’re welcome to bring along any people and equipment you might need. I believe the work order does not specify any limitations. I was promised by the provider that we would be made whole.”

He didn’t actually know at all what the work order said, and considered having Dáire confirm his suspicion if the doctor disagreed. Though it would not be like the bank to skimp on reparations to a new and flourishing customer. Shrugging, Artemis collected his hat as he turned with a flourish towards the door.

He placed it squarely on his head and motioned for the doctor to precede him. “Please do not fall in behind me doctor, we’ve had enough nerves for the day,” he said with a grin. “We will be in the west side stable. I can provide an address and directions to be distributed to any other staff if you wish to come along with us after making the necessary arrangements.”

After a moment’s thought Artemis added, “There is also a wagon at the Hall that can be sent back if needed.” He was unfamiliar with actual medical practice and the needed equipment. “I imagine perhaps upwards of seventy, slums folks, children and elderly are not extremely common, but still present,” he mused idly to himself as they walked.

If he could get everyone in the block a good checkup, catch anything nasty before it starts, that would only be good for his business. He wasn’t exactly looking to start a gang, but a more proper community center. It was something he’d heard of from the Sisters when he was young.

Places that held festivals, brought folks together, and acted as the common tide to lift them all. Get everyone on your side, encourage young ones to take up a trade, become caretakers, or train and join the guard, start a community garden and other improvements and soon enough you had a force that few wanted to reckon with.

They could convert some of the homes to bunkhouses, and others into businesses. It would be better than the slowly collapsing squalor the families lived in now, and might even be more private, at least outside of the sleeping quarters.

He felt his smile pulling at his cheeks as he rounded the corner to see Jourin, keeping a short distance from Ksenia. He strode up to the pair, taking Jourin into a brief sailorly hug, two arms straight and squeeze the sides, before patting her shoulder.

“You have my thanks, for keeping those I value safe,” he said grinning up at her before moving away to Ksenia. He almost pinned her to the wall with the ferocity of his embrace. “I am sorry you felt uncomfortable, but am proud of you for having the wherewithal to step away.” He moved away from her and patted her arm as well.

“Now then, we should prepare to mount, but will be waiting on the doctor for just a moment. I think I will be taking advantage of the bank’s generosity to have the whole neighborhood checked. Might as well have everyone hale and hearty.” He winked at them all before moving over to nestle into Dáire's arms.
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Re: A Dose of Consequence

Post by Dáire »

‘Not surprising in the least for Artemis to know how to brew such a poison from such a beautiful flower’ Dáire mused, his lips twitching upwards at the smirk directed his way in lue of the ‘practice’ he was soon to be privy of yet again. Concern for the little halfling blossomed though as she slid past him with a practice ease, making no contact at all before escaping down the hall, the whole in a manner that made him uneasy. Dáire remained silent though, listening intently as the doctor spoke and plans were laid out in an efficient fashion. With Jourin away to - well, he assumed she must be watching over the poor girl as he doubted that woman knew how to sooth another, Dáire took up position at Artemis’ back, following him and the Doctor back down the hall and towards reception. Elvera looked up from the stream of papers laid before her, offering Calem a warm smile, the look turning knowing as she tracked Aretmis and then Dáire.

“I’ll be out with you in a moment melethron, I’ll sort the address for the healers.” he said quietly, bending over so as his breath tickled the rims of the man’s ear.

Waiting until Artemis was out of ear shot, he turned back around, assessing the doctor briefly before meeting the older woman’s cheery face once more. “Do you have something I could note down an address, and directions on please Elvera?” A few rustles of paper later and a small, blank sheet was slid towards him across the polished wooden table, with a quill and ink accompanying it.

“I didn't realise he was your employer, not normally your style to sleep with those who pay you Dáire.” She said airly, just as Dáire had finished noting down the address in a flourishing script. His attention snapped to her and his eyes narrowed. “Not my employer, and none of your business human.” He replied coldly, glaring at her for a few moments before pulling his attention back to the directions. Elvera shot a wary look at the other healer, obviously taken aback by the elf's unnecessarily sharp retort.

Hastily noting down a route that may not be the shortest, but by far the safest way to reach East hall, Dáire set down the pen and turned to the Doc, but was interrupted by the voice he was beginning to wish he never heard again.

“Dáire, I don’t believe that this is in the spirit in which the bank gave Mr Black this writ?” Elvera’s soft voice said from behind him. Dáire grit his teeth, lack of sleep, the unsettled morning they’d all had followed by Artemis’ magic issue and now an ex lover popping up, just seemed to be acting as kindling to his temper. He turned back to the middle aged woman with a cold expression on his face, “Given what I did for your family I’m sure you can find a way to make it happen.”

He turned to the doc again, remembering to offer help this time. “Do you need my help to carry anything, Sir? They’ll be waiting out by the stable where Artemis indicated earlier.”

Finally with business concluded within the healers hall, Dáire let the weak heat of the sun wash over his face, closing his weary eyes in simple appreciation. Some lingering awareness told him Artemis was talking still, though he didn't pay much heed to what was being said, however he was all too glad to envelope his increasingly tired looking lover with his warm embrace when given the opportunity. The simple gesture allowed Dáire to let go of the simmering temper that only minutes ago, threatened to totally ruin his mood and his day.
Word count: 645
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