Trading Up [Mature]

Artemis and Dáire have important discussions in bed.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis could feel events starting to slip away from him as he suddenly lost track of what Hannah was saying before she even finished speaking. 'Something about patrols,' his brain offered unhelpfully as he tried to continue listening to her. Moments later, she finished on what was clearly a question and his thoughts hadn't caught up.

When he stared blankly at her for several long seconds her features shifted from attentive to concerned. "You okay there Boss?" she asked him, her hand coming up but not actually touching him.

Artemis shivered and shook his head. "Yeah- yeah fine. Uh, talk to the Craftmistress or Jacobus. I'm going to-" he felt the loss of balance well before he actually noticed the sudden tilt of his vision. He turned his head and forced his eyes to focus on the blurry figure there. "Hello Guardian," he whispered, suddenly very thirsty.

"Hello, my Melethron," Dáire whispered back, smiling down softly at the other man, steadying him in his embrace. He’d been watching Artemis out of the corner of his eye for some time now, becoming increasingly concerned as his thief’s eyes had lost their customary sharp edge, exhaustion progressively clouding over his features. Watching as his lover swayed, and then listed to one side, Dáire moved, deciding in that moment it was foolish to allow him to continue pushing an injured body any further today.

"I’m going to take him down to his room. Tell the others not to bother him unless it’s really important, please." He said quietly to Hannah, turning his attention swiftly away from the other elf and back to Artemis, offering him a mischievous grin, "Want a ride?" he said in a teasing voice and then winked.

"If I ever turn down a- A ride from you, I'm probably dead.” Artemis managed a half-hearted chuckle. "Not sure I can hop up though," he added a moment later with a frown as his flagging strength recovered fractionally.

Dáire’s grin slipped a little as he watched Artemis doing his internal evaluation, "Here," He said before grabbing the man’s hips and carefully lifting him high enough to wrap arms and legs around his torso. "Hold on, I’ll have to set you down when we get to the hatch-I don’t think we can both get down there at once. I’ll go first-" he paused, considering just how tired his thief actually was.

He was tired too, but after the night and morning they’d had, Artemis was in a whole other state of exhaustion, "Are you up to climbing down without falling? At least partly before I can lift you off them?"

Artemis grinned as he latched on to the much bigger man, though he only managed to project a portion of his usual brightness. "Give me a kiss and wiggle your butt at the bottom, think I can make it," he said into Dáire's neck, sounding terribly serious. He shifted his legs to support both his boots with less effort before nuzzling into the Kerasokan's neck with soft kisses.

The unexpected comment tore a throaty laugh from Dáire, his arms wrapping cautiously around Artemis as he strode through the vast room, a few pairs of eyes drifting their way and studying the pair curiously. "A kiss is never considered a hardship when it involves you, melethron." The words leaving him without conscious thought as he nuzzled his cheek with his own, no longer paying attention to those who surrounded them, only the one in his arms.

Dáire’d never considered humans capable of this level of affection; which in itself had been a foolish belief he now admitted. There’d never been anything he’d seen to encourage such ideas, he’d just failed to allow any of them the opportunity to teach him any different. The unsettling warm and fuzzy feelings within his chest flared as his thoughts drifted.

Carefully untangling the thief from his waist, he allowed Aretmis to slide down his front, ensuring the man would remain upright before hopping down the small opening. It was a dark hole that would unsettle many with its murky gloom lay below, only a small amount of waning daylight managed to find its way down there at the best of times.

‘Should have thought of a candle’ he chastised himself, gazing back up the ladder with a bright smile - the engulfing darkness forgotten. "Coming to collect on that kiss or not, Master Black?"

Artemis shook his head at his Guardian and took a few breaths. "Don't start calling me Master unless you want to give me ideas, Taynacd," he said with a wink before he turned and slowly worked his way down the ladder.

Thankfully it was new and rugged, designed for broad heavy worker's boots. He had little trouble making his way almost to the bottom before he stopped. "You promised to sweep me off my feet?" he asked, looking back over his shoulder with a slightly brighter grin.

Dáire raised a dark brow at him, "Showing a romantic streak now are you?" He teased, reaching for Artemis and gently resettling the man around his torso once more. "Be careful melethron, the big dangerous men tend to sweep the attractive ones off their feet, only to never let them go."

With one arm securely wrapped around the human’s waist, he cupped his cheek with a cool hand and leant in, seizing Artemis' mouth in a soft, languid kiss. In no hurry to break the connection, Dáire relied on his other honed senses to ensure they didn't collide with a wall, or his shin with a bunk as he strolled towards the locked door of Artemis’ quarters.

Artemis had been about to offer a witty retort when his lover kissed him, and so instead of words he only managed to moan softly. He eagerly pressed into the kiss and let the warmth of Dáire's mouth push back some of the exhaustion he felt. When they reached the door he slid his hand down between them and fumbled for a moment before producing a key. He placed it into the elf's palm before returning his focus to drowning in the man's velvety warmth.

Dáire found himself unable to hold back the smile as Artemis resumed their questing kiss, nipping at his lover's lip playfully while he fumbled with the key, the majority of his focus centered on more important things after all. Eventually the key slid into the lock and he twisted it, the lock released with a snick revealing the pitch black room within.

Dropping the key on the table he knew lay by the door, he sought out the sole light source in the room with the same hand, fingers locating the cool metal of the lantern and sliding the cover half way up. The faint click of the ignitor sounded and the lantern sprang to life, flooding the small room in a warm orange glow.

Reluctantly he broke the kiss, his gaze meeting that of Artemis’, a crooked smile plastered across his face while edging them in the direction of the huge double bed and its soft mattress. "You need rest Melethron, despite how much fun we otherwise could have."
Last edited by Artemis Black on February 27th, 2020, 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Dáire »

Artemis made a small huff of discontent. "I think I need you far more than I need a rest, but I understand. Talk with me for a while? I promise to be good," he offered with a smirk and a gentle squeeze of his limbs. "You need to rest too anyway, and I bet there’s nothing more reinvigorating than the feeling of you, pressed against me, firm and ready." He leaned up to whisper enticingly, his voice becoming breathy and eager before he nipped at the Kerasokan’s sensitive ear.

Dáire groaned at the oh so vivid image those words painted in his mind’s eye, having to then peel Artemis away from his awakening body before his control snapped. "I think you and I may have different ideas on good behaviour lover. You keep doing that and I doubt either of us will rest."

Settling his thief on his feet near the bed, he stepped back, taking a deep breath and willing his body to cool. "Talk, yes." His voice, taking on that hint of breathiness. "I’d all but forgotten you’d wanted us to talk, but it would certainly be a good idea for us to do so."

Having calmed himself as much as he believed possible around a man such as his lover, Dáire took the few steps to the bedside, removed his boots with jerky tugs, before moving on to tug at the buckles holding his gauntlets and pauldrons in place and dumping them on the floor near to the bed.

Laying his tall body out on the bed, still fully clothed, he turned to look up at Artemis. "Come, I’ll hold you but I don't trust you not to tease me to the point of insanity while you have that glint in your eye." he said through a crooked smile, gesturing with open arms.

Artemis flopped down onto the edge of the bed, grumping softly before removing his knife case and placing it beside him. Then he leaned down to pull a knife from each boot, tossing them onto the case before loosening the straps and working off each boot in turn. He almost tossed his boots as well, but sighed heavily and instead stood to carefully settle them at the foot of the bed.

Artemis popped his hat off his head, sliding the knife from the inner band slowly, aware it was easy to cut the delicate silk, before tossing it with the others. His hat was laid to rest on the uneven table before he reached into his jacket, pulling another two knives, also tossed onto the pile, from the lower front lining before shimmying out of the fitted garment. He held the jacket in his hand for a moment before setting it beside his hat.

Next he started to unbutton his vest before stopping with the first button undone. He leaned against the edge of the table and locked eyes with Dáire, wiggling his fingers and blowing the man a kiss before starting on his buttons again. Dáire smirked, pulling himself back up and sliding to the edge of the bed to just sit, watching, as a cat may a mouse.

When the vest was loose he slid his hands inside each panel, crossing them over his chest. With a careful flourish he pulled out two more knives. "Tada," he said before chuckling and tossing the blades handle first with the others.

With his vest off he rose and strode over to the bed, wiggling his hips backwards to be in reach of Dáire. "Get the one in the back please?" he said, looking over his shoulder and grinning. Then he returned to his own work, unhooking the front of his pants and taking out the two knives tucked along the band.

Dáire groaned to himself belatedly, he'd failed to consider that unlike his own attire, Artemis' wouldn't survive the same careless disregard. He pulled the blade carefully from it’s concealed location when asked, admiring the view immensely and barely restraining the urge to comment on the amount of hard steel the man was concealing.

"I'm going to have no choice here, am I? You can't lie down without a blanket and I can't hold you with one between us." Feigning discontentment, he swiftly stripped his body of all clothing, the cool air hitting his warm skin and causing gooseflesh to spread over his limbs in a wave.

Refocusing on Artemis and casually invading the man's personal space, nimble fingers reached for the fastenings on the shirt with surety. "Hard not to think of the last time we were in a similar situation, isn't it?" He said, his grin wicked as his gaze flicked up momentarily from his task.

Artemis immediately shivered as he felt the cool air of the room and Dáire’s warmth shielding him from it. "Hard- yeah, certainly something like that," he managed before he placed his hands on his Guardian’s hips and curled his fingers. "I don’t want to ruin my nice clothes," he added, looking up with a sheepish expression, offering an explanation like a child caught ignoring instructions with good intentions.

"I know, I’m sorry. I am tired as well- the thought just hadn't occurred to me until that moment." He gave him a peck on the cheek as the last button the shirt came free, allowing the loose fabric to fall open. He moved fluidly, sliding it off the other man's shoulders and down his arms in an apologetic caress, before leaning over to set the fine material utop the growing pile. "Sit melethron, you're still over dressed."

Artemis immediately complied, almost falling over as he tossed himself onto the edge of the bed. "Oh- okay," he said as he managed to balance himself by sliding his arms back with only a small amount of flailing.

It was a strange sensation, the desire to care for another in this manner, and one that Dáire thought was long left behind him. For once he let more emotion shine through in the smile he gave Artemis, deeper, exposing the more guarded parts of himself that the normal amusement or wickedness, concealed from the world. Crouching down before his lover, Dáire began gently tugging the remaining article of the fine suit from the man's body, placing the pants with the same care atop its accompanying garments.

"There, now we're ready. Skin to skin is always better anyway." He said simply, the vulnerability he had been feeling, wasn’t a particularly comfortable or welcome sensation. Standing in a single graceful movement, he folded back the blankets on the bed, indicating to his companion to settle in first. "Let us talk."
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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis crawled into bed, stopping only briefly to raise his hips and glance back at Dáire before flopping down and holding out his arms. "Come keep me warm and I will answer all your desires," he said with an exaggerated wink. The effect was somewhat ruined by a massive yawn that shook the thief's entire body for several seconds.

Laughing softly, Dáire settled down beside the other man, pulling his lover's body flush with his own, proceeding to pull the blankets over the both of them, banishing the cool lick of the underground air. "Cosy enough for you Melethron? By the size of that yawn, I don’t think you’ll last long friend." He whispered coyly, his expression alight with humour.

Artemis immediately latched on to Dáire, pulling him as close as possible and nuzzling into the man's warmth. "Mine," he mumbled into Dáire's chest before curling his fingers in slow caresses. "I can- can last long enough," he finally said as he shivered with satisfaction. "Lots to say, don't want you to worry."

He slid a hand down to his lover's hip, taking a firm hold as he encircled the man's legs with his own to squeeze gently. "Can always tease you to wake up," he added, kissing Dáire's skin with a slowness, whether from exhaustion or seduction, the effect would be the same.

"You’re a cruel man Artemis." Dáire rasped out, his thoughts getting snagged on the exquisite sensations emanating from the other man’s touch. "Two can play at that game, and then nothing will be said. Not much discernable at any rate." He added on wryly, lazily trailing his fingers up and down his lover back. "What has been on your mind that you wished to discuss? By any chance has it something to do with what the doctor told you?"

The thief gasped softly as Dáire's fingers sent a thrill of pleasure through him. "First-" he started before groaning and kissing the man’s chest again. "First, don’t worry about Ksenia. We’ve never been in a relationship. She’s had a lot of bad things happen."

His voice conveyed a depth of regret and empathy that didn’t show on his face. "She’s scared of being touched, terrified of intimacy from most. I think she trusts me, because I understand and don’t push her too much. I give her hugs, hold her when she has nightmares, nothing more."

Artemis' expression changed suddenly and he shifted his hips slightly, getting more comfortable before letting his hand drift down to stroke Dáire’s leg and groin. He delicately avoided his lover’s hardening member, grinning to himself as he moved his fingers in and around the area. "As for Deb, the one earlier with the huge tits, she’s a- a Korcai," he whispered the word, looking up to watch Dáire intently for any reaction.

Dáire was inwardly nodding, while outwardly he listened quietly, biting back the gentle moan that wanted to escape. His explanation of Ksenia, made her leery behaviour around him make perfect sense now The thoughtful consideration it evoked, acted as a very good distraction from just how vast Artemis’ and his definition of good behaviour really were.

At the mention of a Korcai, Dáire scowled, his body stiffening and his stroking hand stilled, as he glanced down to lock gazes with his surprising lover. The notion of Korcai walking around free this far north, arose all manner of confusion within him. "How is one of those-'' he cut himself off, knowing the creature was somehow Artemis’ friend.

"I never expected to find one in a city." He amended, breaking eye contact and resuming his caresses. "I spent time hunting Korcai in my youth, they did not leave the most pleasant impression. I wasn’t aware they could be civilised. Haven’t seen one in decades either though." He said flatly, ‘Must’ve realised they had to change in order not to be hunted to extinction’ He silently added to himself.

Artemis saw the sudden shift, felt the tension in Dáire’s body, and sighed softly. "She’s a different sort I think. I never got the whole answer, but she lived here, before-" he shrugged and returned to gently caressing.

"I think she just wants to have her domain and keep her pets. Ksenia’s one now - the people she takes care of and ensures are healthy. She always said it makes the taste better." He laughed ruefully, "I know she was always getting after me to be more careful, injury and stress spoil the meal."

He leaned in and kissed Dáire’s neck, nibbling softly at the sensitive skin. "I want to taste you some more. Can I? I promise to be gentle and careful I don’t get hurt. I need you," he whispered into his lover’s neck.

"I’m going to ignore the part where my lover was a Korcai’s walking snack." He forced out, the tail end of the sentence heading more towards a groan as the pleasure of the intimate touches rose to undeniable levels.

"That sort of bed rest is, I doubt, what the good doctor had in mind my rwalaer (lusty one)" He chuckled, rolling them both over so he was carefully braced over Artemis, "But, if you behave I may find a way to reward my poor injured melethron." he said, flashing him a seductive smile as he leant down to kiss and suck lightly on the thief’s neck. "Was that all you wished to talk about tonight?" He breathed between the kisses.
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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Dáire »

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"I think, I am worried she- did something to me. The doctor helped, but I can still feel it, the itching at the edge of my awareness slowly coming back." He looked up into his lover’s eyes. "I’m scared, I don’t know how to fight this. You can’t just stab or outrun magic."

He blinked slowly several times and then lifted his arms to wrap around the Kerasokan’s waist. "You’re so warm and strong. I want to behave," he whimpered softly as his fingers curled into Dáire’s back.

Dáire paused in his ministrations, tilting his head to meet Artemis’ gaze shining with the barely concealed fear that mingled with the blatant desire, "You really think she’d be capable of something so cruel? You were lovers, she’d known you much longer and better than I, something like that… would be so cold." His mind automatically denied the idea that his friend could be capable of such a debilitating move, but he conceded moments later that she had in fact changed as of late.

The switch she’d flicked so effortlessly while they had all been in hre room, the moment she’d seen him enter behind Artemis, was not a normal response. "Disregard that thought," He growled, "If it is magic melethron we’ll deal with it. Many spells can be viewed as a jumble of threads, especially the maleficent ones that have an out. Find the right end to tug and they disassemble. We’d just need to tug the right loose end."

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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Artemis Black »

"I- not to- Cecilia’s tits," Artemis stuttered, trying to get his thoughts back into some semblance of order. "I think I love you," he finally managed, curling his fingers into Dáire’s back with all the strength he could muster.
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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Dáire »

"You're tired melethron, and injured, this is not a wise idea." He was proud his voice managed to stay level as he made a last ditch effort, no matter if it felt half assed even to him, to stay the tenacious man's demands.

"Oh. If- if you’re sure. I don’t think you would take very long though, and my mouth works plenty good enough. I’ll listen though. Hold me?" Artemis said softly, lifting his hands and nuzzling into Dáire's chest. "Do- do you love me?" he asked, the words a barest whisper.

Dáire thought his heart may have just missed a very crucial beat, for blood didn't seem to be flowing to his brain and allow for his thoughts to process any longer. That quiet, vulnerable whisper of a question had caught him so far off guard that he was glad Artemis was so deeply nestled into his chest, so as not to see the slack jawed expression he was sure he was wearing.

What had felt like minutes, but was probably only the briefest of seconds passed, his brain seemed to kick back into motion, allowing him to drop down on his side, gently collecting his lover into his warm embrace.

He quickly ran through what he could say, and then what he suspected Artemis wanted to hear, the one word answer that would set such a big heart at ease. Instead, he let out a sigh, one hand beginning to stroke his lovers back in soothing circles, his voice low and tentative when he said "Do you know what Melda means Artemis?"

Artemis felt the sudden shock in Dáire , the halt of his breath and skip of his heart followed by thoughtful silence . He braced himself, preparing to be told this would be their last night. He’d heard it so many times before. ‘Good for a tumble, a drink, a warm bed, too much trouble for anything else,’ bounced around in his head, the mashed together words of many all jumbled together into one disdainful thought.

Dáire spoke and Artemis listened, his mind grinding through the words slowly before he understood this would not be a quick and simple thing. "No, but given the context I’m hoping for something good. History says something along the lines of troublesome though," he mumbled into the Kerasokan’s broad chest.

Dáire laughed softly, kissing the top of the thief’s head lightly before he spoke, tone still low but more of his usual calm settling back in after the initial shock of Aretmis’ question had started to subside. "I- I called you by it earlier. It’s an endearment, one my mother often used with my father as I grew up.

The closest translation is ‘my beloved’ or just ‘beloved’. It came out on impulse, it felt right at the time Artemis, but I realised after that I barely knew you and had no right to use it, nor to consider you mine."

Dáire paused, mainly in effort to collect his own jumble of thoughts, memories and emotions that seemed to be colliding within him, as for one of the few times in his life, he needed to express those internal musings to someone else.

"I am young for an elf Artemis, but by human standards I could have already lived through several lifetimes but I can swear to you that in so many years, I have not felt for another, how I feel towards you. I can not say if it is love, the beginnings of love or what it is, as I am not certain that what I once thought was love, actually was the emotion that others covet so fiercely."

Artemis blinked, his mind locking up and his breathing halted as he tried to understand what Dáire was saying. He got several thoughts in before he started breathing again and he could feel tears welling in his eyes. "Are- are you sure you're not just really horny? I can feel you throbbing between my legs," he managed to get out between a juddering laugh.

"I mean, I- Cecilia's Tits, this is a lot," he choked out before another shudder of overwhelming emotion wracked his body. He squeezed Dáire weakly, feeling tears coming down his cheeks as his body tried to find a purpose for the overflowing waves of feeling.

Dáire laughed, tightening his embrace ever so slightly, "Daft man, you asked so soon, would you have prefered I be less truthful? And no, that is something I have experience with." he said, the broad grin spreading across his face almost audible as he spoke.

"Fair-" Artemis got out before a hiccup ruined his sentence. He shivered slightly and took several deep breaths to get back his voice. "I was just so scared and you make me feel so safe and you're huge and… huge." He laughed softly at himself.
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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Dáire »

He recognised he was done for, at some point over the past few days his thief had found a crack in the hardened armour that had encased his heart for so many decades, chipping away at it without much seeming effort."You’re i- injured." He gritted out, but had already begun moving before the words had finished falling from his mouth.

Dáire's elven reflexes had his lover’s face encased within his warm palms and his lips sliding over Artemis’ in a fevered rush before either of them could blink. "Too... right... I... want you," he breathed between the frantic kisses, soon breaking the connection to pull in much needed air and meeting his lover’s gaze, Dáire's own eyes holding a slightly crazed sheen in their molten grey depths.
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Re: Trading Up [Mature]

Post by Dáire »

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"Melda," He managed to say a few moments later, his voice thick and a bit rough, holding his arms up towards Artemis in invitation. "Will you rest now that you’ve had your wicked way with me please?" He said, lifting his head and offering him a soft, contented smile.

"I think you had your way more than me, but I will gladly slip into your arms and hope this dream never ends," Artemis said in a low purr as he crawled up the Kerasokan’s body. He nestled against him, laying his head in the crook of his neck and wrapping his arms around the man’s middle to squeeze gently.

"You’re mine now, and I’m yours, but I have no idea what that means. It will be fun to find out," he murmured before a yawn took him and he surrendered to the overwhelming wave of exhaustion. His breathing immediately slowed, but his arms remained firmly wrapped around the elf.

Dáire smiled to himself as he felt Artemis’ breathing slow and even out, his body melding to his own in the utter relaxation only sleep could bring. "It means Melda, that the tricksy little fae Kaxitaki has been looking out for us." he breathed into his lover's hair.

He fumbled around for the blanket, loathed to jostle the sleeping man, pulling it back over them when his fingers finally came across the dense fabric. Unlike his companion, and despite the fatigue that had been nipping at his heels for hours, sleep did not find Dáire for some time.

His mind fixated on the last sentence to pass his lovers lips, the claim and the offer that brought him both joy and apprehension. He sighed wearily, wrapping his arm snuggly around the much smaller human, stroking his back with the other as he lay awake, though the action was more a comfort to himself. For better or for worse, the path of his life was changing again.
Word count: 332
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