Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

A young mage escapes a harsh childhood, a vicious tutor, and finds himself lost in the grand city of Fellsguard.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit looked back to Vanessa, cursing himself for not being quieter, especially when talking about magic in a city that is famous for what it does to those who use it.

Her tone was serious, but she sounded genuinely like she wanted to help. Before, it seemed she was just looking for another student, but now ... he didn't know anyone in Fellsguard, and he couldn't really claim to know these two people who he had only just met. But he had sensed magic about her, so maybe he could trust her. He didn't respond verbally, but shook his head in assent.

'The Inquisition.' A shiver went down his spine that had nothing to do with the wind or snow.
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Artemis Black
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis was ‘relaxing’ entirely under orders from Dáire and insistence from Ksenia. He felt restless as he lounged at what had become known as the ‘Captain’s Table’. The heavy wooden furniture had been carved and detailed by nearly all of the crew, covering it in all sorts of symbols and signs for hearth, community, strength, and even a few bits of protection at Jourin’s request.

The hall was thriving, the sailors and neighborhood folks having fully adjusted in a few short days. What had begun as a sort of tense standoff had become a veritable exchange for ideas, trinkets, and stories. If someone wanted something, or something done, they simply asked and folks piled out of the woodwork to help.

It was uplifting in a way Artemis wasn’t sure he entirely understood yet, he was about to start another rousing game of ‘Where’s my apple’ to distract himself from too much philosophy when Dáire strode into the hall. Artemis’ bored smirk became a beaming smile as he shot from his seat before anyone could even say something.

He bound across the hall in three quick strides, leaping into Dáire’s arms and wrapping himself around the Kerasokan with a shout of delight. “My guardian has returned, and he is as handsome and delightful as I remember,” he babbled before leaning in to kiss the man deeply while tightening his legs around his hips.
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Dáire »

Dáire stumbled back a few steps, Artemis’ enthusiastic collision with his torso catching him off guard, even though he should have been anticipating something like that from him. His center of balance restored, Dáire wrapped his arms ardently around his lover, grinning affectionately down at Artemis and pulling him into his chest. Unable to get a word in before he was kissing Artemis’ deeply, fervently, he almost forgot those standing and seated around them. Almost. He pulled back on an almost silent groan, “I missed you too, Melda. We do have an audience though,” he teased, smirking at the few heads that had turned to watch Artemis jump into his arms, “And I brought someone home that I thought could do with some help getting on their feet.” He tilted his head in the direction of Kit, who seemed to be standing, transfixed to the spot with wide fascinated eyes as he looked around the recently refurbished warehouse. “I’m not entirely certain why the fae followed me home as well, we have business to conclude at another time though.”

Dáire gave Artemis another brief kiss, squeezing him lightly before allowing the smaller man to slip back to the floor and wrapping a protective arm around the man's shoulders.Dáire looked over to young mage first and smiled at him, “This is Kit Heron, he was in need of a safe place to stay,” Dáire dropped his voice low enough that only Artemis would hear him above the roar of conversation that’d continued on around them, “If I’m right, I think the kid’s a little lost, and I feared he’d end up in a dire situation fairly quickly in this city.” He added, then glanced over to Vanessa, looking her over again her attire and composure making her look out of place amongst the sailors and locals. “This is professor Vanessa LaNore, apparently a friend of Lord Velca.”
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit watched as the Elf and the smaller man, Artemis Black it seemed, not only embraced but kissed quite passionately. His brows were raised. He had read about mating in a textbook once: 'The Art of Procreation and it's Appliance to Magical Eugenics'. It theorised that two magical beings could procreate and studied the chances of the resulting newborn inheriting magical ability. But the pairings were always the same, a male and a female, specifically when it came to non-elemental or magical beings. There had certainly been no romance novels in the library he had spent his life living in.

Two males together? Kit inwardly made a note of that. Romance appeared to cross gender as well as race. His education was beginning already.

He stood a little straighter as Dáire introduced him and Vanessa. He wondered what to say! Should he call him 'Sir'? 'My Lord?' He refused to use the word 'master.' "Hello." He said, his voice cracking a little. He cleared his throat, embarrassed. "I mean .. well, yes. Hello, sir. Thank you for ... He faltered a little. 'He hasn't even said you can stay yet!' He scratched his temple, nervously. "Thank you for seeing me. It's ... very good to meet you."

He also found he had to resist the urge to 'see', something he coined when he allowed himself to sense magic, or even emotions, if they were very strong. He hadn't mastered empathy fully, but if they were intense - like extreme anger or passionate love - he could sometimes pick that up. Despite his best efforts, and only for a split second, his eyes glazed over. But he blinked quickly, pulling back almost as quickly as he opened up. 'Idiot.' He berated himself.

Kit took a slow breath. "Mister Dáire said I might ... well. I just got to the city and I didn't know where to go. So I ... well ... I'm here, I suppose!" He gave a strained laugh, his eyes darting around as a few people glanced over curiously. "I like your place." He added, then shut his mouth.
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis reluctantly broke from the delicious warmth of Dáire’s mouth to slide down and listen to his lover’s introductions. It sounded very much like he’d brought home a stray and Artemis was already doing the mental calculations for beds when he felt a burning shiver go through his body.

His eyes snapped up instinctively, a knife already in his hand, and he narrowed in on the fading glazing of a spellcasters concentration. He grit his teeth, hiding the emotion as best he could and lifting the knife slowly to twirl instead as though it were just a mindless habit.
Word count: 103
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa raised an eyebrow at both the skilled leap and open passionate affection of what was clearly Dáire’s lover. From context she guessed this was the aforementioned Artemis and she offered him a brilliant smile when her name was mentioned.

She'd not missed in the slightest the jerk of movement and sudden appearance of a knife. It actually felt somewhat comforting, seeing behind the curtain of ease and kindness to the man beneath. Artemis was a dangerous man and he was also apparently one who knew how to handle himself.

She stepped forward just slightly, offering him a small nod but not a hand, Dáire’s words and the slowly twirling knife still very clear in her mind. “A pleasure to meet-”
Word count: 125
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Artemis Black »

“Wait you said LaNore!” Artemis interrupted Vanessa suddenly, his smile broadening to a brilliant boyish grin. “You’re the Legend Seeker! You have to sing us a song!” he exclaimed as all other thoughts flew away. He practically danced in place, the thought of a famous bard being in his home overwhelming him.

“Kit-” he said suddenly, turning back to business but only losing the smile faintly. “For bringing such wonder to my doorstep you’re welcome to a bunk, but keep your tricks inside or I might be a bit less gentle next time.” He turned his focus to Vanessa, “Miss LaNore, please, you must show your talents.”
Word count: 109
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit swallowed, nervously. His eyes went to the knife, and though the man seemed to be just idly handling it, the warning was enough to make Kit mentally kick himself in the face. "My apologies, sir. I didn't mean to ... do what I ... It won't happen again. Sorry, again." He cleared his throat, and idly scratched his temple. "But thank you for your offer. I promise I will repay your kindness, and contribute in any way I can, since I have no coin."

He was pleased Vanessa was here, so that the attention was on here. She seemed to be well known, and it made Kit feel more comfortable that Artemis greeted her so enthusiastically. She couldn't be of bad character if she spent her time entertaining and teaching, and being well known too!

For now, he kept quiet and listened.
Word count: 141
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa almost jumped when Artemis darted forward, childlike glee across his features. Suddenly gone was all the knife edges and threats. He sang her praises, calling out her older title and requesting a song. She felt his infectious enthusiasm kindling something in her bardic spirit. Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, he turned and spoke to Kit.

His voice wasn’t cold, but the warning was plain as day. Magic had no place here, and would be met with steel expertly wielded. Vanessa asserted her will, clamping down on the roiling desire to perform. She had to ensure she was safe first, this man was mercurial and he could probably kill her before she finished a summoning.

She turned to Kit, settling herself after the whirlwind that was apparently Artemis. The young mage seemed as cowed as she expected, stumbling over apologies and offering thanks despite nothing yet being decided. She would need to ensure he was taken care of.

In the sudden silence she raised a brow and spoke, “Master Artemis,” she began, noticing the words caused a twitch in the young man’s features. “I’d be happy to grace your fine hall with my performance. First though, I must ask but one concession.” She offered him an exaggerated bow, the performer in her coming alive.

“I am of a Fae lineage, and though I can swear to use no magic my body will respond to my performance and produce a form of magic on its own. This is all sanctioned by House Nyshasa, no spells will be cast or magic woven, it will be contained to my person and wings. I hope this will bring no trouble, and you find this acceptable?”

Artemis frowned for a moment, his features again going to a much darker and more dangerous slant. “Show me?” he asked softly, handing his knife to Dáire hilt first.

Vanessa nodded, pushing on her gifts the faintest bit, tugging at the power that swirled inside her desperate for release. A faint shimmer began, spilling forth from her back in slow gossamer strands of brilliant fire. There were several gasps and the general room grew quiet but no one made a move.

She let her wings flutter slowly, watching Artemis carefully. He twitched for a moment, almost reflexively scratching at his nose before nodding. “This should be fine, I look forward to the fabled performer.” He turned to the rest of the hall.

“Today, good folks of East Hall, you’re going to see something only told in tales and legends. A famous bard has come, and she’s going to sing us a song. I expect the best and most raucous behaviour from you all.” A cheer went up a moment later and Vanessa released the breath she’d been holding.

“Thank you, then I will begin. May I place my case here?” she asked, and when Artemis tossed up a hand of allowance she slid out of her hard sided stage and pulled off several panels to extract an instrument of some kind. It appeared like a violin but with a crank on one end and keys as if a piano was attached.

She gave the instrument a quick glance over, the whispers of the crowd following their cheer a familiar backdrop. A quick turn of the crank and the device let out a mournful sound. She grinned and rose, resting the instrument against her hips and looping a strap over her shoulder.

With a quick glance around, she made two long strides and lept onto a nearby table, deftly avoiding platters and mugs. “Hello everyone, my name is Vanessa, and I am here to regale you at the behest of the kind men over there,” she projected, her voice filling the hall easily without sounding loud. She bowed, offering a wink towards Artemis, Kit, and Dáire.

“So,” she said, twirling slowly and then taking long sensuous strides forward as her wings began a gentle beat. “I’m going to get a bit excited, as it’s been some time since I’ve been allowed to unleash myself even this much. I expect you all to join me, you know how to keep time?”

She leaned over and grinned at several sailors and a serving girl. There was a sudden clatter and a few cheers went up as the sailors recognized exactly what was going on and pulled the citizens along with them. “Good, so we’ll start with something simple."

She began to turn the crank again, a low sonorous tone filling the air. After a moment she began to press the keys, a medley of tones erupting from the single sound. “Give me the beat good sailors, second line toss,” she called out, watching with glee as many of the sailors began to clap to a well known time.

After several seconds she had much of the hall clapping and she lifted her head skyward, letting her fingers begin to work at the keys in earnest. It sounded as though there were several instruments coming from the strange contraption and then, without warning, her voice burst into the air a siren’s call of melodious longing.

“I've seen many men wandering, All strong and brave and keen,” she sang, turning slowly before she started taking more steps, her feet bouncing along the table in time to the sailors beat. “Seen them growing into rulers, but I long for the sea. Heard a ship came from the North to our harbour for a day. And before misfortune knows, I'll be on my way.”

Her wings flared, as she dove into a short fill, calling out the refrain “I’ll be on my way,” in several tones and volumes. Then she was into the song again, near halfway down the table to an enraptured audience clapping and stamping their feet without control.

“I'm all set to veer away, and I'm all set to go astray. All burdens I will leave ashore, to find what I've been longing for. I'm all set to veer away, and I'm all set to go astray. All burdens I will leave ashore, to find what I've been longing for,” she sang, readying herself for the sudden influx of speed she’d need soon. She entered another short fill as she lept from the end of a row of table to the other row entirely.

“Don't tell anyone that this night I'll be gone. Greeting the eternal blue, right at the break of morn. Sailing towards the unknown with my crew on the sea. And the day that I return, A hero I shall be,” she called out, dancing her way down the first table only to stop in the middle of the second and enter another fill and several refrains of “A hero I shall be.”

“I'm all set to veer away. And I'm all set to go astray. All burdens I will leave ashore. To find what I've been longing for,” she sang, making her way to the third table and offering a refrain. “I'm all set to veer away. And I'm all set to go astray. All burdens I will leave ashore. To find what I've been longing for.”

She moved to the final table as her last fill spilled out into the hall, the joyful tones of her instrument pulling her into a near silence as she stopped cranking and began to strum. Her voice came out with a deep and pinning desire in the sudden near silence “I'm all set to veer away. And I'm all set to go astray.”

She began to crank her instrument once again, slower than before, letting the tones last and fade all at once as she stretched the final lines to a twirl and bow at the end of the last table, “All burdens I will leave ashore. To find what I've been longing for.”

The silence was thunderous, at some point everyone had stopped clapping and simply sat in awe. Vanessa felt the magic of her wings fluttering in joyous release as she lifted herself up. “Well, what did you think?” she asked to the dead silence with a wink.
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit stood in awe.

Watching Vanessa was something he couldn't put into words. The way she worked the crowd, her undeniable, extraordinary talents, her voice!

She had promised Artemis that she would not use magic, but in between his own applauding and jaw drops, he thought on her.

This was a magic in itself, he thought to himself. Here was a a sentient, magical being - beautiful and ethereal in her performance. Her beautiful wings, those eyes, her voice. She was captivating, in the very literal sense of the word. She might not be using any active magical powers, but her ability to take all of these people on a journey that raised voices into a cheer, to bring a tear to the eye, and then to bring a rowdy bunch of sailors and others to a dead silence was it's own magic. It was art.

It reminded him of the stories of Undines or Sirens, calling to men with voices so fair that they could do nothing but follow, even if it meant to their doom.

The silence that followed seemed fitting. They had been taken on a journey, all of them, and when she asked what they all thought, he knew he wasn't alone in not being entirely sure what to say himself!

After a moment, just gazed at her and said: "Enchanting."
Word count: 225
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