The Penniless Prince (closed)

Helo arrives in Fellsgard ready to make a new life for himself. Problem is, is that he has no coin and no place to sleep!

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Helo Tarran
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Re: The Penniless Prince

Post by Helo Tarran »

Helo found a lot of pleasure in handing out the food he had prepared. It was his first night in this strange city, but he had found he wasn’t the foreign youth he thought he might be.

For now he was happy to hand out the bowls of the food he had made; he was content.

With his own dish in hand, he took a seat beside Belia, giving the woman a sidelong smile as he tucked in; he was heartily hungry “Not so bad if I do say so myself.”

When the sounds of spoons scraping bowls, he put his own aside. “I never expected …”

His voice was interrupted by the door being kicked open, and then uniformed men came forth. All held swords. “Where’s the mage?” One of them growled.

Helo’s heart caught in his mouth; did they mean him? He had heard Fellguard was hostile to magic user, but he wasn’t even a magic user! But he knew in his gut, they were there for him.

He stood up, shaking his bag from him, lamenting it’s contents, there was nothing for it. He grabbed Belia’s hand. “I’ll not bring trouble to your door, well, not any more than I have done.”

Helo turned back to the men, and flicked his hand in a rude gesture, before turning towards the back and throwing his forward.

What stood in the man’s place was now a cat; a house-cat in size, black and grey in colour, green intelligent eyes peering out. There seemed to be a glint of amusement in them as he turned and ran.

His first obstacle was easily passed; the cooking had meant the windows were open, and so he slipped out of the first he saw into a dark alley. Behind him, there were shouts and calls for a search. They wouldn’t find him; he was just a cat in a city.

Like a ghost, he was gone.


After a while he jumped onto a broken wall and looked around him; where was he to go? He had liked Belia! How had they known? Was it just a case of being suspicious of newcomers from Ajetire or had someone tipped him off? But who?

Above him a bird called; a guttural sound that caught his attention. It was not usual for such a bird to be out at this time, and was it calling to him?

His question was answered when the black, glossy feathered cost swooped to last across from him. It cried again, and Helo cocked his head. They might both be animals but didn’t mean they could


Helo blinked as the sound rang in his head and the raven took flight.

With no other recourse, Helo followed.


The raven vanished through the window of a well-let tavern, the sign hanging from it was of a white stag and Elven words were inscribed bolly underneath it.

“I'l Fana Kelbé - The White Hart” He thought.

Turning back into his human-like form, Helo took a breath and walked in.


Helo looked around at the Elves that had gathered to drink, eat and converse. A few eyes turned towards him. Maybe he wasn’t the usual clientlé, but he had known more Elves than Humans so he wasn’t as intimidated as he might have been.

Approaching the bar, a young man asked for his order, but the coppers in his pocket would be better spent on coin. Instead he asked to speak to someone in charge.

His request was met with a tall, imposing woman who looked a little pinched and regarded him with cool eyes. “Yes?” She asked.

Helo pulled off his glove, and showed the tattoo he had had since had been a teenager. In Elvish it said ‘One who walks among us’. He looked up at the woman, and spoke in Elvish. “I am new to the city. I am from Ajetire and was told to look here … my mentor is Unthá; she said she would know …”

Elára lifted her chin. “I know of Unthá, but you are not one of us. A tattoo and a name doesn't mean you are an immediate recipient of out hospitality.”

Helo wasn’t sure what to say. He was sure what to say; weren’t they supposed to take him in? The Elves had told him to come to this spot.

“I will take responsibility for our newcomer.”

Helo turned his head and before him stood a woman, dressed in black. She was no Elf, but she stood tall and proud amongst the others. She also had a raven on her shoulder; the raven that had led him here?

“He isn’t Human, Quimellë. He is as a renegade; the city watch have been altered to his presence. He is more of ‘Elf-Friend’ than I am.”

The tall women looked between too, before settling her gaze on the black-dressed woman. “If you see it fit to take him under your care, Almá Katarya, then I will respect it as your position dictates.” But she tilted her head. “But he is a guest of yours, if so, then you will be responsible for him. Why you risk your place here - which is not set in stone, Almá - then you have that right.”

Katarya bowed her head. “Yes, Quimellë Elára.” She turned her pale eyes to Helo. “Follow me.”

With no other recourse, Helo followed this strange woman up the stairs, wondering if he should have ever left Ajteire in the first place..


“Helo Tarran.”

Katarya poured them both a cup of wine. They were sat in her rooms, sitting across from each other as Helo shifted nervously in his seat. ”Katarya Frost; of Kat to my friends … of which I don’t have many. You can call me what you wish.”

Helo accepted the wine gratefully. A sip made it clear that Elven wine was better in Ajetire, but he wasn’t about to say so. “Why did you vouch for me? Back there? I could be anyone.”

Kat smiled, reaching around to stroke the best of the black raven that hopped around the desk, demanding berries now and then, which Katarya gave out sparingly. “I’m a witch,” she said frankly, as if that explained everything. Her eyes looking up to man before her.

They were of an age, but he had a boyish charm about the way he held himself. He had an easy confidence about him. He lounged more than he sat, sitting back in his chair as if he owned the damned thing! Was it a shifter thing? Was he as cat-like because of his nature, or because that’s the person he was.

“I’m a changeling.” Helo responded, taking a drink. “But I think you might know what already.” He gave her a smile. “I doubt I could hide much from the Raven-Lady of Fellsgard!”

Kat started to laugh. Then held a finger up at him. “I don’t fall for sweet talking, handsome young men. Be warned.”

Helo leaned forward in his chair and raised a brow. “So you think I’m handsome?”

Nyx chattered in amusement as Kat shook her head with a smile. “I shan’t be trapped.” She said. “Besides, I’m a witch, remember? I could turn you into a toad!”

Helo ran fingers through his hair and grinned. “Then all I’d need is a kiss from you, and I’d become a prince? I’ll take that chance!”

“You’re at my mercy, Helo Tarran!” Kat warned him. “If I say so, you’ll be out on your backside with the watch after you.”

Helo smiled, setting aside his cup. “Then they’d have to catch this!” He said, with his form changing, and a black, silver cat sat where he had been. It purred at her while Nyx warbled.

Katarya put down her cup and have a quiet applause. “Well done, Ráma!” She said, using the Elvish for ‘shift’. “Now stop showing off, and drink with me.”

Helo did as he was told, and once again, he was the human-looking person he usually was. “I aim only to please. Apologies if I have offended the Dark Lady of the Fellsgard.” He added the last with a broad grin.

Kat couldn’t help but laugh. “You can give me as many titles as you want, Hello Tarran, but you will need to earn your keep beyond talking sweet. If you want to exist here, there are things will need to do.”

For the next hour or so, Katarya tried to outline how might exist and go forward as part of the Kelbé lot. He listened well, and she told him how it had been difficult for her to be accepted here. “Learn the ranks, be respectful of your betters, and always, always be polite.” She finished.

Helo sat back, accepting another top of of his wine. This woman could drink! “So I do contracts, I earn money for myself and I’m a Salquë? An ‘other?’ Feels a tad unfair considering I spent my life among Elves!” He took another drink of the wine, which he found got sweeter the more he drank. Or maybe it was the company? Yes, she was … uptight? She was obviously proud, and in Ajetire she might have been considered rude, but this was a city beyond that of the firefly bordered haven. “Do you need an apprentice?” He said, tilting his head.

“Ah! Don’t give me that,” she said, shaking her head, but smiling. “I know a thief when I see one. Trust me, I am … acquainted with one.” She glanced into her drink as she said so. Why hadn’t she just said ‘lover’? Why did she suddenly feel the need to make a distinction. “I don’t know if your talents would be in line to what I do. I’m a healer.”

“You’re a witch!” Helo said, with a raised brow. “You’re so much more than a healer.”

Kat waved her hand dismissively, but when she took a drink, she wondered; being a witch had made her few friends, and here now a handsome man was applauding it. “I won’t tolerate sweet-talk.” She pointed out, reaching out for the remaining drops of the wine, which she shared. “It rarely words on me.”

Helo tipped his cup to her. “Maybe the right person just didn’t say the right words?” He said, raising a brow and grinning.

Kat felt girlish; she stopped short of blushing, but the wine and the chat … it had muddled her head. “I have a feeling that you might have been quite the person to talk a maid out of her bodice, Helo. You’ll find me not such easy prey.”

“I’ve never said no to a challenge.” He said, then held up his hand. “That’s the last thing I say on the matter, I promise.” He glanced to the side, running his tongue over hips lips. “There is a question of where I might sleep tonight …”

Kat raised a slender brow. “You were doing quite well, up until that.” She admonished him, but her eyes still held the twinkle of the amused. “You will sleep in quarters that I am paying for, and I expect payment for in return.” She rose to her feet. “And I think it’s time we both retired. You will be safe here.”

Helo rose when she did, putting his cup on the side and standing before her. “I don’t know how to thank you.” He reached up and put the back of his hand to her cheek. “There are ways, but they would work on lesser women.” He grabbed his jacket, and turned to give her a deep bow of his head. “Good night, Lady of the Dusk!” And with that he closed the door.


When the door closed, Kat let long out a breath. Turning so her back was against the door, and smiling slightly. He had been charming! Her eyes had seen a cat when he had changed his form, and it suited him. He had a lazy confidence about himself, and she had never expected to have been taken in by anyone like that especially with Artemis …

She realised with surprise that she had never even mentioned his name. She had spoken of Dáire, Raen, Aurae … but she had not mentioned her lover. “What spell has he cast on me that I had no idea what was even happening … and I am meant to be the witch!” Nyx chattered at her, and Kat waved a hand. “It was an oversight.” She lied, not easily.

With that, she took off her outer clothes and crawled into bed. It felt like a betrayal, but Helo’s handsome face was the last thing she saw before oblivion took her.


The woman in black had kicked her from her room without any direction as to where he should lay his head. In the end he went down into the pub, and went to the woman whom he had first spoken to. “Forgive me, Quimellë, but Miss Katrya didn’t say where I should rest my weary head.”

Elára didn't look up from the book she was scouring for some time, leaving Helo to wonder if the Elven woman had even heard him, before she spoke: “You have a room assigned to you. Make sure we don’t regret it.”

“This way, Salquë.” A girl called to him.

He was led to a tiny room where Helo put his head on the pillow with a smile on his face. He had done what he had been advised; seel out the Elves.

And he had met Katarya Frost to boot.


The next day, Helo was up and out of his bed, ready to face the challenges before him, and to prove that he could so so … but there was a problem.

“Almá Katarya has not yet awaken.” Elára said, from behind the bar, barely giving a second look.“You may have to wait."

Helo shrugged and took a seat, tapping his fingers on the table while he waited.


Kat dragged herself from her bed; she was never a morning person, and the wine didn’t help. But the company …

She washed her face in a basin and donned her clothes. Grabbing her bag, she made her way downstairs when she came across Helo, who looked up at her with smiling eyes.

“Good morning.” He said.

Kat made a moaning noise, “Is it? What are you doing here?”

Helo hopped to his feet and gave the woman a short bow. He looked up through long eye-lashes and wavy hair to smile broadly. “I am here to be your assistant! Carry your bags, enthral you with idle chatter … there is much I can do.”

Kat looked at him a moment; from her shoulder, Nyx warbled, so in the end she held out her bag. “Carry this.”

Helo smiled, giving the raven a wink. “Yes, miss!”
Word count: 2522
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Helo Tarran
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Re: The Penniless Prince

Post by Helo Tarran »

Helo followed Katarya around dutifully, taking her bags despite her insistence that she could ‘manage well on her own, thank you very much’

They went from house to house, and Helo watched at Kat worked. The icy, haughty woman he had known for such a short time seemed to vanish when she was working; she was comforting, reassuring, it was like she was a different person.

Until they stepped out of whatever house they were in. Her head lifted and she strode forth with the confidence of a queen.

Helo liked that. A lot.

“What’s next, boss?”

Kat rolled her eyes. “No need for that,” she said. “But the next house; well, the mother is very close to her due date.” When Helo gave her a quizzical look, she sighed. “It means her baby is coming soon. I’ll be with the mother, and if you want to help, you can keep the father out of it all.” She pulled a face. “He’s probably already in his cups … poor woman.”


“So … baby number three!” Helo said, as the man he was supposed to ‘keep busy’ poured two glasses of foul smelling spirits.

The man grinned and offered the cup over to Helo. “The ones on high have made me pretty fertile. Though I am not sure about that woman …”

Helo felt a wave of annoyance at that. “She’s going to help you bring your baby into the world, and I …”

The man shook his head and took a long drink from his cup. “Oh, she’ll do fine. Her grandmother brought me into this world, so she obviously comes from good stock.”

‘Like cattle.’ Helo thought, trying not to scowl. He took a sip of the drink and coughed, his face turning red. “That has a kick!”

The man clapped the young changeling on his shoulder and laughed. “If you’re gonna be working in the slums boy; you’d better get used to it. How about another?”
Word count: 331
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Katarya Frost
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Re: The Penniless Prince

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat placed her bag on the table in her room, patting her hair to make sure her braid was still in place. It had been a tough day but making money so she could pay for her place in Black’s was important to her, so she had taken everything on offer, and she had seen some things she had really wished she had not too; but sometimes men needed lotions on certain parts of their body; such was the job of a healer.

As she reached for a pin to undo her braid, a knock came at the door. She smoothed back her hair. “Enter.”

It was Helo, smiling at her with amusement in his eyes. “You say that like you are receiving royalty; not some penniless shifter!”

Kat gave a small laugh. “You’re not completely penniless.” She reached into her purse and pulled out some coins, handing them over to him. “You have a few.”

Helo looked at the coins, then at Katarya. “I didn’t do anything! I just carried your bag and …”

Kat rolled her eyes and stepped forward. “You kept husbands busy, and my bag does get heavy. Take it; I shan’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

Helo reached out and took the coppers; there was even a silver bit shining amongst the rest. But he wasn’t about to argue. He held up his bottle instead. “I brought wine!”

Kat raised a brow. “Why?”

The young man shrugged. “Why drink alone when you can drink in the illustrious presence of the Queen of Frost?”

Despite herself, Katarya laughed. “I can’t argue with that … well, I could, but I will do you the honour.” She said with a roll of her eyes and a smile.


Helo pulled himself from her, reaching up to wipe the sweat of his brow. “That was amazing.”

Kat laid back, moving the sheets to cover her breasts, almost unsure of how this all happened; one minute they were drinking, the next they were in bed. Katarya had never been taken in so quickly or so easily. And Artemis …

Helo ran a hand down her stomach, propped up on one elbow. His handsome features were flushed red, and it didn’t make him look any less alluring in the candlelight. “You’re not as cold when your clothes come off!” He remarked.

Kat pushed his hand away and swung her legs round to the edge of the bed, holding the sheet up to cover her chest. She rubbed her brow. “You should go.” She said

But it seemed the young changeling wasn't done just yet, he moved behind her, planting kisses on her shoulder before she shrugged him off. Helo’s smile didn’t slip. Instead he slipped behind her and stood free of the sheets, standing naked in the candlelight. “If her ladyship wants me to go, then that’s what I’ll do.”

Kat couldn’t decide if it was a question or not. She looked over his lithe form, before averting her eyes. Looking at him stirred something within her. He was so honest, so uncomplicated … “You should leave.”

The young man inclined his head and pulled on his trousers. “As you command.” He said, with that ever-amused tone. “I’ll see you for rounds tomorrow.” He said, referring to their work in the slums. And then he was gone, shirt in hand, bare chested, slipping out of the room.

Katarya sat for a long time before reaching for and taking a very long drink of wine. How had she been so seduced so? What was it about Helo that made her so quick to trust him, to have him in her company? Wasn’t she supposed to be a stuck up, icy bitch?

She was hardly playing the part, right now.

Though she knew she would not sleep, she blew out the candle and rested her head on the pillow, wondering what she had done, if it would affect anything and whether or not Artemis would ever find out.

Katarya also wondered if it was to be a singular event. A guilty part of her hoped it wouldn’t.
Word count: 695

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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