A Fell Night

Horus is seeking to aid the nobles of Fellsguard.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
The Seventh Son
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Re: A Fell Night(Open)

Post by Horus »

A suttle breeze blew thru the alleys of the Northern District. A pair of House Enlann guards shivered in the cold wind. "It's so cold I wish someone would foolishly try to steal from here. So I could warm up from stopping them." The youngest of the two moved their halberd around to express their point.

The older guard sighed dramatically at the younger warrior's arrogance. "Shut your trap kid, it's ill luck to ask for such things. I swear by the Idols if a monster attacks us I'm blaming you."

That was when they were both caught off guard by a visitor. The man seemed to appear out of thin air. "Really, I'm inclined to see you both as responsible for being lax in your duties." The black skinned Horus smiled menacingly showing his wickedly sharp teeth. Unfortunately, I'm here for business rather than pleasure mortals." Reluctantly, he showed the scroll he was given seal first.

The guards tried to pretend they weren't frightened of the Korcai. They both failed, but the Assassin let them think they succeeded. The older one took the document and knocked on the door behind him. It opened slightly and a hand snatched it then slammed the door.

A few minutes later the door opened and a large sack was placed on the ground gently. Then the door was closed again. Though a whisper rattled out as it shut. "House Enlann thanks you for your service Seventh Son."

The two guards heard this and visibly stiffened at the words. Almost in perfect sync the two guards spoke as they handed him the medical supplies. "Please be safe on your way Sir!"

Horus couldn't help laughing at the mortals visible concern. So he set out for Upper Mercy in an unusually positive mood. It was always entertaining to remind fools of their fragile lives.
Word count: 309
The Capuche sisters
Nina: wizard & Mina: bard
24 / 24 HP
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Class: Bard and Wizard
Posts: 7
Joined: January 17th, 2020, 9:28 pm

Re: A Fell Night

Post by The Capuche sisters »

"Mina stop fidgeting, he'll be back soon!" Nina sighed in a long suffering way. Some times she wondered if they weren't already dead. Would her sister have gotten herself killed due to her recklessness?

The bard smiled mischievously. "Hey sis, I have a great idea. How about we take the initiative for a change? House Sidroh has a job board nearby. Let's just pop by and find a worthy job for Horus' goals."

"That's crazy what if someone attacks us for being ghost?" The wizard started turning a dull yellow thinking about her fears.

"Calm down Nina, I doubt there is a spell caster staking out the job board this time of night. Even if by some ridiculous chance there is. Magic is illegal in Fellsguard, so I doubt they'll try to banish or bind us. House Sidroh would have mage hunters on them in no time."

A sudden shift to green light enveloped Nina. "Wow, that's surprisingly logical reasoning for you Mina!"

"Do me a favor sis, try to be less shocked alright. I have a brain for goodness sake." She pointed to her sibling so she might notice the emotional color display.

"Oh right, sorry about that. I really need to figure out how to stop that from happening." She concentrated for a moment and regained her usually blue sheen. "So, job board right let's go."

Together the duo used their otherworldly powers to turn invisible. After about ten minutes, they reappeared to sight facing the adventure board. The duo laughed musically together. As they saw a posting.

Warning! Several women have disappeared in the vicinity of Doom street. Move with extreme caution if your travels take you near there. Any information leading to the return of or retrieval of the lost. Be they dead or alive will be well rewarded based on the tasks difficulty.

The bard unceremoniously tore the flier down. "Seems like a lot longer ago than the hours its been. We did this for free! At least we don't have to worry about this one."

Nina smiled as her sister fumed lightheartedly. Then resumed searching for an active quest. She gestured to her sister to focus on the prospect she found. "Mina this seems to be in our capacities."

The condemned mass murderer Halister Barber has escaped justice. Somehow he attained the status of Ghost after his execution. It is believed his vengeance is dedicated to his ex-business partner. The target in question is currently in a secure location. Be advised Barber is a known Sorcerer and Behelest cultist. Last known hideout in the slums.

Mina whistled at the reward listed. "Well, we have to make sure this guy doesn't give our new race a worse reputation." She committed the address to memory. Then turned towards the sun peaking over the horizon. "Shoot, Horus is going to be pissed! Sis before you say I told you so, don't alright." The pair took off for the designated safe zone without further discussion.
Word count: 497
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