A Fell Night

Horus is seeking to aid the nobles of Fellsguard.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
The Seventh Son
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A Fell Night

Post by Horus »

A woman's scream echoes thru the night air of a small abandoned shop. The trade district of Fellsguard was sparsely populated in this area as it was right next to the slums. Some called it doom street since nothing but failed businesses lined it. Recently a series of deadly dog attacks have been found in the place as well. This has only added to the ill omened street's reputation. The only thing the city watch has been able to find out is all the victims are female.

However, the only other living thing in the shop was a muscular man laughing. "Scream all you like girlie. No one can hear you. Kujo has taken his pleasure from many other girls on Kujo's street. First Kujo take pleasure then Kujo eat you." The girl began to breath heavily as an anxiety took hold. "Kujo love the smell of fear"

Suddenly, the man's grip slackened as a shorter man grabbed both his wrist. The larger man screamed this time as the bones in his wrists fractured. The smaller person then spoke icily. "You know what Kujo some of us are trying to sleep. I haven't even put on a shirt yet."

The human girl was frozen in fear as the horrible man that tried to force himself on her changed into a dog. This caused the other man to lose his hold. "Huh, I thought the smell of shifter was in the air. Move along girl you don't want to see this trust me." For some reason her saviors voice cut thru the fog of terror, and she ran out the door.

While the human woman escaped the mastiff took advantage of the distraction. It lunged and latched on to Horus' upper thigh and jerked with a spray of blood. "Ow bad dog." The Korcai brought down his elbow full strength and shattered the creatures spine.

It let out a loud yelp of pain as it went down. Next the assassin tore it's head off bare handed to end its' misery.

Twenty minutes later the female victim returned with four armed guards. Inside the building they found no blood. With the exception of a stylized seven in dried fluid beside a human head. The youngest quietly spoke. "He's real." The other three shook their heads no. However, he thought to himself the seventh son wasn't a urban legend.


Meanwhile, Horus was knocking on the door of a house Lericyro official. As the door opened he smiled. "Hi, I hear you need an expert to check out a smugglers vessel."
Last edited by Horus on December 9th, 2021, 10:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Word count: 428
The Seventh Son
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Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by Horus »

The official was a blonde fae woman whose age was hard to guess. When she saw the Korcai as she opened the door she used light magic to temporarily disable him. He hissed in a annoyed way as she slammed the door in his face. She shouted thru the door angrily. "I'll not be your meal tonight monster!"

Horus regained his composure after a couple seconds and calmly adressed her. "Lady Gardenia I believe you owe me a little consideration. After all, if not for me your brother would have ended up my sibling.

The fae asked in a more civil tone. "Can you unbutton your tunic and step back five feet?" The alchemist did as she requested and waited. A small panel at chest level opened slowly, only a pair of eyes could be seen behind a metal grate. Candlelight thru the window made the tattooed chest of her visitor clearly visible. "Fine come in, I do have a job for one of your talent.

The door was then opened by a tall surly looking Kerasoka warrior. Four human guards with the crest of house Lericyro on their tabards flanked a small round table of oak that could seat six people. As the rogue entered the upper middle class home another fae came down the stairs to the second floor. This one was a red haired male that seemed younger than the female.

What Horus noted was the symbol of Ristgir draped around his neck. Suddenly, the guy bowed low and said. "A pleasure to see you again Sir Horus."

"I killed your maker and gave you an antidote from his blood. That hardly warrants temporary titles. Nor are such strings wanted." The Korcai's words made the male fae take a step back.

However, being embroiled in poitics his whole life allowed him to recover his composure quickly. "No matter, I am still grateful for what you did two years ago. How may we of house Lericyro help you tonight."

"The smuggler's vessel that ported last night. I want to disarm the traps and have a look at the cargo. Your sister and I where just about to discuss the details. Isn't that right Lady Gardenia." Horus smiled again as he got back to the subject at hand.

"Please be seated, so we may work out the details of the contract. You to brother, it would do you well to remember who is in charge. The authority in her voice made her brother comply without delay. The three people sat down at the round table and began discussing the finer details of the mission.
Word count: 435
The Capuche sisters
Nina: wizard & Mina: bard
24 / 24 HP
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Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by The Capuche sisters »

"Nina it's been hours when do you think Horus will be done? I didn't know dealing with nobles would take so long." Mina spoke softly.

"Sis he's only been in there for thirty minutes, be patient. We've still got time until dawn so he'll be fine. Though I wish we had prepared better since that fae got the drop on him with light magic. I'll make a note of it." Nina turned solid and pulled out a piece of parchment from within her robes.

"Yeah I know, we can never be to prepared that man is often reckless. I swear that poor girl in the abandoned shop would have been done for, if not for us. The song of courage I hummed in her ear made a real difference. Not to mention that haste spell you cast on her. I do wish he would sleep in safer places though. He knew about the dog attacks for a whole week before he decided to sleep on doom street." The bard was in the habit of talking too much when she was nervous.

A few people walking by thought it was weird to hear voices in the night with no source. However, they never noticed the woman writing outside a nobles house because the wizard was in the habit of casting invisibility to protect the duo from the mage haters of Fellsguard.

Suddenly, a beautiful melody started gracing the ears of the locals of the North district.

"The night is always darkest before the dawn.
Creatures wait in the shadows seeking victims unwary.
Keep your hearts strong however for the seventh son's rest is never.
The night is always darkest before the dawn.
Blackest hearts prowl the night seeking to give all a fright.
Keep your wits about you and you shall see it thru.
The night is always darkest before the dawn.
When the rays of Ristgir touch the ground all will be profound.
Worry not when night comes again the seventh son's work is about to begin.
The night is always darkest before the dawn.

Nina swayed with her sisters melody. She couldn't help , but notice the people all around walking straighter and more confidently. Truly a bards song is an amazing feast for the ears. Horus is lucky to have the twins looking after him. Too bad he doesn't realize how much they really love him.

The song stopped as they both heard the door open. Horus strode out of his meeting confident as always. Then a nightingale landed on his shoulder and a bobcat strode to his side. Both animals were unique because they glowed a pale blue. "Come ladies, stage one of are plans is finally underway."
Last edited by The Capuche sisters on November 17th, 2020, 9:12 am, edited 4 times in total.
Word count: 450
The Seventh Son
24 / 24 HP
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Posts: 14
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Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by Horus »

The docks were empty this time of night except for a single boat. It was heavily guarded by soldiers bearing the heraldry of house Lericyro. As Horus approached with his two invisible companions halberds crossed before the wooden plank that led to the ship. A middle aged man with a higher rank than the others spoke with authority. "Halt, this vessel has been impounded by house Lericyro. Only authorized personnel are permited past this point. Take your business elsewhere or we will arrest you without further warning."

His rougue instincts were to slip into the shadows and pass them all. Also, the way they were staying bunched up made him want to toss sleeping gas and knock them all out. However, in order to achieve his end goal he needed visibility. So the Korcai unrolled the parchment he was carrying making sure the wax seal of lady Gardenia was easy to see. "I believe this makes me qualified to inspect the ship."

The leader looked closely at the official writ. "Well everything seems in order, please proceed sir." The halberds lifted at a gesture from their superior. The officer shook his head at Horus once he passed in front of him. Why in the world did that undead thing get that kind of authority. One of the best customs agents house Lericyro had died boarding that boat. Also, several of his men were in serious condition at the hospital. Well at least that monster was expendable.

Horus reached the door to the cargo hold without trouble. However, he carfully checked the knob and found a poison needle trap. After disarming that one he unlocked the door. He closely examined the first step and found nothing wrong so he proceeded downward slowly. Unfortunately, he missed the next trap five stairs down. His reflexes took over and he ducked an rolled with precision under numerous crossbow bolts reaching the bottom faster than he planned.

Another door was in front of him now. It was iron bound and treated with grease so he knew what to look for. Alchemist fire was rigged to drop on his head so he took care of that. Once done he listened at the portal before unlocking it. There was a strange ticking that sounded big. Curious he released the metal lock carfully and opened it.

He could not hold back his awe as he spotted a metallic humanoid three times his size. Horus had heard rumors of it in mechanical circles. However, it was illegal to make due to the danger it presented. A clockwork golem was difficult to control. The ticking earlier was coming from it as the black pools in its face glowed with an orange light. The machine stood and moved to attack smashing the deck at his feet. He dodged in time to avoid falling deeper into the ship.

He shouted then. "Girls I need help triangle formation G now." Nina was first to respond as an intangible bobcat became a solid woman. Mina appeared next going from nightingale to a human looking bard. Each took a position at one of his shoulder as the trio prepared to fight.
Word count: 526
The Capuche sisters
Nina: wizard & Mina: bard
24 / 24 HP
20 / 20 MP
0p / 0g / 0s / 75c
Race: Ghost
Class: Bard and Wizard
Posts: 7
Joined: January 17th, 2020, 9:28 pm

Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by The Capuche sisters »

"Wow that thing sounds tone death. Too bad mind effects don't work on constructs. This thing needs to have serious training in rhythm. Am I right guys seriously?" Mina's nervous talking problem was causing serious tactical delays.

Nina shook her head and threw up a wall of force before the clockwork golem turned the trio into something resembling pudding. The sheer might of the creature as it struck the barrier caused the ship to rock strongly. This caused everone to stabilize their footing before they fell into the gaping hole in front of them. "That was close, Mina focus please."

"Right sorry sis." The bard was genuinely remorseful and started singing a spell. "So we don't fall make Horus tall." The transmutation magic turned the usual shorter Korcai into a horse sized man. This increased his impressive strength to a higher level. Unfortunately, he lost a bit of dexterity in the process. The net gain was better, given the limited room for his usual acrobatic style.

The formation was now a step behind, since Nina would usually have added another buff spell instead of a wall. Fortunately, the preplanned tactics were always adaptable if need be. Horus took a defensive stance so he could guard his friends when the force barrier stopped.

Once Nina got the chance she dismissed her spell. Then she waited as Horus blocked two bone shattering punches. His recovery was quick since he was freshly fed. He tried to hide it like a man typically does. However, the sisters heard his wince of pain as his broken hands knitted back together. The wizard lost her composure to rage that was usually buried deep inside. The man she loved was hurt even if only temporarily. Suddenly, shards of ice rose from the floor spearing the clockwork monster multiple times. It's joints immediately became nonfunctional preventing it from moving again for a bit.

Mina bit her lip. The mage wasn't going to upstage her. The pair both loved Horus deeply so she cast her own attack spell. "Here is what rhythm can do you piece of goo." A sonic attack used the ice spikes to shake apart the clockwork golem ending the battle.
Last edited by The Capuche sisters on November 17th, 2020, 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 365
The Seventh Son
24 / 24 HP
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Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by Horus »

"Well that was more like plan D at the end, but good job. Let's check out the goods now." The twins nodded in agreement with Horus' words and started looking elsewhere from him. The Korcai looked at the pieces of the clockwork golem and noticed they were of substandard materials. He admitted to himself it was still very effective just less durable. Must be why only two attack spells took it down. Reguardless the machinery parts were illegally used. Next, he checked out the other weaponry. The swords were practically pot metal one glancing blow against bone would shatter them. Though he supposed if you knew that they became more dangerous in a way. Shrapnel is a good weapon to take out large groups. Then one sniff of the foodstuffs was all he needed. They were laced with belladonna of all things. Someone was planning a killing spree. It looked good, but it was a dressed up tool of death.

He looked up in distaste to see the twins checking out other things. "You two alright anything decent in this sespit." He listened to their responses and was going to help them speed it along until plans changed. The Capuche sisters vanished from sight like a puff of smoke. Horus turned around and saw the people that had guarded the boat bursting in weapons drawn. "If your here to save the day your late, It's already well past sunset. Thanks for believing in my talents with traps though. You literally put your lives in my hands." Every word dripped sarcasm though he wondered if the mortals picked up on it.

The leader cleared his throat and spoke. "A yes sorry about that the boat started shaking, but unexpected issues cropped up that delayed us." The human left out that he kept his soldiers from coming down until several minutes after the boat stopped moving.

"Well I'm done here this boat is full of toxic food and other poor quality stuff. I'll have a report for Lady Gardenia later tonight." Horus walked right thru the soldiers like wind in the trees. The mortals followed behind as if he was the one in charge. The Assassin smiled to himself as he headed above deck.
Word count: 372
The Capuche sisters
Nina: wizard & Mina: bard
24 / 24 HP
20 / 20 MP
0p / 0g / 0s / 75c
Race: Ghost
Class: Bard and Wizard
Posts: 7
Joined: January 17th, 2020, 9:28 pm

Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by The Capuche sisters »

Nina's normally blue body turned purple as she blushed at her reprimand from Horus. She really needed to work on her ability of hiding how she felt. Being a ghost made her poor abilities in that area even more apparent. "Sorry about that, my passion overrode common sense for a moment. I'll try to do better in the future." With those words she began searching the merchandise.

Mina decided to charge ahead in response. "Did you expect us to sit back and let you get pummeled? Honestly your manly pride will be your downfall one day!" The bard scoffed and went to help Nina look.

The wizard searched a box of medicine noting the labels. There were a lot if different antitoxins. She used spells to identify each one and they matched their labels. "Someone was well prepared for poison with these high quality antidotes. A scheme was definitely in the works good thing we're checking these out."

The bard inspected a large selection of instruments. "These are not the best I've seen, but their decent quality." Before Mina cold move on her trained ear detected heavy footfalls. She caught her sister's attention and they both disappeared using their ghost power.

Nina was invisible to the eye, but Mina noted her dark red colored body. The bard kept words to herself since talking right now would be problematic. She did smile though, because the human soldiers had no idea. That any attempt to harm Horus would result in devestating offensive magic brought to bare. Mina contented herself with walking right behind the Korcai prepared for any back attacks.
Word count: 268
The Seventh Son
24 / 24 HP
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Re: A Fell night(Open)

Post by Horus »

"I admit Horus you do good work. All that poison and a clockwork monster of all things." Lady Gardenia handed him a scroll that she melted her seal on to secure. "That is a offcial report for house Enlann. It will make sure your not killed on sight on your way there. Just don't open it alright or chain of evidence will be violated."

"Understood Lady Gardenia, I'm glad your keeping this part of the bargain as promised." Horus grabbed the scroll and headed for the door without so much as a goodbye. He vaguely heard some sort of well wishing, but paid no attention.

He was outside in the next moment clutching the report closely. This was very important to phase two of his plan. He headed to the closest hospital at a brisk pace few could match. The Capuche sisters followed in their formless state. Horus new without a doubt that the twins kept pace without seeing them.

When he got to the hospital called Upper Mercy he scoffed at the title. Guess the nobility likes to have multiple meanings in their places of business. The counter was occupied by a dwarven man in his middle years.

Suddenly, but not unexpected the shocked look on the attendent's face led to excessive response. Two humans a kerosaka and another dwarf jumped on the korcai. He could of dodged the sloppy tactic, however he felt like making a point. His strength was great enough to hold the human back that looked the strongest with one hand. The opening that left allowed him to hold up the document seal first to the clerk. "I suggest you head your own rules mortals, before this gets messier than you want." Horus elbowed the dwarven attacker for good measure causing him to crumple to his knees in agony.

"Right, uhh sorry sir thought you had unwanted goals. Release him idiots I have to go get the chief of medicine. Only she has the authority to open that letter. Please take a seat sir I'll be back shortly." The counter opperator directed a female kerosaka to take over while he went to the back for a bit. He reached for the letter then thought better as he practicly fled down a long corridor.

Horus just took a seat and waited. While the four orderlies watched him with clear fear in their eyes. The assassin thought to himself as he had many times before. Fear and respect were close relatives.
Word count: 414
The Capuche sisters
Nina: wizard & Mina: bard
24 / 24 HP
20 / 20 MP
0p / 0g / 0s / 75c
Race: Ghost
Class: Bard and Wizard
Posts: 7
Joined: January 17th, 2020, 9:28 pm

Re: A Fell Night(Open)

Post by The Capuche sisters »

Mina looked nervous as the trio approached the hospital. She really hated places like this. Ghost without the capacity to think for themselves frequented the areas. It made her sad to watch such single minded spirits. So she felt the need to sing a happy tune for them to remind her fellow incorporeal beings better things could come.

"When you hear a knock on your window remember well the light.
It may not always be right, but that doesn't mean the end.
For the bird of happiness knocks thrice in every life.
Love brings peace no matter the weather.
Be it a tether to one heart or several others.
For the bird of happiness knocks thrice in every life.
Security is won in peace and war thru feeling forever more.
A weapon or armor can give you honor without any timer.
For the bird of happiness knocks thrice in every life.
Nothing can soothe your thirst or hunger better than the gift of another.
Well meaning is worth its weight in gold or silver.
For the bird of happiness knocks thrice in every life.

The song seemed to echo at the edge of hearing. In Nina's mystic opinion her sisters song touched the sad souls. She saw them walk with an energy that was not present previously. She was informed enough to see some of the unknown spirits pass on as some called it. "Well done sister the power of your true emotional words, never ceases to amaze me."

Mina smiled beautifully at the praise. Her logical sister didn't hand out compliments easily. So she knew the wizard was touched as well. "I hope my song gave Horus what he needs to succeed. Even if he doesn't know it himself."
Word count: 290
The Seventh Son
24 / 24 HP
18 / 18 MP
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Race: Korcai
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Posts: 14
Joined: January 6th, 2020, 10:31 pm
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Re: A Fell Night(Open)

Post by Horus »

Suddenly the nervous hospital staff heard a beautiful voice singing a happy tune. They looked for the source, but found nothing. Without realizing it themselves, the whole area that heard the tune was calmer. Horus heard Mina's song and felt a little annoyed. She diffused the tension his presence created effectively. Though with a bit of reluctance he accepted it was probably for the best.

Finally, the head of the hospital arrived after the song faded. She looked human, but smelled like she was on fire. Her red hair was chin length and she wore a formal looking blue dress. The Korcai realized this person was likely a elemental somehow related to fire. He had never smelled one before so he couldn't be certain. He stood with speed that made those watching him jump. He smiled too himself as he waited for the woman to speak.

"Greetings Sir I am Doctor Cara Flanagan at your service. I understand you have a scroll for me?" While she was speaking she almost reached out her hand to shake the man's. However, she decided caution was best in this scenario instead. Korcai were wildly unpredictable in the best circumstances. This one seemed confident and thankfully calm at the moment.

Horus noticed the attempt at a handshake and was surprised. His opinion of this mortal rose several degrees. He was glad she thought better of it since he felt he had been pleasant enough already. So he handed over the scroll and watched her open it.

"Oh my, we were counting on some of those supplies." Cara read for a few moments then looked at the messenger. "It seems you come highly recommended Horus. So I have a task for you if your willing. We are in need of some key supplies from House Enlann. I will bring you the list after I add a few things. It will be sealed in similar fashion to what you brought me already except it will bear the emblem of our hospital. Will you do this for us?"

Horus smiled showing off his fangs. The woman looked startled, but recovered quickly. Staring at someone as deadly as the Seventh Son was not for the faint of heart. "Of course Doctor Flanagan it would be my pleasure."

The Chief of medicine left and returned in about ten minutes. She held out the promised parchment. The Assassin handled it carefully and left clutching his new missive. The second part of phase three of his plan had begun.

As Horus left Cara the fire elemental looked around at her staff. They seemed to have forgotten who she was to be so lazy. "What are you fools gawking at, get back to work!" The hospital seemed to come back to life. They knew it was okay to breath now. 'By the Eidolon's these people need to get real backbones.' She returned to her office with a confident stride, thinking her last words to herself.
Word count: 494
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