Revealing Secrets

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Revealing Secrets

Post by Artemis Black »

The morning was warmer than usual, a pleasant respite from the coming winter chill as the sea asserted its will upon the city of Fellsgard in creeping mists and lingering cloud-casting shadows. Artemis rolled his neck slowly and looked out from the stables to take in the people moving about the Hall and square. Things were still clearly developing, the construction had been halted by the inquest into the writ, but the sense of community continued to grow by the day.

Black's at East Hall was building a reputation as a welcoming place for a meal and warm fire that remained fiercely defended and brooked no troublemakers. There were whispers it was related to the Menagerie, or the Hart, but no one seemed to know how and who wasn't to say the founders weren't simply from one of the many other trade houses or more organized gangs.

He caught sight of Dáire, looking gorgeous and enticing from across the way, who seemed to be working at his gear. Artemis resisted the urge to traipse over and interrupt him, knowing he did not want to overwhelm his lover with attention. The careful care of equipment made Artemis' thoughts turn to his own collection. He slid a hand across his arm, feeling the thin taut muscle there and frowning.

"Need to get some real armor soon if those crafters don't come through," he mumbled softly to himself as he looked down at his own entirely unprotected form. He'd taken to wearing the casual breeches and tunic Ksenia had crafted him but he was beginning to miss the feeling of safety from having actual protection.

He let his eye rove over the milling folks, unable to keep a grin from his face as he saw the gaggle of children preparing for the day's instructions. Their usual school was closed for a brief holiday as heating oil shipments had been delayed meaning those who could afford to leave their family to attend education had a rare opportunity to indulge in play and work with the children who were needed at home.

The group of laughing young ones reminded him he still owed Ksenia time for her to keep her promises of instruction, and he needed to show her the book he'd found. He considered heading back in to collect it now but his turn was interrupted as two young men arrived moving a well-worn craft between them. They'd stopped at the edge of the side-alley and were talking to Lynwood who'd been lounging nearby.

The Toolmaster rose and looked around, letting his eyes pass over Artemis with a hint of a wink, before he pointed them to Ksenia in the center of the hall. They seemed satisfied and Lynwood moved to help the pair carry their cargo inside the large building. Artemis chuckled softly to himself as he was properly ignored, something the docks crew had learned quickly enough following his direction that he was not the first point of contact for visitors.
Word count: 500
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia bent over the ledger, grumbling under her breath. The inquiry into the writ had made her vow to keep the Hall’s records scrupulously clean. She didn’t enjoy the bookkeeping though, and was strongly considering convincing Artemis to hire someone to deal with the paperwork alone.

Dealing with the additional issue of rumors swirling amongst the guards and the neighbors about Kit had been another wrinkle. Ksenia hadn’t wanted to bar him, but the inquiry meant the Hall couldn’t abide anyone that looked the least bit suspicious. Combined with the instances where Kit had made Artemis’ allergy act up, she hadn’t had much choice. She and Artemis had argued over whose responsibility it had been to tell the boy. Artemis won the argument in the end, saying that since he’d made the decision to let him in and so it was his responsibility to shut him out.

Sighing, she closed the ledger with a snap as she heard the murmurs from the street. She thought she’d heard a cart too, which meant someone was likely looking to rent crafting room. The Hall had been coming along well, but construction halted due to the inquiry, though she could still discuss terms. Might not be a bad idea to get Deb or someone more knowledgeable about business to look over what she had already.

Looking up, she saw Lynwood carrying a crate and two men behind him. She squinted, trying to place the familiar faces for a moment. “Oh, Gavin and Borin! Nice to see you both. I hope you’ve got some armor in those crates - Mr. Black has been anxious to get kitted out again.” She gave them both a friendly grin. “You can set those by the table here, please.”

“Miss Ksenia - Craftmistress,” Borin greeted her. “Yes, we just finished the armguards yesterday evening and brought those, along with our tools in case of adjustments.”

“Along with a few other pieces,” added Gavin. “Mostly belts and bags. Figured there might be a need for those here.” He looked at the work being done in the hall. “Lot of new tables up since we visited last.”

As the three men set their cargo down, Ksenia looked up at Lynwood. “If Artemis is outside, could you send him in please? He’ll need to inspect their work - this is his area of expertise, not mine.” She watched Lynwood leave, looking around the ordered chaos of the hall.
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Dáire »

It was almost an instinctual process for Dáire by this point in his life, his actions those of long standing repetition. His armour was old, much older than many of the people surrounding him in the busy hall; but it gave him a comforting sense of self satisfaction that other than the signs of it being well broken in and the usual signs of it performing its intended purpose, no one should guess it had been with the elf over a century now. Reaching for a soft, clean cloth Dáire buffed the excess dubbin from the tooled scabbard, the leather now gleaming once again, almost as much as the blade it normally housed.

Smiling quietly to himself, he looked up from his temporary work space in a back corner of the hall, as a pair of new and unfamiliar voices, joined the chorus of regular voices and activities. He took in the two new men standing close by the open doors, both looked young, not yet having filled out their frames into the grown men they’d all too soon become. With a lazy grace, he rose from his work station, settling the gleaming leather and his supplies on a large wooden crate and wandered past the newcomers towards the doors, Listening into their conversation as it drifted to him on the cool early winter breeze.

Dáire started spinning back as a child, no taller than hip height collided with his legs at the full speed a boy his size could conjure. The boy, who couldn't have been more than 6 years old, rebounded off Dáire and landed with a hard thump on the packed dirt floor.

Dáire felt a sort of panicked horror flood him, as the young boy’s crumpling face met his own briefly. A silver sheen of imminent tears filling the child's eyes. The child’s first piercing wail rang out, drowning out all other sound in the hall. Dáire winced, reaching down to swiftly pluck the child from the dirty floor , hoping to spot the child’s mother as soon as possible. He knew he probably looked as lost as he felt in that moment, baby animals? Sure no problem but children? He’d had little to no contact with them before staying with Artemis in the hall. “There, there,” He murmured softly, balancing the small child on a hip, reaching for one of the chubby little hands to inspect the abraded skin. “See, no blood, you’re alright.” He said, perhaps a little too matter of factly, the child's wailing paused momentarily, as though surprised by Dáire’s inability to act like any other adult he’d met before. To his great relief, a young, willowy looking woman Dáire didn't recognise approached, gave him a tense semblance of a smile, and relieved him of the wailing bundle . Feeling like a number of eyes followed him, Dáire made a swift and much less graceful exit from the hall, his long strides carrying him towards the stables and where he’d last spotted his lover.

He smiled broadly as he approached, but had no doubt his embarrassment and discomfort still shone through. “I do believe your young men have come bearing gifts Mister Black, “He said, slowing to a stop just before the much shorter man, hoping he allowed him to divert the attention off himself, but from the twinkle in Artemis’ eyes he wasn't certain he’d be getting his way. “The fine craftmistress has requested your immediate delivery I believe.” He said instead, shooting the young thief a roguish grin just before he bent, grabbed him by the waist and threw him over a shoulder, striding back towards the Halls main door without delay.
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Artemis Black »

"I know I'm much younger than you, by lifetimes even, Melethron, but I am much taller than that little one," Artemis offered with a pleased chuckle as he was unceremoniously carried by the Elf. "You don't have a lot of practice with children do you," he mused, not really intending the words as a question to be answered. "We could always practice making them-" he offered, his lips splitting in a wicked grin as he felt Dáire's faint blush just before they arrived.

His lover dropped him down a touch harder than necessary, drawing a faint umphf from Artemis before he steadied himself and straightened his clothing. With a quick roll of his neck he turned his attention to the gathered craftspeople. "Good morning, Borin, Gavin, how are you both this fine day?" he asked them in his finest merchant's tone. The two men's attention flicked from Artemis to Dáire and then back to Artemis before Gavin cleared his throat.

"Morning, Mister Black," he offered, distinctly looking directly at Artemis. "We've brought our vambraces and a few other things we thought might be of interest," he explained and turned his attention to the freshly-opened crate.

"Morning, Sir," Borin offered, his eyes still roving between Artemis and Dáire before his attention turned to the crate. The contents were dried straw closely packed and stuffed near to bursting with leather goods of all manner placed around two very different looking hardened vambraces.

Artemis immediately reached a hand out and picked up one of the pieces, looking it over with a critical eye. "What do you think, Craftmistress? Something worth the crew's time in here?" he asked without looking up from the belt he held.

"The crew can have first choice, but the sailors and neighbors might be interested too, in the more utilitarian pieces," commented Ksenia. "Gavin and Borin would need to handle sales for those. Aren't you mostly concerned with your arm guards?" She picked up a bag to examine as she spoke.

"Can't have everyone looking at my arms right away, otherwise there'd be a riot I'm sure," Artemis responded flatly as he rolled the belt back up and selected a more detailed looking piece to examine.

"They're waiting on you to inspect the pieces you asked for, Artemis. That's more pressing than selling the other pieces," Ksenia returned, giving Artemis a stern look. "Look over what they've done for you first, and then we can move on." She set the bag back into a crate and fished out one of the vambraces to hand to Artemis.

He took it with a small smile. "You're far kinder than most haughty merchants. Skilled, lovely, and kind, I knew I'd hired you for a reason," he said, accepting the piece and beginning to look it over intently.

Ksenia snorted. "Next you're going to say I reminded you of your nan." Dáire chuckled, reaching over the heads of the pair and grabbing one of the simple, but well made belts to inspect himself, keeping well out of the current friendly sparring between the two friends.

"Idols rest her soul," Artemis answered automatically before reaching to his side and pulling out a small leather case. He opened it with a practiced flip and placed it on the table, revealing a series of intricate metal and wood tools. Artemis set about removing the thin pieces and sliding them into hidden slots in the leather. He worked quickly and without comment, turning the vambrace and examining each new crevice before placing a new tool into it until the case was empty.

Just when it seemed he was done, he removed a pair of knives from his belt and slotted them into the top and bottom of the vambrace before slipping it over his arm and tightening the straps. That done he rolled his arm around, shifting it up and down as he clearly got a feel for the weight and grip. Then he flipped his fingers and revealed a knife, followed quickly by an entirely different movement that released the second. He nodded appreciatively and finally looked up.

"So? What do you think?" Ksenia asked Artemis. "Or are you reserving judgement until you’ve tried both?"

Artemis lifted the vambrace up and looked to the two leather workers. "Whose is this? I've got a few things I want to discuss on it and then we'll look at the other one," he said evenly.

Setting the simple belt back into the crate, Dáire plucked the second vambrace up and moved back. Too curious and intrigued by how Artemis had managed to fit everything into the seemingly indistinguishable compartments, he paid no attention to whether he should have waited or not.

The leather was stiff, all of it, the finish of the work was a bit on the crude side for his tastes, but solid and functional, of that there was no doubt. The design was on the verge of genius as far as he was concerned; although he knew little about concealing so many different items in such a small space he was impressed by the clever concealed pouches and sleeves within the layers of leather that made up the design along the top.

He looked up and moved forward to replace the vambrace atop the crate. Now suitably content with his perusal of the leather and interested to discover who the man behind the craft was, for he surely had potential creating something such as this at such a young age.

"That's my work," Borin said as he moved a step forward. "You've really got a taste for knives," he added and his eyes flicked to Daire before returning to the vambrace.

There was a soft clatter of metal as another dagger bounced on the table without warning. Artemis' features were suddenly hard and his lips had pulled back to reveal a snarl. "I do- and if that's something you've a problem with I suggest you leave now. I've never taken kindly to that sort of talk and I'd hate to disappoint the Craftmistress by getting your blood on the table," the thief said, his words precise and clipped as he clearly held back anger.

Borin paled, his hand halfway up and his eyes wide in fear. "I- I didn't- my apologies, Mister Black- just- words my father-" the leatherworker gulped audibly, looking for all the world like a hare caught in the open.

Dáire barked out a harsh laugh, looking down his nose at the bumbling young man, "My melethron," he said softly, shifting his attention to the thief, a quiet tenderness in his normally cool expression. Stepping up behind Artemis, Dáire wrapped a reassuring but firm arm around his lover's middle, determined not to allow the young children surrounding them to see blood shed this day. With a gentle tug, Daire pulled the smaller man back into his secure embrace.

"Don’t waste too much energy on one such as he," Cold grey eyes then flicked to Borin "He wouldn't know what to do with a knife if someone as dull as himself could ever get their hands on one." distaste coated every word, such prejudices were nothing new to Dáire.

With a deep breath he forced any accumulated tension from his body. Breaking the embrace but not letting go, he leant down and whispered quietly enough so only Artemis would hear his next words, "Besides, not everyone can be as special to or talented with knives as you are my lover."

Artemis sighed softly, tugging Dáire's arm tighter around him. "Well, perhaps you can explain your work well enough to smooth over your words then, Borin. Understand you have offended me, my lover, and my Craftmistress. So, tell me about the piece and its construction, spare me no detail, and let us hope it is sufficiently impressive to earn you a second chance," he said before turning to gently kiss Dáire's arm and turn his focus back to the lifted vambrace.

Ksenia's mouth twitched in frustration and she crossed her arms. She took a step back from the table and watched as Borin presented his work. The vambrace was sturdily made plain leather, with thick straps circling the underside of the arm. Some of the straps seemed to be different from the initial plans, possibly modified for ease of replacement. A hardened trapezoidal piece covered the back of the hand past the knuckles.

"The stitching here, I reinforced it and ensured it wouldn't give, even when pulled at odd angles," Borin explained carefully, pointing to several spots that lined the weak points in the design. Artemis nodded for the leatherworker to continue and some of the color returned to Borin's cheeks. "And I made sure to account for easier swapping in these hardened spots, for when the leather gets worn out."

"I think you could make them metal strips too, but I'd need to test that." The man indicated for Artemis to flip his hands palm up and tapped several small loops along the underside. "These should handle your climbing kit but I couldn't figure out exactly what some of the marking meant so they'll need to be tightened later."

Dáire found himself lifting Artemis’ arm that the vambrace still encircled, considering it carefully once more, concentrating on being more critical of the design alterations that had been made and the execution. "These edges," he said cooly, running a finger tip along the edge of the leather, "Need skiving a touch and then beveled more. As it is now, the edge is too raw- the fibres will catch on fabric and surroundings may catch against them."

Studying the piece in Artemis’ hands, Ksenia compared it to the drawing she remembered. Obviously, Borin had made modifications to the original plans, but Artemis didn’t seem to have any tools or knives without places to put them. One or two edges of tools ghosted through on the softer underarm. The body of the piece was firm enough to not betray what it held. She liked the idea of having easily replaceable straps; judging what she’d seen of O’Dell’s work and the wear of things she’d seen elsewhere, they would be a point of failure due to the stress and the likelihood of getting caught on things.

Artemis nodded again, pleased that Borin seemed able to recover his wits. "Perhaps you're not a lost cause after all, Leatherworker," he said through one of his easy false smiles. "This clearly was made with an eye to rigor and function over decoration but it is well done for one unfamiliar with the particulars of the specialist trade. Now then, Gavin," he said, removing the vambrace and turning his focus to the other man. "Impress me."

Gavin untangled his work from the other leather pieces while Artemis removed the blades and tools from Borin’s vambrace. Soft clinks of metal accompanied the movements of the shorter man. Extending the work to Artemis, Gavin paused for a moment before letting go. "Let me speak a bit first, Mister Black," he stated and looked Artemis squarely in the eye. Artemis nodded and lowered his hand to listen.

"I hope you’ll overlook what slipped out of Borin’s mouth earlier - I’ve not seen him treat anyone any different in the weeks we’ve been working on this together. His father, now - there’s reasons why Borin’s looking to find his own shop beyond simple independence." Gavin frowned slightly, remembering something. "His Da might have an excellent hand for leatherwork, but his mind and heart are stiff as boiled leather."

Letting go of the vambrace, Gavin gave Artemis a moment to look it over before offering commentary. The Thief immediately set to work examining the outside of the vambrace. The patterning and imprints on the leather made any slots blend well with the main body and it clearly took him longer to find all the places for his tools. A smile tugged faintly at his lips as he ended up rotating the vambrace all the way around before slotting in the final tool.

"The tooling and stamping weren’t in your plans, but I thought it might give it some camouflage, like. I’ve added some reinforcements here-" he pointed to strips of leather running the length of the vambrace. "Since it appeared to be a weak point. Same thing by the closures. There’s also some strapping going around the arm to help spread any force it might take."

From her spot a few steps away, Ksenia was admiring the detail work on the vambrace. Different styles combined to create a pleasing whole, almost a patchwork. She wondered if Gavin had needed to source his leather from different batches, as the stain had taken slightly differently on some of the patterns. The one thing she didn’t like was the toggle closures on the outside; wouldn’t they be likely to get caught on things?

Gavin indicated the leather on the hand. "I thought having more of a fingerless glove effect here might hold it to your hand better and give better protection. I can of course take it off - just that row of stitching, here, and the edge will stay finished like it is now." He cleared his throat a bit nervously, waiting on Artemis’ judgement.

Artemis flexed his fingers, giving the vambrace a few stiff smacks and shaking his head. "It was a good thought, but you lacked the context for the original design. This will need to be removed, and handled in another way unfortunately, the palm must always be free for many reasons," he explained, finally tapping at the hand covering. "Though it is firmly attached, and a shame to lose."

He ran his fingers along the hidden edges of the vambrace, removing and reinserting tools deftly. "I love what you did with the patterning, it is something you only occasionally see and the touch of flair distracts well from the purpose more than simply pulling tools from thin air. All told, well done, though I can see places where you would benefit from a better understanding of strength and construction." Gavin nodded thoughtfully, clearly considering each critique.

Artemis began removing his tools and placed the vambrace on the table. "You also should avoid apologizing for your competition in the future, even if you don't want to be competing outside your work," he said through a grin and wink.

Shaking his head with an apologetic smile, Gavin gave Artemis a look. "I don’t know if I can take that critique, Mister Black. After all, we’ve all said stupid things from time to time. Also, I’d rather we be competing on the value of our work alone, rather than because Borin felt like eating his boots."

Artemis' features hardened faintly, though the ghost of a smile remained. "Fair, but do not discount my advice; when you present your work, present it for you alone. To do otherwise will not go over well with those more serious and less kind than I." He looked to Borin, then turned his attention to Ksenia. "Craftmistress, let us pretend no words of malice were spoken, how do you take the offered products? Do either of these craftsmen deserve a place in our hallowed hall?"

Ksenia raised an eyebrow at ‘hallowed hall’ but didn’t remark on it. "I could see a place for both. As we discussed previously, sharing and collaborating would strengthen both of your work. Borin’s piece is very sturdy, but plain; Gavin’s work is beautiful, but could use some strengthening elements. If the two of you worked together, I believe both of you would be better for it."

Artemis nodded magnanimously and looked to Dáire. "And you, my guardian? What do you think of this?" he asked, lifting his hand to capture the Kerasokan's cheek and tug him down for a kiss.

Dáire’s lips spread into an indulgent grin under the brushing impulsive kiss. It was taking time, as many things tended to but Dáire was slowly getting used to the affection the young thief so readily, and openly offered him. "I think I prefer the young Gavin’s work, but what elf doesn't appreciate finely crafted items."

Straightening back to his full, towering height, the elf considered the two men before their small group,"He may be a good example to the other too if they can work together, he may learn to think before he lets his mouth run away with him. Not everyone lets such insults passover as cleanly, as you so graciously did." he said gravely, thinking of all the ways such a mild slight said to the wrong crowd, could swiftly result in the boy sporting a dagger or three on an alley floor somewhere.

"I look forward to seeing what you can both make given the time to improve your craft." He said sincerely, wrapping his other arm around Artemis and squeezing briefly. Inwardly he hoped that the mild tension radiating through his lover would soon vanish, returning him to the infectiously enthusiastic young man who was burrowing into his heart.

Artemis smiled brilliantly, joy plain on his features as he gave Dáire's arm another quick hug in return. "It sounds as though it is decided then. Do the two of you believe you can work together in a single workspace?" he asked as his expression turned serious and he looked over each leatherworker in turn.

Borin opened his mouth, and then froze in clear confusion. "I-" he managed before Gavin bumped his shoulder. "That sounds like something we can manage, Mister Black. Does the offer you made before still hold?" he asked when he'd regained himself. There was a clear hint of hopefulness in his voice, but his features were marshalled to give nothing more away.

Artemis made a show of considering, looking to Ksenia and then Dáire as he thought. Ksenia smiled back at him, glancing at the two leatherworkers before nodding slightly. Artemis finally nodded and deftly removed the vambrace before offering his hand. "It is, forty coppers a week for a fifteen-by-ten that is to be a shared space between one Gavin and one Borin. Initial payment to be rendered at the time of contract start."

Gavin turned to Borin with a ready grin and held out his hand. Borin seemed a bit startled at first, but gave Gavin a smile as he took Artemis' hand and shook vigorously. Ksenia spoke as Artemis turned to accept Borin's shake as well, "Obviously, things aren’t settled here yet, so the start of the contract will be a bit of a wait."

She motioned to the clearly paused construction all around, "The crew will get right back to work as soon as they can - they’re staying on site, makes things easier for everyone." She looked over the two of them and slid a glance at Artemis. "I suppose - if you needed some place to stay, there certainly are a good number of spare walls and bunks about."
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Artemis Black »

"Now, we must have these inspected by the proper authorities on the matter," Artemis declared as he moved to collect the other vambrace. "Would you care to join us? I imagine the results will be enlightening and I'll gladly cover the fees. I'm taking these as payment of value to be determined later, they're sentimental." He knocked the leathers against each other and chuckled at the distinct thunk of hardened hide.

"Who's riding with me, and who's going on the wagon?" he asked and looked around for a smaller box to carry the valuable items. "Craftmistress, if you want to establish the sale of the other goods, Jacobus can likely assist you," he added over his shoulder before he stopped and gently smacked the vambraces to Dáire's behind. "Good materials," he declared through a grin. "Ah, that'll work," Artemis waved his arm at a small crate that had recently held damaged lamps.
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia rolled her eyes, smiling, at Artemis' playfulness to his lover. "Let me take Borin and Gavin over to Jacobus, introduce them, and get things straightened out." She turned to the two men. "Jacobus is the foreman of the crew and more or less manages things I can't. He won't let anyone try any funny business with your wares."

She motioned for them to follow her outside. Jacobus stood a little way from Lena's makeshift kitchen, chatting with a few women nearby. As they headed over, Ksenia said over her shoulder, "Oh, and I don't need an answer right away on the bunks, but sooner is better than later so the crew has time." She waved at the older man.

Jacobus stopped talking and smiled at Ksenia. "Craftmistress," he said, nodding in greeting.

"Jacobus," she replied with a smile. "I’ve got two leatherworkers here who Artemis gave a trial commission and they’ll be joining the hall as part of the crafters." The older man nodded slightly as he followed along.

Ksenia continued. "They’ve brought some other leather goods besides the specific pieces Artemis wanted. He wants to go have their pieces inspected, so they can’t mind their own wares, but I think the crew and our neighbors might be interested. Could you handle the sales and things? We can set things up on a table - you’ll just need to handle the coin and make sure no one tries to take a discount."

"Course, Craftmistress, and welcome to the Hall. Will you be joining the crew?" he asked, moving over to shake each man's hand briefly.

Ksenia shrugged. "That's up to them - if they're willing to pitch in a bit here, they're welcome to stay. It's not like we don't have plenty of errands and little things to do around here."

"I'll handle the ledgers for this then - got a fresh batch as you requested, Craftmistress," Jacobus said with a nod. "If there's nothing more, knowing Mister Black, I'll need to let Miss Hawkins know to prepare a feast." Jacobus gave them all a quick nod and moved towards the back area of the kitchen with industrious energy.

"Well, I guess that settles that," Ksenia said, shaking her head with a small laugh. "Knowing Artemis, he's probably ready to go already."
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Dáire »

Daire was grinning like an infatuated fool and at that moment, he really didn't care who noticed. Witha snort of amusement at himself, he shot Aretmis a look full of promise over his shoulder as he strode away from the small group. He’d only have to decide how to repay the young human later.

The huge moose was contentedly munching away on a fresh bale of hay as Dáire arrived at his stall door, soft brown eyes meeting his.”Time to look like a regal steed for your master again, Sir Francis.” The large bull simply huffed out a soft breath, watching lazily out the corner of an eye as Dáire set about saddling and then bridling him with a practiced efficiency. “You’re really not that different to a horse are you?” Dáire whispered to the moose, regardless that there was no one lingering around to hear him talking to the animal. Rubbing the animal affectionately between the eyes, he enjoyed the feel of the coarse winter coat running through his cool fingers, absorbing the warmth Sir Francis seemed to radiate from him.

Releasing a contented sigh for a job well done, Dáire carefully avoided the moose’s huge antlers and led him out in the yard. Passing the reins to a loitering workman, Dáire darted back to where he’d left his mostly conditioned gear and swiftly donned it, grabbing a few knives and his bow - just in case. Jogging back the the moose, he relieved the wary looking man from his post, turning towards the crates that acted as a mounting block for now, just in case Sir Francis was going to be carrying more than one passenger today.
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Artemis Black »

Returning with the vambraces carefully stowed in his new smaller box, Artemis placed the container in one of Sir Francis' saddlebags and used the boxes, and an excessive amount of touching Dáire, to settle himself into the saddle. "It looks like they're finishing up, and it shouldn't be too far to walk. We stay in the sun and it won't even be too cold," he offered idly down to the Kerasokan as he fiddled with his positioning. "You'll keep me warm though cundo, won't you?"

As Ksenia approached with the Leatherworkers in tow he grinned and nodded towards the Northeast. "We're heading to the local House Arcaod barracks. The assessors should still be in session," Artemis explained to them all, in the event there was any confusion. He'd not actually been to an assessor in a long while, having had most of his gear simply provided from the Goose. It would be nice to see the value of the first works of the new crafters, and it never hurt to be familiar with the local military representatives.
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Dáire »

“You make me sound like a blanket.” Dáire retorted as he turned away from the large moose and his rider. It warmed his heart to see the young mans’ barely contained excitement at having his new gear appraised. It had Dáire considering just how much his old gear may be worth. He’d always known it was finely made, although what he’d learnt on his last trip with Raen had put a whole new spin on things, just how well made were they?

With a long practiced efficiency, Dáire quickly armed himself and donned the lightweight armour he always wore while out in the city. Even though he’d now spent more time within the city walls in the past months, than he probably had in the previous century, he still didn't feel as at ease traversing the streets as many of it’s locals apparently did.

A quick jog had him alongside the moose once more, the salty air blowing in off the docks energising him in a way only nature could. “Aren't you going to ride with Artemis?” He asked, looking over to Ksenia , “I dont think the Barracks are close by.” A touch of concern entering his voice as he considered the speed they’d have to walk to keep pace with Sir Francis.
Word count: 221
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Re: Revealing Secrets

Post by Ksenia »

Having settled matters with Jacobus, Ksenia gestured to Borin and Gavin to follow her. “I’m fairly sure Artemis will be out this way,” she explained. As they came close to the yard, she spotted Artemis mounted on Sir Francis, with Daire waiting close by.

The assessors Artemis wanted to see should be at the barracks, and Daire voiced his concern over the distance. Ksenia frowned; although she could ride double with Artemis on the moose, there wouldn’t be room for the two leatherworkers. Even a back as broad as the warmount’s couldn’t hold four riders.

“I suppose I can ride double, but we’ll need to go slow. Most people can’t keep up with a war-moose,” she replied. She climbed the makeshift mounting block to Sir Francis’ back, accepting the barest amount of help from Daire, before seating herself behind Artemis. Ksenia glanced down at the two leatherworkers, dwarfed by both the Kerasokan and the moose.

“Sir Francis isn’t trained to pull a wagon or a cart or anything, is he?” she thought out loud. “Maybe we should look into getting a wagon and an ox or something. Not the first time one would help, and this probably won’t be the last.”

Shifting in her seat, Ksenia moved to loop her arms loosely around Artemis’ waist. “I’m ready when you all are.”
Word count: 230
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