A Mother's Work

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Lady Illusory(Olori Tari)
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A Mother's Work

Post by Fostia »

"Emil, some people from the machinist guild are here to see you!" Arturo had dark green hair like his mother short cropped. He loudly addressed his parent who was in the back kitchen. She had begun brewing hot tea for opening.

Fostia looked up as her daughter was doing the morning food prep. "Hibiscus dear, would you watch the kettles please?"

"Aye emil." The younger child's black ponytail shifted as she moved for a moment. Then unaware of the flour on her own chin, she smiled as her mom headed out front.

Fostia had a joyful expression as she walked out to the main cafe. A middle aged human was leading three fresh faced apprentices. They all appeared to be human, however she was always mindful they could be shapeshifters or elementals. Two were male and one was female. "Greetings good folk, what can I do for you this fine morning?"

The elder female wearing the traditional grey garb of the machinist stepped foward. "Well met Lady Illusory, sorry to bother you. Unfortunately, these three apprentices are all we have extra to do some needed windmill repairs." The veteran woman gave a deep bow of respect to Fostia. She urged the three young ones to do the same. They complied like good students to their master's request. She raised up and continued speaking as the novices rose. "Could you do us the honor of showing them how to forge the main gears?"

"Well thats going to eat up a lot of hours today, but aye. Always glad to help the city how I can. Is it just enough for one?" The former teacher gave a reassuring pat to the lead woman as she spoke.

"Yes ma'am and thank you in advance, your work is always top notch." The woman released a concerned breath she didn't realise she was holding. Then she gestured the three youths foward. "I'll leave them in your capable hands then." She bowed again and headed back outside.

"Well children let's get started, we're burning daylight." She led her charges thru the kitchen to an attached room that contained workable metal pieces and an anvil. "If one of you would work the bellows we'll get started." Soon the musical sound of metal working could be heard. Those that knew the place. Could identify one of the two kinds of notes the teahouse was named for.
Word count: 398
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