Let's Do Lunch

Bracken Olivefrost pursues a bounty placed upon Nicodemus Arves

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
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Bracken Olivefrost
The Blade of Glass
24 / 24 HP
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Race: Shapeshifter and Human
Class: Fighter and Summoner
Posts: 15
Joined: November 9th, 2020, 5:12 am

Let's Do Lunch

Post by Bracken Olivefrost »

Bracken frowned down at the bit of paper she'd collected from the clerk behind the counter. Written in block lettering across the center of the parchment were the crimes the bounty was accused of:

Accusations herein: Fraud, Theft, and Defiling a Daughter
These plain-as-day words were surrounded by all the superfluous legal declarations that proved this was a valid writ and granted the acceptor rights and authority to enact detainment on behalf of the local authorities.

It wasn't an unusual request, the kind she had performed many times before, but it was the source of the bounty that gave her pause. She was in Verdant Row, a place where the law was entirely the purview of each individual, and yet here was a clerk who bore all the proper papers and seals distributing bounties for Fellsgard.

Her frown faded after a moment and she shrugged, rolling up the paper and placing it in a small pouch at her side. "I'll take it. You said they were seen here recently?" she questioned somewhat impatiently, already feeling the faint tingle of energy moving through her limbs in preparation for the hunt.

"Yes, at a café on the northern end. Owner is aware of the situation and should not interfere," the clerk dutifully explained in the exact same bored unhurried tone they had kept since Bracken first approached.

Bracken nodded and stepped out of the way, absentmindedly beginning to rub her fingers together. "Bounty specifies 'without undue harm', but the pay's good so-" she murmured to herself, her mind already moving forward to the coming confrontation. The clerk blinked once and then went back to their papers, ignoring Bracken right back.

Several minutes later, the Battle Mage stood outside a walled garden area sprawling out from a café that appeared to have been constructed by a wily mage teleporting another building into the middle of it. She adjusted her clothing, smoothing and shimmying until she was satisfied she looked sufficiently enticing with just enough of a hint of dangerous. Confident, she pushed her power outward, holding it ready around herself to form an instantaneous shield on reflex. Prepared as she could be, she strode past the garden trellis and took in the field of her coming battle.
Word count: 374
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