I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Katarya and Dáire are contracted to retrieve a special item of great value to Aurae, Mistress of The White Hart tavern.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat took Artemis' arm and smiled as they walked; they must have looked quite the pair, well dressed and walking so. Maybe this is what it was like to be a normal couple of good standing, rather than a contract witch and a thief ... but she didn't think she'd trade it for anything. She had put on a new dress, coloured deep blue, with a black lace shawl across her shoulders. Her hair was braided, of course, but this time it was done up in a more relaxed, intricate pattern, softening her features. Her ears sported the earring Artemis had given her, with the replica on the other side for symmetry.

As usual, Artemis' made quite the impression and she couldn't completely hide her smile as the situation unfolded. She was grateful to sit down, wondering how Dáire was getting along. She concentrated her will for a moment, sending out a summon to Nyx. Hopefully there would be a window somewhere discreet where she could give the bird a message for her Elven friend.

Katarya took her seat like a lady, and turned to look at Ksenia and Artemis. "I've been a very polarising figure since I was about fourteen ... some people would call me a 'cold-hearted bitch', rather than 'polarising', but such is the way of things." She glanced up, hoping that someone would bring her some wine soon. She needed it. "And while we're on this job, I promise to keep the bickering down to a zero ... but," she looked Ksenia in the eye. "This is business, and I shall accord you all the respect you deserve as a business associate. We don't have to best friends ... Ny'tha knows; we don't even have to like each other! We just have to get the job done and get paid."

The witch sat back. "Will that suffice?" She asked.
Word count: 310

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Ksenia »

As they walked toward Katarya, Ksenia saw the frown that crossed Katarya’s face before she was all smiles for Artemis. To Katarya’s false greeting she replied, “I’m fine, thanks.” She knew that Katarya’s question had no real interest behind it; and figured the witch wasn’t actually interested in her welfare. After Katarya explained the reason behind calling for a meeting, Ksenia held back a sigh. To her, it looked awfully like Katarya wanted to play at being a noble lady while Artemis did her dirty work - again.

When Artemis stood up, arm in arm with Katarya, and walked off without a backward glance, Ksenia had expected it. She followed, two steps back, just as she always had with Mam whenever they’d been in Fellsgard. She half expected Katarya to hand her a wrap or her lace shawl to carry, just to solidify her position as ‘lackey’.

When they got to the restaurant, the hostess appeared terribly flustered by Artemis and Katarya, though Artemis smoothed it over quickly enough. Katarya was clearly basking in the attention of being taken as a rich young lady, preening as Artemis spoke.

Artemis stopped outside the booth and gestured for Ksenia to scoot in. She did, which at least meant she was neither beside or across from Katarya. Artemis’s demand that the problem be sorted drew a bit of a puzzled frown from Ksenia. Why did he care? Ksenia was his employee, not his friend, and damn sure not his girlfriend. Katarya made a half-baked excuse that basically, she’d always been a bitch, and ‘promising’ to work with Ksenia to get the job done. Ksenia felt the witch’s displeasure at being forced to make such a statement, and Ksenia trusted that promise as far as she could throw Katarya with one hand, but nodded. “I wouldn’t want to hurt my livelihood. Business is business.” Ksenia felt Artemis was waiting on her to respond. She’d said her piece this morning; if he chose to be all moony-eyed around Katarya, that was his personal life and not hers, unless and until it affected the business.

Ksenia put her hands in her lap and waited to hear what it was, exactly, that might require a seamstress, a witch, and a thief.
Word count: 385
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat appreciated the short and 'to the point' reply from Ksenia. At least the woman wasn't going to put on fake smiles and try to appease Artemis' displeasure at their mutual dislike with soulless girl-bonding. She nodded her head. We're on the same page then." She glanced to Artemis. "I hope that puts your mind at ease, lover."

She reached into her bag and pulled out some parchment and a pencil. "To get everything out, I think we should have our intrepid Elf join us," she scribbled down a note about where they were, and for him to come as soon as he could. "I'll quickly pop outside and give it to Nyx; won't be a moment."


As she took her seat on returning, she was relieved to see a waitress at the table. "If none has been ordered, may I please have some red wine; Elven, if you have it." She glanced to Artemis and Ksenia. "Since that's pretty much all they serve at The White Hart, I've developed a taste for it. I highly recommend it."

She sat back in her chair, looking forward to Dáire's arrival. It was time Artemis met the man she had become such good friends with, and maybe Dáire's more personable nature would warm the cold air that seemed to blow whenever she and Ksenia were in close proximity.
Word count: 228

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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Dáire »

Some of the nervous energy dissipated from Dáire as Ealárea made her swift exit of the back room. He glanced to the contract that Kat still held, it was going to be challenging, but at least it wasn't going to be boring. He watched her expressions flow into one another as she digested what was going to need done. He raised a dark brow as she glanced to him. “You’re questioning my life long skills now?” He smiled, “I’ll go and see what I can acquire and learn, I would know some of the staff in the noble houses; and they know each other intimately. I’m sure I can gleam something of use to us while you try through the higher classes.”

He was absent mindedly nodding along while she continued to speak of their contract, his curiosity peaked when the bird was sent on an errand. That all stopped though the moment she mentioned bringing others in; well not just others but other humans. He frowned at his friend. He may have softened to her, but she was a rare occurrence in his life. He could work for them, but Dáire still had a strong distaste for humans when it came to having to trust them with important matters, and this was a very important matter to the elves.

“I won’t tell her; but I’m not terribly happy about it either, the more parties there are, the bigger chance of someone slipping up.” He managed to get out through a somewhat clenched jaw, he didn’t think she noticed his unease though, she seemed to stare off at nothing, her mind obviously churning over a plan. With a nod, he left her to her business without another word.

A quick detour back to his room and rapid retrieval of daggers and other such items, he was ready to slink his way into the north of the city.


Late morning really wasn't the ideal time to be heading out for this sort of work, but he decided it was a occasion that wasn't appropriate to wait on a more favourable moment. He waited, crouched down high above the cobbled street, atop a roof belonging to one of the many shops that lined this picturesque way. Nobles and wealthy citizens alike, lined the streets below him, their maids and household staff often seen tagging along a few paces behind. His gaze locked onto one particular man as he strutted his way through the crowds, exactly where his contact had said he would be. The man was average for a human, average height, average build but the eyes set within what was probably once a reasonably handsome face, were sharp and full of cunning. Master Josep Dirge strode down the street like a peacock, his many rings and wrist adornments glittering in the watery light of autumn., Dáire kept a close eye on the man as he silently skipped from one roof top to the next, intent on following him back to his residence and observing his security and visitors– just in case anything had changed since he’d watched the homes last occupant.

He sat for a while, few people came in or out of the fortress’ main building, the outer buildings and gardens were far less secure too he noticed, many places to conceal oneself would be available in the cover of night became apparent to him. The building screamed wealth, and looked as though it should have belonged to a man of much higher standing than Dirge. It wasn't until he circled around the back of the property, staying low and concealed by the many lines of hedges the noble kept, that he saw an obscured servants’ entrance. He imagined it would lead to the kitchens or something similar but it only had one, very bored looking guard posted outside. A very welcome weak point.

His careful concentration was abruptly broken by a raven landing on his shoulder squawking indignantly in his ear before hopping down before him. Dáire looked momentarily bewildered by the birds appearance, and attitude, before realising she had probably been trying to gain his attention for some time. All the while he’d been thoroughly engrossed in his perusal of the homes many aspects.

He carefully removed the slip of paper from the birds leg, quickly read the note and realised the bird was waiting expectantly. A few moments passed until he got an inkling of what she wanted, and he gave her an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry girl, unless you like to collect shiny blades, I have nothing for you.” If the bird had been a woman, he swore she would have huffed and pouted at him. “Would you let Kat know I’ll be right there, please?” She seemed to give him a long look, before tuning tail and sailing into the air in a whoosh of glossy black feathers.

Fenns was an establishment he’d heard of but had yet to set foot inside. From the outside it was quiet, the mad rush of lunch patrons long finished, leaving only the tavern maids behind, clearing the many dirty dishes away. Nyx was perched high above on the roof gables, studiously ignoring him it seemed. It took him several moments, and a short circuit of the tavern before he spotted Kats head of braided hair as she cradled yet more wine, secluded within one of the booths in a far corner. There was an almost perceptible change in air temperature as he approached the small booth, the tension radiating off the witch and another woman, was enough to make him feel the need to turn tail; avoiding this little pocket pocket of joy. Pushing forwards, he ignored the impulse and approached the table. He assumed that the small male also seated was Artemis, Kat’s lover who she had pulled into the contract but the other human, who sat silent but alert, he couldn’t even hazard a guess as to who she was.

“Could have warned me there were others coming too.” He said to Kat in elven as he bowed slightly to the human woman, and then extending a calloused hand to Artemis, “Greetings,” he said politely, returning to his accented common tongue, “I’m Dáire.”
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

"Amin hiraetha, méllon" She said, as she gave him a smile in greeting. {"I'm sorry, my friend.}

Katarya felt a little bad; she knew Dáire wasn't fond of humans and now she had brought one and a half in to contend with. But if they were going to pull off this job, they would need a broad range of talents.

When the two men shook hands, Kat nodded to Ksenia. "This is Ksenia, she's a seamstress. was all said.

"You should have some wine; it's excellent juice for schemes!"
Word count: 91

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis spotted the massive man approaching well before he reached the table, but he simply waited. First impressions could tell a lot about someone, and he knew he’d hate to work with someone overeager. ‘Ixaziel’s Bounty, they must have used several Elves to make him,’ he thought as he watched Dáire glance around then room before navigating the many empty tables. He moved with a grace and measure to his step, one that meant he knew where his feet were going, and how to place them. He also had a scar not entirely unlike Artemis’, but that told the thief little except he’d once not been fast enough.

When the Elf reached the table and spoke in Elvish first Artemis felt a pang of annoyance. The same annoyance spiked more when Katarya responded in kind. He’d spent enough time hearing the language to know their words were some kind of frustration and placating reply. He was also not a fan of the easy smile Katarya offered him despite his frown. She was pushing the elf into this, and that was never the way to start a partnership, no matter how temporary.

Then he was offered a hand. He reached out and clasped the man’s forearm, letting his kept dagger be known with the gesture. “And I am Artemis,” he replied before whistling a soft melodious bird song. {Tall, Quick, Not Moving, Danger?} He watched the elf’s eyes for any hint of recognition. It would be a useful communication to have if needed. People tended to ignore the constant music of birds, no matter how out of place they seemed.

As soon as the birdsong ended Artemis frowned slightly. There’d not been anything there, which meant he couldn’t use the language without some preparation. Restoring his professional neutrality he continued speaking, “I take it from the exchange that you’re not here for my sake. So, let’s say we get on with things as business should be done.” He looked at Kat expectantly, not willing to waste much more of his time. ‘No sense in taking something that’s doomed to fail because of ill intent. Let’s see what she knows about the trouble she wants to get into this time,’ he thought to himself, keeping his features a practiced mask.
Word count: 391
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Ksenia »

Katarya mentioned her ‘intrepid Elf’ and Ksenia sat back slightly in her chair. Lovely. Ksenia’s few experiences with elves had shown her that she’d do best to keep her ears covered and look human. She checked her hair to make sure that it covered the tips of her ears before this Elf of Katarya’s showed up.

A tall, muscular Elven man approached the booth. He bowed while saying something elven to Katarya. It didn’t sound pleased. Artemis introduced himself and whistled a pretty bird song. Ksenia wondered if it was a custom for greeting elves (which would explain a lot about her previous interactions) or if it was Artemis being Artemis. Katarya told the man only that Ksenia was a seamstress, which was nice of her, in a way.

Ksenia felt Artemis stiffen slightly in his seat as he spoke. Maybe he was just as annoyed by Katarya’s request as Ksenia felt. Either way, Ksenia hoped that the server came back with food soon. Breakfast felt like it had been a very long time ago.
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Dáire »

Dáire smirked when he felt the concealed dagger on the man. Something he could respect in this human, he wasn't going to be slow, however the jab didn’t go unnoticed. He should have been quicker to think how they may have taken his exchange with Kat. He proceeded to fold himself into a seat - awkwardly
Finally settled he gave them a smile he didn’t totally feel but needs must. “It’s nice to meet you Ksenia,” He made sure to look directly at her as he said it, as out of the pair, she seemed timid at first glance, and he wasnt sure why. Turning back to Artemis he raised a brow "I’m sorry if I offered you insult sir, I merely expressed to Kat that I would have appreciated a heads up on meeting strangers next time.” He looked pointedly at Kataryra, “She knows I normally work alone, and that this isn’t going to be an easy adaption.”
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya was pleased with Dári'res way of handling there being two other non-elves embroiled in this plan. It was seemed it was going to be 'easy' for any of them. When the tall Elf offered his apology, Kat made a note not to lapse into Elvish while her lover was around ..it must have seemed like the to were using a secret code ... which, she supposed they kinda were.

At Artemis' suggestion, Kat nodded in agreement. "Yes; to business." She sat a little straighter in her chair. "We are contracted to get an item if value from a noble-born man named Jozep Dirge, or more specifically, his wife, Lady Ana Dirge. The item is an elven bracelet, made of silver set with emeralds, which he got his greedy hands on sometime ago, and gave to his wife as a birthday gift. Unfortunately, Lady Ana loves the thing so much, she doesn't take it off." She looked around as she spoke. "Gossip on the street and some careful asking around, has revealed that Josep loves to show off, and is known for his extravagant parties and balls, which he has once per month, with the next one being in four days. I believe that if we are to procure this item, it should be then ... but I am more than happy to get alternative suggestions." She glanced to Dáire. "What did you find out, from your own investigation?"
Word count: 239

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Dáire »

He snorted, his investigation. “You mean in the few hours you let me have, before calling me back like a puppy?” Shooting Kata wry smile he continued,. “I’d positioned myself outside the house. Watching their guard rota and such. Their security’s as impressive as it was when the last noble owned it. If we’re to make an escape, the best place seems to be through the back of the house where a door leads out to wooded area that would allow a thief, or carrier to disappear into the shadows swiftly. I put in words with some of my contacts also, for the interior layouts of the place, having never actually set foot within it myself."

He shifted anxiously in his seat, he wasnt used to reporting to anyone like this- not for a long time at least. "One of the girls I know is good friend with the Lady’s personal maid, so I’m waiting to see what she comes back to us with, in that regard - I'm hoping she'll have insight into the womans' plans and a likely opportunity to get her alone. But if you’re planning this for the party in four days’ time, I will need to do some further digging on how the guards numbers and duties may change that night. Once in the gardens, it shouldn’t be too hard to disappear. Do we have an idea on how to gain entry? As I doubt the plan is to sneak around the whole night, I hope that isn’t your plan” He looked around the table at the three people he was now going to have to consider partners, people he was going to have to trust, literally with his life.
Word count: 293
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