Keeping Down the Spirits

Katarya the Witch and Daire the Ranger team up to take down a nasty spirit that has been bothering the locals.

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
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Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Katarya Frost »

It was early in the evening, when Dáire would hear a flapping, then a squark, daring his attention to the window of his room. Perched proudly, was Katarya’s raven: Nyx. She gave a chatter when he noticed him, and her beak went to her leg, onto which was tied a little note.

It read: Meet you outside the Hart at first light. K.

It seems the witch was holding true to her word, and the next day was to be the beginning of their next adventure!

Kat appeared in the street with a heavy bag over her shoulder. Nyx flew off her shoulder as she waved her hand. When she approached him, she smiled. ”Vedui',” she said, the Elven word for ‘greetings’. ”I hope you’re doing well, this morning, and ready for an exciting adventure fighting ghosts!” She continued to speak his language; and seemed to relish the words.

She threw her cloak back to reveal the ornate dagger, now strapped to her waist. ”I’ve named her ‘Ercá’,” she said, the Elvish word for sting. ”And she is my most prized possession. It’s done me a good turn already! I’ll have to tell you about it on the way. Luckily for us, I have managed to sweet talk one of the trader carts to let us hop in for a few coppers.” She shrugged. ”I figured we could afford it since we’ll be making plenty more back when we claim the bounty.” She gave him a half bow, perhaps the excitement and fresh morning had made her more light-hearted than usual. ”Shall we proceed, Master Dáire?”

Kat led them to the appropriate gate, pointedly ignoring the guards who were watching this young Human woman with her towering Elf companion. ‘Let them wonder.’ She thought, before hailing a wagon full of various vegetables, mostly cabbages. ”It might not be a glamorous carriage, but it will do, I think.” She bid the driver a ‘good morning’ and handed over 3 copper pieces and a ‘thank you’.

Once they were in the carriage, and the rickety thing got moving, Kat put down the hoof her cloak, watching Nyx soar above them. ”I wonder just how tricking this job is going to be,” she mused. ”Have you ever fought a ghost or spirit before, Dáire?”
Word count: 389

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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Dáire »

Dáire blinked through sleepy eyes as Kat seemed to chatter at unnatural rate. Especially for this witch. He did manage a very wide smile though as the walked and she showed, and told him about her dagger. “Good day to you too, and I’m glad my sisters blade has already been a positive addition to your life, my friend.”

He felt compelled to draw his cloak closer as they walked, it was a fresh morning and the lingering fog gave the air enough of a nip to it, that he was glad he’d purchased a thicker cloak. “I knew there was a reason I like you little witch,” he shot her a crooked grin, “A ride is an excellent idea, it’s a far enough trek to Verdant Row." He almost stopped her to tease about how, well, un-frosty she was being today, he almost didn’t recognise her to the standoffish woman he’d first met. Grinning he returned the ladies bow, gesturing for her to lead them forth.

By the time they reached the gates he was properly awake, the last tendrils of the lethargy that had clung to him slipped away. He glared at the guards as they passed, he wasn't appreciative of their attentions, even if Kat appeared oblivious to their unfriendly demeanours. The smell of freshly harvested cabbages hit his nose before he laid eyes upon their transport. He followed her lead again, thanking the human man and paying was what due.

“Oh it will do splendidly, but I do hope you planned for having a numb rear end for several days.” And as if to accentuate his point, one of the wooden wheels found one of the many pot holes he knew this particular road would be littered by. Snickering quietly to himself he wriggled around, trying to fit his long limbs in and keep some feeling in the various body parts as he considered Kats question.

“Have I fought them? Of course! Was it successful? Well now, that is a totally different question.” Grinning he looked off across the fields, yes unfocused as he got lost in the old memories. “Remember that slightly accident-prone wizard I told you I knew? Well, one of the things he wanted to collect had something to do with spirit essence, I was young at the time and didnt understand it completely; but lets just hope we don’t come across that particular one any time soon.” The memory of those few days made him simultaneously laugh and grimace. “Have you much experience dancing with the undead Miss Kat?”
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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat laughed as they bumped down the road in the cart. "Maybe we should have walked." She said, wincing when they hit another hole.

She pondered his question, her eyes going to the sky where Nyx was zig-zagging through the winds. "Nyx is a spirit from another existence ... We've not been together long, so I don't know if she is just a pure spirit of nature, which is the most likely thing, or is she might be the spirit of some magical person or being that has passed, but stuck around and took over her body." She gave him an innocent look. "I'm kinda new to it ... I mean, the Craft is something you study for life, and no one is really very good at it without at least a decade of study and practice. Ask me again in ten years and who knows? I might be sharing a home with a corpse or two; I hear they make quiet housemates!""

She tapped the hilt of the dagger. "You didn't tell me this belonged to your sister!" She said. "I shall treasure it all the more. Would you be willing to tell me more about her? No doubt her imprint will be on this blade. I'd like to know more about her."

The rest of their journey was uneventful, if you didn't count the sore backsides and difficulty eating bread and cheese on a bumpy wagon!

They arrived at Verdant Row some hours later. Katarya got down from the carriage taking Dáire’s hand as she did. In Elvish she said: I’m going to smell like damned cabbages for the rest of the day, now!” But to the driver of the cart, she gave a polite nod and said her thank you’s in the common tongue.

As they moved off, she fished around in her bag. ”I’m so glad my grandmother taught me to speak the Kerasoka tongue,” she said, back to Elvish. ”Now it feels like a secret language among the dumb lot in Fellsguard, though I suspect one day I will be caught out saying something I shouldn’t have! Ah-” She pulled her hand from her bag and handed over a piece of parchment to her companion.


A spirit most malevolent wanders the north roads of Verdant Row, waylaying and driving travellers mad with it’s disturbing magics!

Slay the foul abomination and earn full silver piece!

Ask for Red at the ‘Silent Swan’ for more details.

Kat snorted. ”This Red makes a single silver bit much more than it is! But it’s a start, and after some asking around, there is apparently treasure where we’re going,” she glanced at him with a smile. ”Though I expect that’s what everyone says about adventures. We’ll probably just end up with ghoul goop on our clothes, for our troubles.”

After some asking about, Kat and Dáire found The Silent Swan, and stepped in.

The place lived up to its name, but that was probably because only the drunks were here at this early time. The place was well kept and well built. Behind the bar was one of the many spirits who called Verdant Row home; it was a ghost of a female woman, human by the looks of her. She was almost transparent, and the way she moved was silent and graceful, wiping the bar top. She had a red aura about her, and her long, loose hair also might have been red when she was alive.

”I suppose that must be Red,” she said, as the two approached the bar. Nyx chattered on her shoulder, giving the feeling that she thought the same.

The ghost glanced up from her cleaning. ”You suspect right, little caster!”

Kat cleared her throat. ”My apologies, that was rude of me.”

The ghost nodded her head. ”When one lives as long as I, one learns many tongues. I sense you are not here to drink the finest ales of the Row!”

Kat nudged Dáire forward, since he had the bounty note.
Word count: 682

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Dáire »

Dáire watched the glossy raven as she soared and above their heads in innocent glee. He hadn’t much experience with spirits, he avoided them usually when he could but he thought he’d like to agree with Kat’s assumption. Something so beautiful and free by nature, couldn’t have ever been trapped by mortality before.

A lump got stuck in his throat when she followed up by asking about his sister. He hadn't meant to let that little bit of information slip, but he didn’t want to start lying to her. With his heart beat pounding in his head, he levelled an anxious look at Kat, he hadn’t considered that she may have imprinted on the blade either. Where had his head gone?

He diverted his gaze, holding eye contact would make it feel all too connected and he don’t know what would happen if he allowed that door to open again. “She was called Farryn, I actually had two sisters. Farryn who was older and Dessielle who was only a few short years younger than I, but Farryn, she was my hero as a child. Our family weren’t particularly high ranking in the village, but Farryn was one of the fiercest hunters it had ever seen. No one could pull her down, she fought and always came out on top in anything she set her mind to.” He didn’t look at her now, his voice heavy with melancholy as he gave her a wry smile. “You and she would have been fast friends I say, and a nightmare to contend with should anyone have been foolish enough to try.”

He couldn’t bring himself to say more, even after all this time it still brought a sharp pain to his heart. The rest of the journey passing by as many had before it. A very sore backside and crumb dusted ride later, they finally rolled into Verdant Row again. Having only left a few days prior, it felt strange being back so soon, usually many years would pass before he returned to the same place. Change was supposed to be a good thing, but he wasn't yet convinced. He offered Kat a hand out of the cart which she accepted, her elven mutters about smelling of cabbage had him stifling a laugh, turning away as she thanked the kindly man who had assisted them. The sun was well passed it peak as he scanned the sparsely populated street and all its peculiarly shaped buildings.

“Tsk tsk, that’s not very nice now Kat.” He grinned, “Unless we suddenly become popular acquaintances to have though, I suspect insulting people within earshot while speaking Elvish, will be safe – and encouraged! I do like a good laugh after all." He took the travel worn slip of parchment from her, scanning the scrawley lettering. Glancing up, the place wasn't easily picked out in the hodge podge of styles, shape and colours of the buildings. He returned her smile as she joked with him about the whole silver coin they were to earn, “Hey, you know some people would pay handsomely for ghoul goop! We should be so lucky.”

Many of the folk they asked hadn't heard of it either, their blank, almost vacant expressions a little concerning. Eventually one rather odd little old man pointed them towards the south of the town. The building looked drunk to Dáire, much like the few patrons that were already making use of their services. He followed Kat through the door, a barrage of confusing smells and feeling hitting him as he moved on. The red ghost behind the counter appeared human, he hoped her verbal communication was as good as her written had been. He hated trying to guess what they were saying; ghostly lip reading was not a skill he could boast about.

He was about to agree with Kats remark when the ghost spoke up, her voice crisp and clear for a spirit. He felt himself wince as she floated through the bar towards them.
“ I sense you are not here to drink the finest ales of the Row!”

He shot Kat a dark look after she nudged him forwards. Returning his attention to the spirit, he tried to put on his more professional persona, wiping his face clear of expression and shoot straight.

“No, thank you. We’re here in response to the call for assistance that you had contracted.” The spirit remained silent for a long moment, her whole aura appearing to shift as she left her inn Keeper façade behind. The ghostly transparent face slowly twisting into what may have been a pleasant smile when she was alive, but now it looked cruel and mischievous.

You are, are you my young friends? Well, I have to say I expected a different flavour of person to respond to my petiton - but you may do … as young as you are,” She gestured to Kat almost dismissively with an hazey red transparent limb, “and as mute as your magic is Kerasoka.” Her attention refocused on Dáire, whose eye brows had almost gone through his hair line by this point. “Yes … you may be sufficient. Ok; as the contract you still grasp clearly lays out, he’s plaguing the roads to the north, using one of the bridges as a bottle neck to ensnare travelers and locals a like. It’s not every night so you may be out for some time. No one lives out there, well, no one of your domain anyway. Prepare well young ones, and report back when you have the problem solved. Your Silver will await you.”

It always bewildered Dáire how some spirits could flicker in and out of what he almost thought were different souls. As soon as the last words had left Reds mouth, she’d begun to float back to the bar, a pleasant, easy expression returning to her ghostly features. But then again, he’d known those of the living who could pull similar stunts.

“Anything else I can do for you?”

Dáire sent Kat a look, almost daring her to have them stay with the strange ghost any longer than had already been necessary.
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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Katarya Frost »

When Dáire had spoken about his sister, she placed on hand on the dagger's hilt, and the squeezed his hand with her other. "I will make sure then that I am worthy to wield it, my friend." She promised.

Kat had listened intently as the Ghost spoke to them, her eyes going to the Elf, as soon as they turned to go. "If she's calling you 'young' then I can't imagine how old she is!"

They headed out of the tavern, and began their little trip. "I've thought a lot about how we get rid of this thing; I don't have the power to go up against a spirit head-on ... but I have prepared an enchantment that I can put on one of your arrows. Shoot that into the spirit, and it should take the thing down. But I'll need some time to prepare it. Maybe take a look at the location, then find somewhere where I can work? She shrugged. "You're the expert at scouting and surveillance, so I shall defer to you."
Word count: 175

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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Dáire »

Dáire grinned at his friend, “For an elf I am young!” He gestured to himself with a long sweep of an arm, “Do I look old to you, little witch?”.

Soon they were traipsing north and out of the towns twisting streets, he had been pondering how they were going to stand against something with now corporal body for either to slay. Kats idea of an enchanted arrow was intriguing, bows had been his weapon of choice after all, for many decades. “An arrow sounds plausible; they won’t hear it coming so easily and we can stay out of its range.” He nodded, more to himself as he ran over all the possible strategies in his minds’ eye. “I think that sounds favourable.”

They headed slightly north west and found the river that led them into the mountains in the north and the sea to the south, he had thought they could simply follow the river north but the brush along its river banks was so dense in parts, they were forced back onto the road. Dáire kept a shape eye as he led them forwards, well aware of the passing of time, the sun begging to make its final descent into the western horizon. A few groups of travellers passed by them, all allowing a wide birth as Dáire met every leader straight in the eye with a cold look. If the ghost had been allowed to wreak havoc on this road for long, he had no doubt that bandits would also be lying in wait within the growing shadows, more than ready to pick off unwary passers-by.

It was nearing sun down when Dáire’s steps faltered momentarily, a faint but acrid scent that floated on the breeze, grabbing his attention. He groaned to himself, nudging Kat off the road and heading more east.

“We need to stay clear of this area during the dark hours, I can smell the giant spiders up ahead. According to the map we should be close to our irate and haunting friend as well. I don’t fancy a double show down by twilight. So let’s head this way, I hear water and we can camp there.” he said, his body tense and ready to react at a moments notice.

They followed a narrow animal trail down a small incline, at the bottom of which a brook babbled peacefully within a small clearing. He paused, listening carefully as his head tilted this way and that until he was certain nothing undue was likely to erupt from the surrounding bushes. “Will this suffice in space for you to prepare, Kat? We can scout the area when day light returns, and the spiders have hopefully, retreated for the day., they don't usually venture so far out of the rainforests” He hoped she agree, the hours in the rickety cart the followed by their treck through the forest had left him weary, and ready to rest some.
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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat followed Dáire as they moved out of town; this was his territory, out in the wilds. She felt safe with him, though, as if no danger in the wilderness would be anything that the tall Elf had not seen before.

She stopped by his side and listened as he appraised their situation. "Giant spiders? Ugh; no thank you!" She agreed, and followd him down to a place where they could camp. It was quite scenic; the forests, the babbling stream, she gave him a raised brow as she unpacked her things. "How romantic!" She teased.

Later that day, as it grew day, Kat had got to arranging things for the spell while she left Dáire to sort out how they would be sleeping. It was most definitely not her area. She had bought with her candles, and a few other things, most of which she didn't need. "Things are gonna get 'magicy' in a moment," she called out to him.

Kat took hold of the arrow he had given her early, turning it over in her hands. It might just be an arrow, but it was almost perfectly straight, and expertly fletched. ”You Elves sure know how to make great weapons! Even this single arrow has such a well-made feel to it.” She looked at him. ”I won’t have enough magic in me to enchant more than one … maybe two if I can get Nyx to help me, and if I still have the energy.” She sighed. ”It would be simpler if I could just use this particular enchantment on your bow but …. Well, it works like this: When you strike the spirit with the enchanted arrow, the spirit will be drawn into it. It’ll then essentially be a cursed object, so I don’t want to rick cursing your bow!”

She took from her bag a pouch of salt, which she poured onto the short grass, making a circle into which she placed the arrow.

As if summoned, Nyx flew from her pech in the trees and stood at the other side of Kat, her head cocked. She warbled something, which made Kat smile. ”Nyx enjoys helping me with magic. I still have no idea what kind of spirit she is or was, but a familiar always has a magical affinity.” She held out her hands and took a deep breath

Amin yela e'a sina pilin' i' val en' binding,
Let tanya man ta ehta be sealed yassene,
Lotesse ta be y' vessel ten' tanya man naa most saura',
Ar' lotesse ta's duil be true.
Vee' amin will ta, ikotane lotesse ta eb!”

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As she finished the spell, a breeze picked up, whipping small leaves around them, all pulling inwards, as if the magic were like a magnet.

Dáire would feel the power being woven into the wood of the arrow, and after a moment more as the wind picked up, it then died. The salt had been scattered by the breeze, and Katarya slumped back, looking a little pale. ”I think that should do it,” she said. ”But I’m afraid I am quite spent. But this should do the trick. Now, please tell me you brought something to drink?”
Word count: 539

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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Dáire »

It felt right being back in the wilds, settling down for the night amongst the nature that felt as though it sang to his soul. He felt at peace out here, light was fading rapidly and the soft hum of the insects was giving way to the high-pitched calls of the bats, and the mice ran in the under brush as an owl circled above them in graceful arks as it searched out it’s next meal. He smiled to himself when she warned him things were going to be ‘magicy’, he had no doubt it would bounce along his skin well before the spell started to take effect.

He felt the familiar feeling of pride swell within him as she complimented the arrows he painstaking made and kept in the best condition he could. It was work of art for his people, a passion that seemed bred into the Kerasoka, crafting your own weapons where ever possible. Lifting his head from his task of rigging them a tent, he shot her a horrified look, “You chose well then, I don’t know what I would have done to you had you cursed my bow!”. He wasn't sure if anyone but the elves understood just how important, and a part of themselves their crafted items became once finish. The mere thought of it being cursed? Heart breaking didn’t even begin to cover it!

He smiled as he too watched the beautiful ebony raven gracefully join Kat, making such pleasing noises, adding to the orchestra of nature already playing to him. “Nyx is … fascinating - I think that’s the word I’m looking for.” He said almost dreamily, as he heard Kat begin her spell and the sounds of the forest around them quietened, until all he could hear was Kat and feel the magic that begin to bank around her. As she finished chanting, he felt the magic surge like a thousand feathers begin dragged all his entire body as it rushed by him, being pulled to Kat and the arrow in which she held between her hands.

He grinned at the exhausted witch as he went over to her, taking the arrow and examining it tentatively. The arrow hummed faintly in his fingers, like that of small insects’ wings. “Amazing …” He breathed, in awe and momentarily ignoring her strong hint. He was always impressed by the way witches and other magic wielders could summon and bend the power to their will. He looked at Kat once more, slumped on the mossy ground with Nyx still by her side, and made his way to the satchel he’d discarded near the starts of a fire. Digging around in it he unearthed the two mugs he’d brought and produced a bottle and held it up above his head without looking around. “I think this may be just what the healer ordered?”

Ambling back over to her side, he handed over one of the mugs and filled it with the rich red wine he’d purchased from a vendor in one of the towns along the way to Fellsgard. “This was going to be a gift for you at some point, but seeing you dragged me out again, I thought you could just share it with me,” Winking at her, he set the bottle aside and set about getting the fire roaring.

Within no time at all, they were both bathed in the warm embrace of the fire, the brace of rabbits he’d caught earlier in the evening flooding the air with the delicious smell of roasting meat. The whole situation taking him centuries back in time, sitting staring at the flames he found it all too easy to get lost in his own head. He wasn't sure if Kat would think his silence uncharacteristic, she seemed to bring out a talkative side of him that few others seldom saw, and may think that normal for him. It was far from it. Silently he rose and dished out their meal, the sounds of the forest and rising spirits finally penetrating his melancholy thoughts. Ghosts passed gracefully among the thick trunks of the trees on the other side of the brook’s banks. He wasn't sure if it was that his head was still stuck in the past, or if it wishful thinking that had several of the ghosts appearing to him, as those of elven decent.

Sighing deeply, Dáire pulled his knees up under his chin, resting it upon them and wrapping his arms around them, he watched a spirit of pale blue, following the flow of the water, his long hair flowing like the water trickling below him. A smaller much small spirit, that of what he suspected was a young girl glowing a gentle green, darted playfully from tree limb to tree limb, her flowing dress giving her the appearance of having wings. He found himself smiling as he watched the ghosts go about their business. Seemingly having totally forgotten about his companion beside him.
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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat accepted all the help she could get, and when he produced the wine. "I swear Ny'tha sent you to me!" She said, accepting the drink with a tired, but grateful smile.

She was pleased he was happy with the arrow. It was a shame she had only the strength to shoot only one. But she suspected that he wouldn't miss; he had that air about him, quite different from the rest of the people she knew. No iciness like her, no flashy moves like Artemis, no humble strength like Ksenia, he just seemed so ... competent. He was so measured and calm, being around him was comforting to her. She had no idea if it was how long he had lived, or just part of who he was, but he had an air of authority; authority that he might have but wouldn't use, authority he wouldn't need to.

They sat in silence for a time, both watching the display on the water. Kat had never really seen anything like it before. "Vanië" She whispered (the Elvish for 'beautiful'), as if not to disturb the spirits. She watched with fascinated wonder. "I suppose you've seen things like this before," she mused. "What it must be like, to live for so long. What Elves must think of us Humans and our short little lives."

The night wasn't too cold, so rather than use the tend, she lay back on the grass, pulling her cloak about her, watching the spirits dance and play, lulling her into a exhausted sleep.
Word count: 256

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Re: Keeping Down the Spirits

Post by Dáire »

Kats soft words finally penetrated the dreamy haze he had been lulled into by the spirits, they spoke of someone seeing true wonder for the first time, the awe lacing every syllable. He had seen them before, many times, but it never lost is captivating beauty for him even after all the decades he’d lived.
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes as he watched her gaze follow a short and burley deep green spirit cross the river down from them. “Long life is a gift, and yet it is a curse, friend. The changes we see, for the good and bad of the world around us. The friends we have to watch succumb to their old age while we go on without them,” His heart twisted as the many faces of those he’d held dear flashed through his mind, “ “it is an unpleasant burden to bare, but with it we learn more than any human could hope to within their life time.” His mouthed curled into a wry smile as he refocused on the spirits around them, knowing rightly she was slowly dozing off beside him upon the heather and wrapped in the elegant cloak, “ “Maybe one day I will tell you what I think of humans on the whole, and why that is.”


Dawn broke, stirring Dáire from a dreamless slumber, the ring on his finger warm from a nights hard work. Yellow flecks within the dark stone flickered and jumped with the pulsing with the magic it contained. He sighed, careful not to disturb the young witch who laying curled up a short distance away. Stretching and working out the kinks in his muscles, he relit their fire, chasing away the damp air that lingered around their camp site. Insects were awakening, their hum joining to chorus of bird song that rang throughout the forest, welcoming the world to the new day.

The spirits that had been out in force the previous night, were now not to be seen anywhere. The forest felt empty of voices. Thought he wished that were the case, for he knew that one spirits out there, whether mad of malicious, would be up to no good as soon as the travellers began to try and circumvent the area. His attention drifted to the arrow now lying within his quiver, easily discernible from the rest by the black fletching he’d used on it. He was going to have to decide what to do with the arrow once he had shot the spirit with it, effectively cursing the beautiful arrow.

Deciding not to dwell on it, he prepared a morning meal of tea and porridge, steeling himself body and mind, for the confrontation with the spirit.
Word count: 458
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