A Certain Flash of Inspiration [Completed]

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Mila Glade »

Mila watched the half-Fae turn from the smiling performer to a more stern looking person, and when she asked about the staring, Mila knew she was included in the questions. She inclined her head, and moved off. She didn't want to get in any trouble, Artemis would have some words if she did.

So instead she made use of an alley, one where she could watch where the woman went next, and to remain out of sight.

While she idled, and the woman packed up, Mila took out a knife and toyed with it in her hands. "Kaxitaki give me everything, give me luck and give me bounty. Deny it to others, for no one is more faithful than I. Let me walk unseen." She prayed, softly. Then she put the dagger away and waited, patting the coin she had 'relieved' the elf of, and smiled.
Word count: 146
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Vanessa LaNore
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

The elven, maybe half-elven, woman disappeared when Vanessa inquired. This was even more suspicious than before. Instead of attempting to follow her like some fool she dealt with the fawnings of several slightly drunk sailors. “Yes, it is a true creature, records approved by House Nyshasa themselves,” Vanessa said in a practiced lecturer’s tone. People asked these sorts of things of her often enough she imagined she’d had more lecture hours in random streets than at any house of learning.

When the crowd moved to disperse Vanessa smiled at the last sailor who dropped another copper in her pot. ‘No idea what he supports except a pretty face I imagine,’ she thought to herself before returning to packing up her stage. The entire setup condensed down into a rigid box that settled on her back. She had carried the thing more miles than she knew to count and it remained sturdy and reliable.

As the summoner set off down the road she slipped in to a side alleyway. She had a rough sense of where the White Hart was, somewhere near the west district edge of the poorer east. Once she was out of sight of the main road she peered around. Seeing no others she summoned forth Kip, her spirit companion. The illusory intelligence of common cat spirit Vanessa had found in her travels.

Today Kip appeared as a water dragon. After a few short dashes around Vanessa’s head the spirit nestled in across the top of the puppet stage box. Kip was a lazy creature, very taken by his feline spirit’s enjoyment of sunlight and leisure despite being both an illusion and not quite alive. Vanessa grinned at her companions antics and continued towards the White Hart. She’d simply ask for directions if she couldn’t find the place.
Word count: 306
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Mila Glade »

From her rooftop vantage, Mila watched the half-Fae use magic to bring forth this beautiful creature. 'A summoner. She thought, and was impressed. The woman was daring to do such a thing in a city with such ridiculous views on magic. Even she, who was born with blood that would never allow her to do magic, could see the sense in using it, if possible. Stifling it, like Fellsguard and it's Houses did, was short sighted and idiotic, to her. If they used mages, they could conquer!

But she shook her head of such musings.

The wasn't quite the runner tat Artemis was, and she found a few places that she couldn't quite traverse that he might take in his stride, but the managed to keep up with the woman as she asked for directions, then went ahead to the White Hart.

When Vanessa entered, Mila gave it a few minutes. It would look very odd if she immediately appeared! So she perched like a bird, squatting and watching the door. Just a few more minutes ...
Word count: 176
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa released Kip back to wherever he returned as she made to leave the back alleys and side streets. It wouldn’t do to draw the ire of random citizens. She had to halt at least twice in her quest to find the White Hart. Apparently her mental map of the area had more holes than she had thought. Despite the delays, she arrived at the tavern in a reasonable time. ‘Perhaps he’s still here, this Raen fellow,’ she thought as she pushed open the door.

Vanessa was immediately struck by how very elven the entire common area was. From its inhabitants, to the delicate carvings scattered about, even down to the faintly floral scent in the air. It felt like a pleasant place, and she made her way up to the large bar confident she could at least rest here if she had to. Her second thought was the elf behind the bar was important, and should be spoken with as soon as possible.

“Hello, I am Vanessa LaNore. I was told to seek out a Raen, who was interested in my arts,” she said, looking up at the massive elven woman behind the counter.
Word count: 197
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Raen Silver »

Elára Vëa looked up from her ever-present books to regard the half-Fae woman ... for an uncomfortably long time. Then as if she had made her mind up. She looked back down at the pages and spoke. "Raya; tell Raen there is a Salquë wanting him. Quick, now girl." The haughty woman didn't say anything else.

The young girl gave an "Yes, Quimellë!" And ran off to do as she was told.

It was only a few moments when Raen sauntered out from one of the back rooms. On seeing Vanessa, he flashed a pleased smile, motioning for her to join him at a table, away from the severe woman behind the counter. "Welcome, to I'l Fana Kelbé - The White Hart! I am Raen Silver, the resident bard and put upon artist!" He motioned for her to sit, and called to Raya to bring wine. "Good wine, mind! We have been blessed with a most excellent patron of the arts!".

When they were seated, he poured her a drink and raised his cup. "To the artist, and her most excellent trade!"
Word count: 183

"There is no greater gift than that of verse well given."
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa remained unfazed, her expression an imperiously cool neutral, as the overly tall elf woman pretended to ignore her. She’d dealt with far more ridiculous displays of power for far less potential benefit in the pursuit of her research. When Raen appeared and called her over she offered the ‘Lady’ a small nod of her head before acknowledging the bard.

“Hello Raen Silver, I am Vanessa LaNore, researcher of mythical and legendary beasts and fables,” she said as she moved to have a seat. She settled into the chair with a firm posture and important demeanor. Years of training by her mother’s scorn had drilled the process into her. “I must thank you for your compliments. I am terribly happy to find someone who appreciates my work,” she said with a hint of a smile as he announced his appreciation to the entire room with his demands.

“Do you perform something in particular here? I must say it is rather lovely. It reminds me of the works in Ajteire,” she added, looking around at the carvings before returning her gaze back to him. “I do miss visiting the place sometimes, such vibrancy and color. Not to speak of the beasts that roam the wilds,” Vanessa said with a faint distance to her eyes.
Word count: 215
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Raen Silver »

Raen sipped his wine, smiling as she admired the carvings. "You know, all these aren't gone by just one person. All sorts of folk take their knife to the wood, provided they have sufficient skill, and the Cano gives her consent."

"As for little modest me? I sing a few songs now and then." He grinned. "I'm a singer, by profession, and I have my residency here. Are you newly arrived from Ajteire? It's been a long time since I was there myself; I was only a little child, but I remember it being wonderful."

Patrons were slowly starting to trickle in, most of them giving him a nod in greeting, or outright saying hello. The young bard gave each one a grin, a kind word, even passing the odd flirtatious comment, sending a few away with flushed smiled.

Raya appeared again to ask if they wanted food.

"I could eat! Your show gave me quite an appetite, Vanessa Lanore." He reached down to his belt, then after a little padding around he scowled. "Nambá! He cursed. "I fear I have been the victim of robbery! Stealing from a bard ... a pox on them!" He have Raya his best, most endearing smile. "A tab? I am a victim of a heinous crime, after all."

Raya tutted, not taken in by his charms. "Elára won't be happy; you'd best get it sorted before tomorrow." She looked to Vanessa. "What would you like, miss?"
Word count: 243

"There is no greater gift than that of verse well given."
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

“Of course, just like the community centers in the trees. And no, I live here, though my work does have me travelling often.” She quirked her mouth with a tinge of memory. “No sense in getting stories third-hand when you can speak with someone who was there,” she said, admiring a particularly detailed carving. She moved her fingers on the table as if sculpting the image in her head. “I’d be interested to hear you sing, if I have the opportunity. Elven is always such a bright and emotional language,” she said, turning her attention back to the bard.

“Do you only know Kerasokan songs? Or is there any other mysteries in your repertoire?” she asked, her eyes sparkling though her expression did not change. She watched with detached interest as Raen greeted the various patrons entered. “You are clearly a man of the people,” she laughed softly, her fingers moving to take in the filling tables.

When Raen declared his loss of coin Vanessa arched a brow. ‘She stole his silver, not mine. If this affects my chances…’ her thoughts drifted away, leaving the threat unfinished. "<<Your finest comfortable dish.>> I take pleasure in the indulgence of chosen tastes rather than having a discerning palette,” she said to the woman, switching between Kerasokan and trade common without a pause.
Word count: 225
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Raen Silver »

"My dear, I sing all kinds of songs! Mostly the classic Kersoka songs of glory days long passed, to keep the patronage happy." He said, but grinned. "Though I write and sing my own, for what is an artist if all he can do is imitate? Not I, dear Salquë! I am an artist true and true ... just like yourself! You should stay and see this place when the sun goes down;I can promise you a song or two."

The handsome young Elf seemed to have no sense of humility, though he didn't come across as arrogant. Everything about him seemed genuine; sweet almost. When their food was delivered, he nodded to her plate. "You have good tastes. I like rich food myself, though I have to sing for my supper if I want the good stuff."

He kept conversation to a minimum as they ate, recognising etiquette, but his tongue soon began flapping when they were done. "So tell me; where does such a talent artist such as yourself retire in this dire city? Are you using an inn, or maybe friends?"
Word count: 184

"There is no greater gift than that of verse well given."
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Mila Glade
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Re: [Open] A Certain Flash of Inspiration

Post by Mila Glade »

Mila pushed her way into the White Hart tavern. She had been told she would be welcome here, and it did feel good to be amongst elves again.

Making her way to the bar, she spied Vanessa sat at a table ... eating with that silver haired elf whom she had stolen from. She ought to leave, but there was something exciting about being around with an oblivious victim. She sometimes liked to see their frustration and confusion when she had lifted.

"Mug of ale, please." She said when she got to the bar. "Something cheap, if you can. Don't got much."
Word count: 101
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