The Consequences of Remedy [Completed]

Facing the consequences of his good deeds, Calem travels to negotiate with House Enlann.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Calem Sabathe
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The Consequences of Remedy [Completed]

Post by Calem Sabathe »

"Enter, Dr. Sabathe."

Calem opened the door, shivering with trepidation. He'd known this was coming, sooner or later, but he still hadn't been looking forward to being called here. The office of the head doctor was a place few of the staff wanted to be if they could avoid it, namely because the head doctor didn't like being disturbed by people. Whenever he was the one who called on someone, it was rarely for any kind of congratulations. With a breath in to steady his nerves, he stepped into the office.

Doctor Tyrone Lichthart sat behind the desk, bent over it whilst peering over various books and scrolls. His office was minimalist (to put it nicely) - he had a large shelf full of books stretching nearly to the roof, with a small ladder attached to it. His desk was large - besides the papers, there were a few bits and pieces of paraphenalia he'd bought from the West District, though no-one had seen him interacting with them. The only thing of note was an antique candle holder with an unlit and half-melted candle still in it. Even the walls were just a plain dull white. There were rumours that one of the receptionists had suggested Tyrone get a painting put on the wall, only to get glared at.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Calem asked, with a shiver in his voice.

"I don't employ you to act the fool. Close the door." Tyrone responded, not looking up from his papers.

"Yes, sir." Calem did just that, even if he felt it shut out more comforting light from the room. There were a few small windows to bring light into the room near the roof, but it seemed to him like the head doctor only really had light in here because reading was much more difficult in the dark. Calem turned back, but as he looked at the head doctor, his heart was sinking. It didn't take a genius for either of them to work out what he was talking about. "This is about the business at East Hall."

Tyrone looked right back up at Calem, with dark, piercing eyes. "Yes. You knew Artemis was overstepping his bounds with his work order, and yet you approved it regardless."

"I...I know, sir. But the papers seemed legit to the best of my knowledge, and--"

"Dr. Sabathe, you are a doctor, and the best of your knowledge is in healing people, not business." Tyrone's dark brown eyes pierced through Calem. "I am the one who has to deal with the consequences of your work. Or did you think House Enlann was going to just ignore you?"

"...yes, sir." Calem shivered as fear gnawed at him. "Does that mean... ?" Calem couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.

Tyrone saw through Calem with surgical precision. "Don't be an idiot. You're a brilliant doctor. Firing you would be a waste." Tyrone rebuked. "I expect idealism to a degree, we are a hospital. But I do not approve of your manipulation of resources, however small it was, because you thought people needed help. If you want to help people for free, go back to working at the chantry."

"Sir, we were paid--"

"Money is not the problem." Tyrone rubbed his brow again. "Dr. Sabathe, I do not expect you to understand. However, I am the one who ensures House Enlann continues supporting this hospital. They caught word of your actions despite your efforts and your limited borrowing, and if I do not handle this carefully, they are going to come down on the entire hospital for it." No matter what else anyone might have said about the head doctor's blunt attitude, nobody could deny that Tyrone had an acute mind, always planning and considering. He wasn't the greatest doctor in the hospital - though he had been part of hundreds of operations here and his skill was nothing to shirk - but his brilliant mind for business ensured that the hospital kept running despite the various demands on it. "No, Dr. Sabathe, they won't shut us down, stop snivelling. But they will limit resources for us. If resources are limited, we cannot keep this hospital functioning to the quality that is expected of us. Do you understand?"

Calem nodded. "Yes, sir."

"No, you don't. But you will in time." But to Calem's surprise, a slight smile crawled across Tyrone's face. "Still, this exercise isn't without merit. The East Hall is a growing business in Fellsgard. We may be able to use this situation to our advantage."

"Sir?" Calem couldn't help but wonder what was in the crafty old doctor's mind. Calem had never been able to follow where he was going, but he couldn't help but worry - the members of East Hall weren't stupid, but even they might have problems if they fell into Tyrone's plans.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, Dr. Sabathe. However, seeing as you are the one who has instigated this, I will expect you to take responsibility. There are particular supplies that we need from House Enlann, and from what I've seen, your personal supplies have run out. I will be expecting you to go and deliver the requests for more directly to the house." Dr. Tyrone handed over a form to Calem, full of legalese that made even Calem's head swim. "Whether you replenish your own supplies is on you, but I expect you to replenish the hospital's stock."

"Wait, how did you know my supply ran out?"

Tyrone looked up, his smile shifting to a smirk, before returning to a neutral position. "We're done here, Doctor. Get going." Tyrone looked back down to his papers, a quill pen scratching on several of them. For all intents and purposes, it seemed like he'd forgotten Calem existed. Not particularly in the mood to try his boss' patience further, Calem beat a hasty retreat.
Last edited by Calem Sabathe on April 17th, 2020, 8:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 986
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Re: The Consequences of Remedy

Post by Calem Sabathe »

It was a long march towards the headquarters of House Enlann. Calem had made this trek many times before, of course. What bothered him so was that this time, he had to make it alone. Usually he would have gone with at least one of the other more experienced doctors, ones whom knew far better how to talk the talk that House Enlann requested.

Calem had never been that kind of person, despite his best efforts to be more sociable. Meeting Vanessa had helped, certainly, but he still couldn't help but feel afraid. While he was known as a brilliant doctor, he had bent rules here and there to help ensure that a patient survived - obviously this was overlooked when it came to his own supplies, but there were limits and it seemed like, for once, Calem had gone farther than even he could get away with.

It was clear that this was Tyrone's punishment for him. They would respond to re-filling the hospital stocks - they would have to - but the fact that he would have to face them alone like a naughty schoolboy filled him with dread. And the chances that he could get anything for himself seemed almost impossible. Another one of the doctors might have given him backup, but by himself Calem would be lucky if he could get a few spare seeds from the House. 'But, there's no point in putting this off. However dreadful it may be.'


It would have been easier if there was just one primary place to go in order to get herbs but, unfortunately, that was rarely the case. Dealing in constantly shifting wares, House Enlann tended to be spread out across many areas in Fellsgard. In many hospitals, there would be direct representatives of House Enlann whom would organise these matters - unfortunately in The Grace of Cecilia's Healer's Hall, they were one of the few who didn't. Perhaps it was a cost-cutting measure, or maybe a way to keep House Enlann delving too deep into their business - whichever it was, Calem didn't know. But it did result in the doctors themselves often having to take many roles, including organising deliveries directly.

In cases like this, that usually meant heading out to a variety of places, but the best place to start would be some of the Great House's warehouses in the West District. It was rare they couldn't fulfill the order, and even if they couldn't the staff there would typically know at least where to go to.

Calem hadn't travelled to the West District in a while, so at the very least he might get a chance to look through the markets to determine whether or not there was anything that interested him - though with all the money he didn't have, that was unlikely. Besides, there would be time to explore the markets later. He strode through the warehouse district - though he was somewhat nervous, only the worst kind of people would attempt to harass a doctor, if only for the reprisal House Enlann would deliver. Before long he found himself standing in front of one the many warehouses - to anyone else, it would seem as nondescript as the many others, but it was a place that Calem had gone many times before. This was one of the warehouses of Winters and Taubb, some of the suppliers to the Great House. They'd been here for years now, a couple of old men who'd been there for a long time - he'd heard rumours that they'd been around since House Enlann first stood tall, but surely those were tall tales. In any case, they were constantly at work, and that didn't seem to have changed now.

"Come on, lads, get those off to the piers!" A short, stout man stood in front of the warehouse as men moved crates back and forth, head moving between a clipboard and the door. "Put your back into it, we've got to get these on the ships by tonight! We aren't being paid by the hour!" If Calem was correct, it was Taubb who currently stood in front of the warehouse, checking off the supplies as they went past. Calem breathed a sigh of relief - Taubb was at least a little easier to deal with than old Winters. He sighed, took a deep breath in and out, and then walked up to him. "Excuse me, Master Taubb--"

"Not now, boy!" Taubb waved him off, not even looking in his direction. "Mmm-hmm. Yes, that's in order, thank Ahm'kela for that." A couple of minutes past awkwardly, as Calem just rocked back and forward on his feet. How on earth was he going to work with this?

"And done. Now, let me see--ah, young Calem! Been a while since you've been round these parts. And by yourself, too! Ahh, kids grow up so fast these days." Taubb smiled.

"Master Taubb, please, I'm not a child anymore." Calem stammered back, trying to keep professional.

Unfortunately, from Taubb's grin, the stout old man was having far too good a time to quit. "Oh, but I still remember you coming through here, on the heels of old Father Blackwell, running around and giving everyone bandages if they'd so much as scraped themselves... ahh, those were fond memories, eh boy?" Taubb grinned wide at the memory, more enjoying the reaction from Calem whom was currently holding his face in his hands. "Such a good boy, but there's been word from up high that you've been a bit naughty, I hear?"

"Not you too... " Calem moaned into his hands. Had the entire West District heard about this by now? At this point, Calem was not only embarrassed, but starting to worry that House Enlann would forbid him from working at the rate news was spreading.

"Afraid so. But I can't totally blame you. I don't know what it is about them folks at East Hall, but they seem to have quite a way with people. You met young Artemis, right? I dunno how he charms people, but he seem to have a way of it." Taubb stepped a little closer, his voice a little quieter. "Now, between you and me, I hear things, I do. There's a lot of people, a lot of sailors on the East District that were particularly happy 'bout when they heard what was happening. So it ain't all a big loss for you, and make sure you don't forget it. But next time, I'd wager be a bit more careful with your plans, run it by someone first." Taubb sighed. "So I'm guessing you're here to beg some more supplies, boy?"

"Oh!" Calem shook himself back to attention. Moping about his own problems could come later. "Y-yes, sir. The hospital has an order for what they'll need here." Calem handed over the forms, and Taubb's eyes flicked over the sheet. "By the gods, what does that bastard expect I'm able to do, pull all of this out of my arse?" Taubb grumbled. He kept mumbling incoherently to himself, only looking back up at the door to see one of the workers slacking off talking with some handsome young lady he was gawking at. "You pick up that crate and get back to work or it's coming outta your pay!" he roared. The lady chuckled as the worker quickly hopped to attention, hauling the crate towards it's destination.

"Hmph." Taubb turned back to Calem. "You tell Tyrone I can get all this in three weeks, no sooner. But also tell him that he's the bastard son of a mountain goat and next time he can go hunt for his goddamn medicine himself."

Calem flinched and Taubb looked back up at him before laughing out loud. "Ahhh, of course. Coulda said that to one of the other doctors but you're already about to soil yourself simply from the thought of it, eh? Forget it then, boy. I wager the old bastard's heard worse things I've said about him." Taubb shrugged. "Now off with you, the hospital'll get their dues in time, and if old Lichthart has a problem he can see me himself. I'm getting tired of him sending his boys to do his job just because he doesn't want to come out of his house." Taubb turned away to move back to work.

Calem hesitated for a moment, still feeling awkward. But he clenched his fists together. "One more thing, Master Taubb?"

Taubb turned to him. "What is it, boy? I've got things to do."

Calem hesistated a moment. He didn't want to stay any longer, and he'd done what the hospital asked. "I know it's troubling to you, but do you happen to have any spare Sollniln flowers?"

Taubb raised an eyebrow. "Sollniln? Boy, are you asking me if I have spares of a medical supply that I have to get from the Irtuen Reaches?"

"I know it's a lot to ask, Master Taubb. And I don't mean to inconvenience, but I had to use the last of my supply. Even if you just have a few seeds, it would be so much help."

Taubb sighed. "No, Calem, I do not have any spare Sollniln left. What little I have is getting shipped around to every hospital already. But... " he scratched his chin. "I know there's been a ship come back from the Reaches only a day or so ago. Last I heard they were visiting The Velvet Goose. If you ask around there, maybe you'll find someone who's got what you're looking for. You won't even have to look far, it's in South District, on the edge of the East District. Just a little north from East Hall, which I'm sure you'll remember well. Just be careful in there." Taubb looked at him with a stern expression. "They ain't a bad bunch but things can get a bit rowdy in there sometimes."

Calem had heard a few odd stories of The Velvet Goose. Granted, most of them were exaggerations, but it wasn't exactly the kind of place he'd typically have frequented. Part of him felt he should stay well away from there before he got himself into further trouble. And yet, a part of him refused to give up - not without at least trying. "Thank you, Master Taubb. I think I will pay them a visit." Calem bowed to Taubb, before turning on his heel and walking off towards the South District. It would be a long walk, but now was the best time.

Taubb watched as he walked off, a curious look in his eyes. "Huh. Didn't think he'd have gone for it. Maybe the boy's growing up after all." he murmured to himself before turning back towards the warehouse. "I said at it you lazy sods, all this is due out by tonight, not next week!" he shouted.
Word count: 1817
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: The Consequences of Remedy

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem stood before the Velvet Goose. It seemed like a mysterious den of iniquities to Calem's young mind - that's why he'd never really planned on going there or even absorbed that much about the place. Sure, he'd heard a few rumours, but he'd been just as quick to dismiss them - after all, he never thought he'd have come here.

But after he'd exhausted most of his personal stock, and where for once the hospital wouldn't be assisting him, there was no other place he could think of to go without actually leaving the city. And while he was planning to do that eventually, that wasn't going to be for a while yet, and he certainly didn't have that much time. The Velvet Goose, much as it made Calem's mind race with dreadful imagination, was going to be the best place to find what he was looking for. With a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves, Calem pushed open the doors and slowly stepped in.

As he shyly stepped in, several faces turned towards him - some belonging to various tavern-goers, some belonging to the various serving ladies and boys - and Calem clutched his cloak to himself a little tighter. It wasn't long until most of the people here went back to whatever it was they were doing, but it didn't stop Calem from sticking out. Already feeling terribly nervous with the crowd around, he couldn't quite figure out who to talk to. Maybe that was why one of the serving ladies decided to take some form of pity on him - either that or they were sick of him wandering about half-dazed. "Heya kid, you lookin' for somethin' or just here to admire the scenery?"

Calem spun suddenly to face the lady. "O-oh, no! Nothing like that! I mean, um... I'm looking for something--er, someone."

"Oh, by the Idols, this one's going to be eaten alive." the serving lady shook her head. "And who, pray tell, would you be looking for?"

"I heard there was, um, a ship come back recently, from the Irtuen Reaches. I was told I might find some of the crew here...?"

The lady almost laughed. "You are too precious. Relax - you look like you're going to faint. It's obvious you've never been here before, but you're practically glowing. As long as you don't cause trouble, nobody's going to care where you come from, alright?"

Calem still wasn't particularly sure of that - he could still see a few people throwing glances at him across the room. "If you say so. So, um, is anyone like that here?"

The serving lady tilted her head a bit, but eventually gestured towards the corner of the Velvet Goose. "See that table there? No, not in the corner, a little away from it. Yes, that one - that's the crew you're looking for, I believe - the crew of the Eastview." Calem nodded as he looked over towards their table. They certainly looked as much the sailing type as Calem had expected - a group of fit men and women of varying races - some humans, a couple of Fae, a few Kerosokan elves and a couple of dwarves - whether they were passengers or sailors Calem was, admittedly, uncertain. As he walked over towards the table the serving lady had pointed out, he could hear the group laughing and carousing. Calem forced himself to speak up. "Um, excuse me...?" Calem asked, interrupting their conversation as the sailors turned to him.

The conversation suddenly stopped as the sailors on the table turned towards him. "Whaddya want?" one of the human men glared at him.

"Um, I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but... I was wondering if you had any extra supplies you'd be willing to sell?"

There was silence at the table, before one of the Kerosokans, looked into Calem's eyes as well, staring daggers. "And what, pray tell, makes you think we have anything to sell?" His voice never raised, but the sharp edge in his voice made Calem realise he'd made a serious mistake.

"I-I don't mean to pry!" Calem spoke a little quieter, but it was too late as the crew looked at him with suspicion. A note of panic entered the doctor's voice. "I just.. I've heard that you went to the Irtuen Reaches and--"

"Yeah, and ya point?" One of the humans at the table, a rather muscular looking thug, stood up from his seat. "Sounds ta me like yer accusin' us of something. That ain't a nice thing to do, y'know? Could hurt someone's feelings."

"I-I apologise if I've insulted!" Calem stepped backwards, starting to regret ever coming here in the first place. "I just, I'm a doctor, I'm looking for some supplies. I heard that I could get them--"

"Really? And doctors jus' ask any random sailor they find about what's on their ship? D'ya think we're stupid?" The thug reached into his pocket, and Calem swore he could see his hand grip something.

Calem started to sweat. If he moved now, he might be able to make it to the door before the thug attacked him - maybe. But just as he was about to spin on his heel and run, another voice spoke up.

"Wait... you say you're a doctor?" The voice belonged to a middle-aged man, whom waved at the thug. The thug stopped in place, but didn't take his eyes off Calem. The middle-aged man didn't look as thuggish as the man who'd stood up earlier, but there was something in his eyes that commanded attention. He scratched the black stubble on his chin, looking Calem up and down. "Are you... what was his name? Kay-something or other?"

Calem nodded quickly. "Y-yes! I'm Dr. Calem Sabathe, sir."

"Calem Sabathe..." the middle-aged man smiled. "Red-haired doctor, glasses, looks like a stunned deer whenever someone spooks him." He turned to the elf. "I'll vouch for him, Cap'n. The boy's who he says he is, no mistake."

Both the Kerasokan and Calem turned to the middle-aged man, both looking slightly confused. The middle-aged man, however, continued speaking to Calem. "You wouldn't know it, but a cousin of mine told me 'bout how you helped him and a bunch of his crew at the Black house." He turned back to the elf, apparently the captain of the Eastview. "I saw the stitches myself, cap'n. If he's a pretender, he's a damn good one."

The Kerasokan hesitated, then waved at the thug. "Sit down, Tock." The thug looked at his captain briefly, before grumbling and sitting back down. The captain looked back at Calem. "You'd better be thankful, child. Seems your life is being held in the palm of my second-in-command. I'll accept your word, Martin, but if anything bad happens it'll be on your head as well as his."

Martin shrugged, directing at Calem a slightly apologetic look before taking another bite out of the food in front of him. The captain now looked Calem over as well, sizing him up. "Though if you're a doctor, I didn't think you'd be quite so stupid."

Calem flushed, trying to work up a statement, but Martin broke in first. "Ah, that's what my cousin told me. Good kid, but spent a bit too long with his head in the clouds along with all the fancy people. Guess he had to come down to earth someday!" he let out a laugh before tearing into the food in front of him.

"Quite." The captain didn't look impressed, but at least he no longer looked threatening. "Now, you." The captain turned to Calem, who stood up straight, still a nervous look in his eye.

"Y-yes, sir? I mean captain? I mean, sir?"

"I'm not your captain. 'Sir' will do, if you must say something. Now, normally I would tell you to get lost, find a fence next time who knows what to do instead of blundering in." The elf smirked, ever so slightly. "But any favour you do for a man of mine is a favour you do for me, and I like repaying my debts. So I'll hear you out, this once. Now, what is so important you're interrupting our dinner?"

Calem breathed a sigh of relief. At least now he probably wouldn't be killed. "I'm looking for medicinal herbs, sir. Sollniln, if you happen to have any. Most of my supply was used up at East Hall and--"

"Shush, boy!" Martin hissed, startling Calem into silence. Martin looked around, before pulling a spare seat towards their table and gesturing Calem toward sit. As much as Calem felt awkward about it, he'd already gotten himself in this deep, so he figured at this point he might as well throw himself all in, and so sat down. Some of the crew of the Eastview glared at him, some grinned. Martin's face, however, was solemn and he spoke in a very quiet voice. "Look, you're new here, but let me give you a piece of advice. Don't mention that place out loud here if you can help it. If you must speak of it, just call it the Black house." Martin looked into his beer. "You wouldn't know, but... sometimes there are tales about the master of the Black house, tales that the owners here rather wouldn't hear. Old tales, boy... sometimes, sad tales."

"Tales? You mean about A--the master?" Calem asked. Though he'd only briefly met Artemis, he had somehow seemed much older than he had let on. Calem couldn't help but be curious about what it was that had drawn so many people to him.

Martin shook his head. "Oh no, boy. They aren't my tales to tell. You learn that living this kind of life long enough, a man's story is his own." Martin paused, taking a swig of his beer. "Mayhaps he'll share with you, but until then it ain't any of your business and it shouldn't be anyone else's."

"Then how do you know, Martin, you decrepit old goat?" One of the Fae asked Martin, a twinkle in her eye.

"Because my ears aren't for decoration, you twittering idiot." Martin shot back. "Now, enough of sad old ballads. What did you say you were looking for?"

As much as Calem was interested by the stories, they weren't the purpose of his travel here, and while the crew had softened slightly they hadn't exactly accepted him, so he had no intention of pushing his luck any further. "Sollniln, sir. It's a flower with orange stem, six orange petals in a funnel shape. It has some medicinal properties - primarily it's good for treating burns and small cuts, the pollen it makes can be an effective natural disinfectant." Calem stopped when he realised everyone was looking at him blankly. "It's used in a lot of hospitals. Even if you just have a few seeds that you can spare, it would be of great help to me... and to a lot of people."

"Hmmm..." The captain closed his eyes and nodded. "Alright. I may be able to check my stocks a bit closer if you happen to have, say, 20 copper?"

It wasn't cheap, but it was definitely better than having to wait another month, if not more. Calem took the money out of his purse and put it down on the table. The captain raised an eyebrow. "Not even any negotiation? How amusing. You may have the luck of the Idols themselves, but seems you're still a fool." The captain turned to one of the serving ladies. "Another tankard!" he shouted out. It was only a few moments before another tankard was brought. The captain gestured to Calem, and the frothing beverage was put down in front of him. Calem looked at it, then back up at the elf, plainly not understanding. "Consider it a test. I don't deal with a man who can't hold his liquor. You drink with us, and you've got a deal."

Calem looked back down at the mug. It smelt quite strong, stinging Calem's nostrils. But then, Vanessa had helped him to expand his drinking palette (among other things), and he refused to back down now. He held the tankard up a bit, studying it a little, before raising it. "To your health, wealth and happiness, sirs and madams!" he saluted, before lifting the tankard to his lips. The table cheered as he threw down the alcohol, and even the captain looked slightly impressed.

Unfortunately, five seconds after he finished, Calem realised why this was a terrible idea. The strength of the brew struck him as the alcohol went down his gullet. His eyes bulged, before he started coughing loudly at the table. The alcohol burnt at the back of his throat. The rest of the crew of the Eastview burst out laughing, but a few of them were cheering in their laughter. "Hmm. Not bad." The captain admitted.

"Ristgir's light, what was that?" Calem spluttered. The aftertaste wasn't so bad, but it was still taking effort just to breathe.

Tock, across the table, rolled his eyes. "Have ye not tried any proper brew? It's a little something we brought from the Irtuen Reaches! That's the stuff could put a grin on any dwarf's face!" The dwarves at the table rolled their eyes, but they were too busy enjoying their meal to care or correct him.

Calem wobbled a little in his seat. "That was something else."

"Hmmm. Alright." The captain nodded at Martin, who reached over and took the coppers Calem had put down in front of him. The captain took out some paper and scribbled something before handing it to Calem. "Meet us at this dock tonight. We'll have what you want sorted out."

"M-many thanks, sir." Calem stood up from the seat. The alcohol was still burning in his throat, but he'd survive. "Thank you for giving me some of your time and, uh, not stabbing me."

The captain nodded. "Next time you plan to talk with anyone here, by all the Idols, learn the rules first. Now get going, and let us finish our meal in peace."

Not wanting to interfere any further, Calem left the Velvet Goose. He couldn't help but feel a strange sense of euphoria at having survived - but then, maybe that was just the alcohol talking.
Word count: 2388
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: The Consequences of Remedy

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Night-time in the Trade District was a somewhat strange thing to the young Calem. He was a little surprised that things were still as busy as ever, except now as the moon hung over-head people seemed almost more focused then they did before. Perhaps it was because of his destination, but everything in the Trade District seemed just a little bit more mysterious than it had before-hand. A part of him couldn't help but wonder if there was other mysterious smuggling-based goings-on happening. Not that Calem paid particularly close attention to them - he didn't want to draw any more attention then he probably already did. 'Well, this isn't where I expected things to lead to tonight. I wouldn't mind some good tea after all of this is done...'

Calem pulled out the note, reading the directions quickly again to try and figure out where the right place he would be looking for was, before putting the note away. He remembered the port well enough, and it was just negotiating his way through the busy district while trying to keep to himself. Calem kept himself on the move, trying not to make himself too obvious a target.

Fortunately, people in the Trade District seemed to be keeping to themselves, and Calem found his way quite quickly to the Eastview, still sitting in the dock. Calem pulled out the note again, looking over it. 'Just in time.'

"You made it." Calem was pulled out of his reverie by staring up at the captain of the Eastview, looking down at him.

"O-of course. I wouldn't want to waste your time, sir!"

The captain nodded. "Good." The captain pulled out a small brown bag. "Fortunately for you, I did manage to find a few of the supplies you were looking for - Sollniln, was it?"

Calem nodded, and reached out for the bag, before the captain jerked it away. "A moment, boy. I told you that I would search the ship for what you wanted. I didn't say that I would give you what I found."

"W-what? But--" Calem was caught completely off-guard by the sudden turn.

"It's time for you to learn a hard lesson about this life, boy. You have an optimism about people, which is good - but you will need to learn who to give that optimism to. I could ask you for more money. I could refuse to give you what you want. I could even rob you right now, if I so desire, and nobody will ever know."

Calem stepped back, a chill running through him. "Are you going to?"

The sternness in the captain's voice faded a little. "Rob you? No. You helped me. Besides, the potential repercussions could cause me problems. But that doesn't change the fact that you are stepping into a dangerous position with little more than hope. So why should I give you these? You talk about helping fellow man, but what do I get out of it?"

Calem was a little surprised by why he asked for such a selfish request at first. But at the same time, it didn't feel like the elf was that selfish deep down. It felt more like the elf was trying to teach him something. Calem closed his eyes, trying to think. "Well, I mean, the more people whose lives I can save, the higher the chance of someone requesting your services."

"A point. But it wouldn't make too much of a difference to me. I can sell these for a higher price elsewhere. How many people would you save whom would help me?"

Calem hesitated for a moment, trying to think of an answer. Surely there was something he could say to change the captain's mind, to show him the good that it would do. But his silence spoke volumes. In the end, Calem admitted, "I don't know."

The captain smiled sadly. "And there you are. The world is not such a nice place as you want to believe, Calem. If you are not careful, it will swallow you alive. I don't ask that you forsake your optimism, but you must realise that not everyone is worthy of your trust."

Calem hesitated only a moment, but then looked right back into the elf's steely eyes, summoning up his courage. "If that's true, then let me ask you something. Why do you trust your crew?"

"Because I've travelled with many of them for several years now. I've had time to learn what motivates them, what they want."

"And together, you're more likely to get what you want." Calem nodded. "But that can't have been the way it started. At some point, you had to begin trusting them, to learn all that, right? You had to risk things could go wrong, but wasn't it worth it in the end? I saw the camaraderie you had with your crew - it must be important to you, to continuing your work. Could you continue working like that if you couldn't call your crew, at least to some degree comrades, if not friends?"

The captain was silent, simply listening as Calem talked.

"I know the world isn't a nice place, sir. I know that not everyone is kind, and that there's a lot of people who'll take advantage of me, or hurt me. I'm a doctor, but there's been many people who have been angry at me." Calem shuddered slightly, from old memories. There'd been many people who were cruel, whether angry because of the death of someone they cared for, or simply because they would resist treatment violently, of their own volition or under some terrible influence. "But I want to believe in people. I want to believe that the world would be such a better place if we trusted each other. Without trust, how could we have ever gotten this far?" Calem spread his arms wide, gesturing to the world itself, before they fell back down to his sides. "I'm scared of being hurt, of being betrayed. But I'm willing to take that risk if it makes the world a little bit brighter, makes even one more person smile. Maybe that's a little selfish, but that's all I've ever really wanted."

The elf paused, tossing the bag up and down in his hand a couple of times. "...interesting. You truly believe that. You might be a fool, but you seem willing to take responsibility for what you believe in. I can respect that." The captain gently threw the bag to Calem, who caught it. "But it's easy enough to say you'll take responsibility. I hope you're prepared."

"There's only one way for me to find out. Thank you, sir!" Calem thanked the captain with such conviction that even the elf was a little surprised. It was rare that anyone who purchased supplies from him was quite so thankful. "You're welcome. Now go save the world, or whatever it is you do."

Calem nodded, heading back for the safety of his apartment in the Urban District. But as he did, the captain's words went over in his head. Could Calem live up to the convictions he believed in? There was no way for him to tell right now, but Calem was determined to give it the best try he could.
Word count: 1214
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