The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Daena arrives in Fellsguard to become the lady she always wanted to be.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Daena »

(Hello everyone! I've been reading through the site and excited to join you. Luckily I'm familiar with the formatting options, but I apologise in advance if I make any mistakes! Look forward to playing with you all :love: )

"Well, hello little lady! What brings you to Fellsguard this day?"

Daena looked up at the man - a guard, she supposed, judging from his uniform, obvious sense of pride in wearing it, though the obvious give away was the sword at his hip and the fact that he was waiting for her at this place and asking such questions. Having managed to slip into the only nice clothes she had, cursing like a drunk, grumpy Dwarf, rather than a dainty little half-faery, Daena was well presented. She wore a modest dress of light blue, cut low, but not enough to show any cleavage - not that she had much to show on that front - but enough to show off the winking silver which held a twinkling aquamarine stone, and short enough to stop just at her knees. Well, her pendant looked like an aquamarine gem, but in reality it was just a cleverly cut piece of glass. As were the stones that studded her silver ear cuffs, and that sparkled from the slender chains entwined in her pale hair.

"Good afternoon, good sir," she said, even giving a slight bob before looking back up to him with a gentle smile, looking right into his eyes, before blushing. "I'm sorry for being a little shy. Where I come from, we don't have such handsome men wearing uniforms and carrying swords! I'm afraid I'm a little out of sorts!"

The guard, young and not unattractive, seemed rather pleased with that, giving her a modest grin. "Well, thank you miss! Don't think the lads would quite agree with you on that."

She gave a girlish laugh, and then held out a slender hand. Three of her fingers boasted rings, all silver, each set with blue stones of varying hues. "Then I suspect they say such things out of pure jealousy." She even winked! My name is Kiara Daana, and I am here to see family and to take up a job working with House Enlann." She bit her lip and glanced away, as if bashful. "What people would say if they saw me now, flirting in such a manner! I can hear my dear governess now! 'A lady should never be so bold!" She giggled. "Promise not to tell?" She looked back to him with a most delightful smile.

The man laughed, he was nearly the colour of a ruby! He took her hand, and for a moment looked as if he might kiss it! Though thankfully he only held it, gently and briefly before letting go. His ego had been firmly bolstered by this encountered. "You're asking me not to tell my friends I flirted with a Faery Princess? That's just cruel! My name is Jimmy, miss." He shook his head, still chuckling. He had even puffed his chest out a little, and the look of joy on his face was endearing.

But then he had to ruin it. "If you have your papers for House Enlann, I am sure that I can have you taken there directly?"

Damn. She had been delighted at being called a 'princess'!"I should be going to my family's home first, I must look an awful fright after such a long journey!" She didn't - she had made sure she didn't! "But you are so very kind to offer. Kind and handsome! Your good lady wife is quite lucky!"

The guard gave a look of false modesty - this was obviously all going to his head - and shrugged while scratching the back of his head - not failing to make sure he flexed his arm as he did. "I'm afraid there's not a lass in my life. Too much working."

Daena managed to pull off a convincing look of sympathy. "How unfortunate for you - and for the ladies out there! I am quite sure someone will snap you up before you know it. Especially in such a dashing uniform! And thank you, for your offer, but I can find my way. You have a wonderful day - " Oh damn, what was his name again? "Noble guardsman." she finished, a near break in her character.

"I wouldn't recommend walking the streets in this area by yourself Miss Kiara." He was persistent. "A beautiful young girl like you - and I'm afraid people can be a little intolerant of people who aren't human - not me, of course!" he added, quickly. "I think the Fae are - well you certainly are - well, I just think you should have an escort, is all."

Holding back a sigh of frustration, Daena forced another sweet smile - which she was getting quite sick of having to do - and nodded. "Of course, and you are so kind to help me! Just let me check if I have everything." She swung her small pack around that contained her travelling clothes, money, and a lot of very cheap jewellery and began to look through it. While her head was bowed, her blue eyes were scanning around them, before spying a man laughing with his friends, a tankard in his hand.

Her eyes narrowed as she focused on it, and then pulled.

Jimmy yelped in surprise and pain as the tankard was yanked from the man's hand, flew through the air, and hit the unprepared guard right on the back of the head.

Daena managed a surprised gasp, even managing to look frightened. "That man attacked you!" She clutched her bag towards her. "Do you think it was aimed at me? Oh this is so very scary!"

Jimmy turned around and spied the young man, who was looking at his hand in puzzled surprise. He glanced back to Daena. "You just wait here, miss. I won't be a moment."

Daena nodded her head, eyes wide. "Of course! But do be careful!"

Once he had turned and began to march over to the nervous and puzzled man, Daena's face chnaged from the picture of innocence and charm, to give an exasperated sigh, and turned quickly to lose herself in the crowd.

While others might be intimidated by the crowded streets, Daena sported a genuine smile as she navigated her way through the throng, looking at shops, selling this and that. She skipped the mundane and instead would stop and stare at those that sold clothes and accessories, wishing she had the money to spare to indulge. But she didn't. She figured she had enough for a few nights at an inn, or a tavern with a room and a meal, before she would have to acquire any more.

Daena did, after all, intend to be a lady!

After rejecting this one for being too smelly, and that one for being too full of men who looked at her and made lewd comments about what they would do if she just let them buy her a drink - she stood, wondering where she ought to go.

Her sapphire eyes caught a person passing, and she cocked her head slightly. Whoever that person was, they weren't your run-of-the-mill nobody, and so she quickly stepped in front of them, giving a winning smile, nodding her head politely (to ensure the midday sun glinted off the stones in her ear cuffs and from her hair). "I am deeply sorry to stop you in such a manner! I am quite lost! I am trying to find a place to stay - an inn, or such. Everywhere I have been to so far looks as though I'll either be bitten my rats or the patrons." She gave her very best smile, and held her hand out, lady-like. "I am Miss Kiara Daanan. Might I request your assistance?
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Kelwin »

Kelwin's crash course in the ways of dragons was finally over. He hoped he didn't have to deal with anything dangerous for awhile. That seemed a thin hope in Fellsguard, but he tried to remain optimistic. The crime rate increased all the time with new gangs popping up constantly. He only hoped the city guard would step up balancing the scales better. The watch in the dock district certainly showed him it was possible. Their help when the dragon's were escaping the Black Sheep was invaluable.

Suddenly, a middle-aged human woman in a guard uniform stopped him. "Hey you kerasoka, what do you know about the Blood Elves gang? They are a pack of Elvin miscreants like you. Their number is full of kerasoka, lumeacia and half-bloods as well. All you knife-eared lot know each other somehow, so spill!"

Kelwin was absolutely speechless as he was unfairly grilled for information. People like this were the worst. His body twitched with anticipation for a fight with this racist warrior. As a martial artist his honor demanded he not do it. She was doing her job even if it was so poorly done. "I'm sorry madam, but such unfounded threats will get you nowhere. I assure you if I hear anything about them I will let house Arcaod know."

"Your a cocky little twit aren't ya. Your fellows are wanted for multiple murders of human, fae and dwarven citizens of Fellsguard! However, I'll let you off since you didn't dare to attack a lawful guardian of this city. Keep yourself on the side of right punk. Otherwise you can enjoy a cell, be on your way." The woman’s face was glaring the whole way as Kelwin walked away.

He smoothed his pale red hair repeatedly which was a nervous gesture of his. Suddenly, he was blinded for a moment as the jewels and hair of a half-fae woman caught his eyes. He shook himself visibly. "Sorry Miss Kiara Daanan was it, my mind was elsewhere." He felt the noble in his lost memories come forth again. He knelt to one knee and took her offered hand. He gave a brief manerly nod of his head and stood releasing her hand as he did.

"A pleasure I am Kelwin. I have no titles to speak of, but am always willing to help. I would suggest Mac's for entertainment in the west district. The place has shows every night and unique eating options. Also, there is a inn nearby called the Azure Anchor which caters to the middle class mostly. They may not be what your use to, but in my humble opinion it is the best. If you want a clean private room anyway. Shall I lead you there?" He calmly waited for her reply with a comforting look on his face.
Word count: 470
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Daena »

Daena gave a delighted smile to the mysterious man took her hand and bowed. She had to restrain herself from clapping in happiness at how respectful he was being, and so she did her best to remain as demure and dignified as possible. "Well! Aren't you just the ticket!" She said, looking up at him. He was handsome, for an Elf. She had often heard tales of the Lumeacian Elves and the Fae not getting along, all to do with that silly war and the alliance between Fae and the Kerasokan Elves. Daena gave such things no mind. She had been raised by a mixture of Humans and Kersokans, but they had been bandits, and didn't give a damn about much about anything other than coin and comfort. "I would be delighted to be escorted, good sir. It sounds quite wonderful"

She stepped in line with him, appreciating that he walked a little slower than his long legs usually took him, doing her very best to glide with grace and elegance, giving smiles and lady-like nods to those she passed, her cut-glass jewels twinkling in the sun. Mostly, people looked at her in confusion. Some of them even looked impressed! The gaudy accessories and the fact that she had an Elven escort was not hurting her situation!

"Although this is my first time to the city, Master Kelwin," she said, with the dignity reserved for a benevolent queen. "I must admit to being surprised to find a Lumeacian here. Your people are renowned for your connection to magic are legendary! I wonder why one would come to a place like this, with all their silly laws against magic?" She spoke softly. Daena might not know much about Fellsguard, but one heard rumours. "I must also commend you on how you handled that woman, back there!" she gave him a smile. "You are truly a man with honour, Master Kelwin! I think whatever gods may be were looking down on me with favour this day, to make such an acquaintance."

This was all turning out better than she could have hoped! She only had a small amount of money, however. She wasn't sure how she was going to go about paying for the places Kelwin had suggested! But she's find a way to deal with that when the time came. For now, Daena was going to enjoy herself!
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Kelwin »

Kelwin was surprised by the half-fae's compliment. "Thank you Miss Daanan I do try to help those I can." As they strolled along he noticed several people seemed envious of the two. He figured it must be for his beautiful well dressed charge. He was a little taken aback when she posed her question about his orgin. "I'm impressed you could tell my lumeacia heritage. Usually only other elves can tell the difference, because of my hair color. You must be familiar with us to figure it out. I don't really know why I left my races home since protective magic erases our memories of it. This city just happens to be where my wanderlust has led me for now. May I ask what brings you to Fellsguard? If you don't want to answer I will not pry further."

The monk listened to her response as they walked onward to the docks. The daily bussle of a busy district of the city was forcibly reducing their pace. He was already walking at a measured step to accommodate their height differences. However, now they were moving at a crawl leaving barely in space between them.

Suddenly they came to a complete stop. It seemed a disturbance ahead halted foot traffic. What was it he wondered? There seemed to be some sort of angry shouting. Even his keen ears couldn't make out more than mumbling over the crowds din. "I'm sorry miss Daanan we have an obstacle ahead. How would you like to proceed?"
Word count: 252
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Daena »

Daena was thoroughly enjoying herself as she walked through the city, drawing curious glances from those the two passed. In a city like this, the two must have looked quite the sight!

"I knew of one Lumeacian who had visited my home." she answered as they walked. "She was so beautiful! She didn't stay with us long, but she taught me a few things." She didn't embellish on what as it all pertained to magic. But the most useful lesson she had learned from the beautiful visitor was how to hold herself like a lady. Daena had watched every smooth, elegant move the Elf had made. Daena had imagined the woman had once been a princess or a great lady. "But as you say, she didn't remember anything about her old life due to the strange enchantment. Do you ever wonder what it would be like to go back? Would you go home if you could?"

As their pace slowed, and then finally came to a stop, Daena tried to see what was going on, but everyone was so tall. When he asked her how they ought to proceed, she turned to him with a smile, the motion making the hazy sun glitter off the glass jewels in her hair. "Why, we should investigate, of course! Something exciting might be happening!"

Then, without a trace of fear, the tiny half-Fae began to slip through the crowd to see what the commotion was all about, and how she might benefit from it!
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Kelwin »

"I haven't actually given it much thought. I must have left for an important reason. However, I likely wouldn't refuse the opportunity to return home." The enraged voices seemed to grow louder as miss Daanan entered the crowd. Though Kelwin's mind could be playing tricks on him. He was concerned about her safety after all. Following the smaller woman was difficult in such a large crowd, but he managed since her jewelry kept catching light from the sun.

The scene he came upon was chaotic. Two merchant carts had collided leaving their wares scattered across the road. One was a dwarf and the other a human. The angry yelling was the pair of business men arguing about who had right of way.

The dwarf was currently shouting the loudest. "You better concede you were in the wrong you big headed fool. Or I'm certain house Arcaod will see my rightful claim for damages."

"Hah your threats are as small as you are. I clearly had right of way you must be drunk. I'll bet house Lericyro would find some low quality rubbish in your cart!" The human was clearly not keeping his anger in check.

"How dare you dwarven craftsmanship is always of the highest quality. Your a bloody piece of cheap pyrite." The dwarf then swung his fist into the human's stomach.

Kelwin shook his head at that and spoke to the half-fae. "I'm sorry miss Daanan, I have to stop this before things get worse." The monk charged in blocking another punch from being thrown.

Suddenly, the merchants had a common enemy. "Stay out of this elf!" They spoke at the same time.

At that point Kelwin knew he was in trouble. He now spent time dodging two opponents who were skilled street brawlers. He shuddered to think about the other problems happening around him. He hoped miss Daanan was okay.
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Daena »

Daena watched as the scene unfolded before her, and gave a start of surprise when Kelwin waded in! She was not averse to a little drama (in fact, she almost lived for it!) but to get in the middle of a fight between two strangers in the street was quite something!

She watched the Elf move with the fluid grace of his species, and marvelled at it... until it seemed he had bitten off more than he could chew and was now the focal point of both of the men. Daena wondered what she should do, as the guard seemed to be nowhere in sight. So she took a deep breath, knowing the move was risky and pushed her way through so that she was now inside the circle that had been created at the scene.

Summoning a little glamour magic, the light that hit her cheap, gaudy jewellery increased a little, glittering proudly. She drew herself up (which didn't make much difference, being as short as she was) and infused her voice with a touch of power when she spoke. "Stop this at once!" she demanded, catching the attention of most of the onlookers. She lifted her chin, adopting an air of superiority and upper class snobbery. "How dare you accost my bodyguard! I am Lady Kiara Danaan; daughter of Lord and Lady Danaan, and should you harm my man in any way, you will either see the inside of a cell or never set foot in this city to trade again! Do you understand me?"

The men and women around her were all staring at her with mixed expressions. Of course, no one would know who she was, nor who Lord and Lady Danaan were, as she had simply made them up. She was relying on the ignorance of the common folk to give her words momentum. A fair few of them looked suitably impressed, at least! But it was the Human and Dwarf who were attacking Kelwin that she needed to shake up.

Taking a deep breath she took a few steps closer towards the fray. "Sir Kelwin?"

Please let this have worked!
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Re: The Pretend Princess [First Post: Open]

Post by Kelwin »

The dwarf immediately stopped fighting when the half-fae spoke. "Now now miss, no need to get your blood up me an him have known each other for awhile as fellow merchants. These things happen every few months or so. Just mostly harmless conflicts that usually don't escalate to fighting. He's been a little off today though." The dwarf gave a dramatic bow along with his apology.

Unfortunately, the human was still fighting Kelwin as the other spoke to miss Danaan. The Lumeacia immediately sensed her use of magic and got a left hook to his face for the distraction his worry for her caused. He would have to warn her about the inquisitors watching for rougue magic users in Fellsguard. However, something of deeper concern struck him with the punch's contact. He felt something similar that the pirates had given off during the dragons' escape. This human was beyond reasoning as if something dark had taken hold of his heart. The monk knew knocking him out was the only way to save the man at this point.

Now that he only had one skilled opponent he decided to end this. He grabbed the human's more muscular arm as another fist came his way. Then he took a step foward using the merchants momentum to throw him on his back. He used his martial arts skills to knee the human hard in the stomach. This was followed by a punch in to the merchant's head as he landed knocking him out. His magic sense told him some sort of thread snapped that was controlling the human. He followed it quickly, but only managed to see a tall shadowy figure walk away calmly with body language that indicated annoyance.

Kelwin responded to Daanan's words in a whisper. "Thank you Lady Daanan for the help. Do be careful when you use your gifts. There are soldiers in Fellsguard trained to capture people with our talents." As his words stopped the city guard showed up finally to take control.

A human man in his middle twenties seemed to be in command and shouted as other soldiers broke up the crowd. "Right folks, shows over this is a busy street. Move on now, you two stop!" The leader indicated a pair of people trying to make off with goods from the carts. Some guards moved to chase after the would be theives. "Now you four what happened here? As a representative of house Arcaod I need facts!" As the warrior spoke four guards circled the two merchants. Then more guards moved closer to Kelwin and lady Daanan.
Word count: 432
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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