The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Helo returns to the spoils, and Mila decides on a plan to handle the inevitable retaliation of the bungled burglary.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Helo Tarran »

"Just move!" Helo snapped at the burly man who attempted to question his arrival at the dingy little hideout the Sparrows called their headquarters.

"Let him in."

Helo glared at the man as he pushed his way passed and into the building, though his nerves were tight. He didn't care about the people Mila surrounded herself with, it was her that he was worried about.

Clutching the book to his chest, Helo stepped into the large room (large for a room in a slum-house, anyway) and the silence was heavy. The various thieves and general criminals were sat here and there, eyes going from the shapeshifter to the Mila. "You got home quick." he observed, quietly.

Mila was lounging in a chair as if she hadn't a care in the world. The young half-Elf didn't even look like she'd just been in a fight with a seasoned warrior. She was sat across from a heavily tattooed man, the two of them playing runes. She didn't look up as she spoke. "I'm fast." she said, simply, then laughed. "Ha! I got you again, Torren. You're really shit at this game. I have no idea why you bother." She turned at last to look at Helo, then the book. "You got the book! Good for you, Helo."

Helo remained still. Mila didn't offer out praise easily, and considering how the night had gone, he didn't trust her demeanour for one second. "I did."

Taking a small blade from her belt, she began to pick her nails with it. It was an obvious threat, and the room's air grew tense. "And you fucked it up in a spectacular fashion! In fact, you might have fucked us so thoroughly, I'm surprised I might not give birth soon." She rose to her feet.

Helo's hand tightened around the book. "Mila, I..."

"Listen up, Sparrows." she spoke out, addressing the room. "We've got something from the Elves of the White Hart. It's important to them, but it could be a broken pot for all they care. They will not tolerate theft, and they will come after the thief, who is a Sparrow. This means that all of us are at risk." She motioned to Torren, who seemed to understand what she wanted, and immediately fetched her a cup of some strong smelling drink. "I want you all to scatter, but ready for me if I call. Go out, steal, beat people up; make us some coin. Tania and Torren, you stay here in The Nest. Well? You waiting for a fucking hug goodbye? Get out!"

The Sparrows scrabbled to their feet, grabbing this and that, and began to make their way out.

Once they had all gone, with only Tania, the thief, and Torren left (Helo had no idea what he actually did) did she then looked Helo. [speech]"We can be absolutely sure the Hart will respond to this. Fucking Elves!"[/speech] She growled.

Tania was on her feet, but she was leaning against a wall. It seemed her standing (and undefined relationship with Mila, herself) was high enough that she was more relaxed than the others. "The shifter fucked up. You should have sent me, Glade."

Mila's eyes went quickly to the tall, beautiful woman. "You don't tell me what I 'should' do, Tania. I might eat cunt but I won't take your shit." she hissed.

That seemed to startle Tania, who stood a little straighter and, wisely, remained silent.

"Does the Hart know about this place? About the Sparrows?" he asked. He might be scared of her, but he was also banking on their history to keep him from her putting a knife in his gut.

The half-Elf shrugged. "Probably. If they didn't they will very soon. There are plenty of Elves in the slums, and you can bet your arse that they'll all be happy to report back to the Hart." She downed the drink, handing out the cup to Torren who refilled it as she spoke. "We have their ledger, which can't stay here. It'll have to be hidden. I'm open to ideas?" She looked between the three.

"I would say my place, but since I was the one who..."

"Fucked us." Mila finished for him.

Helo took a breath. "Yeah." No point in denying it. "It needs hiding where only one person knows the location. If you have any contacts that no one knows about, Mila. It might be time to call in a favour."

The head of the Sparrows was silent for a moment, pacing slowly. She didn't seem overly concerned, but anyone who knew her would see that this was really bothering her. After a moment, she stopped and turned to the trio. "I have a place. But it's going to be useless if everyone is dead."

"Do you really think they would kill us? I lived with them; they might want retribution, but I never saw them as killers." Helo truly believed that. He had no doubt they would suffer for the blundered robbery, but he doubted that the Hart would endorse a slaughter.

"Elves can be as nasty as anyone." Torren piped up.

"I'm more concerned with the Sparrows being done before we even get going." she stated. "The plan is to hide the book, have the names put in a ledger of our own, then we simply give it back." She said this as if it was that easy.

Helo's eyes widened. "I don't think just giving the book back is going to call off the inevitable hunt." He pointed out.

"I'm not fucking stupid." Mila snapped. "But keeping it is just not an option. They will hunt down everyone until they get it. I will have the book's contents copied, and then get it back to them. Meanwhile, we keep dispersed. It's the best strategy we got so far. If anyone has any ideas that aren't stupid, then come to me. Helo," she downed her second drink and began to talk to the other room, summoning him with just his name.

Falling behind her, Helo wondered how this was going to play out. Maybe he should just cut his losses and run back to Ajteire ... but he couldn't be sure the wrath of the Elves wouldn't follow, even if he decided to flee. Plus, as wild and unpredictable as she was, Mila was showing some true leadership (in her own way), and he was responsible for this. He closed the door behind him, still holding the precious book. "You followed us." he pointed out, without accusation. "It was lucky for us that you did."

Mila took a seat, leaving him to stand. "Yes... 'us'... you made me swear to leave that little boy-mage out of all this and when I turn up to check all is well and you are safe, I find that fucking mage there! He used his magic on one of their guards! How many more ways can you possibly fuck me, Helo? Because I am running out of holes." She held up her hand as he was about to speak. "If you were anyone else, I'd have cut you so much right now, you'd have three more mouths! But... I guess I'm just a soft touch, these days."

'Soft touch?! That was a laugh! Or else it would be, if they weren't in the situation they were in now. "I'd never have pulled it off without him, Mila. You gave me an impossible task! Surely you knew there would be fallout from this!"

"Of course I did! I'm not an idiot!" she spat.

'Just rash and maybe even a little mad.' He walked over to her and placed the book on the table. "He did it to help me. And I let him. I regret it, if that's what you're asking. I should never have let him talk me into it. He's a good kid, and I let him get involved."

Mila gave a short, derisive laugh. "Noble talk, Helo. But he is involved. And he's staying under Black's roof! Do you think he'll be too thrilled at a person in his little hall getting mixed up in this? You are meant to be smarter than that." She threw her knife on the table and swung her legs up to rest on the edge. "He's in it now. It's your fault, so you can handle it. He'll be useful, even if he's untrained. He managed to deflect an arrow from a Kerasokan Elf! Impressive."

Helo's eyes widened. "You promised to..."

"Tough fucking shit, Helo!" Mila snapped, angrily. "You use him. Whatever he did to get you into that place and out with the book must be good enough that he'll be an asset to the Sparrows."

Helo raised his chin. "I won't 'use' him."

"Then I'll kill him."

Helo's eyes widened at that. "Mila! Please, I..."

The half-Elf looked away from him, as if bored. "Go now, Helo. Go and do your bit to put out some fires, use your little boy-mage. Whatever you need to do. Go."

The Changeling stared at her for a moment, his jaw was tight in unexpressed anger, before turning to go.

"Oh and Helo!" Mila said, from behind him. "Good job."


Crawling through the window, Helo-as-cat padded through the upper floor of a pleasant home in one of the more nicer areas of the city. His ears and eyes were on alert as he made his way around the house. He had been to a few places until he had found one that had a sole occupant, even though it had two floors. The man who lived here seemed to be a leatherworker of some kind, but Helo's investigation of the house had revealed that (at least he thought and hoped) the man didn't work from home. This meant he could hide out here until he decided what to do next.

Curling up in a pantry, under the shelves with the smell of herbs and flour around him, Helo-as-cat fell into a fitful sleep, all the while wondering what he was going to do with Kit Heron, the young, good-hearted lad he had turned into a thief and target for the Elves of Fellsguard
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Mila Glade »

Mila crouched atop the building, eyes on Torren as he made his way through the streets. Across his back was a bag that contained the very precious ledger the Sparrows had managed - against all odds - to get from the White Hart tavern and the prideful Elves that worked from there.

It had been interesting to see how many people, many of them not even Elves, were in their employ. It would be even more interesting when they figured out just which of the 'jobs' that these people were assigned were legal and which were not. Mila's whole reasoning for pulling off something so dangerous was simple: information and the possibility to blackmail. If she could hold the thread of revealing these illegal activities to the authorities over the heads of both the Hart and their contractors, could yield a good deal of coin.

It didn't really occur to her too much all of the enemies she would make in the process.

But now, Torren was the pack mule that would deliver the ledger to Mila's contact who had agreed to copy the book's contents. It was imperative that they had a copy. She had no doubt that the Elves would track the book down, and she needed to be in a position where she could hand it over freely whilst still having access to the information.

Running the roofs, she followed Torren for a few reasons. The first was to ensure he got the right address, where she would make an appearance, take the book and send him on his way. The other was to protect him if he encounter any problems (problems meaning Elves on the hunt!) , and lastly to ensure he didn't double-cross her. Though she trusted Torren and his sister, Tania, she still didn't trust them with something so valuable. Who knows what this or that organisation would pay for their little prize! Mila was not about to let Torren find out. All she had told him was that she would meet him there; he had no idea she was following him.

Helo had insisted she 'had to trust somebody!' Mila disagreed.

When her Sparrow had reached the front door of the pleasantly ordinary house, Mila slipped down from the roof and walked from the garden to him. "Give me the book and fuck off." she said, conversationally.

Torren nodded, handing over the bag and leaving at a good, leisurely pace.

Mila gave a good knock on the door and waited, her pale eyes looking idly out at the people who passed. Though she was usually rather relaxed when it came to imminent danger, she felt herself tense slightly whenever she saw an Elf going about his or her business. You never knew with that lot!


MIla turned at the portly woman who looked at her with surprise on her face. "Who else?" she asked, rolling her eyes as she pushed past the woman and entered the house.


"A week, Glade. There's a lot here!

Mila groaned, annoyed. Frida was a forger, but since this was just a copying job, Mila hoped it would be faster than a week! A lot could happen in a week. "Is there no way it can be done any quicker? Neither of us want those fucking Elves up our snooches, Frida." Mila took a swig of the sweet wine the pleasant woman had given her.

Frida's home was at the bottom end of what could be called 'middle-class'. While her husband went to work each day working for House Enlann as a successful apothecarist, Frida was a 'forger for hire'. Her rates were quite high, and the Sparrows would not have usually be able to afford them, but Mila had found a way around that, her own way of subsidising the small payments they could afford.

"I'll work as fast as I can, Glade. But a week is a good amount of time for all of this." The woman, her hair greying now she was in her middling years, turned each page carefully. "Lucky for you my Elvish is quite good."

Mila gave a smile and held her cup up slightly. "That's why you're the best, Frida?"

Frida looked up to Mila with a smile. Her fingers left the crisp pages of the ledger and she stepped towards Mila, turning those nimble fingers to Mila's shirt buttons. "Maybe I'll be able to shave a few days off, if I can..."

"Eat my cunt?" she finished the woman's sentence with her question, to which she already knew the answer. This was how things were done between Mila and the forger. No one knew about it, of course, but it worked well. Mila downed the rest of the wine. "Eat away."

With her head already buried in the half-Elf's modest bosom, Frida moaned her assent.
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Helo Tarran
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Helo Tarran »

After a restless night's sleep, Helo had decided to avoid going back home on the off chance that the wily Elves of the White Hart had somehow managed to track his place down. So, after he had spent the night in cat-form in the rubble of the old hut he had once called home, he now made his way into the city markets to get some food.

It was not do to be too secretive, as that would only make him look more conspicuous, but he did have his hood up as he bought a pastry, a few apples and even a large mug of milk. Though he was mighty hungry, he found himself looking about himself nervously, waiting at any moment for someone to grab him. Would the Elves do such a thing in broad daylight? Every time he passed one of them, his heart was in his mouth and his stomach was in knots.

But he was most unprepared for what came next.

"Good morning, Helo."

The Changeling started, gasping and near dropping his food. His wide eyes went this way and that, drawing curious glances from folk around him. Helo knew that voice, and he shivered in discomfort. Shuffling off to a side street, he pushed himself into the shadowed corner of a nearby house, and took some long breaths. "Kat?" he asked the air, nervously.

There was no reply.

After a moment of waiting, wondering if the voice would sound in his head again, he decided this was something Mila should definitely know about. He was also quite sure that she would gut him for not telling her, especially if the Witch showed up and began to cause havoc (as she was wont to do), when they were trying to deal with their current crisis.

Throwing the half eaten pasty to the ground and pocketing the apples (his appetite was completely gone), he glanced around to see if anyone was watching, and when he was confident there was no one, his form shimmered, and Helo-as-cat took off at a run, heading for the slums.


"She spoke to you? Where? When? Mila demanded.

The Nest was empty apart from Mila. As per her orders, all the Sparrows had gone into hiding, though she herself was staying put. Helo didn't understand that logic; if the Elves found out where she was, then she would have to face them alone, and no matter how good she was with her throwing knives, she wouldn't survive an encounter with a group of pissed off Elves in this small building. "She spoke to me in my head." he answered. "I have no idea where she is. I felt her ... presence a few days ago. But until today there was nothing, and all she said was 'good morning'." He felt horribly uncomfortable knowing she could do that.

Mila, on the other hand, had a broad smile on her face. "So, the Witch is back! I always liked her. What I wouldn't have done to have gotten between those thighs..."

"Mila! This is serious. She's dangerous!" He gave a sigh of frustration as Mila's smile only got wider. "If she is on the side of the Elves in all of this then we are doubly fucked."

Taking a seat, Mila shrugged. "Last I was aware, she wasn't on the best of terms with them. Why would she help them? She could help us!" The half-Elf seemed enthused by the idea!

"Katarya Frost helps no one but herself." Helo replied, stubbornly. "I'm telling you this because we need to be ready if she decided to interfere, or if she just wants to mess with me. Who knows what that crazy bitch thinks!"

Mila laughed at that. "She's got you scared stiff, Helo! Relax!" She winked and ran a finger through her hair. "She was always good to me, so I doubt she'd want to cause trouble."

Helo felt like shaking the girl! Didn't she realise how dangerous Katarya was? Just thinking about her voice... "Something has happened to her. She felt... different. Darker. Before her voice was like a cold wind, but now it's something else. I just want us to be prepared, is all."

Rolling her eyes, Mila sighed petulantly. "Fine! Though I am not sure what you want me to do about it. I am officially tasking you with making sure that - should she reappear and want to get involved with things, she doesn't see us as her enemy."

"How the hell am I supposed to..."

"Enough, Helo!" Mila snapped. She was growing tired of this. The leader of the Sparrows had too much to consider without having to pander to Helo's paranoia. She was anxiously waiting for Frida to let her know when the copies of the ledger were made, watching out for her men and woman, and anticipating a knock on the door from a bunch of very angry Elves. Katarya Frost could wait. "Go speak to that mage of yours. Fight fire with fire, right? Get out, now. I am growing bored of your hand-wringing."


Padding along the walls that framed the road leading to the East Hall, Helo had decided to check in on Kit. Mila's suggestion of using Kit to ward off Katarya was ridiculous. It would be like putting a straw soldier in front of a dragon! Kat was complication no one needed, right now... or ever. So he was simply going to ensure that his young friend was doing alright. He had no idea what Kit must have been going through after the theft and subsequent attack and run.

He sat, emerald eyes fixed on the entrance to the East Hall (he still dared not enter often), and waited to see if the mage would appear. At least in his cat-form, Helo was unlikely to be discovered by any passing agents of the White Hart.
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Calem Sabathe »

It was somewhat nice to have a day off from the hospital. There'd been somewhat of a lull in the number of patients that had passed through the Healer's Hall of late, and Calem was enjoying the calm days, hoping they'd last until he was leaving. He'd still been eagerly packing his bags, looking forward to the expedition that he would, with any luck, be sharing with the very lovely Professor Vanessa LaNore. Though thinking of her still made him blush a little, there was a slight smile as he actually skipped a couple of steps.

He'd spent a little bit of time wandering through the South District, trying to engrave the memory of Fellsgard inside him. If he was leaving, he wasn't quite sure when he'd next see this place. He couldn't wait to leave the city, but at the same time there was a certain sadness in the prospect of it. The city would most likely still be here where he got back though - and when he got back, hopefully he'd be an even better doctor (and/or magician, though he didn't dare think that too loud) then before. It was going to be a wonderful adventure, he could feel it in the air.

Though sometimes, there was a certain prickling at the back of his neck. It was probably just worrying too much, but sometimes he couldn't help but wonder how long these calm days would last...

As he felt that prickling sensation again, Calem looked up at where he'd suddenly found himself. If he wasn't mistaking, this was East Hall. Even though it had been likely about a week or so, he could still remember it as one of his proudest (if most expensive) moments. For a moment, he imagined the field hospital he'd been able to set up with some of the other doctors, and he felt a slight sense of pride. There hadn't been many terribly wounded too, but knowing that he was capable of organising something on that scale - even if Artemis may have stretched his responsibilities a bit - made him feel quite happy. "I'm really going to miss this old city..." Calem murmured to himself as he looked up at East Hall.

Calem had an odd feeling that someone was behind him, all of a sudden. He turned around, but there was no-one there - just what looked like a stray cat, staring up intently at the building as well. Calem smiled - he'd always liked cats, even if he'd never had one himself. "Hey there, little kitten..." Calem slowly approached the cat - it didn't seem to notice him at first, which allowed Calem to get close, kneeling down and giving the cat a friendly scratch behind the ear. "I wonder what you're doing here? Not the safest place to hang around I'm afraid - maybe you saw a nice mouse around here?" He smiled as he started petting the cat gently. "You know, you remind me of another little Kit that I think lives around here. You'd probably like him if you met him, he's always trying to help people. I'm sure he'd like helping you out too! I hope he's doing alright, though...the boy does worry me a little, I must admit." Calem stood back up and turned back around to East Hall. "I wonder if he's here now...? Well, either way, it's probably nothing. I'm sure the young lad is doing fine. He's got a good head on his shoulders." He mused, mostly to himself as he looked over the building, lost in thought. He couldn't help but wonder where Kit had gotten to now? Studying, most likely - that seemed to be his type. 'Just like me, I suppose.' Calem thought to himself.
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Kit Heron »

The cat cocked it's head as the young doctor spoke, as if listening intently. It purred as Calem scratched and talked softly to it, pushing it's head against his hand.

Then, the cat's eyes flicked to the side and it jumped forward into a run before jumping into the arms of a startled Kit!

"I'd wondered where you'd been!" Kit spoke to the cat as he would have spoken to another person, not a simple animal. When the cat let out a 'meow', Kit looked up to see the good doctor he had visited some days before.

After everything that had happened over the last 24 hours, it was a relief to see a friendly face who either wasn't part of this whole mess. There was certainly no one in the Hall he could have talked to ... not that he was intending on spilling all his secrets to anyone, but seeing a friend who was completely on the outside of it all brought a smile to Kit's face. "Doctor Sabathe!" he called out, making his way over with the silver coated cat in his arms. "Good day, doctor. What brings you this way, today?"

Kit's tone was cheery, but there was a shadow in his eyes, and he looked like he hadn't slept well. The gravity of the situation he had found himself in was slowly dawning on him, though even he had no idea just how much trouble this was causing. He was woefully ignorant of the strength of the Elves and how seriously they took the blow to their pride.

In his arms the cat wriggled until Kit let go. It landed gracefully, then simply took a seat at Kit's feet.

The young mage looked at Calem with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "The little guy took a liking to me." he tried to explain himself, though his tone was a little off. Kit Heron was a poor liar. "Tends to follow me around a lot." The cat gave a small meow of that. Was there a hint of protest in its mewling? "I trust you are well?"
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Hearing a call out, Calem turned to see just the person he'd been thinking of. "Ah, good morrow, Kit!" he called out, but was a bit surprised when he saw the stray dash into Kit's arms. "Oh, is this one your cat?" In hindsight, the cat did look like it was more well-off than the other strays that he had seen around the area. "It does look like you've kept him well. I suppose it makes sense, a kit for a Kit." Calem chuckled at his, admittedly, terrible joke, but it did bolster his good spirits a little. "Truth be told, I was just wandering Fellsgard - I've been making preparations to leave the city for a while. Oh, not for a few weeks, I will still be able to provide assistance for a while!" Calem assured him. After all, one way or the other Kit was still a possible patient, and he had been expecting to see him at the hospital again to help with addressing the wounds he'd seen on him earlier.

"As for how I have fared - it's been an interesting and busy few days, but otherwise quite well. And yourself...?" Calem was quite pleasant, but as he looked at Kit's eyes he noticed something he hadn't seen at first. "Kit, are you alright? You look very tired - have you not been sleeping well?" Calem couldn't help but wonder - had someone at the East Hall been pushing him? That didn't seem likely, they were charismatic but not forceful. Kit had come across as the kind of person who liked to help people, but had he been pushing himself too hard again? That seemed a bit more likely. "You have been taking care of yourself, I hope? Things aren't going to get any better if you don't manage to get some rest, you know."

Calem couldn't help but worry he was sounding like an old father chastising Kit - which was especially awkward as he was only a couple of years older than Kit himself! "Well, if there's something bothering you, I'm happy to listen and help as best I can. I wouldn't wish to keep you if you're busy, though. It's just nice to look over this place again. I've only been here once before, but it was memorable, to say the least." Calem smiled. Though if something was bothering Kit, it wasn't likely he'd figure out what - he kept his secrets well guarded.
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit looked down at Helo and chuckled, both at Calem's joke and the pointed look he was getting from the cat. His brow raised when Calem mentioned leaving! He couldn't even hide the disappointment on his face, as he was hoping the two of them could become friends. The way the young doctor spoke, behaved... it made Kit feel comfortable. Calem was intelligent and kind, and that was the sort of friend Kit wanted. Helo was intelligent, of course, but Kit was a person of academia (even if it had been forced upon him), and he had looked forward to having someone with whom he might one day share a drink with and ponder the mysteries of philosophy, science and, of course, magic.

"Will your trip be for research purposes, or will you be taking a vacation?" he enquired, both curiously and with the hope that Calem would assure him he would be coming back!

When Calem asked after his health and wondered if he had been 'taking care of himself', Kit reached up to scratch at his temple - something he always did when he felt nervous or shy, and it infuriated him that he had no idea he was doing it until it was pointed out. He glanced back at the Hall, and then to Calem. "I'm doing well," he lied, unconvincingly. "Since you have some free time, and I am not due at the University until tomorrow, perhaps we could walk together? Unless you're busy, of course! I don't want to intrude if you want a peaceful day alone."

Despite his reassurance that he wouldn't mind in the slightest if Calem declined, there was a hint to his tone that suggested he really would like to walk with him.

On the ground, the cat watched them in silence, peering as if it understood what they were saying.
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem nodded. "Of course! Honestly, a walk with someone might make this afternoon a bit more exciting. Truth be told, I've just been wandering the South District anyway. It's interesting to just take a moment to stop and appreciate the city."

It seemed like Kit didn't have a particular place in mind to go, and neither did Calem really, so a brief walk through the city seemed to him at least like a lovely idea. "I've lived in Fellsgard most of my life, but it's interesting how one never really takes stock of the city's history, and all these buildings. Some of them I remember from when I was just a little boy, others seem to come and go with the changing seasons." Calem drifted off into nostalgic musing, almost forgetting the fact that Kit was following along.

Of course, he remembered shortly afterwards that Kit had asked him something. "Hmmm? Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it, but I wouldn't so much call it a vacation." At least, he wouldn't admit it. "There's so much more for me to learn, and truth be told it feels like I've learnt all I can from books for now and from treating people here. The only way to improve my medical skills is to leave the city, find out about new treatments and old remedies, something that I can bring back here when I return."

Calem took another look at Kit. With his tired eyes and sheepish demeanour, there was no way he was 'doing just fine'. Unfortunately, the way the boy insisted on taking care of everything by himself, it was unlikely that he'd talk about it if Calem just asked him outright. Perhaps if they walked together given some time Kit would feel comfortable enough saying what was on his mind. In the meantime, Calem decided to at least try and put his mind on more pleasant things, for a little while. Looking around, he noticed someone sitting on a bench, a book in their hand. "Tell me, Kit, do you have a favourite book?" Calem asked, out of sudden curiosity. "I don't mean your studies, but just a book that you enjoy reading for the fun of it?" Calem hadn't met a lot of fellow readers outside the chantry - many read, but few truly enjoyed it. "There's a wonderful bookstore in the Trade District that I've been meaning to buy something from - Blue something, Blue Ribbon? Blue `Page? Blue... drat, the name escapes me. I've been trying to find something new to read but been buried too deep in medical journals." Actually, he just hoped Kit knew of some other good stories of knights and heroes and fantasy, but he didn't quite want to admit a love of romantic fantasy out loud. Who knew what the boy enjoyed?

Calem took another look at the cat that was following them, staring intently. 'That cat seems very perceptive. Does it... no, surely I'm imagining things.'
Word count: 503
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit was pleased to walk with Calem through the city. For once he was not on an errand, or scurrying off to secretly meet Helo, and Calem's calm sincerity was just what he needed right now.

His eyes went this way and that as Calem spoke, nodding as he did. "Outside of my studies, I had never much been interested in the history of the city. I know the big things, of course, but you make a good point. There is architecture everywhere that only seems to reveal itself if tou take the time to look. When you see it, it suddenly stands out, as if it wants to tell you its story." He motioned to a faded carving of a winged horse in the stonework of a nearby building. "That, for instance. I understand it is just a storehouse now, but surely it must have been something more important at one time."

Kit smiled as Calem's gaze grew distant with memories. "I can't imagine what it must have been like to grow up here! I am still surprised at just how many people can be in one place at one time! Before coming to Fellsguard, ten people together would have been a crowd, for me." Their slow, steady pace took them towards the docks, but kept away from the main bustle so that they were walking along the wall that gave them a stunning view of one of the Great Lighthouses. On the few scattered benches, people sat with food, talking or reading. "Have you travelled much, before? It may be as strange for you out there as it is for me here!"

They came to a halt at a corner, the harbour stretching forth beneath them, and the silvery coated cat leapt up onto the thick wall and shuffled down as the wind blew gently against its furs.

When asked about having a favourite book, Kit considered this for a moment. "I was never permitted to read storybooks when I was first taught my letters. Everything I read was philosophy, anthropology," his voice lowered a little, though they weren't close enough that anyone would hear them. "Magical studies. Mostly magic. I spent more time reading Elvish enchantments than any child I had ever heard of... though that wouldn't have been many anyway." His eyes went to the Great Lighthouse. He had visited sites to view them often, as he had read about their power in a great many books. Seeing them had been both wonderful and somewhat deflating; whatever magic had been in them resided in only one, now. This one they were currently in the shadow of, was just a towering structure. "There was one book about a boy who stole a feather from Esyrax, as the Idol slept in his eagle form. The boy was living in a the woods, having been abandoned because he had 'unusual markings' on his skin - I suspect some kind of birth mark or such - and the feather gave him strength and courage to return to the village to demand a trial." He sighed. "It was inspiring to me, as a child. I wish I had brought it with me, as it always gave me hope. I sure could use some, right now." The lad's eyes looked down at the churning water below. "May I ask you a question, Doctor? Has your magic ever gotten you into trouble? I apologise if it's too personal a question... I don't wish to pry."

On the wall, the cat's eyes were fixed on Kit, pupils large and round. The intensity in its gaze would surely have given Kit cause for thought, if the young mage had even noticed.
Word count: 616
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: The Sparrows - Anticipating the Wrath of the Elves

Post by Calem Sabathe »

"It is indeed amazing what you can find when you look around." Calem agreed. "I myself was never particularly intrigued by the history of the city, it's just always been so familiar. But at the same time, once you start looking it's incredible how many things you realise you never saw before." As Kit pointed out the winged horse in the storehouse, Calem came to the sudden realisation that it was something he'd never noticed before. Kit was clearly speaking more truth than perhaps even he realised. 'I wonder what it was...? Did Father Blackwell know about it? Maybe I came here when I was younger? If I did the memories escape me...' he thought to himself as he looked over the stories. He laughed a little. "It reminds me of an old story. I don't remember it too well, just that I was sitting at Father Blackwell's knee when he told me. A story of a prince on a winged horse? Apparently when he finished telling it to me, I immediately demanded that the old priest get me a winged horse!" It was an embarrassing story, but at the same time pleasant to remember.

This was a road that Calem hadn't wandered many times before, so looking up to see the three Great Lighthouses did provide a certain amount of comfort. "I suppose that makes sense, if you're not from Fellsgard yourself. But no, I've rarely travelled far outside Fellsgard, and never outside of Tyivr itself. I'd be lying if I wasn't a little worried about the prospect of there being so few people." Not that he was travelling alone, of course - the thought brought a slight blush to his face. He took another look up at the Great Lighthouses, even if it was only the one that shone out. "Still...I suppose I'll have Ristgir at morning, Ny'tha at night, Ahm'kela around me and Cecilia beside me. So I think I'll end up being alright." He wasn't quite sure he should mention who he was travelling with - that would be up to her to decide what she told him.

As Kit admitted he hadn't read many stories, Calem turned to him with surprise. "Is that true? You never read the old stories...? Any stories? That's preposterous!" he burst out, then shook his head, speaking a little quieter. "Ah, I apologise, that was rude of me. But, without imagination, I don't know how one expects to truly live - anyone can repeat equations and statistics, but without imagination..." Calem trailed off, trying to figure out what he wanted to say. "Well, without imagination, there would be nothing new. Cecilia taught us that. If you like, I would be happy to share with you some of my books, if you'd like to look at them while I'm gone? Maybe it would help you in your studies, think outside the box a little. Though I'm sure Miss Vanessa's stories will be more exciting than some of my old ones, haha."

The story Kit told him was one that he'd read a long time ago, though it had been a while since he had read that old tale. He listened carefully as Kit told it - it was amazing what some people revealed from stories, even those not about themselves. He wondered what in that story that Kit sought. Power? Acceptance? A father? It didn't seem like the right time to interrupt him - Calem couldn't help but feel there was something underneath Kit's words, perhaps that the young mage himself didn't even realise.

As Kit asked him about his magic, Calem couldn't help but smile a little bit. "Me? Now when did I ever mention I knew magic?" He couldn't help but gently tease Kit - of course, he'd heavily implied it to the young man, but it was good to know he'd finally caught on. Or perhaps Vanessa had told him? Either way, it didn't really matter. "Though of course, if by chance I did happen to have some knowledge of it, I might admit that, a few times it had gotten me into some slight trouble." Besides Kit, there were only two people he could think of that would know about his abilities, and he hoped not to get either in trouble. "Besides that, I've had little practice, most of my study has been theoretical."

He paused for a moment, looking out towards the sea and smelling the salt, as old memories flooded his mind. "My... father caught me once. He did not turn me over. But he did teach me that if I were to use it, I must be prepared for the responsibility of wielding it. I've tried to keep that to heart." Calem looked around, making sure no-one was listening. "And yet... I feel that to ignore magic is just as grave a mistake as to cast it recklessly. Magic can do great evil, yes, but I also believe it is a boon for great good. I do not believe that magic itself is evil, but a tool just the same as any scalpel. Perhaps someday, more people here will see that..." He turned back to Kit. "And yet, that's why I believe imagination is so important. Learning magic is one thing, but without imagination, how could we hope to create magic? Imagination must have been important even to the Eidolons, if the stories of Ixaziel creating the Fae are as true."

Calem shook his head. "I'm sorry, you must be bored listening to me. I'm talking more than the bards usually do... but it's nice to have someone to talk about this with." Calem looked back to Kit. "Actually, it reminds me of someone. A bard I met whom invited me to visit a tavern recently - not that I tend to go to them often, but it's nice to try something different. It was quite a nice place, even if the owners seem just a little scary. Now what was it...?" Calem thought, then snapped his fingers. "Oh yes, The White Hart! Fascinating place... you'll have to visit sometime!" After all, surely the elves would love someone as studious and thoughtful as the young Kit - surely they'd get on well!
Word count: 1040
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