[Mature] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You [Completed]

A tavern dedicated to the rougher sort of patron and seedier sort of business

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Marcy grinned when she got a courteous reply back and relaxed into the booth. She skillfully poured two cups of wine, then took her own in hand to sip. "Not at all Kat. You gave Tommy a frown, and then you came back with medicine. That sets you above alright in my book at least." Marcy giggled and twisted her mouth in thought at the question about Cook. "I've only ever heard him called Cook. Though he does certainly keep his fingers busy, and often not even with the food. Chef's the one who cooks the meals, though you'll likely never see her unless you're in the meat business."

Marcy seemed to melt further into the booth as she took another sip of wine. "Goodness, it's been a day. Do you want anything to eat? I didn't use my second meal, so I've got a spare," she said, looking at Katarya over her cup. With only a beat for consideration, the woman said, "I'll get us some chicken and bread, and teach you while we wait." She flagged down one of the passing swains and mimed eating bread, then let loose a giggle when they made a bird with their hands.

"The first thing you'll want to know is handing money directly just isn't done. Unless you're looking to make a side deal with a server or invite them to bed." Marcy side-eyed Katarya and smirked, "Though I can guess why Tommy wanted to take you up on that offer. You've got a nice presence about you. Other than that, there's three simple rules," she said holding up her fingers. "Don't ask for services outside the regular directly. You've got a token, just set it under your mug or cup." She tapped a small hollow on the underside of her cup before she ticked down a finger. "Everything is paid upfront, no haggling during a service." She lowered her second finger and used her last to gently tap Katarya's nose. "Finally, if you want something, just ask nicely from upstairs. You'll likely get some help, though do try and keep it discrete." As she finished talking a wench laid down two platters laden with chopped chicken, steaming cob of corn, and seasoned potatoes. Only a blink after the first wench left another arrived and slid a basket of fragrant bread between the platters. The second girl gave a raised eyebrow to Marcy who replied with a more subtle hand-bird. The wench grinned and sped off down the stairs.
Word count: 418
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat liked this girl the more she listened. Marcy might be bubbly, but in this instance that did not equate to stupid. She seemed to know a great deal about the place, and the etiquette required to be able to navigate the world that existed right under the noses of the Fellsguard authorities.

She made mental notes as Marcy spoke; no wonder Tommy had been flirtatious. Kat must have given him the wrong idea. She smiled at Marcy's compliment. "I think you may be he only person to ever have described me as 'nice!"

When the food arrived, she hadn't realised how hungry she was. "You're too kind." She said as she started eating. The food was delicious. Living alone, she didn't bother cooking, much. You'd think being deft in herblore, everything she made would be full of flavour, but since she had no one to share it with or too impress, she mainly just ate whatever made her full, then went back to her studies.

After the meal had finished, she dabbed her mouth with a handkerchief, and smiled. "That was lovely." She said. "And thank you for the meal, I will be sure to repay you. Is the Cook free, this evening; I have the order he placed, and would like to talk to him. This time I hope not to cause any offence!
Word count: 226

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Marcy's smile seemed to grow brighter when Katarya promised to repay the meal. "Think nothing of it lovie. It was worth the company, and I do enjoy welcoming new prospects into the family business." In a blink, she reached across the table and pulled back with the mint token in the tip of her fingers. "Just stick this under here, and watch the magic," she said as she tucked the small token under the Witch's cup. It wasn't more than a minute before a passing serving girl looked over her shoulder at the pair as she passed with mugs in hand. "Just a moment alchie," she said without missing a step.

"See, simple as that," Marcy said as she poured herself another tall cup of wine. Before Marcy finished her first sip, three people approached the table and settled in. The first was the serving girl from earlier, a mousey looking girl with deep brown curls to her shoulders and pale lips. "Alchie," she said as she sidled in next to the Witch. Behind her was the Cook, in all his massive tattooed grace. He wore a grin that didn't quite seem to reach his eyes and offered his hand across the table as he settled into the booth beside Marcy. Lastly, a stocky girl, perhaps a head under the Cook, with dirty blonde hair clearly shorn to ear length with a dagger and a small pale scar on her left hand. She sat on the Cook's side and turned to have her booted feet out in the open.

"Glad you came back to us. Often have trouble with folks doing that in the start," the Cook said when everyone was settled and the handshake completed. "First let's test the merchandise, then we'll take your order." He nodded to the mousy brunette who held out a hand for the medicine.
Last edited by The Unreliable Narrator on October 6th, 2019, 6:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
Word count: 310
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat near jumped as Marcy's deft fingers took the token from inside her cloak before the Witch could even react. "Well, you certainly have a broad range of talents." She said, drily. Then watched with great interest as the token was put under the mug, and was attended to soon after.

When their table was quite full, Kat shook the Cook's huge hands, then placed the bag on the table. "I have the Walker's Respite here," she offered him the bag, unsure if he wanted her to lay all the medicine in full few of the people around them. "I also threw something extra into the mix. It'll just give them a boost, nothing nefarious or unsafe. And there is enough here to last 10 girls a good month, or more girls and I can whip up another batch in a few weeks" She tapped it. "And for any offence I may have caused, a candle for yourself, or for whomever you please. It has certain qualities that, when lit in the bedroom, will make anything that goes on in there, a little ... sweeter."

Kat sat back and smiled. She couldn't help but feel like she had done good. Maybe the candle was overkill, but she was trying to fix his first impression of her!
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 3rd, 2019, 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 214

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Mousy took a vial from the bag to inspect it in the light of the table's candle. Satisfied, she popped the cork and wafted air for a light sniff. A smile lit her face, and she downed the vial's contents in one great gulp. Immediately, tension flooded from her body, and she melted into the booth. "Name's Charlotte, and you're my cat's meow," she said as she shook the bones back into her limbs. "I check the goods, on account of the fools that try to get Cook," she continued, winking at Katarya through her cascading curls. The girl with the scar looked back and snatched the vial from the table to hold to the ceiling torches' light. "Name's Deborah, logistics. These are nice vials," she said, her voice soft, measured, and far gentler than her appearance would indicate. "I'd love to meet your supplier," she mumbled over her shoulder as she returned the vial to the table and returned to scanning the room.

While this was going on, Marcy stared wide-eyed at the candle. Finally, she snatched it up and held it close. "Four," she said having eyes only for the candle. The Cook grunted and fixed his eyes on her, "Three for rudeness," he said in his gravelly voice, though there was a softness there. Marcy turned her eyes to Katarya and let loose another radiant smile. "I'm Marcy, I'm the knife," she said as she set the candle beside her plate. The words were spoken without any real inflection, but there was a dangerous glint in her eye that was gone with a blink.
Last edited by The Unreliable Narrator on October 4th, 2019, 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 267
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat raised a brow as the woman drank the entire vial! "It's certainly a pleasure to meet you, Charlotte," she said. "But I usually recommend a spoonful at breakfast, and one at afternoon tea." She smiled. "You'll be full of beans for the rest of the day with that much in your system! But I am pleased it meets with your approval."

The scarred woman was imposing, and her soft tones were a sharp contrast to her appearance. "My grandmother used the same supplier for as long as I can remember, and he's been good to me." She gave the woman a polite nod. "I'd be happy to mention your name, and I know he'd happily give you a discount." Her eyes flicked between the folk she sat with. It was a little intimidating to a less strong-headed girl like her, but still: "Should we come to an arrangement, of course. Fair is the trade best served, after all."

Kat couldn't help but grin as Marcy took the candle. "With that burning in your room, you'll have an extremely good time, no matter how inept the person you are with, is." When she introduced herself as 'The Knife', Kat's hand went instinctively to the pendant on her chest. It was cool to the touch; no one here truly meant to harm her ... provided she didn't do anything wrong ... which was difficult when she was still so new to this sort of establishment! "I'll not take too much of a guess as to how you acquired that title, Marcy." She glanced round. "It's a pleasure to meet women who don't just talk of embroidery and babies!"

She turned to look at the Cook. "I trust you're satisfied with this." She offered. "There are a great many things I can do for you with my ... particular talents, should we reach an agreement." She took a sip of her wine. "I'll keep your girls happy and healthy, if you help me. What do you say, Mr. Cook?" She said, boldly.
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 3rd, 2019, 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 337

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

Charlotte nodded and settled back into the booth before responding, "I know lovie, but it won't do any lasting harm, and it has been an awful month. 'sides folks can get the mix wrong, and it causes horrid nausea. Good to find out now," the mousy girl said as she laid her head back against the wood and closed her eyes.

Deborah smiled, but only with the right side of her mouth, and spoke over her shoulder with her measured softness. "That would be nice. Always difficult to find good containers in the city." As she finished speaking, she started to gently tap her boot, and her head twitched to follow something in the common area below. "Two. Looks like they've got it though," she said before returning to slowly scanning the room.

None of the girls seemed to react to Katarya's comment about the meeting, though it was unclear if that was because they were simply doing business for the moment, or if they weren't interested in the companionship.

The entire time events transpired, Marcy looked like she wanted to explode in delight, and she locked eyes with Katarya at every opportunity. Despite practically vibrating with excitement, her furtive glances at the Cook seemed to still her tongue. With a soft grunt, the Cook leaned onto the table and smiled faintly. "You're goods are solid, your manners too. I'll have Deb set up a regular delivery with you. Now Kat, on to the reason you came in the first place. Do you have a list of what you're looking for?" he asked, clearly ignoring whatever was going on downstairs. It seemed he trusted his people enough to let them handle any disruptions.
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya might have been tense before, but now she was like wound up tighter than she had ever been. "There is a particular ingredient I need for ..." She shrugged. "Something I am working on at the moment. Unfortunately, I have no way of procuring these items. And maybe it might be the same for you, I'm not sure."

Kat took a small breath. She couldn't believe she was about to say what she was going to say. If this did not give her away, then nothing short of outright standing in a town square and screaming: "I'm a Witch!", but she came here for a reason. Her scouring of the Book of Shadows had presented her with a ritual that she had sat in her mind, and she had been unable to shake it. It was dangerous, of course ... most magic was, especially ritualistic spells that invoked spirits ... and she knew of no other way she could do it ...

The young woman raise her head and looked directly at the Cook. Her voice lowered, but she tried to sound as if she weren't as frightened as she felt. "I need teeth. Three of them, to be precise. From a Faery." She nodded. "I need Faery teeth."
Word count: 206

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by The Unreliable Narrator »

The Cook listened to Katarya's request with an expression as unmoving as a cliff face. The only indication he even heard her, the faintest twitch of a frown. He sat silently for several long moments, his eyes locked to the Witch's. Finally, he spoke, slowly and with a hint of warning, "You'll not use any such things to harm the Goose or her family, yes?" The entire booth seemed to be holding their breath for the time it took Katarya to reply. When she did, there was the faintest whisper from Marcy, "Spooks, like Robert." The Cook placed his large palm on the girl's shoulder, and she tensed before relaxing again and tapping her lips in a shushing motion. "Go get the boy," the Cook said dotingly to Marcy. She smiled brilliantly before disappearing under the booth, only to reappear in the open at a rapid skip.

When Marcy had gone, the Cook returned his attention to Katarya. "We might have two, maybe only one. There's a specialist that uses them on occasion, but he's not had a need to fill his stock in some time." The Cook looked thoughtful for a moment before he continued, "At worst two weeks to get a handful of them again. I'll exchange it for the next three months of respite, or you can bring something else later if you'd prefer." The mountain of a man seemed to be falling back into a comfortable place as he went over possible terms.

While the two discussed terms, Marcy returned with a reluctant looking young man wearing a kitchen smock in tow. He was thin and paler than was likely healthy, but his cheeks were a vibrant pink. His sparse black hair fell past boney cheeks in wispy strands, and his eyes were silvered grey. After a moment's hesitation, he set two faery teeth onto the edge of the table, and Marcy enveloped him in a very affectionate hug. His color deepened a second time, and he let out a soft groan before the girl dragged him away.
Word count: 342
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Re: [OPEN] The Velvet Goose - For What Ails You

Post by Katarya Frost »

"I swear that I will not do anything to you or your family, or to anyone who is under your protection, or in your care," She said. "I am not in the business of hurting people ... as a rule. I'll defend myself if necessary," she gave him a nod. "But I feel confident you wouldn't put me in that kind of situation; at least without good reason."

Kat looked up as the man approached, her eyes looking him over. As her fingers reached up and brushed the blue stone of her pendant. A slight tingly in her fingertips indicated some magical residue on the man, but the pendant remained cool ... no danger .... Despite being a Witch, she still felt uneasy. It was better for all magic users to keep clear of each other, so as not to attract any unwanted attention. When he dropped the Faery teeth on the table, she nodded a quick thank you to him as the girl took him away.

Katarya looked down at the teeth. They might have been a child's teeth for their size ... she focused on them, staring at them for a few seconds, before nodding. "Thank you," she said, at last. "I don't mind the wait. I have other things to prepare, besides."

As the Cook laid out his terms, she nodded. "Easily done, and I have to admit ... I almost feel you are letting off lightly." She didn't pick the teeth up right away, but covered them with her hand. It was instinct for her to be secretive, and she didn't want anyone seeing a young woman like her handling what, to the casual onlooker, would appear to be children's teeth! "And now, I wonder if I might press my luck." She said. "When I use these ... I will have to go to a specific location, and during the, erm ..." She was trying to find a way around saying 'spell'! "Well, I will have to be in a place where I might be vulnerable. I am willing to provide additional services ... better than a cure for tiredness, at least, if you would be able to provide me with an escort, to this location. Someone who can keep watch while I carry out my ... my business."
Word count: 374

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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