[Mature] A Very Important Book ... Sort of. [Completed]

The young Witch of Fellsguard has a plan, but needs a little assistance in pulling it off ...

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

As his lips met her neck, a shiver went through her ... it was only the sheer exhaustion that helped her from taking off his clothes right there and making full use of the straw mattress! 'A friend' he had said. Is that what they were? Was she asking herself that question because she wasn't sure what they were, or if she wanted more than that? She smiled, tiredly when he pulled away. "No more 'thank you's," she said, with a slur to her words. "Very well. And yes ... I think I could sleep for a week!"

Katarya moved round him and picked up her cup. There wasn't much left, but she took it and lifted it; another toast. "To friendship." she said, knocking back the burning alcohol. At least this time she didn't cough.

The alcohol hadn't just loosened her tongue. She took a seat and slid off her boots, letting out of a groan in pleasure. She wondered why insisted on wearing a heeled boot, and not just flats! 'Vanity' she admitted to herself, before undoing her shirt, revealing a small cotton top that covered her breasts, but left her stomach exposed. When she slid down the dress, she couldn’t help but wonder what the other women in his life wore beneath their outerwear. While she had a simple petticoat, she imagined all the women in elaborate stockings and suspenders, knickers of scandalous colours ... whatever one might call her nighttime look, it certainly was never going to be 'racy'.

She almost collapsed into bed. The bed was scratchy - nothing like the warm, padded mattress she was used to - but she didn't care. As soon as her head was down, her eyes began to droop, and she had to fight a little to keep awake. "I'm cold," she said, with a teasing smile, moving so that there would be room next to her for him. "I think I'll need more than fiery spirits to keep me warm tonight."
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 8th, 2019, 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 331

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

“You are terribly drunker than I expected for an alchemist,” he offered her as she finished her cup. He returned a salute with his hand to match her toast and then watched her sloppily undress. Her small clothes certainly matched her outer presentation. Effective, without needless adornment, and begging for him to tear them apart. As she finished with her clothes he hopped up and moved to the door. Pulling it shut, he slid a locking bar into place and then pulled a small chain inset in the wall. The metallic thunk and whine of the barrel door closing was muted but far from quiet. “I’ll be with you in a minute, just need to get out of these,” he said with a wink.

Artemis attacked his armor with fingers recently renewed. To his chagrin, much of the supporting belts and bindings had been weakened by the fire. While this did make removing the armor rather quick, it did prove to be a one-way process. He’d need it repaired and resurfaced before it was any good in a fight. He managed to strip off his gauntlets and ruined gloves by simply sliding them away. No sense in spending effort on ruined gear. Next he lifted his chest plate and satchels away, as they were in good shape he placed them onto the table rather than dropping them to the floor. Next was his greaves and boots, dropped under the table. Finally his belt, with its protective hanging leather plates fell, leaving only his loosely tied pants and shirt, and doing little to hide the parts of him he was currently struggling to contain. He frowned and shoved the armor aside with his foot before putting a cap on the torch. The room plunged into darkness, the only sounds his bare feet, the rustling of Katarya on the straw mattress, and a faint stir of air coming from a hole in the ceiling.

He moved loudly across the room, his feet being placed recklessly rather than in their usual careful measure. The Thief reached the edge of the mattress, lifted the blanket, and sat solidly onto the straw. There was some shuffling of fabric, and then he was there behind her. He moved in close, molding his bare chest to her back, his arm wrapping around her waist and his hips nestling against her. He offered a soft kiss to the back of her neck and whispered, “Comfortable, Miss Frost?” before nuzzling into her hair. “If you keep offering, I’m bound to accept,” he mumbled into her hair as his breathing started to slow.
Word count: 436
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat managed to let out a small sound of contented pleasure as his around were arms wrapped around her, pushing back slightly, feeling his arousal. Perhaps if she hadn't been so tired ...

Then she was asleep.


Katarya stood in the middle of a forest. A heavy mist gave the place a mystical feel ... and one that brought a strange sense of fear, as if there were something out there. "Artemis?" She called out, but her voice was swallowed by the mist. She frowned in confusion; there wasn't even the sounds one might expect in a forest, no bird calls, no rustling of leaves ...

She began to walk, and her boots made muted thuds on the hard forest floor. On the went, seemingly for hours, and yet nothing changed, just silence all around her.

A cawing sound coming from the distance made her heart race. "Nyx?! She began to run. The sounds spoke of pain and terror, and she found herself panicking as she pushed her way through the forest, which was getting darker with every step she took. The cawing seemed never to get closer, but more urgent ... more stressed.

Then it stopped.

Kat turned around, calling out the raven's name over and over, but getting nothing. She tried to carry on in the direction she had come, but was soon sure that she had gotten lost, for she found nothing. The darkness descended more and more, until she could barely see a foot in front of her, but it wasn't night ... it was just dark.

She happened upon a clearing, and she stepped into it tentatively, stopping when she spotted a figure sat on the forest floor. It was a boy, perhaps 12 or so, head bent and weeping. He was dressed in slender armour, sporting daggers on his belt. His skin was very fair, and his short hair was brown. "Artemis?" She asked, instinctively. She took a few steps towards the boy, kneeling down holding out her hand. "Don't cry, Artemis."

"She's gone ..." The boy/Artemis sobbed.

Kat's brow wrinkled in confusion. "Who has, honey? Who has gone?"

"Mama ... she's gone. She died."

Frowning, her heart breaking at the sight before her, she inched closer. "Come now; we have to leave."

Slowly he looked up, and then she noticed the blood, flowing down from his throat, which had been cut, ear to ear. "You're next."


Kat gasped as she woke up, eyes snapping open, still reeling from the dream. "Artemis?" She asked, reflexively. Then she shifted, frowning.as her skin was prickled by the straw. Around her waist, Artemis' arm encased her, she squeezed it a moment, as he breathed gently into her neck.

For a while she simply lay there, wide awake, and realising her situation. She had hoped that when she had awoken, all of the terrible things that had happened ... just simply had not. But they had ... she closed her eyes a moment, biting her lip and took a deep breath. Carefully, she moved his arm from around her, and moved so she was sat on the edge of the mattress. What was she to do now? She was a homeless witch .. probably wanted for murder ... was her life over at 22 years old?

But she had Artemis; she glanced back to look at him, and despite herself she smiled at his resting face. He looked so boyish and peaceful when he slept, she reached out and ran a finger down his cheek, but frowned for a moment at the memory of the rapidly fading dream. 'You're next.' the boy she had thought was Artemis had said. She shook her head. 'Just a dream', she thought, but the sense of foreboding stayed with her.

Rising to her feet, she looked for something to drink to take the dryness from her mouth, but she could only find the horrid spirits that she had drunk the night before; the thought of even having a sip of that near turned her stomach, and she didn't want to go rummaging through his things. Instead, she fumbled until she found the torch, before wondering where the matches are - then realising she was a Ny'tha blessed witch! She hovered her hand above it, and whispered the Elvish word for fire "Nár" and the torch came to life slowly, it's light bathing the sealed room, softly. She was still hungry though!

Instead she walked to wear Nyx wsa perched, who opened her eyes as her master approached. "Good morning, Nyx. She said, stroking the raven's head. "It seems we're in a bit of a pickle," she said, with a sigh.

What now?
Word count: 771

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

Her warmth was incredibly soothing after he finally managed to ignore the gentle curve of her backside. Then he drifted off to sleep breathing in the scent of her hair.

The street was crowded today, filled with the sort of dreary folks who trudged from one day to the next. He paid no mind to them as they filtered past, they weren't even worth the time to notice when there was work to do. He started to walk, the people simply parting as he went, like a shade in the night. Then he spotted her, a raven-haired girl with a long detailed braid. She'd have something worth taking given the striking stance she struck. He moved like a cat, sliding and shifting until he was a step behind her.

Practiced eyes appraised her hands and belt, noting her coin pouch was hidden, likely to her front. She did have a charm bracelet on her wrist, though. It was a delicate-looking thing, made of silver, with a few small charms, a heart, a bird, a bundle of flowers. He barely kept the grin from his face as he slipped his hand down and bumped into her. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry," he said, raising his hands to placate her. The charm was already in his pouch, and people were far less suspicious if they saw your hands. She hardly paid him any mind, merely a raised eyebrow and disdainful expression before he slipped away.

Once he'd settled in a shaded alley he reached into his pouch. The bracelet was so delicate in his fingers, and its charms finely detailed. As they caught the light a hand whipped across his vision. The bracelet turned to ash and then the hand was there, blazing with fire. He tried to back away, to run, but he was trapped. "Why would a smart, capable young woman like Miss Frost, acquaint herself with the likes of you?" the flaming palm demanded of him before it engulfed his face.

He woke with a start and grasped at his bedmate. Finding nothing, he frowned and rolled to his back. Only to feel all the aches of the past few days come due. There was light too. This morning was getting worse by the moment. He groaned in protest and lifted up onto his arms before carefully opening his eyes. He spotted Katarya talking to Nyx and grinned, "So that wasn't a dream." Then he looked intently at her neck and sighed in defeat, "Ah, shame that part was." He rose from the straw and made his way over to one of the stacked boxes, removing a wrapped pack of biscuits and a flask. "Water?" he asked, offering the drink to her.

While she sipped, he shared the general plan. "We can't go to the Goose, at least not until tomorrow. Rules and all. So, we need to get some more food and anything else you might need. Clothes, I guess," he said looking her over. "Once we've got you settled I guess you're welcome to stay here or go off wherever you like. I'll keep working on this."
Word count: 521
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

'I don't want to go elsewhere! I want to stay with you, wherever we are!' That's what her mind said, but she did not. As she pulled her clothes on after the blissfully cool water soothed her throat, she glanced up at him. "I'd appreciate it, if you would allow me to remain here, just until I sort this mess out." She said, not completely dispassionate, but the Katarya of last night had seemed to have retreated back inside her. "I'll make sure you're compensated, of course." She shook her hair, then began to arrange it into a uniform braid. Slowly, she was morphing back into the woman she always made sure people saw ... efficient, to the point ... cold and hard, perhaps.

She patted her head as she finished with the braid, making sure there wasn't a hair out of place - she would have given much for a bath and a mirror - then cleared her throat. "I could always petition House Enlann for a bursary, since my business was affiliated with them, but ... I have no idea what my ... our situation is, concerning the law." She looked to him. "Is Mr. Tailor dead?" She asked, her face a little pale at the thought, even considering what the old man had tried to do to them both. "If so, and were spotted near his home, we could be in trouble ... big trouble. If that's the case, going to Enlann would be stupid." She sighed. "I'm afraid I will have to ask for your help, and for your patience, until I get my life back."

Inwardly, she kicked herself. This wasn't what she wanted to be like, but it was almost done without her own will. She wanted to kiss him 'good morning' and then insist they spend the day in bed! But with her situation, she felt helpless ... and it bothered her so much! She was at the mercy of fate, and seemed to have no say in it.

"For now, I am happy to follow your lead, Artemis." She said, with a nod.

Nyx squawked at her, as if admonishing her, then fluttered over to Artemis, perching on his shoulder and nuzzling at his pocket. The action of her familiar made Katarya feel a little ashamed of her own cool behaviour. A bird was giving him more affection than she was.
Word count: 394

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

The thief watched her transform into the woman he'd first met and felt a mischievous streak start to grow. He did her the honor of listening to her fully and even offered Nyx a treat. "Good morning, Beaky," he said as he pet her feathers gently. Then he moved across the room with sudden swiftness. He planted his arms around her and slid up against her hips, forcing her to sit on the table. Then he leaned in and bit into her neck ever so gently. "Good morning, Kat" he said, his voice hot against her neck and ear.

Then, in the same quick motion, he was out of her reach. "Mister Tailor will not be troubling anyone much longer, I imagine. Though, who in the world was that boy I dropped beforehand?" Artemis asked, rubbing at his elbow lightly. "I do agree it might be worth it to avoid the West district at least for a day or so. People tend to remember when you run like that." There was a thoughtfulness to his voice as he looked anywhere but directly at her. "I'm sure you can find something only mildly dangerous to do, and Beaky is a good judge of character," he moved over to scratch the bird, who had jumped to the boxes when he surged forward.

"Just make sure to come back to the South-East gate before the moon gets too high, and I'll let you back in. Otherwise, you might not make past the folks that tend to stumble around out in the yard." He finally looked her in the eye when he finished. Then, after a beat of silence, he said, "I'll be looking to get enough coin to eat and look at getting all of that repaired or replaced." He motioned towards his armor was dismissive, but there was a frown at the edge of his features. "Hard to work without any tools, you know," he said with a shrug.
Word count: 327
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Katarya Frost
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat jumped as he embraced her, and the gentle bite of her neck made her knees weak. Then he stepped back, but it had done more than she had realised to break the thin shield she had tried to throw up to protect her. She didn't need to protect herself from him ... she knew this! Sometimes she was more frustrated at herself than she was with anyone else.

As she listened, she found herself not liking the implication not at all to her liking. "So ... you're going somewhere?" She asked, out loud, and in her head 'without me?". She bit her lip as she thought for moment. "I suppose I could always drop in on Cora ... but that's right in an area I should probably avoid." She realised she had nowhere to go where she wouldn't be putting herself at risk.

So she lifted her chin a little. "Well, wherever you intend to go, I am quite sure you could use my talents," she said, primly. "Besides, you know the city better than I, and ... well, I just think it would be better, for both of us ... she took a breath. "If we stuck together." She flicked her head, and Nyx chattered, amused, then flew to perch on her shoulder as Kat stepped towards the door. "Shall we?" She said, looking completely composed, but inside she was essentially pleading with him.
Word count: 231

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

"Of course, I'm- I'm not used to having dependable folks who want to stick around, outside of the Goose," he said, as he wiggled into his boots, and then shoved his chest piece over his head. "I'll look, and smell, like a drunkard for a bit, but that's nothing new." He gathered the remains of his armor into a bundle and made his way to the door, pulling the handle for the barrel as he went. There was a lot to do today, but first some clothes. Then they could scout out some places to collect enough for dinner. He wanted to have some spare coin on hand in case she decided to force shopping onto him. "You owe me a lot of payment, we'll have to arrange something or I'll need my pounds of flesh," he said with a broad grin as they made there way up the stone steps and into the sunlight.
Word count: 155
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