[Mature] A Life Worth Living [Completed]

The Thief and The Witch go in search of things needed to keep on in the world

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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[Mature] A Life Worth Living [Completed]

Post by Artemis Black »

The city of Fellsgard never truly slept, a thriving underbelly of graft and corruption kept things lively throughout the night for the deadly, brave, and stupid. And yet, the morning light crested the rooftops of the East District, scattering the seedy underbelly with the retreat of the ocean fog.

Artemis stood outside a ragged looking storefront. The scratched and faded sign read 'The Discerning Maiden' above a poorly painted rendition of what might have once been a cow. He held the heavy door open for Katarya and patently ignored the stares of passersby. Even in the poor quarter, walking about in boots and smallclothes was cause for gossip and sneers. She at least had her dress, even ruffled as it was from the prior night's rooftop escape. Though this likely drew even more gossip, a somewhat respectable looking lady, walking with a drunkard and ne'er-do-well.

The inside of the shop was musty and oppressive. From barely a foot into the door stood racks near to bursting with second-hand clothing. Artemis had frequented the place many times in his career. It helped to blend in with the working folks when you were trying to be invisible during the day time. This was the first time he'd arrived without a stitch to his name. He doubted the proprietress would mind, given the frequency of his custom.

"Welcome to where the good folk find their cheap cloth," The thief said, sweeping his arm across the room. He turned to her and leaned in close. "We've not got too much, but I managed to acquire some things to sell, not to mention the silver, from our dear departed friend," he whispered conspiratorially. With that, he pulled her out of the doorway and into a cramped aisle.
Last edited by Artemis Black on October 13th, 2019, 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Leaving the shelter, Kat had found herself with a fear that sat in her stomach as heavy as a brick. As they walked, she looked this way and that, as if expecting the city guard to appear from nowhere at any time. Every glance that came their way (and a lot of people looked at them curiously - she striding with her usual self-assurance ... even if it were forced, and he him being scorched and barely clad) they were hardly conspicuous!

She thanked Ny'tha a thousand times that they did not encounter anyone that she knew. It was pure luck, since she was known to a fair few people, either through custom, or trade, or her services as a healer.

Now they were headed to a clothing shop, and she was pleased. Though the sight of him scantily glad was something she was enjoying, it was drawing too much attention, and if she should bump into anyone who knew her, she would be mortified at what they would start saying. No doubt the news of her shop was going to making the rounds faster than the fire that had consumed her home! And all would be wondering: where was Miss Katarya Frost.

She was here, at 'The Discerning Maiden', looking for clothes for him, so they could hatch some scheme to ... well, she didn't even know what.

As she stepped through the door (which he had opened for her ... quite right, too), she looked at the displayed garnments. There wasn't a great deal on display that screamed out to her; it was all fairly low in quality. Clothes she might wear if she were alone ... or if she were flat broke ... like now.

"I rather think getting you kitted out before we do anything is a most excellent idea." She said, stroking a long, dark dress, then making a face when she noticed it was stained ... most likely second hand. "Though I hope the person who runs this place can work magic with a needle, for a I fear we're going to need it, if we are to get you looking respectable."

She also missed her cloak; just one of the many things she would come to miss, over the days ahead.
Word count: 372

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

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He grinned as she turned down a dress for its stains. “You’re thinking too fancy Kit- Katarya. We’re not looking to go to the ball, just want to avoid notice and not freeze to death. Take this for example,” he said, pulling a heavy men’s jacket out of the mass. “There’s some grease stains, a few burns. Likely someone who worked near a fire and ate slop. Sure it smells like ash and ale, but the material is here and it hides the form,” he said, pointing to the various deficiencies of the garment. Artemis thought on the jacket a moment before setting it over his arm. “In fact, this is near perfect to hide my chest piece under without looking painfully obvious.” He started his way down the aisle, thumbing at various pieces but discarding them for size, color, or simply quality. “Now, we need to get me some good knickers, maybe some gloves, and you a change or two of clothes. Can’t have you getting rash from wearing that over and over, and I doubt you'll have time to hop back over once we find out they've charged the late Mister Tailor,” he said as he reached a section laden mainly with robes and skirts.

He pulled out a pleasant dark green cloak with a thin fur lining. “Oh now this, it’s likely outside our funds, but wouldn’t it look lovely against your bare skin tonight,” he said, as if discussing a well stitched pair of trousers. He pulled the cloak off and placed it over his arm. “Anything you see that strikes your fancy Miss Frost?” he asked her, motioning to the room.
Word count: 285
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat eyed the coat with a reserved look on her face. "I am all for practicality, but does one really have to parade down the street dressed in dirty clothes? What if we needed to venture into more ... respectable areas? She rolled her eyes. "I'd rather be caught and burned, then wear something like that! Anyway, I'm not a 'ballgown' type of girl, but I do like to look semi-decent when I dress myself."

She followed along, trying to find something a little less ... well, a little less like it had been rescued from a dustbin! She gave him a glare when he mentioned Mr. Tailor. "Would you keep your voice down, please?" She said, casting her eyes about, as if there might be guards hiding underneath skirts and blouses. "As far as anyone knows, we don't know a thing about the old man's demise, and we'll be suitably sad to hear of it when it is revealed to us!" She usually admired his Belehest-May-Care attitude, but this was murder, he was so casually discussing outside of the hideout. "Honestly, Artemis; I'm surprised you're not in a jail cell, already!"

However, when he held up the cloak, there was a definite twinkle in her eyes. "I supposed that's not too bad," she conceded, reluntantly. She stepped forward and ran her hands down the fabric. "But you're right; it's out of our price range. Perhaos the owner of this place might be willing to lower the price for some kind of service, or something. I might not have my shop, but I still have my wits. There has to be something I can do, by way on contribution. Perhaps she'll have an unsightly wart I can spirit away!" She gave him a small smile, then glanced about. "Speaking of ... where is the woman? Leaving people like you in a shop unattended is likely to see a decrease in her stock, and with no coin to back it up!" Her lips twitched in a smile.

Her eyes cast about, looking immediately at the colours; dark blues, greens and especially black garments were the first thing's she'd want to see. "There are some bits and bobs ... a good dress can be worn for a while if you mix up the extras, but only in dark colours. I'd rather walk the streets naked than be caught in pastels." She even grimaced at the word.
Word count: 400

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

He chuckled as she suggested theft before lifting his chin just above the racks. "We'd never even make it out the door." He said in a whisper. "Would we Miss Turley?" he asked, speaking just slightly too loud. "Not at all young man. I know where to go to get those knickers back," an old wispy voice replied from the back of the shop. With a knowing grin, Artemis returned to following her around the room. Almost everything he spotted was summarily dismissed, but he did manage to find two solid pairs of pants with only small tears in them. The first pair was a pale tan and had several pockets sewn into it. The second a slate color, and cut straight to the boot.

Finally, the Thief started to grow a little frustrated. "Look, I know you're not used to this. I'm not saying you need to grab the shredded rags and sell your body on the street. Just pick something, for now, that'll cover you." He rubbed at the bridge of his nose and continued into his hand, "We'll find you something nicer once we've got the not freezing part covered." He looked up at her with a frown and sighed. "Sorry, I'm really not looking forward to Marcy today. I have to catch her before she heads home at lunch, but I can't actually go inside."
Word count: 229
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat jumped at the sound of the old woman's voice. She flushed when she realised she had just been stood, talking so horribly about the wares of the place this woman called her own. "Ah, good morning!" She said, in a 'over-compensatory' tone. "Lovely ...place you have..." She turned and gave Artemis a very icy glare.

At his exasperation, she sighed and turned to a dress she had seen. It was nice and high collared, reaching up to the neck no less. Along with a charcoal grey 'shrug'. "These will do, for now." She said, not quite pouting, but obviously not very happy. He was right though, and she did feel a little petulant at how she was talking. "I don't see any reason in over-buying ... at least not for me. I fully intend to be back on my feet, very soon." She said, as if saying it outloud might make it come true.

She stepped to him and draped the items over his arm. "Happy?" She said. "We can go whenever you're ready."
Word count: 174

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

"I could certainly be happier," he said, kissing her cheek before patting the clothing piled onto his arm and leading her towards the back of the shop. "Hello Miss Turley," he said cheerfully as he dropped the clothes onto a wood countertop. "We'll take all these, for 2 silver." Miss Turley looked at Artemis like he'd grown a second head. "Really boy, after all this time, you think just because you brought another pretty young lady in I'll just fall to your feet," she said, and though her words were sharp there was a smile in her voice.

The Thief frowned in consternation before raising a finger. "Ah, 2 silver, a favor, and a pie at the end of the week?" he asked her grinning broadly. The old woman looked over his clearly disheveled state, looked over at Katarya, also somewhat disarrayed, and shook her head. "Alright boy, but don't say I never gave you anything you hear?"

Artemis kept his whoop of joy small and quiet as he shrugged his way into his new large jacket and pants before coming back out of the fitting room. "When you've finished, we can try to catch Marcy. She's usually off to lunch soon," he said to the closed fitting room door next to the one he'd exited. Things were going well so far, he'd even gotten an old cloth back to carry the rest of his damaged armor in.
Word count: 236
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat raised a slender brow at the woman's words. 'another pretty young lady?' she thought, glancing at Artemis while he spoke to the old woman. Just how much had be ... been around? She was pleased she had kept her legs closed, so far.

But when he put the cloak on the counter, all was forgiven. She smiled broadly, and gave the woman a nod. "Thank you so much," she said, while glancing at Artemis. "You're spoiling me ... and I approve." She said, taking her dress and cloak and moving to change.


When they stepped out of the shop, Kat found herself pulling at the dress; it needed a bit altering, but she wasn't displeased with it And pulling the cloak around her, she couldn't help but feel a bit better (if a little shallow). She put up the hood as they walked; the last thing she wanted was to have to deal with any questions about the fire.

Think on that, she reached into her bag and pulled out the parchment with the words 'I know what you are. written on it, bold and threatening. "I never had a chance to show you this before... she handed it to him. "As I assume you might think Mr. Tailor had anything to do with the fire. It's possible, but I got this note before you encountered the old man." She shook her head. "I tied using a spell to determine who might have sent it, but nothing happened. I fear whoever sent it might have been the one to burn down my home, and he or she might also be a magic user too." She glanced around her, as if the culprit might be anyone in the crowd ... which was entirely possible. "Something to keep in mind as we proceed."

As they walked, Nyx flapped above them, flying from roof to roof. The familiar would no doubt warn them if anything was amiss. Thankfully, she didn't seem to be bothered by anything.

The morning was dragging on, as they walked towards the Goose. As they approached the south east gate, Kat glanced at Artemis. "You said you weren't allowed in ... something to do with rules. I don't understand why? And does that extend to me too? Because that would be terribly unfair."
Word count: 382

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis looked at the piece of parchment in his hands intently while she talked. Clearly, it was important and meant something bad. "That's no good, maybe Marcy will recognize something," he offered with a shrug of his shoulders. Too embarrassed to share he didn't actually know what the scrawling text meant.

When they got close to the gate he slowed his pace a little to keep them on the east side. "Yeah, two days, after an event. No entry. Can't have folks bringing all hell down on everyone else just because. There are ways to get a message over if you're really desperate. We can just catch her as they head this way though," he said, gently taking her arm to draw her out of the street to lean against a shop wall. "Just a minute I imagine, wait here."
Word count: 140
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Re: [Mature] A Life Worth Living

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat took the paper back, and then immediately remembered what she had overheard before ... 'He can't read.' She could have kicked herself. She put the note away. "I hope so," she said, as they walked. "Having a note saying 'I know what you are' is not what any witch ever wants pushed through her letterbox!" She said, feeling satisfied that she had conveyed the necessary information but sparing him the embarrassment of her draw attention to his illiteracy.

Kat was frustrated at the rule, but it made sense. Still, the smell of food that drifted out whenever a patron came and went was enticing. She began to dream of eggs and sausages, then she remembered the dream she had had last night. Tactlessly, she blurted out: "How did your mother die?" Then turned to him, her eyes wide at her own stupidity. "Oh, I mean ... I'm sorry. I just had a dream ... She bit her lip, and turned to look back at the street. "Forget I said anything and forgive me for my extreme lack of tact."
Word count: 178

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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