I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Kat inadvertently accepts an adventure to go take notes on an unexplored region outside of Fellsguard ... all she needs now is to find someone who will be willing to help her get there!

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya raised a brow as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked at it, then back to him. When he removed it, she said, drily: "Perhaps we had better go forward with some respect to each other's personal space?" She said, moving back behind the counter. She respected the man's obvious caring nature, and it would stand her in good stead on the road, but Katarya was a creature that held enough her friends at arms length, and his decision to squeeze her shoulder had not gone down well ... at all.

She looked between the two men. "Now we have established that I am not some swooning maiden who needs to be man-handled," her eyes flicked to Arthur as she said that. "I suggest you go make any preparations for tomorrow, if you need to. I shall be waiting tomorrow at dawn, as discussed." As she turned her eyes back to the book on her counter, she did not look up as she spoke. "You may go." She said, simply

It was apparent that Kat was expecting pure professionalism from the two adventurers, and her manner, bordering on rudeness, was part of her personality and would be something they could expect much more of if they decided to show up on the morrow.
Word count: 215

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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Dáire »

Dáire looked to the very formal young man again, re-accessing him. He wasn’t for talking in slang himself and preferred to speak properly, but the seriousness of this man had him wondering just how long his already low tolerance of people would last if he didn’t loosen up a tad once they were on the road

Having introduced himself to his latest employer as simply Dáire; ‘Miss Frost’, whose named seemed to be a pre-emptive warning of what may lie ahead for them should they displease her, laid out their plans for the following few days. It seemed too simple to require such a well-paid bodyguard, or two as she had acquired in this instance, but he doubted it would be something he hadn’t come across before in his two centuries of life on the roads. He remained quite as the young man questioned their new employer about the nature of her endeavour. His brow rising at the young mans attempted humour, while mentioning the possibility of danger being involved. Surely this was a question he should have asked previous to agreeing to the job, thought Dáire.

He couldn’t help but eagerly anticipate her reply, she did not seem the type of woman who would take kindly ,to such an inquiry being made in such a manner. She didn't disappoint him either Dáire had been standing there long enough now to discern that the feeling of magic around her was not residual, she herself had magic. With the mention of them searching the intended destination for a witch he felt his suspicions could be considered confirmed.

Arthur seemed sincere in his words to her but he wondered how he'd act if he knew her little secret, would he be so forth coming? Or would he be scrabbling away, as fast as his legs could carry him. Dáire’d also tried, and failed to stifle a grin as he watched the man place a hand on the witches’ shoulder while he spoke. Such things were common amongst some folk, but he’d learnt over his many years that you never initiated such things with females you’d only just met.

“I shall gladly raise it against any that threaten you.” He couldn’t even begin to hide the grin provoked, it conjured up similar words another had spoken years ago. That was until he had come up amongst a small group of fae. He’d been a mouthy clout, and while his master had been welcome, the fae had decided they didnt want him around their homes any longer. While in their smaller form they’d flown around him, small sparks of magic zapping him until the man had ran from the area. Like a dog with his tail between his legs, unable to strike out against the darting figures of the mirthful faeries. He had to sober his face rather sharply, just in case either were to notice his obvious amusement as his memories and get the wrong idea.

“This can only go one of two ways.” He chuckled under his breath in Elvish. “Let’s hope Miss Frost, never finds herself in a situation where you may need to live up to that noble declaration. Although, I dare say it could be riveting to watch.”

Having received his marching orders, he nodded and bowed slightly to the young witch, shot the young man a wry smile, winking as he passed him and headed out the door with his tonic safely stowed away in a pocket.


Dare awoke the following morning, crabby and stiff after yet another nights restless sleep. He had to keep busy, otherwise this only escalated. Predawn light streaked through the thread bare curtains of the cheap little room he’d rented in the hope of being more people friendly for their day on the road. He should have known better.

He gave his trusted blades a good clean, gave his bow and arrows a quick check for damage before stumbling out the door and into the brisk air of autumn. The traipse to the small shop was a quiet one, only the market vendors seemed to be up as of yet, most folk were still within their homes and preparing for the busy day ahead. Thankfully a small food stand was just set up for business, paying for- well, he didn’t know exactly what it was but it smelt good and he was hungry. He arrived at the small shop with plenty of time to spare and so, parked his lithe frame against the wall by the door and tucked into his food.
Last edited by Dáire on October 12th, 2019, 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Stepping out of the door to her shop, Katarya was ready for the journey. Since the terrain was uncertain, the trio would be going afoot, and she wore her sturdy boots and thick cloak in preparation. The woman took pride in her appearance, and in a way, it reflected her personality. Her hair was efficiently braided, her clothes were practical and well made, though unlike some of the other young women, she didn't wear light colours and low cut dresses; hers was deep blue, and her coat - a luxury she allowed herself - was made of fine wool and cotton. She pulled the black cloak closer around her as she stepped down from the shop entrance, a raven perched on her shoulder.

When she noticed the Elf - which she could hardly miss due to his size, she hoisted her bag on her shoulders and made her way over. "Early bird catches the copper? Good morning, Mr. Dáire. Are you ready for a day of adventures?" She said with a small smile.
Word count: 174

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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Arthur Claymore »

A night's slumber was an easy thing to come by and for his role, Arthur had decided to simply camp in alleyway that was formed in the small space between the shop that was Lilian's and it's nearest neighbor. He kept everything he needed in the knapsack he bore upon his right shoulder the other day. A bed roll for the many nights he spent resting on a roadside outside of towns when coin was too low to warrant a night in an inn. He didn't need a roof with the stars as his companions. He had woken at the crack of the first light of the sun and had set about spending the next hour or two preparing for the trip for which he was about to embark. The simple loose tunic was overlaid by a light chainmail chest piece that was covered by a slightly heavier though still flexible leather armor piecing for his upper torso protection. Kept light to take advantage of his skills in the physical art. The bed roll was returned to the sack and with his armor and weapons readied. He would settle into place, folding his legs under him and sitting at the mouth of the alley in silence. Eyes closed and breathing calmed in a meditative position.

That state was disturbed as he heard the voice of Miss Frost greeting Dáire and as she spoke, the young knightly lad would unfold himself into standing. His foot falls carrying him swiftly from the quiet wedge of the alley into view, he inclined his head in greeting to the pair of them before closing his left hand into a fist and bringing it up to his chest. A formal gesture of salute his father had taught him once. A small bow of his head followed the action by way of greeting. The knapsack was adjusted briefly on its strap as he shifted from the formal position to a more relaxed posture. "Well met, Mister Dáire and Miss Frost. I trust you both are well rested for the journey. Shall we journey forthwith?"

His tone was brisk but chipper, as if he hadn't roused himself at the earliest light in preparation for the day's adventure. His smile terse but genuine in nature as it was given.
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

As Arthur approached, Katarya felt a small twinge of guilt for her treatment of the man the day before. Though she still wished he hadn't had tried to touch her, she also had to realise it didn't come from a bad place. "Good morning, Arthur" She said, trying to sound a bit more cheerful than she did the day before.

She looked between the two. "Now which one of you would be kind enough to help me with my bags? They're a tad heavy!"

When all was set, Kat led them through the city and out of its confines.

She wished she had a horse ... but she couldn't afford three good horses for the trip, and the walk would do her good (or so she told herself).

Being so close to the city, there was very little she needed protecting from, so instead she decided on conversation to make the journey go a little smoother. "I realised I have hired you both without knowing anything about you! Why don't you indulge me and tell me something of your backgrounds? Only that which you feel comfortable sharing, of course."
Word count: 188

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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Dáire »

Dáire’s head snapped round as his sharrp hearing picking up the soft click of the shops door, as it slid shut. The young witch stepped gracefully away from the entrance, a midnight black raven perched upon her shoulder’s; the light catching its glossy feathers as it bobbed and swayed with her movements. He smiled politely as she greeted him, he was more than ready for an adventure but he shouldn’t really show just how eager he was to have gotten work right up his street. “Mornin’ to you as well, Miss Frost. More than ready to get on the road, I hope it is an advantageous endeavour for you.”

He approved greatly of her practical attire, too many times had he agreed to work and the client turned out to be wholly unprepared for the tasks and trials ahead of them. His own simple attire wouldn’t catch anyone’s eye, but that was usually his intention when he picked it out. As he didn’t often find himself having to face down blades longer than an average dagger, he favoured speed and agility over brute strength and the necessary protection to withstand reciprocated blows. As such, his armour was light weight and sparse, it was often barely visible under the cloaks in which he donned. Having lived on the roads for many years, he knew how easily things on the road could be stolen and therefore only ever carried the barest essentials with him. A warm blanket in the cooler climates, his Fillet knife for skinning meals, and the staple waterskin.

He cocked his head to the side slightly, the acute hearing bestowed upon him by his elven heritage allowing him to hear the young fighters approach before he came into view. The young man glided towards them, having exited one of alleys further down the street from them. Arthur offered them a very formal greeting and Dáire dropped his chin in response. He remained quiet as Miss Frost conversed with her other guard, stirring himself to offer an arm out to take the lady’s ‘heavy’ bag’s.

Dáire found it a little disconcerting as they headed out of the city, the young witch leading the way. He was used to doing the leading, following a woman in the rural setting dredged up all sorts of memories from his childhood and he flinched. Confident that the likely hood of having any problems on this part of the road were far removed, he adjusted the bags over his shoulder and got lost in his own thoughts again, letting them lead him where they may.

Several minutes seemed to pass before her heard her crisp voice again, pulling him out of his own head. It caught him a little off guard when she posed the question and her desire to know them better. Most didn’t care to ask such questions for their hired help, but he felt this time he could indulge her. “I’m the son of a fisherman,” He began, pausing briefly before going on, “We lived in a small village, several days ride east of here and I left when I was approaching my third decade. Since then I have taken work when and where it suited me. The nature of the work varying on region and season, then traveling where ever the whims of the wind lead me.” He didn’t feel she needed to know the situation behind he abandonment of the village, not that he’d told anyone that particular personal nightmare.anyway

“What about you Miss Frost?” He enquired, smiling softly over at her, “I’m sure you have an interesting story or two to tell from growing up in Fellsgard.”
Last edited by Dáire on October 12th, 2019, 4:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat listened as Dáire spoke. "I have never been much of a traveller," she said, as the they followed the road northeast of the city. "I'm not really an adventurer kind of girl, though I do envy those who have travelled, like yourself. Tell me; what's the most interesting place you have visited? There must be some fascinating places in the world, that would make Fellsguard look awfully dull in comparison!

She glanced to Arthur. "And you? What kind of life do you lead? You rather seem like a chivalrous sort! And I don't mean any offence by that."

Soon, the road came to an end, and with a quick glance at her map, she frowned, motioning to the two men. "I'm afraid I'm a little lost. Do I go east from here, or further north?" The crudely written map was hardly the most detailed, though perhaps it would make more sense to those who were better travelled than she.
Word count: 161

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Arthur Claymore »

Arthur was silent in his travel allowing Dáire to take up the position of filling the void upon Miss Frost's inquiry. He hadn't offered to assist her with the bag and had instead taken a position on the right flank and slightly behind the pair to cover the rear guard. There was little threat in the city proper but years of service in Verdant Row had taught Arthur to be overly cautious. His eyes took note of every wayward shadow and whispered wind though he knew the elven senses of Mister Dáire would prove to be of greater advantage to noting an ambush. He tuned out the conversation entirely, barely listening to the tale of Mister Dáire's history with idle notice so it was that when Miss Frost spoke to inquire about his past it would take him a moment to realize she was addressing him.

"My father was a knight. He took me as his squire as soon as a I was able to hold a blade and instructed me until he d... disappeared."

The sum of his life story told in a single sentence with that hesitance at the end. It was apparent that he was going to say his father had died but had at the last moment changed the words. Perhaps due to some misguided hope that his father would yet one day return home from his apparent demise to finish his tutelage or perhaps to warmly embrace his son and speak to him with pride for all he had accomplished without his guidance. He said nothing more on the matter, returning instead to his silent steps, mentioning nothing of the mother who had passed far too early for him to have even a faint memory of who she was,

Then Miss Frost was speaking again and he hadn't heard her words instead having been caught in thoughts and memories of a time long gone. His gaze drifted to the map she was gesturing at and it seemed to be that she was asking about which path they should take. "I will defer to Mister Dáire's talents in instructing us on our route. However, I would advise avoiding this area here." His finger would touch the map a little further down the eastern path and draw a small circle. "If my memory serves, I believe there is a bandit encampment in the general vicinity that is known to harass travelers exiting the city whilst their supplies are still full. I believe we would be more then capable of dealing with such a threat but there is no need to seek danger if it can be avoided." [/color[
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat turned her eyes to the young warrior when he spoke about his father. Though they wasn't much difference in their age, they seemed to both act in a similar way; they were both withdrawn, maybe a little formal ... she had lost her mother and he had lost his father; perhaps they had more in common than at first glance.

"Judging from your character, thus far, Arthur, your father must have been a great man. You remind me of the tales of knights in books; chivalrous, courteous ... When are you planning on finishing your training? Then you would be 'Sir Arthur'. She gave him a small smile. "Sounds quite fine to me."

They trudged on a little further, the countryside changing as they walked through it, become a little less tame. Arthur seemed to know a little of the area, which helped. She nodded along as he spoke. "Very well," she said, after listening. "We'll most certainly try not to get killed. Her eyes swept the map. "The place I am looking for is ... here. That's where we'll find her." She glanced at them. "If she exists, of course. People tell all sorts of ridiculous tales of witches and warlocks, out in the wild, snatching children and weary travellers. Since we are neither, I believe we should be fine."


Despite her insistence that she was just here to 'survey the area', Kat walked with a purpose and direction in mind. She needed to meet the witch.

And, as they grew closer to their destination, the air seemed to grow thick, and the sounds of life became quiet The birds could no longer be heard singing or chirping, and it felt like trees were holding their breath. Katarya turned to the two men. "I don't think we're far, if this..."

Her words were cut off as vines erupted around each of them, wrapping around their legs so fast they barely had time to move. Their hands were still free, but smaller vines began to creep up their bodies, as if trying to encase them. The raven on Kat's shoulder took flight, cawing in fright.

Kat gasped as she felt the vines wrap around her stomach. She managed to put her hand on one of the thicker vines, and closed her eyes. "Bandrá!" She spoke the spell in Elvish, using the word for 'banish'. The vine recoiled as if struck, and she felt like she could breathe easier. She looked over to see how the other two were faring, hoping they would be okay, as she was still fighting with her own.

She had also revealed she could use magic.
Word count: 438

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'm An Adventurer! [Looking for an bodyguard/escort]

Post by Arthur Claymore »

He said nothing of the matter in regards to when he would be becoming a knight and finishing his training. Knights and kings were hard to come by in the world. There weren't that many human kingdoms, replaced more with nobles and aristocrats than monarchs of old. Nor would he have accepted such a title from any he found wanting in deed and character. It really was quite a large shadow his father had left upon his life. Their travel went on and once more after Arthur had spoken his piece on the bandit encampment he had lapsed back into quiet ponderance. Miss Frost seemed to be making an effort to be friendly, a gesture he appreciated though one he felt ill-equipped to navigate. She seemed haughty and quick to temper, a bad combination for an employer. Not flights of rage as others might hold but to a quieter more focused misalignment of relation. He had also learned his lesson, a lesson his father had never had time to teach. Just because they were companions did not make them friends. Arthur's open and courteous personality lent itself to a warmth and a habit to befriend when it was ultimately uncalled for. The quiet woke his thoughts, the lack of things that stirred was never an indication of anything of good or friendly nature. He was too familiar with beast's so dangerous that nothing but fool humans unaware of their existence would trespass. So even before the vines had erupted from the earth, Arthur had his short parrying dagger unsheathed and in hand. Carried with blade tucked at his forearm so that he could unleash its furor against a threat. As it was that the vines suddenly spurred to life underfoot that he would respond. They were too fast for him to avoid but as they tangled at his legs, he would drop to his haunches and with one deft swipe of the readied dagger spin its edge to sever the roots upon where they emerged from the earth to quickly free his legs, tilting himself into a forward roll as he did. A tumble of man and severed vines before he deftly sprung to standing, hand already on the hilt of his arming sword to draw it free of its sheath.

"Forward Mister Dáire, lest we lose our charge."

A calculated action as his sword would lash out to the tangle of vines entwining the legs of Dáire before they could garner much purchase upon him and to set the man free to rescue Miss Frost. Arthur was fast, certainly so, but his armor would slow him down and he was not certain that he would have an advantage over the other man. Furthermore, Dáire's placement was nearer to Miss Frost and so if he could free him expediently, he would be closer and fast enough to close the distance before Arthur was likely to be able to pass him. So it was that after aiming to cleave free Dáire's binding vines that Arthur would twist to take in their surroundings. And with it would Arthur seek 'intent' a concept of some reprise of his father's tutelage.

"To think is to act and to act is to do. And in doing, it is done with intent. The will to kill is known as bloodlust and any who wishes to do harm will have some sense of it. But it is more then just that which you can sense when you focus. Fear and panic. Anger and aggression. To sense these. To feel the intent of others. A warrior must be able to sense his foe's intent to best defeat them."

For hours, his father would hide and stalk Arthur in the fields and forests. Sometimes at night or with a cloth covering Arthur's eyes so that he could not rely on his gaze to find him. It was an active skill, like listening. His father said that a trained warrior was always aware of the intent of others around them. But Arthur had to focus, to feel out those around him. To find the intent of those who summoned the vines. His eyes closed, his nostrils flared as he took a deep calming breath and simply opened his awareness. The summoner of the vines had to be nearby, right? Watching them through some means. And likely scared, so he focused on seeking that intent. Fear and panic.
Word count: 741
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