I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing [Complete]

Stopping to rest at the Heartbroken Socks Inn, Katarya rents a room, and is shocked when she finds herself having to share it ... with a male Elf, no less!

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
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I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing [Complete]

Post by Katarya Frost »

“It’s just up those stairs,” the innkeeper told Katarya, as she shifted the heavy bag she bored from one arm to another. “Room number six.”

Taking the key and offering the man her thanks, she slid over 5 copper (which was a lot to her, these days) and headed off, hurrying along at the thought of a nice warm bed.

She had been in Verdant Row since just after dawn that morning, having managed to get a ride from a man with a wagon full of potatoes leaving Fellsguard and passing through the town on his travels. She had come to seek out a woman who her grandmother had known, and whom Kat had hoped to visit … since the loss of almost all of her magical tomes, the only way she would be able to truly expand her repertoire of spells and magical knowledge was going to be through other practitioners. This had proven difficult due to the illegality of magic in Fellsguard, and it was hardly like she could hang a sign somewhere!

But knowing only the woman’s first name (Vera), she had not managed to track down her deceased grandmother’s friend. It was frustrating and wished she had paid more attention as a child. If she could just find one witch willing to teach her something … anything!

These days, Kat looked much the same … except poorer. Her fine woollen dresses of midnight blue and purple had been exchanged for more modest tops and skirts of thick linen, mostly in varying shades of drab browns and greys. The only exception was her cloak, which was the finest thing she owned. Even the deep, emerald green garment that sported a hood and which she treasured, was showing signs of wear. She would have to speak to Ksenia when she got back to Fellsguard; the kindly seamstress Artemis had introduced her to.

Pushing open the door, Katarya took a step into the modest room, and her brow wrinkled, puzzled. There were two single beds here, one at each side of the room with a bedside table next to each. Was this a shared room? She certainly didn’t agree to that!

But it was late and the Heartbroken Socks (a name she could make no sense of) and she doubted anyone would be put in the same room as her ...
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 15th, 2019, 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 391

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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Dáire »

Dáire found amusement in how often he seemed to be in cities now days. Having spent decades avoiding them at all costs, within the past few months he’d spent time in Fellsgard and now verdant Row. Both cities for different reasons of course, however the atmosphere of the two felt almost like polar opposites but he wasn't sure which he may preffer. Feeling like he was dragging his feet, Dáire continued to ambled through the jumble of moon lit streets trying to find the other inn, having been turned away from the one he’d used on the previous, rare occasions. All the while trying to avoid walking through too many spirits, the cold sensation it rendered was not one he relished.

The most recent job he’d undertaken and that had led him here, had taken him on a several days hike up one of the mountains nearby, delivering an assortment of books to an elderly witch that he’d picked up in Fellsgard. As a result, he could now add ‘Smuggler’ to his job description. He doubted the sender or recipient knew that he could feel the magic in the books, and themselves. While his kind could no longer wield magic in any manner, not all their senses had been blinded to it. He couldn’t speak for any other elves as he rarely conversed with others, never mind about magic of all things; but he suspected the aptitude for sensing it varied in similar ways, to the varying strengths at which the Lumeacia, who could wield magic did. As such, he had to be touching or in very close proximity of it, for anything to tickle his senses.

As he approached the Inn (which hadn’t been easily found by a sleepy mind) he stared at the slightly battered sign, at least this one had a more normal name. The normal stop being named the “Heartbroken Socks”. He couldn’t help it when his mind began to wander; firstly, who could have come up with a name like that? Swiftly flowing on into whether there was any meaning behind it, or if someone had just asked another for two words, and stuck them together just to be done with it.

The innkeeper gave him an almost exasperated groan and wrinkled his nose, when Dáire asked about a room and slid the 5 coppers across the counter to the man. Granted he wasn’t the cleanest after his travels, a bit muddy and such but surely the man must be used to such things? “Room six” He muttered in a gruff voice as he turned away and back to what Dáire assumed were his own quarters. It was nearing midnight; he must not be used to such business this late he concluded, brushing off the mans brusque manner. Pulling his tall frame up the stairs to the second floor, he located his room and eased the door open.

No sooner had he one foot over the threshold, did he stop dead in his tracks. A young woman was already within the room, her dark clothes almost blending her with the shadows in dim candle light. He glanced at the number again, unsure as to whether he’d managed to open the wrong door but no, he had been correct, this was the sixth room.

Closing the door quietly, he turned to face the woman, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he said, “Sorry, I‘m afraid we’re to be roommates for the night, m’lady.”
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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Katarya Frost »

As Dáire opened the door, he would find a young woman stood at the window, which was wide open and sitting on the opening was a raven. Both the woman and the raven turned to look at the tall Elf. Her expression spoke volumes. ”I suppose you didn’t know you were going to be in a shared room either?” She held out her arm and the raven hopped onto it. ”Well met, good sir." she said, smiling a little at the manner of his greetings; she wasn't often referred to as 'm'lady'". ”I’m Katarya Frost ... just a miss, not a lady, unfortunately! And this is Nyx,” the raven let out a small squawk, as if it too was greeting him.

”Well .. as long as you don’t snore, I suppose we might as well make the best of it.” She said, knowing she could not afford to go back and ask for a different room, as no doubt she would have to pay extra. ”Drink?” She said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a bottle. ”It’s hardly Tviyr’s finest, but it’s a drinable red wine, nonetheless, and drinking alone always makes me feel a bit sad!”

When the two had taken a drink, Kat swirled the cheap wine in her mug. ”Sorry, it's not the best. It wasn’t so long ago that I wouldn’t have used this to clean out my gutters!” She said, with a bitter laugh. ”But such is life!” She raised her mug to him, and in pretty good Elvish she said: ”’To your health and heart.’” She smiled. ”I hope that was passable! I’ve not spoken Elvish much for the last few years.”

”Do you mind me asking you what brings you here, Master Elf? If you’d rather keep your business to yourself, I shan’t pry. She said, though she was curious.
Word count: 318

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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Dáire »

Dáire nodded to Katarya as she turned from the window, her raven hopping gracefully to her arm, causing the glossy feathers to catch the flickering candle light and shimmer. A weak smile crossed his face as the woman corrected him for referring to her as a lady, the raven appeared to offer him a quick greeting also.

“Unfortunate indeed Miss. I’m Dáire - Fernvale if last names are to be exchanged also.” He turned to the raven, bowing slightly in deference to the evidently intelligent creature. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you also, Nyx.”
He couldn’t help but snort as she commented on the snoring, “I don’t think I do, but I can’t make you any promises I’d be able to stand by.” She handed him a mug of red wine, which he graciously accepted. To his relief, he felt comfortable around this human, she had a relatable down to earth air about her that he appreciated. “Thank you, I don’t often allow myself the luxury of spirits so this is most appreciated.” He chuckled while making his way over to his bed, carefully perching himself on the edge and bracing his elbows on his knees, “Well then I am glad to relieve you of that unfortunate, accompanying emotion.”

He smiled at her use of his mother tongue, her accent causing the words to sound a little foreign to his ear , “It was very well said, especially if you have not had the chance to converse in Elvish for some time; it is not always an easy language to wrap your tongue around.”

He watched her closely as she asked him about his activities in the area, trying to detect any ulterior motives and finding nothing concerning. Dáire could feel a faint tinge of magic on her, but he couldn’t tell if it was a result of having been around a magic user, or if she herself possessed some talent. “An older woman in Fellsgard had me delivering some old books that were precious to her, onto a dear friend of hers in the lower regions in one of the surrounding mountains.” Deciding not to mention the magical nature of his delivery or clientele, he lifted his free hand and gestured towards the West with a wave. “So now I plan to rest for a time and then find another adventure to take me on my way once again, lest I start feeling stale from staying in one place too long.”

Settling back on his own small bed and propping himself on the far wall, he clasped the mug of modest wine between his palms and bringing his attention back to Katarya. “If you don’t mind me enquiring either, what would bring someone so young, alone – well, with her lovely feather companion, to this part of our world?”
Last edited by Dáire on October 8th, 2019, 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya's brow rose as he spoke of delivering books to an old lady in Fellsguard. Kat felt a twinge of sadness as her grandmother's face came straight to mind. She had hoarded books like a dragon hoards gold! And she was always seeming to have new ones delivered every week. "I appreciate it if you feel you need to keep your client's name to yourself, but my grandmother, Lilian Frost - an aphoristic in the south side- often had books delivered. I may even know whom you are talking about." She also wondered what books he might be carrying; maybe even something risky, like books on magic.

She raised her mug to him as he spoke. "Thank you for the compliment," she said, as he spoke of her speaking his tongue. "My grandmother was insistent that I learn it, and it is quite lovely to listen to. You're a Kerasoka Elf, I believe?" She wondered what he would think if he knew she was a witch. As far as her limited knowledge of his people went, she wasn't entirely sure if would be comfortable or not around a magic user. Even though they didn't use magic themselves (she had read), it didn't really explain their attitudes towards it. "Is delivery goods your trade? Or is this just a filler?" She asked, with a smile.

Taking a drink, she enjoyed the warmth the wine gave her, though wished it were of better quality. Artemis sometimes "procured" a bottle of something lovely for her, but she hadn't seen him in a couple of days to put in a request, so she had settled for buying the cheap stuff. "As to why I'm here ... well, my grandmother had a friend here. I had been trying to track her down but have had no luck. I'm going to try again in the morning." She scratched the raven's head as she spoke. "To be honest with you, I'm not completely fond of Verdant Row, even if it is a little more ... accepting of certain types of people, than Fellsguard." She looked up to him, wondering if she ought to hint at what she was, or maybe see what his own opinions were on magic. ""Fellsguard can be awfully strict on things ... magic mostly. Personally, I believe that as long as you're not hurting anyone, you can do as you like!" She watched his face. "How about you? Have you had much experience with such people? You seem like the sort of person who might have seen an adventure or two, in your time!"
Word count: 428

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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Dáire »

He grinned across at her, now certain she was a witch after listening to her, ever so carefully, try to feel out his stance on magic. “I’m a Kerasoka, yes. However, I don’t come from one of their clans like most of my kind would. My family and I came from north of here, on the coast east of Fellsgard, so I’m probably not as others you may have come across are. I never did find out why we were isolated, but it wasn’t ever something I felt compelled to dig into either.”

He had heard of the girls grandmother while he had been in the city, many spoke highly of the woman’s shop and skills as a healer. He now suspected that may have been partially thanks to her also having magical aid. Dáire was fairly certain that his clients would all have known of one another, which begged the question would this young witch also.
“No, I don’t make a habit of sticking to one trade or another per say, my skills are varied. Melaene Foyle was referred to me via a contact I’d made in the docks, I can be … discrete, when the occasion calls for it. I take on what keeps me busy and gives me purpose. Is it wrong to measure you are now the one who has taken over Lilian's shop? I was saddened to hear she was no longer with us, when I returned to Fellsgard." He chuckled; noticing she was watching his face as intently as he had her earlier. Listening to her talking about finding her grandmothers friend, Dáire was fairly sure that Valerie in the mountains, would know of any older witches in this area - if there any to know of.
“I have met all manners of people in my time,” Smiling wistfully, he tapped his temple and he went on, “The sane, brave, adventurous and those who were less so, magical geniuses, eccentrics, quiet folk and down to those who had a less than a spark of intelligence knocking around in their little magical noggins, which I can’t deny did lead to an interesting few excursions with him. – He may have required saving from himself a few dozen times, never leave such a man with anything pointy, for he is sure to inadvertently injure himself.” Sobering his face once more, he looked directly at her, his wine now forgotten. “While I can understand Fellsgards approach to magic, it is fear driven and I do not agree with how it is handled. From my experience, places like Verdant Row seem to be a somewhat grey area on that account.”

Dáire fell silent for a moment, considering if he should be tactful but then deciding against it, she was a witch and therefor there shouldn’t be any harm in divulging the information to her. “Valarie, is the older lady in the mountain that I took the stack of books to. They were unmarked and bound, but I would place coin on the fact they contained magic of some description. She may be worth visiting and asking about your grandmothers’ friend, if she was in fact like yourself.”
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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya listened closely as he spoke, smiling here and there as he described the sorts of people he had met during his travels. She envied him; Verdant Row was the furthest she had ever travelled out of Fellsguard, and though she was not the sort who craved the kinds of adventures one read of in storybooks - those of great heroes, fallen empires and the like - she did want to at least some of the world! "You seem to have had an interesting life thus far, Mr. Fernvale" She took the bottle and topped up their cups. "I'm afraid that, in comparison, my own life might seem dreadfully dull! Though, in turn, compared to some of the thick headed people you can find every ten steps in Fellsguard, my life is much more interesting than theirs!"

She smiled, gratefully when he passed on is condolences. "Thank you. It wasn't a shock; she knew she was dying and didn't suffer. She was well liked by the people she worked with, and it had been big shoes to fill when I took over the shop. But, alas, that too has gone." Her voice betrayed a bitter sorrow as her she glanced away. "There was a fire, and I'm afraid the shop is no more. I have fallen on hard times," then she gave a smile and held up her mug. "That's why I am drinking this awful stuff and might have been able to afford a room by myself." She looked back to him. "But since you are such interesting company, I don't think I'll mind."

She leaned back on the bed until her back was resting against the wall, her legs crossed. The raven hopped down from her shoulder and onto the bed, making itself comfortable. When Dáire mentioned this woman in the mountains .. "Well it seems I can't hold my secret as well as I thought!" She gave him an amused smile. "I'm a witch, yes. Not a very good one, as I still have a lot to learn and, since my grandmother died, no one who can teach me. Mainly it's a case of trial and error ... with the emphasis on the 'error' part! She wondered if her grandmother had ever mentioned anything about another witch who lived in the mountains. It seemed familiar, but it might have been something she had learned of when she was young, and the memory faded. "This Valarie sounds quite intriguing! I could have sworn I knew something of a wise woman in the mountains, but maybe I just put it down to silly gossip. You hear all kinds of things about magic users in Fellsguard. Honestly, you'd think we drank blood and stole babies, the way they talk about us!" She considered his suggestion. "You know, I think you might be right. A trip to the moutains seems a little daunting, and I would have to finish a few jobs I have in progress back in the city ... but it certainly might be a trip worth taking!" She drained her mug, but didn't refill it right away ... she didn't want to appear a lush.

"What i wouldn't give to get my hands on some proper books on magic," she said, wistfully. "The connections I have in Fellsguard are excellent at procuring special items, but even they are nervous when it comes to anything magical. So it has been quite the struggle. And besides, I mainly spend my time just trying to get by, ever since I lost the shop. Odd jobs working for House Enlann as a sort of ... community nurse. I use my knowledge of healing to diagnose people ... mainly people from the slums who can't afford to visit a healer. It doesn't pay well, and some of the places I have to visit!" She made a face. "Let's just say that cleanliness is not always a person's highest regard. Ah well, it is just until I can get on my feet again, and buy a place of my own to trade and practice alchemy from. She sighed. "However long that might take."

She shook her head, as if pushing such thoughts away. "My apologies ... I seem to be quite the downer, don't I?! I promise I am usually much less depressing." She gave him a smile. "Now you have completed your task, what will you do next? Continue travelling, or do you intend to return to your home?"
Word count: 740

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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Dáire »

He listened intently to the young witch as she spoke of her life, and it did not appear to have been an easy one to tread as of late. His lips curved into a smile when she told him how she thought of his life as interesting in comparison to her own, “I dare say if you managed to live as long as I have Miss Frost, you would have much more elaborate and intriguing tales to tell, than I could dream of. You are young, things take time.”

As she went on to tell him about her recent set back, which almost seemed too light a term to him, he felt a twang of regret for steering the conversation this way as he watched the emotions wash over her face in quick succession. “People tend to find me most tolerable in small doses … spaced well apart” he shot her a wry smile as the bird hopped down to her again. He listened carefully and nodded where appropriate, “When you see how many less intelligent folk, or wasn’t it ‘Thick headed’ that you referred to them as? Well, with how many of those are around without magic, it has to give you pause when you consider how dangerous they may be with magic. The non-magical humans fear is understandable, but it is no excuse for their treatment of those more gifted than they, in my eyes at least.”
Dáire smiled warmly, finding joy in the prospect of someone having a clear idea of what they wanted from their life, even though it must seem a long way off to her. He was about to reassure her he was enjoying their conversation, that she wasn’t a ‘downer’ but when she mentioned him going home, he could feel his face pale and his body stiffen. He knew she hadn’t done it on purpose, how could she? But he always tried his hardest to avoid any questions, directed towards him about where he had once considered his home. He tried in vain to shake off the icy feeling now permeating throughout his body, making his muscles feel stiff and heavy. “I … I have no plans for now. I may return to Fellsgard for further work, or possibly take a trip further west and see what awaits me out there.” Trying to bring the conversation swiftly away from himself, his mind fumbled and he decided to turn it back on the young witch. “If you’re looking for books, I would most certainly put Valerie on your list to visit after you complete your prior commitments. I swear the woman is like a dragon - a slightly dotty dragon, but there was an abundance of magical knowledge held up there in her cottage. I’m sure she would share.”
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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat was not entirely unaware of other people's emotions, nor was she deaf when he evaded the question of his home. She wanted to apologise for steering it that way, but she knew better. When she didn't want to talk about something, she hated it when people got insistent; sometimes you don't want to talk about it, because it both hurts, and often it will make very little difference.

And so she followed his line of conversation. At his offer, she smiled. "That's awfully kind of you. She said. "And be warned; I will take that offer! As a thank you, you must visit me in Fellsguard." She sighed a little, and took a sip. "To be honest, this has been one of the more refreshing conversations I have had in a long time. The circles I move in now ..." She looked up at him; he was practically a stranger, and doubted he'd go running off to report her to the authorities if she were honest. "They're a good bunch, though the things that they get up to ... what I sometimes get up to ... isn't exactly legal. Even without the magic! All anyone seems to talk about is stealing or breaking into somewhere ... all plans and schemes. I don't often get a chance to just sit and chat."

She poured them the last of the alcohol. "I'm setting out for Fellsguard first thing tomorrow. If you do decide to go back to the city, be sure to pop by a Tavern near the south east gate called The Goose; it has a reputation, but in my mind, the best ones usually do! She smiled. "And they may have work for you, usually a lot more interesting than delivering parcels, and sometimes even legal jobs. Be sure to mention me. I'm not too sure if that will work in your favour or not. She laughed at that. "In that place, I'm known as a 'spook', it's a bit of a catch-all title for any magic users. I think I'm the only witch among them, though. I might not be able to shoot lightning from my hands, but I can do some very useful things!"

She yawned, stretching her arms above her head. "If I snore ... well, it's never been reported that I have ... which makes me sound a little easy!" She blushed a little. "I have a man, and he's never said so." She reached out and tickled the raven's head as it slumbered on the bed. "And Nyx won't make a sound. Should you decide to visit the city tomorrow, we can share a wagon. It'll be cheaper, and the company would be welcome."

She swung her legs into bed, pulled the covers up so she could undress down to her small clothes without him seeing (not that she thought he'd be the type to look), and then gave him another quick smile. "I've really enjoyed talking to you tonight, Mr. Dáire. I hope you'll consider me a friend. Ny'tha give you good dreams this night. Sleep well."

Kat turned down her lantern, until her side of the room was shadow. She smiled into her pillow, having enjoyed such a relaxing evening. She was looking forward to getting back to the city, and to seeing Artemis. She also smiled at what he might say when she told him she had shared a bedroom with another man!

With that thought, her eyes closed and she fell asleep.
Word count: 577

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'm Inn - The Troubles With Sharing

Post by Dáire »

One thought went through Dáire’s head as the wine finally hit him like a tonne of bricks, making his drowsy and somewhat only half there. Ixazial this woman can talk! Thankfully he was still with it enough to understand and respond appropriately to her as she chattered. He hadn’t heard of the Goose, but if it has been established in the last 100 years it wouldn’t be a surprise, that he didn’t know of it but it sounded intriguing. “A spook?” A deep throaty laugh worked its way out of him as he slumped a bit on his cot, sipping the last of the wine in his mug. “Humans are such creative creatures.”
“I’m sorry to say I’ve a thing or two to run here in Verdant Row tomorrow, bit I’m sure I will see you again in a few days back in Fellsgard. Should you ever need of me, don’t hesitate to contact me, for you can consider me your friend also. Rest easy Katarya.”

Like the young witch resting across from him, he lay back and felt himself fade swiftly into darkness..
Word count: 192
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