[Mature] Joining the Family [Completed]

Katarya and Ksenia decide if they want to be officially inducted into the Goose family.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis had to stop a stupid grin from splitting his face wide open as Ksenia continued her earned tirade. Thankfully, he managed to just look dumbstruck instead. He did do his best to remember the particulars of the speech. It was always good to have more material for taunting or simple appreciation.

When she prompted them, for the second time, he cleared his expression and straightened his stance. "I want to apologize for the interruptions. I was not informed my convalescence was in such close proximity," Artemis said, using words he remembered Robert using when that one girl had broken her arm catching an overloaded tray.

"I'm here, to accept the first batch of goods for delivery. In recognition of my tardiness, I offer an additional five percent for this order's profit. Additionally, I will make the delivery myself, promptly, and return the earned sum to you by sundown," he said, keeping his stance open and his words even. This was business after all. "I also believe there was a mention of tasking for other members of the Goose. You may do as you like, but please account for any special materials."

"Is there anything you need from me?" he asked her, in his best effort to continue smoothing over the repeated offenses he'd obviously given her.
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Katarya Frost
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat was absolutely mortified. She would never have accepted such a verbal bashing, normally, but she would also have never wanted to hear anyone but the man under her, to hear her cries in the throws of passion!

"Oh, Ksenia ... I can't say how sorry I am!" She shook her head. "If I'd had even thought .... I am so embarrassed." Her usually pale face was scarlet, which was most unusual for the haughty young witch.

She kept her mouth firmly closed as Artemis attempted to smooth things over. Such a thing was not one of her strengths, so she kept her mouth close ... which was also not usually one of her strengths. This time, she had earned the telling off, and then some. If the situations had been reversed, she'd have been kicking down the door in the night and giving them a what for.

When Nyx, perched on her shoulder, chattered quietly, earning the raven a quick glare from Kat. She then kept her eyes on the floor, the walls ... anywhere but on those of the young seamstress.
Word count: 179

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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia snorted at Artemis’s use of the word “convalescence”. “I very much doubt that that was ‘convalescing’. Sounded like you would need a convalescence after that.”

She listened to the rest of Artemis’s attempt at placating her. “Oh, you’ll run them over to Mr. O’Dell? That would be good. Besides, I'm sure you both could do with some...fresh...air.”

Artemis started to take a step forward but Ksenia held her hand up. “Stay here, please. I’d rather not have that odor in my room. Too many bad associations from childhood. I’ll get the items for you.”

Ksenia scribbled a list on the back of the envelope she’d had from Cook’s letter. “One pair of sleeves, silk and linen with embroidery; One ladies’ handbag, silk, lined in cendal silk, appliqued and embroidered; One gentlemen’s tie, silk, embroidered; and one brooch, silk and wool, embroidered.” She lifted each item out of the crate, named them, and set them aside. Holding the list and the bundle of items, she handed the list to Artemis. “If that looks right to you, sign at the bottom so we have record of what I’ve produced for you.”
Word count: 202
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Artemis Black
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis let a grin crack his features just the faintest amount as she drove right through his flowery words. She handed him the paper, and he inspected it closely for a moment. Then he handed it to Katarya. "Make sure you know this as well, it may become necessary for you to assist me if I'm called away," he said to hide his complete lack of understanding of the hand-scrawled script.

"We'll be sure not to trouble you any longer. I'll have your funds delivered this evening, in the event I cannot personally deposit them. Based on the praise I've heard for your work I imagine you'll be able to take a day or two off once the same is completed. I'll try not to go out and die again, and be back tomorrow to discuss future needs." With that, he turned and walked away. She clearly didn't want them around and he felt no need to attempt to smooth their relationship further. Time was often a better salve than false promises.
Word count: 172
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Katarya Frost
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya took the note and said nothing else to the seamstress when the door was closed. She instead fed Nyx a blueberry (now her favourite, it seemed), and tucked the note away. "I suppose we best be off!"


With her cloak around her and Artemis at her side, Kat stroke the streets in her traditional manner: like she owned them. Inside, however, she felt her nerves tighten as they were headed for a shop ...and if she didn't know the shop owner, then no doubt her grandmother would have, she just hoped it wouldn't come up! Nyx flew overhead, and Kat smiled as she could sense the bird's happiness at stretching her wings after so long indoors.

"It feels good to be outside." She glanced to him. "I really think you ought to handle this; it's your contract after all! Won't they be expecting you or something?" She looked ahead as they walked. "So many items!" She handed him the note. "That woman has a sharp tongue and hand-writing worse than a healer of House Enlann ... what is that we actually need?" She asked, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.
Word count: 191

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis felt his half-smile drop immediately, and his feet halted just as quick. "If you're doing this to be cruel, I don't appreciate it," he said quietly. "If you're not, then we need to take a stop off to visit a fellow with very large spectacles." He stared at her intently, his face a mask of stillness. He didn't like social niceties. You couldn't cut someone with words in quite the same way you could with a blade. Even if he knew how it wasn't near as fast as his practiced hands moving a knife.

Katarya took the note back in a smooth motion. "I think I can manage it, where did you say the place was?" she asked to move past the moment.

Artemis ground his teeth as he started to move again. It had started already, tests, pokes, prodding, the needling that people always did when they thought they could take from him. He adjusted the pile of goods under his arm and began to roll the fingers of his free hand. They moved gracefully, with quick motions, as if flipping an invisible dagger between them. It wouldn't do to actually pull a knife in the west district, and especially not once they'd entered the north. He'd simply have to make do.

"You have a lot to learn about working with dangerous people, Katarya the Witch," he said softly, as they approached the north district gate. He motioned with his pile of goods towards the guards, and they frowned but let the pair pass unmolested. Things were often less strict coming from the western side.

They managed to reach the Haberdashery well before the midday rush of servants and workers took to the street. With any luck, their work would last until after the rush had gone back to work. "If you're not going to actually help, just stay here," he said before stepping into the shop without waiting for a response.
Word count: 324
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat realised she had made an error, but were she to consider it later, she probably wouldn't have done anything differently, for his response gave her valuable information about the man she had fallen in love with. Not only had he taken offence at her little 'test', but had also, subtly, insinuated that such needling would cost her her life, and that whatever it was between them, she would be able to move on knowing this about the man she shared a bed with.

No, she wouldn't have changed a thing.

'I thought I was working with the man I love,' she thought, but remained silent, and they moved passed the guards and onto the shop.

When he gave her the option of staying outside, she considered it, but thought it would seem only childish. No; that would not do. The dynamic between them seemed ever changing, right from the moment they had first met; this was a new turn, and the instinct of self-preservation made her inwardly fight off the layer of ice that threatened to retake her heart, especially when it was he who had thawed it, even if only a little.

She followed him in, her eyes looking around the shop at the fine wares (and the not so fine), idly thinking back to the days where she would have happily ordered material for her own clothes (not that she could make them, of course, her next stop would have been to a dress-makers!). She gave the man behind the counter a smile and polite nod. "Good morning, Mr. O'Dell. What a fine shop you have here!" She spoke in an uncharacteristically pleasant tone. "And such fine materials! You must be very proud! I'm Miss Katarya Frost, and this is my associate, Mr. Black. We've an order to place, if you would."

The man nodded. "Pleased to meet you, young lady." He said, sounding a little uptight. "And no need to introduce young Mr. Black here! We go back a long way." The man turned to Artemis. "What is it you need, Mr. Black? I'd be happy to help in any way I can."

Kat raised a brow and turned to Artemis. "I'll have a browse while you gentlemen talk business." She gave the man another smile, through her brow was wrinkled; was he scared of Artemis? "There is simply so much to choose from, Mr. Black may have to drag me out!" She turned away, and set to inspecting the fabrics she couldn't afford, letting Artemis do what he must.
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 15th, 2019, 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 425

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia sighed and downed the last of the tea in her mug. It had felt good to vent her anger on Artemis and Katarya - actually, in the moment, it felt amazing to get one over on the snobby witch and that lying man - but she did still have to work with them. Well, him, really, but Ksenia was going to assume they were a package deal for now.

She went down to the kitchen for a refill and heard Robert retelling what he’d dealt with this morning. The kitchen staff laughed and giggled; she heard someone ask Robert what had caused all this. As she slipped in the door, he said, “Oh, the best part is that I gave the Witch a full dose of Night Girl’s Friend for him and told her it was a stamina potion!” The laughter crashed around the room. Robert’s back was to Ksenia. She briefly thought about punching him, but considering Robert had a full head of height on her and messed about with spirits, decided against it.

Instead, Ksenia slunk through the kitchen and filled her mug. Figured. Another person she thought she might have been able to trust ended up being an ass. The group went silent as someone said, “Hey, isn’t that-”. Robert turned toward her, but she shook her head and headed for the door at a fast walk.

Reaching her room again, she locked the door back. There was no point in venturing out unless she needed something. Ksenia sipped slowly, blowing lightly on the hot tea. She picked up the last project and set it aside listlessly.

Some scraps of linen caught her eye. Setting her tea down, she eyeballed the fabric, seeing there was enough to make a small hand-sized pouch. Ksenia cut the pieces out and fished a few scraps of the brilliant blue silk from the pile on its shelf. Facing the sun, she climbed onto the table and settled into her usual cross-legged position. Maybe it wasn’t the best apology, but at least it’d be useful, even if Artemis didn’t accept it for himself. She might even make the Witch something small, if she stayed out of trouble long enough.
Word count: 375
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Artemis Black
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis didn't like any of this, being in the north district was bothersome enough without having to constantly worry his companion was going to do something rash or dangerous. 'You don't know how close along the knife's edge you dance,' he thought to himself as Katarya was rebuffed by Dash O'Dell.

"A fine day Dash," he said, offering the man a firm handshake. The shopkeeper winced only slightly before giving Artemis a nod. "I believe you met my associate, a flitting bird of a woman, dark hair, bought a collection of goods," the Thief trailed off, watching O'Dell's eyes for recognition.

"Oh, of course, a fine lady. I do hope everything was to her liking. Was there something amiss, Mr. Black?" O'Dell asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nothing at all, the goods were proper and accounted. As we've come to expect from your fine establishment." The shopkeeper visibly relaxed. "What I have for you today are the fruits of her labors. I do hope you'll find them in fashion and worth their weight," Artemis said, hefting his pile of worked fabrics on to the counter. Dash O'Dell's face fell at the unsorted pile of goods.

"Please let me know if there are any questions, otherwise I believe Miss Frost and I will simply browse," Artemis said as he moved away from the frowning shopkeeper.

"Find anything to your fancy, Kat?" he whispered to her as he stepped in close to her side. "We could get you something if you'd like." He moved his fingers to brush against hers without directly taking her hand.
Word count: 267
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Re: [Mature] Joining the Family

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat was holding a long piece of black lace in her hand as Artemis' concluded his business and made his way over to her. "No," she said, softly. "There is nothing, I want."

She turned her head to the shop keeper, and smiled. "Have a good day, Mr. O'Dell!" She said, then turned and left the shop.

As soon as she stepped outside, Nyx swooped to her shoulder, chattering at her. Kat tilted her head, as if listening, then stroked the bird on her chest. "Well done," she said, quietly, and the bird was gone again.

Katarya glanced back when Artemis emerged from the shop, having finished his business. Mr O'dell also appeared in the doorway. "It'll take a little while ... but I'll be as quick as I can Mr. Black. And good day to you too, young lady!" Then the man (who looked quite nervous to Kat's eyes) vanished back into the shop.

Kat looked to Artemis with a raised brow. "Everything satisfactory? I don't want that seamstress to give me another mouthful, when we return!"

They began the walk back. "After we get back, and have a spot of lunch; I need to go visit a friend." She said. "Nyx has been keeping an eye on her for me, and I think I ought to stop by. I can't leave my old life completely abandoned! You never know when you might need folk, so it's best I keep up appearances."
Word count: 242

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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