[Mature] A Very Important Book ... Sort of. [Completed]

The young Witch of Fellsguard has a plan, but needs a little assistance in pulling it off ...

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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[Mature] A Very Important Book ... Sort of. [Completed]

Post by Katarya Frost »

Sitting at her desk, Kat tapped her fingers on the wooden surface, her eyes lost in thought … specifically thoughts about a certain someone. It had been a few days since she had last seen Artemis, and though she’d have given a withering stare to anyone who suggested she was pining after the man, she couldn’t help but wish she could see him again.

She supposed she could just simply go along to the Goose for a drink? It wouldn’t be out of place; she had done business with them, and she had expressed her pleasure at the wine they served … but she knew that the smart women there would see right through the ruse, no matter how casual she would try to be when she asked the question: ‘Hey, have you seen Artemis?’

No; that would not do. She had her pride, after all. Even if she cursed it sometimes.

She snapped her fingers as an idea came to her; a job! It was the perfect solution. She would get to see Artemis without being obvious about her real reasons for wanting to, and he would get some copper out of it, too. She knew he would abhor charity, if he suspected it, but if it were to be a job ...

Now she just had to think of one, and how to find him.

For the second problem, she might have a solution.

Sitting back in her chair, she closed her eyes. She brought up the form of Nyx in her head, the raven that was her familiar, and focused. ‘Come to me.’ She commanded in her head.

It wasn’t until a minute or so later, when said familiar flapped in through her window, that she gave a smile. It had worked! The progress with bonding with her familiar was coming along nicely. Slowly, but at least it was progressing!

She reached for a small pot and placed some berries on the desk. “Help yourself,” she said, though she needn’t have bothered. Nyx got straight to work in devouring them. Kat, meanwhile, took a piece of parchment and her pen. On a corner piece she wrote: ‘Mr. Black. I require your assistance in a delicate matter, should you have the time. Sincerely, K’.

She ripped off the small piece and glanced to Nyx. “Can you find Artemis?” The raven dipped her head in assent. “Excellent. Can you carry this, or should I tie it to your …” Her words were cut off as Nyx squawked her affront, making Kat laugh. “Very well.” She placed the folded parchment piece in front of the raven. Nyx looked at it, then carefully, using her wings to balance her, lifted one talon and grasped the note. With another chattering noise (with Kat having no idea what it meant), the raven hopped back to the window, lifted her glossy black wings and took flight.

Feeling a tingle of excitement in her stomach, Kat tried to focus on the order book in front of her, but her mind wandered. She hoped he would come.
Last edited by Katarya Frost on October 9th, 2019, 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 512

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

'The sky looked oddly dark, wasn't it supposed to be late morning,' Artemis thought to himself as he started to regain feeling in his hands. There was a sharp pain in his side, and everything sprang back into focus. A scuff of leather on stone and the boot came in again. He braced, but the impact still flipped him up onto his side. He was in a fight, and he was losing, soundly. He couldn't quite remember why the fight had started, some bad looking fellows filtered around, and then one pulled a knife. He remembered getting one of them in the neck with an elbow, but the other two managed to tackle him right afterward.

Now they were beating him in an alley, and he was going to start taking real damage soon if he didn't do something. In the distance, there was a distinct croak of a raven. The sound tickled at his memories as Artemis brought his arms up to absorb a follow-up kick. The two thugs jeered at him, preparing things more permanent than bruises. The croak came again, much closer now.

As the bigger of the thugs raised his foot to break bones, Artemis realized it was the call of Beaky - Nyx - Katarya's familiar. There'd be no reason for the bird to seek him out unless she needed help.

The thief's thoughts snapped into focus. He brought his knee up and snapped a flailing kick at the thugs raised boot. The strike didn't do any damage, but it did knock the fellow off balance. With a smooth flick of his arm, Artemis held two shining steel daggers. The first, he jammed into the off-kilter thug's chest, just between the ribs, as he rose to his feet. The second he brought around in a wide slash at the dead man's now wide-eyed companion. The cut broke all the major arteries in the man's neck, and he crumpled with a soft gurgle.

With a series of jerky glances around the alley, Artemis confirmed he was now alone, the third thug had either fled or never recovered from the jab to the throat. With practiced swiftness, he searched his attackers. They had nothing on them, not even the coppers they were likely owed for the beating. The thief scoffed and wiped his daggers clean on their clothes before hunting around the sky for Nyx.

He didn't spot her until she let loose an indignant call and fluttered down from a dark roof corner. "Hello, Beaky, where's the problem?" he asked the raven, a hint of nerves in his voice as he came down from the battle high. The bird, ever the independent one, poked and prodded at his armor. "Oh fine, spoiled girl," he said, making a blueberry appear in his hand from a secluded padded pouch. The raven took the treat and dropped a message strip in his hand in exchange.

He looked at the note with a frown while she indulged. He couldn't read a word of it, so he would go off Nyx's response. When she finished her treat he glared at the familiar. "This is not an emergency Beaky, how could you trick me like this?" he lamented at the bird, who simply chattered at him in response. "All right, since I'm done here. Lead on," Artemis said as he began to scale the wall beside himself with care.

The thief watched from a side roof, his legs hanging off the side freely, as his recently trained partner in crime started to tap at the shop window. It took Nyx a few false starts, but inside of a minute, she was tapping a tune on the window that Artemis had learned at the Goose. He tossed another berry at her, and she croaked in self-importance before returning to her tapping.
Last edited by Artemis Black on November 22nd, 2019, 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 639
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya was in her shop, talking a handsome young man, perhaps 18 or so, who stood with her behind the counter. He had curly brown hair and looked a little enraptured, listening to her as she spoke. “...and never give out any advice you’re not sure of, Jack. I cannot stress this enough. All it takes is for you to give out the wrong herbs, someone gets sick, and Lilian’s reputation takes a hit; people talk. Understand”

Jack nodded, obediently. “Yes, Miss Frost.”

”Also, if you …” her voice trailed off as tapping sound came, and hit reminding her of a particularly lively song she had enjoyed while at the Goose. She turned to the window, and gave a short laugh to see Nyx tapping at the glass with her beak.

The smile stayed on her lips. “Just a moment, Jack.”

Jack nodded, obediently. “Yes, Miss Frost.”

She made her way under the counter and over to the window, to smile at the raven. She had no doubt who would have taught her that song. When her eyes saw a pair of legs across the way, she crouched down to get a better view, shaking her head and smiling a she saw Artemis, sitting with that usual, demons-may-care, way about him, on the roof of one of the other shops. She shook her head and motioned for him to come to her.

Standing up straight, she smoothed down her dark blue dress, and checked her hair. It was in a uniform braid, a little more formal than when she had worked with him the last time. This was Kat, the businesswoman. She hoped, perhaps a little girlishly, that he wouldn't mind it.
Word count: 282

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

Nyx was a very quick, if entirely food-driven, student. He'd have her nipping coppers and jewels in no time if he kept access to her. When Katarya came to the window with a smile, he grinned back at her. Following her motions, he hopped down from the side roof. He only stumbled a step before turning his momentum into a confident stride. Keeping that going, he swaggered into the shop, adopting his best 'businessman with a purpose' stature and expression.

As his eyes adjusted to the light he had to concentrate not to blink like an owl. That settled, he walked right up to Katarya, took her hand in his and, in his best serious voice, said, "Miss Frost, I cannot begin to thank you for all you've done." He finished the handshake by wrapping her in a quick hug. Taking advantage of the closeness he whispered to her, "Hey." Then he was back and a step away from her, all business again.

He took the beat after he stepped back to slyly look her over while pretending to nod to the shop boy behind the counter. Her dress was a lovely blue, one that reminded him of the sky just before dawn. Her hair had a tighter braid to it, one that suited what little he knew about propriety. He resisted the urge to tug on it, but only just. "I heard from a bird that you needed something, Miss Frost. Do tell, I don't want to take all your time," he said with a quick wink for her.
Word count: 260
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

She gave him a small smile, and said back, quietly: ”You came,” in a pleased, almost intimate tone. She held her arm towards the young man behind the counter. ”This is Jack. I just hired him to be my assistant.”

Jack turned round and held up a hand. “Good morning, sir.” He said, with a smile. There was no undertones of jealousy, but his eyes did give Kat another quick look before he returned to the herbs.

”Jack is studying herbalism, and I needed someone to watch the shop while I was out. Lily’s a bit too young, so when Jack asked, it seemed a good fit! I have a bit more freedom, this way.” She looked him over. How have you been, Mr Black?” She might use his title, but it didn’t sound formal or strained. Perhaps it was just ‘keeping up appearances’ in front of her latest staff member.


As they walk through the streets, Kat spoke of her plan in a low voice (though she returned the nods and greetings, while ignoring the stares and glares, so as not to seem too conspicuous). “It’s really rather simple … or at least I hope it will be.” She said to him. Above them, Nyx was flapping from one perch to another, following the duo as they made their way through the market. “Mr. Tailor has a book of mine … very valuable. He claims my grandmother gave it to him before she died, but I just know it was a loan.” She sounded angry, as she spoke. “I have no idea why she would even let him see it, as I am almost positive it is a book that has some magical instruction in it … maybe hidden in the text. Anyway, the point is …

Kat came to a stop and looked up as, standing right in their path was Karl Smith. Just as his name implied, he was the son of the local smith. The handsome, muscled and very tall man had a face like thunder. “What the hell were you doing out on the street with this man, the other night? My dad saw you, and he told me right away!”

Kat was completely shocked, for a moment almost speechless! But she soon scowled. “Whatever I was doing, it is my business.” She said, folding her arms. “And none of yours, Karl Smith, or your father’s! Now, if you would get out of our way, we need to…”

But he wasn’t finished, his eyes flicked to Artemis. “People are talking. Do you want a reputation like that? Hanging around with … people like him?”

That rattled Kat even more. “I don’t give a rat’s backside what people think of me!” She was furious. “Just who do you think you’re …”

He took a step towards her. The usually kind man was obviously in the middle of a jealous anger. “You’re acting like some common tart … a bloody slut!” He shouted, at her.

Heads turned their way, and Kat nearly gasped in shock! Those words stunned her so much, she didn’t know what to say ...
Word count: 523

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis listened intently as Kat filled him in on what he largely considered the irrelevant background details while they walked. He had sussed out they were to acquire a book, but just as the Witch was getting to the useful bits, she was stopped by a lummox blocking their path.

Artemis had seen the stocky fellow before he'd even begun to move into their way. When Kat drew to a halt instead of glaring him to cinders, the Thief assumed he was a known figure. When the lunk started shouting insults, Artemis knew he was someone who thought with his fists before his head. A dullard, and one who thought he owned a Witch. If his ribs didn't ache from this morning he'd have laughed himself into a fit.

And then the fool had the gall to step forward and shout like he was damning a leper. Artemis saw red in the corners of his vision, and so, sick of thugs, he acted before he thought. His elbow came around in a sweeping swing as his body spun. The strike took the hunk of rotting meat right in the solar plexus, and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Artemis didn't realize the ringing in his ears until it died away. He shook his arm, noting the slight twinge of pain, and looked to Kat for guidance.
Word count: 227
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat had never been a fan of the 'girl's honour being saved by a man' thing, but seeing Karl drop to the ground gave her some satisfaction. She had just called her a slut in front of the entire market! There was only being called 'stupid', that rattled her more, but 'slut' was right up there.

"Guards!" Someone shouted, and the entire market erupted into shouting and exclamations (some even supportive, with a few "Good for you, lad"'s thrown in).

"Come on!" She grabbed his hand, picked the front of her dress from the floor and pulled him into a run, winding through (or sometimes simply shoving through) the crowded market. "Know anywhere we can escape notice?" She called back to him, her hand still clasping his. She slowed a little, allowing him to lead the way. No doubt he would know some shady corner they could remain until everything had died down.
Word count: 154

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

There was a row of wild shouting as the market broke into an uproar. Artemis ignored most of it until a cry of 'guards' went up. He'd forgotten they weren't in the low districts and acted on instinct. Now she had his hand and was making a fair effort of running. He took a few beats to admire her athleticism before darting his eyes around to answer her request for escape.

Ahead of them, at the corner of the next alley entrance, he spotted all he'd need. With the ease of practice, he sprinted ahead of her and stopped in front of a low corner wall. He knelt against the stone and cupped his hands in front of him as she barrelled forward. "Step, jump, keep going up!" he shouted as she got within a pace of him.

As her foot hit his braced hands, he lifted, propelling her up and onto the uneven stones. Without a glance, he turned and started along the ground beside the wall, keeping pace just behind her. When he saw a good footing, he hopped upwards, stepped off a jutting stone, and continued up and onto the wall.

The stones were uneven and slightly slick with moss, but he moved in behind Kat and kept her hustled forward without letting her tumble off the side. Only a few more strides and they'd reach a low roof. "Make a hop over the edge, but don't slam down when you land. Just keep going, up and over. Then we stop!" he shouted over the receding din of the crowd and the air rushing by his ears.

They'd end up beside each other on the far side of a heavy thatch roof if she made the last hop. If she missed or was short in her hop, he'd likely have to yank her over the edge as he went by.
Word count: 313
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Katarya Frost »

Cursing her skirts as she went, Kat followed him, admiring the way he navigated the way like a professional!

When it came to the final jump, she didn't hesitate. It wasn't that she was particularly confident, but she knew that the'd lose her nerve if she stopped to think about it. Her decision to take the leap without assessing went wrong, however. She knew she was about to land badly, and only took a small hope when his arms stretched out to catch her, but with her jump such a mess, the result was certainly not going to be a good one.

Kat all but dropped on the poor man, the only upside was that she wasn't particularly heavy, but still ...
Word count: 121

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: A Very Important Book ... Sort of.

Post by Artemis Black »

He'd forgotten what it was like to run with new folks as they trampled the stonework. She wasn't awful, but there was absolutely no way she was going to follow his advice correctly. When he saw her tiny hop, he was mostly prepared. His arm shot down as he moved past, grabbing her around the waist, and slamming down to his knees to turn her falling momentum upward and haphazardly flip her over the ledge.

She made it, but without anything forward and no feet under them, Artemis was forced to grab Kat, tuck, and roll up and over the roof peak. Dust, birds, and pieces of straw flew everywhere as they came to a stop just over the crest of the building. He checked himself quickly for broken bones, and finding none, flopped his legs in relief. He'd forgotten he was basically wrapped around her until he tried to hop up.

He glanced at Kat, her face flush, dress covered in straw, and her perfect braid all about the place. He decided he'd keep himself entwined for a minute as a reward for his heroism. "We made it," he said, spitting straw out and laughing deep in his chest.
Word count: 200
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