Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

A young mage escapes a harsh childhood, a vicious tutor, and finds himself lost in the grand city of Fellsguard.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

“Cael-i-mancy,” she corrected with a slow nod. “In particular, Kip is celestial or star magic," she clarified with a grin of her own as the eager cat made demands and was indulged. “And if you react so strongly to star magic I’m surprised you’re not a mage yourself. You’ve been tested?”

Artemis frowned, nodding his head and shrugging. Vanessa nodded her sudden understanding. “Ah, the ancient magics often travel through bloodlines. Mine comes from my grandfather, though my mother is an illusionist without an ounce of it. I inherited both.”

She holds her hand up, calling Kip back and dismissing him once he has settled. “I do not think Kit is a Caelimancer, so I will ensure his lessons are done away from you. If you’re ever looking to learn more, I’d be happy to teach in exchange for many things besides money.” She winked at him, pleased when he returned a wink and a grin of his own.

“Now, let’s go upstairs, because I get the sense your Lover doesn’t share, and you hugging me earlier made him want to carve out my eyes.” She laughed softly to herself at the absurdity of this whole situation and made for the door, watching for Artemis behind her.

Soon enough, they’d moved upstairs again and Mister Black had locked the hatch closed and ushered her to the table where they had first began. She settled in and accepted a mug of something warm that smelled suspiciously like a very hard cider.
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Dáire »

"Artemis is allergic to magic, and it can cause him harm inadvertently, it's not that he has anything further against the practice or those who wield it. As long as you don't allow it to flare in his company you shall not run a foul with him. It is not common knowledge so I would advise that you tell no one you know this, I do not wish for anyone to use it against him.” Dáire said plainly, frowning as he looked at the boy, the tight, stiff set to his body almost as though he expected a retaliation for the minor magical flare that had briefly touched Dáire’s senses.“Don’t worry about that tonight, you’re young, there are many useful skills you can acquire in a relatively short period of time to earn coin, or exchange for such necessities.”

“Come, I believe Vanessa still had more to speak with you about.” he said with a graceful hand gesture, slipping back into the main room within the hall with Kit following closely behind.

Dáire approached the main table at an easy walk, scanning the pair already seated for any signs of the mood they were nownin, or hint of what had been discussed below, but he found none the only thing that caught his notice was that Artemis was yet again looking exhausted, the smudges under his eyes, the slight lag of his usually blade sharp movements a cause for concern.

Settling down on the bench beside Artemis, he wrapped an arm around the other man and tugged him close,"Are you sure you want to continue this tonight? We can visit her another time. Have you eaten yet?" He asked softly near the thief's ear, his breath gently lifting a lock of overgrown hair that'd begun to curl over the top of his ear.

He looked back up, surprised to find Kit still standing and motioned for the boy to sit."There's food already prepared, help yourself and then you can talk with the professor."
Word count: 342
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit nodded at Dáire's warning, and a small smile at his reassuring words. He did wonder though ... an allergy to magic? He had never heard of such a thing? Unless it conflicted with a mystical or spiritual force, perhaps? Was there something in Artemis that caused this reaction to magical energy? It was an intriguing question, but Kit was certainly not going to be asking any questions.

Kit had to stop himself from taking all of the food and just putting it in front of him. It had been so long since he had eaten! But he made sure he stayed measured and restrained. He wanted to appear respectful in the company he was in.

"Once again, thank you for your offer to teach me, Professor." He said, finding himself growing more comfortable with using her title. It didn't seem right to call her by her given name. "Could you tell me more about it?"

Kit was glad he was having this conversation in front of Artemis and Dáire. Though both men were a mystery to him, he trusted that Dáire, who seemed quite protective over him, would be the first to call out anything 'untoward' that Kit, in his ignorance of how this all worked, would miss.
Word count: 211
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis groaned softly in comfort as Dáire’s warmth wrapped around him again. The magic Vanessa released had been like the salve the doctor administered, leaving him with a cold tingle and then sense of how truly tired he was. When his lover leaned down to whisper in his ear he shivered and grinned.

“You know me Cundo, exhausted, but not infirm,” he whispered back with a smirk that then became a small wonder-filled smile. “She- has my mother’s magic. It helped, I'm just tired for now.” He returned Dáire’s squeeze and wiggled closer to the man with another sigh. “Though I am hungry, and while she does look delicious you’re the only meal I need. Though perhaps not in front of the boy, he still thinks I’m some lord and it’s too adorable to ruin just yet.”

Artemis leaned his head into Dáire’s chest and closed his eyes, humming softly before the food arrived. Then he ate slowly and quietly, choosing to watch rather than involve himself for now.
Word count: 179
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa watched the exchange between Artemis and Dáire with an interested but not overly intense eye. She’d notice the shift in Mister Black’s contenance, almost like a release of tension, when she’d released her magic. It seemed she had insight into his allergy. She’d need to talk to the two of the outside of earshot again later.

Then Kit and Dáire returned and she couldn’t stop the small teasing smile on her lips as the boy stood like a servant waiting for permission. Dáire corrected him of that notion kindly and then food was brought by a just older looking woman rather than a collection of serving girls.

The food was sumptuous, the sort of fare you’d find at a good farmer’s tavern, or the home of a well off middle class family. Everything was filling and seasoned, though there was nothing particularly exotic. She noticed the woman hovering a bit, watching Kit with a doting expression, seemingly ready to stuff him to bursting.

Kit himself didn’t seem to notice immediately, instead he appeared to be focused on eating properly and with all sort of manners. When he spoke up to her, Vanessa to a drink of her cider, the strong bite of alcohol submerged in delicious cinnamon, and swallowed.

“You’re welcome Kit, and yes I’d be happy to discuss the theory. Understand, we’ll do nothing else around our gracious host, he has medical reasons to avoid the sort of activities you’ll later need to practice.” She pushed her food just away and reached into a small pocket at her hip to pull out a field book.

She passed it over to him and her manner and voice shifted, once again taking on the tone of an instructor welcoming new students into a world of wonder. “In the book you’ve been provided you will find a wealth of knowledge. The first and most important piece is the beginning which contains the rules and restrictions of Fellsgard,” she recited.

“Second, there is an overview of the fields of magic and their larger uses. Finally there is a series of questions to get you thinking about the core fundamentals of being a mage. You’ll need to read the whole book tonight, and then we will discuss it tomorrow. Please, read it well, as it will form the foundation of our discussion.”

“Also, I’ve learned some interesting things today, Mister Black, may I come by a bit earlier in the day and work with you on some of what we discussed earlier? I think I might have something at home you would enjoy,” her tone shifted from instructor to colleague and she offered him a friendly smile.

Artemis simply grinned at her and she nodded in acceptance. “Good, then I won’t take too much more of your time. Please let whoever made this know it is lovely,” she said motioning to her mostly empty bowl and then downing the last of her cider.

“I’ll leave you to it, and Master Dáire, if Kit doesn’t read, please don’t share with him any of your family secrets. We have to give him incentive after all,” she finished with a wink to Kit before rising and giving a short bow. Then, just like that, she collected her case and was gone.
Word count: 568
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Re: Blissfully Free and Hopelessly Lost [Open}

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit (reluctantly) put down his knife and fork as Vanessa handed him the book, listening to her and nodding as she gave her instructions. The book was small, and after spending six years being made to read whole tomes in (unfairly) short amounts of time, he didn't think he would have a problem. He was also eager to read what's inside. "Thank you, Professor. I shall study it well. I promise."

When she spoke to Dáire, instructing him to not share 'family secrets', Kit made sure not to let his eyes turn to the Elf. He had knowledge about magic that might be compatible with his own ... or at least have enough cross-over that it could help him. He wondered if there were someway he might be able to convince him to share a bit of that knowledge ...

He looked down at the book. "It's ... shorter, than I would have expected." He said, mostly to himself. He was used to heavy books filled with terrible hand-writing, large tomes from ancient wizards long dead, or brittle scrolls penned by scholars offering up a thousand theories. He had been force-fed them, as if they were food and the master was fattening up. The horrible man had never once explained why Kit needed to read so much about magic he couldn't do, and all those conflicting theories and concepts. But as much as he hated the man, he loved the knowledge. It was precious to him. His most trusted and valuable asset. If he were to both survive and thrive, he needed to expand on it. He was quite sure the tools were here, and with Vanessa LaNore.

Glancing up, he realised he was now alone with the two men, who sat almost entwined with one another. It didn't embarrass him, but he found it curious. He then realised he was staring, and quickly averted his eyes. "This day may very well have been the most strange, nerve wracking and wonderful day of my life!" He said, after a moment. "I owe you my thanks, for I do not know what I would do if you hadn't taken me in. I don't believe in luck ... I'm not even sure if I believe in the Idols I whisper prayers to on a night ..." He looked up. "I realise I will be studying while I am here, but I also wish to be useful; to earn my keep. I will do whatever you ask. I have no problem scrubbing floors and running errands," he'd been doing it all his life. "And I would feel more comfortable if I were given something to do to contribute ... if that's okay, of course."

Kit put the book in his lap, eager to get to his bunk and get reading. His thirst for knowledge was great, and even if the master had not forced him to read those many, many books ... he'd have done so anyway.
Word count: 488
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