- Khy'eras is a welcoming a place for all types of folk. That being said, any form of Out of Character harassment, racism, or misconduct will not be tolerated in any of the site's venues (i.e. forum and Discord chat).
- Be able to know the difference between Out of Character (OOC) and In Character (IC) actions. While it is not acceptable to be rude or hateful OOC, a person's character may be portrayed as hateful, racist, arrogant, etc. These personalities are typically not representative of how players feel about the rest of the community. If you are unsure if a person is crossing this line, staff is here to help.
- While Khy'eras' staff will attempt to be watchful and conscious of what's transpiring, we do have lives outside the game and cannot see everything all the time. If someone is causing you discomfort or projecting an unwarranted lack of respect, contact a member of staff through PM or by using the contact form.
- If you have reached out to a staff member, give the team time to evaluate reports as they arise. We understand that particular matters require swifter attention than others, but we also want to be fair.
- Should you feel the need to defend yourself prior to staff intervention, be civil in your response despite any frustrations. Fighting back with harsh words can complicate incidents that may have otherwise been resolved peacefully.
- Any images posted on the site (i.e. signatures, avatars, graphics within topics, etc.) may not contain nudity. If you would like to share an image that may be NSFW ("Not Safe for Work"), use the "hidden" BBCode. For example: [hidden]Content goes here.[/hidden]
- The Private Messages feature may not be used as a form of advertisement for sites.
- Do not try to find rule loopholes to bend a situation in your favor. Realize that staff may have made mistakes in Khy'eras' content. If you have questions, it is better to ask first.
- Our Discord should not be an avenue to list writing preferences, triggers, and information that you personally feel is important. It will get lost in chat and people will forget. For these things, please use the many custom fields provided in the User Control Panel or even plotting and tracking threads.